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IIM Lucknow Application Question

Why you wish to pursue the education in management and what is your career plan(s)?

My Response…Kindly guide me to improve it ….

I joined a 2 year old credit society and have spent 3 years in microfinance where we created livelihoods
for the urban and rural poor. I am ready to take up higher responsibility in bigger organizations where I
can make larger impact but for this I need good management education because, During my 3 years
with this dynamic startup we grew by 100 percent every year and today we have over 11000 members,
We had achieved all this just by using methods evolved on our experience, knowledge of the local area
and trial and error. But There were many times I felt constrained due to my not having formal
management education. For example knowledge of better scientific and proven techniques like Credit
Analysis, Risk Management, Market Research, financial analysis and better approaches to managing
people would have helped me to create even better results with lesser effort.

I will also get an appreciation of various other functions like Marketing, HR, Operations etc., though I
would like to specialize in finance, which will broaden my thinking.

In my organization we started out with a rigid paper based system but now we have streamlined
everything from accounting to daily collection through technology and enabling flexible communication
across levels but education here will help me learn how to design processes for maximum operational
efficiency for meeting goals rather than by trial and error.

The CEO of my organization had hired experts and best performers from the industry for the top level,
which has been an important reason for our fast growth. I would like to learn what recruitment process
should be used at different levels. I have seen how a senior official mobilized his past contacts to bring in
crores of deposits, I would like learn how to build industry relations and the networking opportunity
here is phenomenal.

After working in the industry for at least a decade and having worked in roles where I create bigger
impact I would like to turn an entrepreneur and start a business that will create value at the Bottom of
the Pyramid

My short term goal is to acquire world class Management Education from a Top Rated Business School,
like IIM Lucknow, and launch my career in a professionally managed organization where I can deploy the
skills and techniques learned to create results for the organization.

An MBA from IIM Lucknow would be more valuable because of the eminent faculty, diverse peers and
Inputs from Industry leaders.

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