Class 4

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English with Andreita 🙂

Class 4 - Parts of the body and WH questions

Body parts

● Hair → Cabello ● Stomach → ● Elbow → Codo

● Head → Cabeza Estomago ● Armpit → Axila
● Forehead → Frente ● Ribs → Costillas ● Genitals →
● Nose → Nariz ● Hip → Cadera genitales
● Eye → Ojo ● Back → Espalda ● Butt cheeks →
● Ear → Oreja ● Upper back → nalgas
● Tongue → Lengua Espalda alta ● Leg → pierna
● Lip → Labio ● Lower back → ● Tigh → muslos
● Mouth → Boca Espalda baja ● Anterior tigh →
● Cheek → Cachete ● Hand → Mano muslo alfrente
● Teeth → Diente ● Finger → Dedo ● Inner tigh → muslo
tooth ● Thumb → Pulgar interno
● Neck → Cuello ● Arm → Brazo ● Rear leg → muslo
● Shoulder → Hombro ● Forearm → externo
● Chest → Pecho Antebrazo ● (leg) Calf →
● Breast → ● Upper arm → Brazo pantorrila
Pectorales superior ● Knee → rodilla
● Torso → Torso ● Inner bicep → bicep ● Ankle → tobillo
● Waist → Cintura ● Wrist → Muneca ● Toe → dedo del pie
● Foot → pie
WH- Questions

● What → Qué/Cuál
○ What are you studying at university?
○ What were you doing yesterday at this time?
○ What do you do in your free time?
○ What did you watch on TV last night?

● Which → Cuál (específico)

○ Which city is the capital of Argentina? Buenos Aires or Cordoba?
○ Which movie is currently playing at the movie theater?
○ Which one do you prefer?
○ Which song was your favorite?

● Where → Dónde
○ Where is the office?
○ Where were you born?
○ Where was the event?
○ Where did you live before?

● When → Cuándo
○ When is your birthday?
○ When are you available? eveilabol
○ When did you learn to cook?
○ When did you tattoo that piece?

● Why → Por qué

○ Why is he crying?
○ Why were you late this morning?
○ Why do you work here?
○ Why did you do that?

● Who → Quién
○ Who is your best friend?
○ Who was the artist?
○ Who does your tattoos?
○ Who made the painting?

● Whom → A quién/con quién (sobre quien recae la acción)

○ To whom am I speaking with?
○ With whom are you working?
○ To whom does this belong?
○ Whom did you invite?

● Whose → De quién (a quien le pertenece algo)

○ Whose car is parked outside?
○ Whose turn was to clean the house?
○ Whose advice do you follow more?
○ Whose iPad is this?

● How → Cómo
○ How are you feeling today?
○ How is your new job going?
○ How did you do this piece?
○ How do you inject color?

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