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1 A la garde!

People see the character with the appearance of a monster, but

only in civilized areas.

2 A terrible misunderstanding
The character finds themselves charged with a crime instead of
the real culprit.

3 Actually, not
Each time the character succeeds an unlikely roll, actually they

4 An egg a day
The character lays an egg every morning.

5 Arranged marriage
The character is chased by parents who are desperate to marry
their offspring and think they are the one for them.

6 Bad eye
Everybody is now convinced that the character has the evil eye.
Most people will do nothing about it but some will hide their
kids, spit on the character or insult them.

7 Bad hair day


The character is cursed to appear like they are an old and

creepy hermit in the eyes of every new person they meet.

8 Beauty sleep
The character must sleep for 1d100 years unless a prince(ss)

kisses them.

9 Beyond the grave

If the character dies while affected by this curse, they will come
back as a ghost to torment their newest character.

10 Brittle blades
After a successful attack of the character, any regular bladed
weapon they are using will shatter.

11 Child of darkness
Lamps, candles or torches that weren’t lit by the character go
off in their presence.

12 Crybaby
Each time the character is hurt, they will cry for 1d6 minutes.

13 Curiosity killed the cat

If the character opens something without checking beforehand
if it is trapped, it explodes, even if there is no trap.

14 Dangerous dreams

Everything that happens “physically” to the character in a
dream actually happens to them for real.

15 Did I say too much?

The character is now unable to lie and even goes so far as to say
more than they should.

16 Edgy
Horns grow on the forehead of the character and people
mistake them for a demon.

17 Elephant’s subtlety
Each action taken by the character is unbelievably loud, even if

they try to be silent.

18 Fairy godmother
A fairy appears and tries to help the character to get ready to go
to the ball.

19 Fanclub
Monsters are now more likely to be friendly (+3 to reaction
rolls) and if they take a liking to the character, they will loudly
follow them everywhere, doing nothing but cheering them on.

20 Firewater
Water has the opposite effect on the character, instead of
making them damp, it burns them.


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