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English with Andreita 🙂

Class 3 - Colors, figures and past simple and past continuous


● Black → Negro ● Yellow → Amarillo ● Pink → Rosa

● White → Blanco ● Green → Verde ● Brown → Marrón
● Blue → Azul ● Purple → Morado ● Gray → Gris
● Red → Rojo ● Orange → Naranja

Infinite shades of color

● Dark Blue → Azul ● Lavender → ● Mint Green →

oscuro Lavanda Verde menta
● Matte Black → ● Peach Orange → ● Dark Purple →
Negro mate Durazno Morado oscuro
● Lime → Lima ● Burgundy → ● Light Red → Rojo
● Dark Green → Vinotinto claro
Verde oscuro ● Hot Pink → Rosa ● Bright Yellow →
● Silver → Plateado fosforescente Amarillo brillante
● Vibrant Violet → ● Bright Orange → ● Pastel Blue
Violeta vibrante Naranja brillante
● Magenta → ● Golden Yellow →
Magenta Dorado

Geometric figures and shapes










→ Tattoo artists like to use colors like black, yellow, red, and green for classic styles of
ink = A los tatuadores les gusta usar colores como el negro, amarillo, rojo y verde para
estilos de tatuaje clásicos
→ These days, you can find almost any shade of color you want = Estos días, puedes
encontrar casi cualquier tono del color que quieras
→ Based on your skin tone, not all colors will appear the same on your skin = Basado en
tu tono de piel, no todos los colores se verán igual en tu piel
→ John Dame specializes in fully saturated color tattoos, despite being partially
colorblind = John Dame se especializa en tatuajes de colores completamente saturados,
a pesar de ser parcialmente daltónico
→ Trust your artist when they talk to you about fading, size and shape, and where tattoos
tend to smudge = Confía en tu tatuador cuando te hable acerca de decoloración, tamaño y
forma, y dónde tienden a mancharse los tatuajes

Past and present simple

Affirmative form

Present simple

Subject + Main verb + Complement

Sujeto + Verbo principal + Complemento
→ She works here = Ella trabaja aquí
→ I play the guitar = Yo toco la guitarra
→ You read fast = Tu lees rápido
→ They paint the studio = Ellos pintan el estudio

Past simple is used to talk about actions or situations that occurred at some point in the past.
Indicates that the action has already finished.

Subject + Main verb (past tense) + Complement

Sujeto + Verbo principal (pasado) + Complemento

→ She made a face tat the other day = Ella hizo un tatuaje en la cara el otro día
→ He thought it would be funny = Él pensó que sería divertido
→ We spoke to the client before = Nosotros hablamos con el cliente antes
→ They tattooed an art fusion together = Ellos tatuaron un art fusion juntos

Negative form

Present simple

Subject + Auxiliary verb (Do) + not + Main verb + Complement

Sujeto + Verbo auxiliar (Do) + not + Verbo principal + Complemento

→ I do not tattoo that kind of art = Yo no tatúo ese tipo de arte

→ He doesn’t design without an appointment = Él no diseña sin una cita
→ They don’t trust her = Ellos no confían en ella

Past simple

Subject + Auxiliary verb (Did) + not + Main verb (present tense) + Complement
Sujeto + Verbo auxiliar (Did) + not + Verbo principal (presente) + Complemento

→ I didn’t manage the situation well = Yo no manejé la situación bien

→ He didn’t like that brand = A él no le gustó esa marca
→ We didn’t eat cake = Nosotros no comimos torta

Interrogative form

Present simple

Auxiliary verb (do) + Subject + Main verb (present tense) + Complement?

Verbo auxiliar (do) + Sujeto + Verbo principal (presente) + Complemento?

→ Do you own the studio? = Ustedes son dueños del estudio?

→ Doesn’t he eat veggies only? = Él no come vegetales solamente?
→ Does she not believe in God? = Ella no cree en Dios?

Past simple

Auxiliary verb (did) + Subject + Main verb (present tense) + Complement?

Verbo auxiliar (did) + Sujeto + Verbo principal (presente) + Complemento?

→ Did they call? = Ellos llamaron?

→ Didn’t you draw this? = No dibujaste tu esto?
→ Did she not see it? = Ella no lo vio?

Past and present continuous

Affirmative form

Present continuous

Subject + Auxiliary verb (am/are/is) + Main verb (present tense) + ing + Complement
Sujeto + Verbo auxiliar (am/are/is) + Verbo principal (presente) + ing + Complemento

→ She is learning about shades = Ella está aprendiendo de sombras

→ They are going to the concert = Ellos están yendo al concierto
→ I am growing as an artist = Estoy creciendo como artista
→ We are cleaning the studio = Nosotros estamos limpiando el estudio

Past continuous refers to actions that took place in the past, but that had not yet finished at that

Subject + Auxiliary verb (was/were) + Main verb (present tense) + ing + Complement
Sujeto + Verbo auxiliar (was/were) + Verbo principal (presente) + ing + Complemento
→ The client was getting a surrealistic tattoo = El cliente se estaba haciendo un tatuaje
→ They were talking about you = Ellos estaban hablando de ti
→ I was working on a new piece = Estaba trabajando en una nueva pieza
→ He was finishing the tattoo = Él estaba terminando el tatuaje

Negative form

Present continuous

Subject + Auxiliary verb (am/are/is) + not + Main verb (present tense) + ing + Complement
Sujeto + Verbo auxiliar (am/are/is) + not + Verbo principal (presente) + ing + Complemento

→ She is not tattooing at this studio anymore = Ella no está tatuando más en el estudio
→ We are not traveling today = Nosotros no estamos viajando hoy
→ You are not doing your homework = Ustedes no están haciendo su tarea
→ I am not making the bed = Yo no estoy tendiendo la cama

Past continuous

Subject + Auxiliary verb (was/were) + not + Main verb (present tense) + ing + Complement
Sujeto + Verbo auxiliar (was/were) + not + Verbo principal (presente) + ing + Complemento

→ I was not talking to you = Yo no estaba hablando contigo

→ He wasn’t helping her = Él no estaba ayudándola
→ You weren’t paying attention = Tu no estabas prestando atención
→ They were not trying to hurt you = Ellos no estaban tratando de lastimarte

Interrogative form

Present continuous

Auxiliary verb (am/are/is) + Subject + Main verb (present tense) + ing + Complement?
Verbo auxiliar (am/are/is) + Sujeto + Verbo principal (presente) + ing + Complemento?

→ Am I bothering you? = Te estoy molestando?

→ Are you taking the class? = Estás tomando la clase?
→ Aren’t they dancing together? = No están bailando juntos?
→ Is he not singing in a few minutes? = No va a cantar en unos minutos?

Past continuous
Auxiliary verb (was/were) + Subject + Main verb (present tense) + ing + Complement?
Verbo auxiliar (was/were) + Sujeto + Verbo principal (presente) + ing + Complemento?

→ Was she going to the party? = Ella iba a la fiesta?

→ Were they painting the walls? = Estaban pintando las paredes?
→ Was he not coming tonight? = Él no venía esta noche?
→ Weren’t you cooking dinner? = No estabas cocinando la cena?

C: Hi! I want to make (hacer) a consult about a tattoo

T: Sure, I am waiting (estoy esperando) for a client, but I have (tengo) a few minutes
C: Great, are you charging (estas cobrando) in US dollars or Argentinian pesos?
T: We accept (nosotros aceptamos) both, the minimum is fifty (50) bucks or fifty thousand (50.000)
pesos, and a session is between _____ (250) and _____ (280) US dollars
C: Do I need (necesito) an appoinment?
T: Yes, you do
C: Do I pay (pago) upfront?
T: You can pay thirty (30) percent of the tattoo now, and the rest later, did you have (tenías) an
idea already?
C: Yes, I was thinking (estaba pensando) about some shapes, I like geometric tattoos
T: Did you design (diseñaste) anything?
C: No, I didn’t (No lo hice), I was waiting (Estaba esperando) you would do it. I wanted (quería)
some landscape inside the figures, it could be a rhombus (rombo) or a circle (circulo)
T: Sure, did you want (querías) a blackwork or some color on it?
C: I love color, maybe some light blue (azul claro) for the sky and bright green (verde brillante) for
the mountains
T: Let’s see how it goes

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