BHS Inggris-Vii

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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VII (tujuh)
Semester : Genap
Tahun Pelajaran : 2015/2016

1.Tulislah nama,kelas dan bidang studi terlebih dahulu pada lembar jawaban yang telah di sediakan.
2. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu jawaban yang dianggap benar.
3. Kerjakanlah terlebih dahulu soal-soal yang dianggap paling mudah
4. Jawablah pertanyaan –pertanyaan dengan benar dan jelas.
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas.
Pilihan ganda.

Our school is on jalan Sudirman, it has eighteen classroom, two laboratories, one library,
one principal’s room, one teachers room, on staff room, one music room, one computer room and
one canteen. We always hold a flag ceremony in our school yard. Our school yard is not so big.
That’s why, if we have a pelesson, we practive at the field beside our school.
1. What is the text about ?
a. The writer’s house c. The writer’s classroom
b. The writer’s school d. The writer’s room
2. How many rooms are there in the school ?
a. Twenty - seven c. twenty - nine
b. Twenty – eight d. thirty
3. Where do they always hold a flag ceremony ?
a. In the room c. beside their school
b. At the field d. in their school yard
4. The students don’t practive their pelesson at the school yard because it is …
a. Big c. wide
b. Long d. small
5. Zaskia : where does yenny sit ?
Gea : she sits in front of me
From the dialog we know that Gea sits … yenny.
a. Behind c. in front of
b. beside d. next to
On Saturday morning, we will hold a working bee. Every student should bring cleaning
tools, you can bring a room, a duster, a cleaning cloth and so on, after the working bee, be will
have same snack and drinks together.
6. What is the announcement about ?
a. A working bee c. snack and drinks
b. Cleaning tools d. classroom act
7. Where can you hear such announcement ?
a. In a hospital c. in a park
b. At home d. at school
8. Whatis the purpose of the text ?
a. To express sympathy c. to express gratitude
b. To greet someone d. to congratulate on someone birth
9. “We are overjoyed at the arrival of the new member !”
The opposite meaning of the bold – type word is …
a. Delay c. conseling
b. Cancelation d. departure
I have a neighbor. His name is Reno, he is a down. He (10) ….. in a carnival. His job is to
(11) …. People. He also means a colorfull wig and he paint his face. He is very funny and kind.
10. a. students b. works c. goes d. likes
11. a. take care of b. entertain c. entertain d. ridicule
12. a. design b. uses c. takes d. wears
13. No smoking
We can find such a notice in the following places, except …
a. In an office c. along the street
b. In a gas station d. in an air conditional room


14. “We always hold a flag ceremony …”
What does the underlined ceremony …?
a. The writer and his teacher c. the students in the writer class
b. All the teacher of the school d. the writer and his schoolmater
15. Tiara : Dewa, what do you think of my performance last night
Dewa : that was great ! you danced gracefully, I like it
Tiara : Really ? thank you.
What did Tiara perform last night ?
a. A play c. a dance
b. Song d. a speech
16. Diana : Do you like this bag, Faris ?
Faris : I do, what a bout you, Diana ?
Diana : I like its model, bat I don’t like the color
What does Diana feel about the bag ?
a. She likes its model and color c. she dislikes its model
b. She likes its color d. she dislikes its model
17. Alya : Rio, what do think of my sister ?
Rio : You’re right
Who is beautiful and friendly ?
a. Alya c. Alya’s sister
b. Rio d. Rio sister

Dear Tio
Congratulation on your success in the final
examination always do the best for the future
18. Why did Ria congratulate no ?
Because …
a. Tio will face the examination c. Tio has passed the examination
b. Tio still has the examination d. Tio should prepare for the examination
19. Congratulation on your success in the final examination the underlined word has the opposite
meaning to …
a. Achievement c. prestige
b. Fallure d. fortune
20. Vira : Do you have some fish, Linda ?
Linda : Yeach, I put them ….. a small pond
a. Under c. on
b. behind d. in

*****Selamat Bekerja******


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