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Intermittent Lighting Reduces the Incidence of Ascites in Broilers:

An Interaction with Protein Content of Feed on Performance
and the Endocrine System
Laboratory for Physiology and Immunology of Domestic Animals,
K.U. Leuven, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 92, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium

ABSTRACT An experiment with 840 day-old male from 10 randomly chosen birds per experimental group
broiler chicks (Ross) was initiated to investigate the for measurements of growth hormone (GH), thyroid
effect of intermittent lighting schedules, combined with hormones [thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)],
two isocaloric feeds differing in protein content, on and hematocrit values.
ascites mortality. At 9 d of age, chicks were randomly Birds reared in IL manifested a more concave growth
distributed over two rooms: one room with a 23 h trajectory than those in CL, which was associated with a
light(L):1 h dark (D) lighting schedule (CL), and another lower FCR and higher plasma GH levels during the
room with an intermittent lighting schedule (IL, 1L:3D). finisher period. Mortality due to ascites was markedly
In each room, two isocaloric feeds differing in CP increased by dietary T3 supplementation. In hyper-
content, supplemented or not supplemented with 1.5 thyroid chickens, ascites mortality was lower in IL than
ppm triiodothyronine (T3), were provided. The experi- in CL and lower in birds fed normal protein than in
ment was repeated under identical conditions except those fed subnormal protein levels. Dietary T3 decreased
that lighting schedules were changed between rooms. plasma GH and T4 levels, whereas T3 levels were
From Day 14 onwards, biweekly growth and feed intake increased. It is concluded that IL or a higher protein
were determined and feed conversion (FCR) was content of the feed reduces the incidence of T3-induced
calculated. Daily mortality was recorded and necropsies ascites mortality. Possible causal mechanisms are dis-
were performed. Weekly blood samples were taken cussed.
(Key words: ascites, broiler, intermittent light, hormones, mortality)
1998 Poultry Science 77:54–61

INTRODUCTION 3D) improve FCR and reduce abdominal fat content

relative to these parameters in broiler chickens raised
Modern broilers are intensively selected for fast under nearly continuous illumination (Buyse et al.,
growth rate combined with a low feed conversion ratio 1994a, 1996). Additionally, during the dark period of
(FCR). However, adverse selection responses, such as each dark-light cycle, heat production is markedly
augmented fat deposition, and an increased incidence of decreased (Buyse et al., 1994b). Because it is claimed that
metabolic diseases, such as ascites or sudden death all factors that increase metabolic rate will predispose
syndrome, have also occurred. An imbalance between birds to develop ascites (Albers and Frankenhuis, 1990),
oxygen supply and oxygen need can be the cause of the use of intermittent light programs might offset this
hypoxemia, cardiopulmonary dysfunction, and ascites tendency.
(Scheele et al., 1992; Julian, 1993; Maxwell et al., 1995). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect
The long-term solution for ascites in broilers should be of the interaction of intermittent lighting schedules with
found in selection programs, but for a short-term a diet containing suboptimal levels of protein on the
solution, much research has focused on the possible incidence of ascites, performance, and hormonal
beneficial effect of different management strategies in parameters. Dietary triiodothyronine (T3) was used to
reducing the incidence of ascites. increase ascites mortality (Buys et al., 1993; Decuypere et
Intermittent lighting programs (IL) consisting of al., 1994) and, hence, the discrimination power of the
repeated cycles of, e.g., 1 h light and 3 h darkness (1L: two other experimental variables.

Received for publication February 24, 1997. Abbreviation Key: C = chicken; CL = continuous light; D = dark;
Accepted for publication August 14, 1997. FCR = feed conversion ratio; GH = growth hormone; IL = intermittent
1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: nadine. light; L = light; T3 = triiodothyronine; T4 = thyroxine; TRH = thyroid releasing hormone.

TABLE 1. Composition of experimental feeds experiment was repeated under identical conditions,
except that lighting schedules were exchanged between
Ingredients and analyses B1 diet B2 diet
rooms. Starting dates were 17 February and 13 May 1994.
Ingredients (%) The design thus was a 2 · 2 · 2 factorial experiment with
Wheat 31.00 32.00 lighting schedule (IL or CL), feed (B1 or B2), and treatment
Peas 20.00 0
Soybean meal 10.40 23.50
(control or T3 supplemented) as factors (seven repetitions
Tapioca 8.60 10.20 per group per experiment).
Sorghum 7.00 7.00
Rape seed 6.60 9.00
Animal fat 6.00 6.00 Measurements
Animal meal 6.00 6.00
Fish meal 3.00 3.00 From Day 9 onwards and repeated every 2 wk (Days 9,
Sunflower meal 0 2.30 14, 28, and 42), chickens were weighed on a pen basis and
Vitamin and mineral premix 0.60 0.60
L-lysine 0.50 0 biweekly growth and feed intake was determined. Feed
DL-methionine 0.35 0.21 conversion was calculated on a pen basis. Daily mortality
Limestone 0.30 0.30 was recorded and necropsies were performed. Scores
Calculated analysis were given for hydropericardia, heart dilation, liver
CP 20.50 23.50
CF 11.00 12.00
cirrhosis, and accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
Crude fiber 3.60 4.00 (ascites).
L-Lysine 1.11 1.11 On Days 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 of age, blood samples
Methionine + Cystine 0.81 0.81 were taken into heparinized tubes from a wing vein from
ME, kcal/kg 3,300 3,300
10 randomly chosen birds per lighting schedule, feed, and
T3 treatment combination. From the seven pens per
experimental group, two chickens were taken from three
randomly assigned pens and one chicken from the
MATERIALS AND METHODS remaining four pens. Chickens were sampled during the
second half of a 1-h light period (0930 h to 1000 h). Blood
samples were centrifuged immediately (3,000 · g, 10 min)
Experimental Design and plasma was stored at –20 C until assayed for growth
Eight hundred and forty day-old male broiler chicks hormone (GH) and thyroid hormones (T4 and T3). From
(Ross) were obtained from a commercial hatchery2 and the same birds, a venous blood sample was taken in
placed in 28 floor pens (1.0 · 0.8 m; 30 chickens per pen). capillaries for measurements of hematocrit.
All chicks were vaccinated against infectious bronchitis, Plasma T3 and T4 levels were measured by RIA using
Gumboro, and Newcastle diseases. Each pen contained antisera and standard solutions from Byk-Sangtec,4
125I-T3 and 125I-T4 from ICN.5 Intra-assay variabilities
two drinking nipples with cups and a 0.8-m feeder trough.
Wood shavings were used as litter. During the first 8 d, the were 4.5 and 5.4% for T3 and T4 respectively. Chicken GH
lighting schedule provided 23 h light/d (23L:1D, CL) and (cGH) was measured with a homologous RIA as deve-
an experimental feed containing 3,300 kcal ME/kg and loped and validated by Berghman et al. (1988). The intra-
23.5% CP (B2) was provided for ad libitum consumption. assay coefficient of variation was 4.0%. All measurements
Temperature was set initially at 32 C and gradually of a given hormone were performed in a single assay.
reduced by 1 C/2 d until 22 C was reached.
At 9 d of age, chicks were randomly distributed into Statistical Analysis
two light-proof, temperature-controlled rooms, each con-
Combined response variable data from both experi-
taining 28 floor pens (15 chickens per pen). In one room,
ments were analyzed by the General Linear Models
the 23L:1D lighting schedule was maintained, whereas in
procedure (SAS Institute, 1986). Lighting schedule, feed,
the other an intermittent lighting schedule (IL) consisting
and T3 supplementation treatment were classification
of 1L:3D cycles, repeated six times daily, was imposed
variables and interactions were calculated. Pen means
(lights on: 0900 to 1000 h; 1300 to 1400 h; 1700 h to 1800 h;
were used as experimental units for calculation of
2100 to 2200 h; 0100 to 0200 h; 0500 to 0600 h). All chickens
mortality, growth, and FCR. If a significant model (P <
were subjected to a light intensity of 20 lx at bird height. In
0.05) was discerned, treatment means were compared by
each room, two isocaloric feeds (3,300 kcal ME/kg)
the LSMeans test. Mortality data were analyzed by
differing in CP content (B1: 20.5% CP; and B2: 23.5% CP)
weighted ANOVA after arc sine square root percentage
were provided (Table 1). Both feeds contained the same transformation (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967).
amounts of essential amino acids and were or were not
supplemented with 1.5 ppm triiodothyronine (T33). The

2Avibel, Halle-Zoersel, Belgium. Mortality

3T2627, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO 63178-9916.
4Byk-Sangtec Diagnostica GmbH, Dietzenbach, Germany. The total mortality and the results of the necropsy are
5ICN Biomedicals Inc., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. given in Table 2. Total mortality as well as mortality due to
TABLE 2. Effect of dietary triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation, protein content of feed, and
lighting schedule on mortality of broilers due to ascites, hydropericardium, or other causes

0 ppm T3 1.5 ppm T3

B1: 20.5% CP B2: 23.5% CP B1: 20.5% CP B2: 23.5% CP
Experiment Mortality1 CL2 IL2 CL IL CL IL CL IL
1 Ascites . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . . . . . .
Hydropericardium . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 3 2
Other causes . . . 2 . . . 1 3 3 . . . . . .
2 Ascites . . . . . . 1 . . . 8 1 2 3
Hydropericardium . . . . . . 1 . . . 11 9 6 2
Other 1 . . . 1 1 21 15 19 8
Sum of 1 and 2 Ascites . . . . . . 1 . . . 9 3 2 3
Hydropericardium . . . . . . 1 . . . 20 10 9 4
Other 1 2 1 2 24 18 19 8
Total 1 2 3 2 53 31 30 15
1Absolute numbers, initial number of chickens per group is 105.
2CL = 23 h light (L):1 h dark (D), IL = IL:3D.

ascites or to hydropericardium was increased in T3- showed a compensatory growth (P < 0.005) in that they
supplemented birds compared to control chickens (P < reached the same final body weight as those reared in CL.
0.0001), and in the second experiment compared to the During this period, the growth of birds fed B2 was higher
first one (P < 0.005). Moreover, mortality due to ascites or than the growth of chickens fed B1, especially if the feed
to hydropericardium was decreased in birds reared under was supplemented with T3 (interaction feed by T3
IL compared to those reared under CL (P < 0.05); this treatment: P < 0.05).
result was especially obvious in T3-fed chickens. Also in Feed intake between Days 9 and 14 of birds reared in IL
T3-fed chickens, ascites mortality was much higher in was significantly reduced compared to that of their CL
birds fed a subnormal protein diet (20.5%) than in those counterparts (P < 0.0001). A slight interaction of light by
fed a diet containing normal protein (23.5%), regardless of feed on feed intake between Days 9 and 14 was due to the
the lighting schedule. However, in control birds, no effect lower FI of birds that consumed the B1 diet and were
of dietary protein content was found (interaction T3 reared under the CL treatment (P < 0.05). Dietary T3
treatment by feed: P < 0.05). supplementation significantly reduced feed intake (P <
0.0001). From Day 14 until 28, chickens reared under IL
Performance Data consumed less feed than those reared under CL (P <
0.0001). During the finisher period, the lighting schedule
Performance data and the results of the statistical did not continue to influence feed intake, but a significant
analyses are given in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. The interaction between lighting schedule and feed was found
change from CL to IL on Day 9 significantly reduced body (P < 0.005), as feed intake was higher in IL chicks than in
weight on Day 14 (P < 0.0001), but this effect was less CL chicks, when fed B2, but feed intake was lower in the IL
obvious in birds fed a low protein diet (interaction light by chicks than in the CL chicks when the B1 diet was fed,
feed: P < 0.01). At 28 d of age, birds reared at IL continued independent of the dietary T3 supplementation. Cumula-
to have lower BW than their CL counterparts, and those tive feed intake, calculated over the whole experimental
fed B1 were heavier than those fed B2 feed. Final body period, was lower in birds reared under IL than in those
weights at 42 d of age, however, did not differ between reared under CL (P < 0.001), irrespective of the dietary
lighting schedules or feed. Dietary T3 supplementation protein content or the T3 supplementation. Because the
significantly reduced growth from Day 14 on and reduction in growth rate in IL chicks between Days 9 and
throughout the whole experimental period in all groups. 14 was more pronounced than the reduction in feed
Final BW at 42 d of age was reduced in T3-supplemented intake, a less favorable FCR was found in chicks reared
birds compared to control birds, and this reduction was under IL than in chicks reared under CL in this period (P <
more pronounced in birds fed B1 than in those fed the B2 0.005), especially in birds fed B2 (interaction light by feed:
diet (interaction feed by T3 supplementation treatment: P P < 0.005). Dietary T3 supplementation did not alter FCR,
< 0.05). as growth and feed intake were reduced to the same
The data concerning the absolute body weight gain, extent. However, from Day 14 to 42, a lower FCR was
calculated per 2 wk, clearly showed an initial growth- found in IL chickens than in CL chickens (P < 0.0001), in
depressive effect of IL, especially in birds fed B2 chickens fed B1 than in those fed B2 (P < 0.01), and in
(interaction light by feed: P < 0.0001). From Day 14 until control birds than in T3-supplemented chickens (P <
28, no effect of lighting schedule on growth was found, but 0.0005). The cumulative FCR was lower in chickens reared
there was an effect of the feed: birds fed B1 showed under IL than in those reared under CL, regardless the
slightly faster growth than those fed B2. During the protein content of the feed or the T supplementation (P <
finisher period (Day 28 until 42), the chickens reared in IL 0.0001).
TABLE 3. Effect of dietary triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation, protein content of feed, and lighting
schedule on body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio of broilers1

0 ppm T3 1.5 ppm T3

B1: 20.5% CP B2: 23.5% CP B1: 20.5% CP B2: 23.5% CP
Variable Age CL2 IL2 CL IL CL IL CL IL
Body weight,
g/chicken 9 162 – 4 161 – 2 168 – 3 163 – 3 166 – 3 162 – 3 167 – 4 162 – 4
14 311 – 5ab 289 – 2bcd 326 – 5a 276 – 8de 298 – 5bc 264 – 4e 295 – 5bc 246 – 8f
28 1,143 – 25a 1,089 – 14b 1,092 – 24b 1,056 – 8b 904 – 18c 865 – 15cd 904 – 14c 840 – 11d
42 2,042 – 40a 2,008 – 27a 1,981 – 30a 2,023 – 22a 1,418 – 33c 1,453 – 30bc 1,524 – 41b 1,505 – 27bc
Body weight
gain, g/chicken/
period 9 to 14 148 – 3a 129 – 2a 158 – 3a 109 – 6c 132 – 3b 102 – 2c 129 – 3b 85 – 5d
14 to 28 832 – 21a 800 – 12ab 766 – 22b 780 – 12b 606 – 16c 601 – 12c 609 – 13c 592 – 13c
28 to 42 899 – 20a 919 – 19ab 889 – 22b 966 – 21a 514 – 21e 588 – 25d 620 – 32cd 665 – 27c
9 to 42 1,880 – 37a 1,840 – 26a 1,813 – 29a 1,855 – 20a 1,253 – 33c 1,291 – 29bc 1,358 – 40b 1,343 – 28b
Feed intake,
g/chicken/period 9 to 14 224 – 4b 188 – 2de 237 – 6a 181 – 2e 202 – 2c 160 – 2f 193 – 3cd 153 – 2f
14 to 28 1,223 – 47ab 1,186 – 21ab 1,243 – 24a 1,147 – 13b 981 – 18cd 912 – 22d 1,035 – 20c 923 – 26d
28 to 42 1,864 – 37a 1,790 – 24ab 1,761 – 68ab 1,838 – 29a 1,652 – 49b 1,474 – 30d 1,506 – 62d 1,576 – 69cd
9 to 42 3,311 – 74a 3,164 – 39a 3,241 – 83a 3,166 – 34a 2,835 – 54b 2,547 – 35d 2,734 – 70bc 2,654 – 63cd
Feed conversion
ratio, kg feed
intake:kg growth 9 to 14 1.52 – 0.05c 1.46 – 0.02c 1.51 – 0.04c 1.72 – 0.09ab 1.54 – 0.04c 1.58 – 0.04bc 1.52 – 0.06c 1.88 – 0.10a
14 to 28 1.46 – 0.03c 1.48 – 0.03c 1.63 – 0.03ab 1.47 – 0.02c 1.63 – 0.04ab 1.52 – 0.04c 1.71 – 0.04a 1.56 – 0.04bc
28 to 42 2.07 – 0.03c 1.96 – 0.04c 1.99 – 0.09c 1.91 – 0.03c 3.25 – 0.12a 2.56 – 0.11b 2.50 – 0.17b 2.39 – 0.09b
9 to 42 1.76 – 0.01c 1.71 – 0.02c 1.79 – 0.04c 1.71 – 0.02c 2.27 – 0.05a 1.98 – 0.04b 2.03 – 0.08b 1.98 – 0.04b
a–fMeansin a row with no common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
1Valuesare means – SEM of 14 pens of 15 birds initially.
2CL = 23 h light (L):1 h dark (D), IL = 3L:1D.

Plasma Hormone Levels especially when reared under IL. At 28 and 42 d of age,
respectively, lower and higher T3 levels were found in IL
Mean plasma hormone levels are given in Table 5 and chickens than in CL ones (P < 0.01).
the results of the statistical analysis are summarized in Plasma T4 levels were higher in 14-d-old chicks reared
Table 6. Dietary T3 supplementation significantly in- under IL than in those reared under CL (P < 0.0005),
creased plasma T3 levels at all ages (P < 0.0001). At 14 d of although this was only the case for B2 chickens (interac-
age, this increase was more pronounced in birds fed B1, tion light by feed: P < 0.05). Dietary T3 supplementation

TABLE 4. Probability values resulting from the factorial analysis of variance with as factors lighting schedule,
feed, and dietary triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation and their interactions as calculated for
body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio

Lighting Feed T3 suppl. L · F
Variable Age schedule (L) (F) (T) L · F L · T F · T · T
Body weight 9 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS
14 <0.0001 NS <0.0001 0.0084 NS NS NS
28 0.0002 0.0281 <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
42 NS NS <0.0001 NS 0.0240 NS
Body weight gain 9 to 14 <0.0001 0.0019 <0.0001 <0.0001 NS NS NS
14 to 28 NS 0.0409 <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
28 to 42 0.0015 0.0012 <0.0001 NS NS 0.0284 NS
9 to 42 NS NS <0.0001 NS NS 0.0103 NS
Feed intake 9 to 14 <0.0001 NS <0.0001 0.0416 NS 0.0244 0.0231
14 to 28 <0.0001 NS <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
28 to 42 NS NS <0.0001 0.0045 NS NS NS
9 to 42 <0.0001 NS <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
Feed conversion 9 to 14 0.0018 0.0034 NS 0.0012 NS NS NS
14 to 28 <0.0001 0.0061 0.0003 0.0341 NS NS NS
28 to 42 0.0002 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0218 0.0228 0.0034 0.0413
9 to 42 <0.0001 (0.053) <0.0001 NS NS 0.0224 0.0177
TABLE 5. Effect of dietary triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation, protein content of feed, and lighting schedule
on plasma T3, thyroxine (T4), and growth hormone (GH) concentrations and hematocrit in broilers1

0 ppm T3 1.5 ppm T3

B1: 20.5% CP B2: 23.5% CP B1: 20.5% CP B2: 23.5% CP
Variable Age CL2 IL2 CL IL CL IL CL IL
Plasma T3
ng/mL 14 2.59 – 0.14d 2.16 – 0.17d 3.47 – 0.22d 2.14 – 0.28d 9.47 – 0.75b 11.68 – 0.83a 5.72 – 0.70c 6.31 – 0.88c
21 2.63 – 0.15c 2.27 – 0.23c 2.21 – 0.21c 2.00 – 0.19c 9.47 – 0.73a 9.28 – 1.48a 6.36 – 0.74b 9.92 – 0.65a
28 1.82 – 0.18c 1.30 – 0.10c 1.87 – 0.13c 0.94 – 0.11c 4.85 – 0.88ab 4.19 – 0.53b 6.07 – 0.55a 4.70 – 0.54b
35 0.97 – 0.07c 0.84 – 0.10c 0.95 – 0.09c 1.23 – 0.08c 3.95 – 0.54ab 2.77 – 0.53b 5.02 – 0.46a 4.55 – 0.62a
42 0.67 – 0.05d 1.19 – 0.10d 0.88 – 0.08d 1.47 – 0.10d 4.53 – 0.51c 7.91 – 0.42b 4.54 – 0.38c 9.71 – 1.08a
Plasma T4
ng/mL 14 5.5 – 0.6b 6.9 – 0.4b 5.9 – 0.6bc 11.6 – 1.24a 2.4 – 0.1d 2.8 – 0.3cd 2.3 – 0.1d 5.4 – 2.1bc
21 8.6 – 0.7c 11.6 – 1.1ab 10.8 – 0.6b 12.9 – 0.9a 4.5 – 0.3d 5.4 – 0.4d 3.9 – 0.2d 5.1 – 0.2d
28 12.2 – 0.8b 13.0 – 0.6b 12.0 – 0.9b 14.8 – 0.7a 4.0 – 0.4c 3.6 – 0.2c 4.6 – 0.2c 3.6 – 0.2c
35 9.4 – 1.1c 9.7 – 0.8b 11.3 – 1.0ab 12.2 – 0.6a 3.4 – 0.2c 2.7 – 0.3c 3.6 – 0.2c 3.5 – 0.2c
42 10.8 – 0.8ab 10.3 – 0.9b 12.3 – 0.8a 12.4 – 0.5a 3.3 – 0.1c 4.1 – 0.1c 3.6 – 0.2c 4.8 – 0.2c
Plasma GH
ng/mL 14 102.6 – 13.0a 107.9 – 16.5a 69.9 – 11bc 83.6 – 10ab 35.4 – 2.8d 42.4 – 2.4cd 55.8 – 5.5bcd 65.0 – 7bcd
21 67.2 – 9.2b 67.5 – 14.3b 107.9 – 15.2a 71.9 – 16.4b 32.2 – 1.5c 43.9 – 2.3bc 46.4 – 4.7bc 46.9 – 3.8bc
28 83.9 – 7.2a 53.0 – 5.5b 76.1 – 6.1a 88.8 – 11.4a 40.3 – 4.7bc 38.3 – 1.6bc 28.9 – 2.2c 42.1 – 2.9bc
35 46.2 – 2.8bc 62.2 – 6.0a 55.4 – 5.4ab 61.4 – 7.2a 33.1 – 2.7cd 42.0 – 4bcd 29.0 – 2.6d 39.3 – 3.6cd
42 40.2 – 2.8ab 51.6 – 4.7a 40.5 – 4.1ab 48.1 – 4.3ab 26.5 – 1.9c 35.4 – 2.4bc 24.7 – 1.7c 45.5 – 8.6ab
Hematocrit 14 28.4 – 0.5abc 26.3 – 0.5c 27.0 – 0.6bc 28.7 – 0.8abc 26.7 – 0.7c 27.8 – 0.4abc 29.9 – 1.8a 29.2 – 0.5ab
21 30.6 – 0.8ab 27.9 – 1.0b 31.4 – 0.8a 29.6 – 0.8ab 30.4 – 0.9ab 28.0 – 1.0b 30.6 – 0.7ab 30.3 – 0.8ab
28 28.7 – 0.3b 26.5 – 0.3c 28.0 – 0.6bc 29.5 – 0.7ab 29.4 – 1.2ab 27.6 – 0.5bc 29.0 – 0.5b 31.1 – 0.8a
35 30.0 – 0.6 29.0 – 0.8 28.9 – 0.9 28.9 – 0.8 31.4 – 0.8 30.5 – 0.9 28.9 – 0.8 31.0 – 0.9
42 30.8 – 0.9 28.9 – 1.3 29.2 – 0.6 28.3 – 0.7 29.4 – 0.8 31.0 – 1.3 28.6 – 0.5 28.2 – 0.7
a–dMeans in a row with no common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
1Valuesare means – SEM of 20 chickens per treatment.
2CL = 23 h light (L):1 h dark (D). IL = 3L:1D.

reduced plasma T4 levels at all ages (P < 0.0001) in control Hematocrit

birds reared under IL. In both feed groups, plasma T4
levels were higher in birds reared under IL than in birds Only at the age of 21 d was a significant effect of the
reared under CL (P < 0.005) at 14 and 21 d of age. Dietary imposed lighting schedule on hematocrit values observed
T3 supplementation, however, abolished the effect of (P < 0.01); whereas birds reared under IL had lower
lighting schedule (interaction light by T3 treatment: P < hematocrit values than those reared under CL. During the
0.05) and of feed (Feed by T3 treatment interaction: P < first 4 wk of age, hematocrit levels were higher in birds fed
0.005). At the end of the experiment, higher plasma T4 B2 than in those fed B1, but this difference disappeared
concentrations were found in euthyroid B2 chickens, afterwards. Dietary T3 supplementation did increase
regardless of the lighting schedule, and influences of hematocrit values at 28 d of age (P < 0.05), whereas at
lighting schedule disappeared. other ages no effect was found.
Plasma GH levels were influenced mainly by dietary T3
supplementation. By Day 14, GH concentrations were DISCUSSION
lower in hyperthyroid chickens, especially when fed B1
(feed by T3 treatment interaction: P < 0.001). At 21 d of age, As described earlier (Buyse et al., 1994a,b, 1996), the
birds fed B2 had higher plasma GH concentrations than change of CL to IL at an early age is followed by initial
those fed B1. At the age of 4 wk, these higher concentra- growth depression. This depression is, however, fol-
tions were only obvious in birds reared in IL (light by feed lowed by a period of compensatory growth, in a way
interaction: P < 0.001) and not supplemented with T3 (feed that the birds reared in IL reach the same final body
by T3 treatment interaction: P < 0.05). At Days 35 and 42, weight by 6 wk of age, as those reared in CL. Moreover,
plasma GH levels were significantly higher in chickens in this experiment, an interaction between the lighting
reared under IL than in chicks reared under CL (P < 0.001). schedule and the protein content of the feed was
In chickens fed an unsupplemented diet, an age-related observed. The initial growth-depressive effect of IL was
decrease was observed for T3 (P < 0.001) and GH (P < more pronounced in birds fed a normal protein ration
0.005), whereas T4 levels increased with age (P < 0.005). (23.5% CP, B2) than in those receiving feed with a
TABLE 6. Probability values resulting from the factorial analysis of variance with the factors lighting schedule,
feed, and dietary triiodothyronine (T3) supplementation and their interactions as calculated for the
plasma T3, thyroxine (T4), and growth hormone (GH) concentrations and hematocrit

Lighting Feed T3 supplemen-
Variable Age schedule (L) (F) tation (T) L · F L · T F · T L · F · T
T3 concentration 14 NS <0.0001 <0.0001 NS 0.0078 <0.0001 NS
21 NS NS <0.0001 0.0418 0.0393 NS NS
28 0.0075 NS <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
35 NS 0.0087 <0.0001 NS NS 0.0417 NS
42 <0.0001 NS <0.0001 NS <0.0001 NS NS
T4 concentration 14 0.0002 0.0066 <0.0001 0.0105 NS NS NS
21 0.0017 NS <0.0001 NS 0.0312 0.0028 NS
28 NS NS <0.0001 NS 0.0025 NS NS
35 NS 0.0041 <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
42 NS 0.0087 <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
GH concentration 14 NS NS <0.0001 NS NS 0.0006 NS
21 NS 0.0344 <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
28 NS NS <0.0001 0.0008 NS 0.0395 NS
35 0.0021 NS <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
42 0.0002 NS <0.0001 NS NS NS NS
Hematocrit 14 NS 0.0123 NS NS NS NS 0.0130
21 0.0059 0.0494 NS NS NS NS NS
28 NS 0.0078 0.0266 0.0002 NS NS NS

subnormal protein content (20.5% CP, B1). The same growth in the 2nd wk, followed by a compensatory
phenomenon was found in T3-fed chickens. The initial growth in the period thereafter. This difference in
slower growth rate in B2 chicks is linked to a less growth rate results in a more concave growth pattern
favorable FCR. Nevertheless, IL resulted in an overall compared to that of CL chickens. As shown by Buyse et
decreased FCR, irrespective of the protein content of the al. (1994b), heat production, and hence oxygen require-
feed or the dietary T3 supplementation. No overall feed ments per kilogram of metabolic BW, of chickens
effect between 9 and 42 d of age was observed, nor was following a normal growth trajectory (with CL) are the
there a light by feed interaction. Therefore, it can be highest at about 2 wk of age, which is indicative of an
concluded that a reduction of the CP content of feed amplified metabolic demand. This metabolic demand
from 23.5 to 20.5% does not negatively influence the predisposes chickens for ascites development. The
performance of the birds, regardless of lighting pro- accumulation of fluid in the pericardium and the
gram, if the required levels of essential amino acids are abdomen is only the final step in a cascade of events
met. This result will have a beneficial effect on the leading to ascites. The predisposition for the develop-
nitrogen emission with both lighting schedules, particu- ment of the syndrome already occurs during the first
larly with the IL treatment, in view of the improvement weeks of the growing period. It is exactly during this
of dietary N retention under the latter lighting schedule initial period that the growth rate, and, thus, the oxygen
(Buyse et al., 1996). requirements of the IL chickens, are reduced, which
It was clearly demonstrated that IL reduces the alleviates the metabolic load and, hence, the develop-
incidence of ascites. This result can be explained by ment of ascites. The lower hematocrit values found in IL
different mechanisms. First, it has been shown that with chicks at 3 wk of age support this hypothesis. The
IL, heat production and oxygen consumption are beneficial effect of IL on ascites incidence could be
significantly lower during the dark periods of each L:D compared with the effect of early feed restriction
cycle (Buyse et al., 1994b). Because a lack of oxygen is (Shlossberg et al., 1991). Temporary growth reduction
known to be the primary cause of the development of has no negative effects on proportional weights of lungs
ascites, lower oxygen consumption in IL chicks could and heart (as is the case for muscle); but appear to have
reduce the incidence of ascites. A second mechanism beneficial effects of these variables (Buyse, personal
could be the altered growth pattern between IL and CL communication). Acar et al. (1995) also found that a
chickens. Decuypere et al. (1994) showed that the temporary feed reduction of 25% during the 2nd wk of
incidence of ascites is much higher in fast-growing the growing period resulted in a growth reduction, but
broiler lines than in slower growing ones. Although IL did not affect proportional heart and lung weights. Also,
chickens reached the same final body weight as CL ascites mortality was significantly reduced in feed-
chickens by 42 d of age, IL chicks have a reduced restricted broilers compared to their counterparts that

consumed feed ad libitum. The beneficial effect of a more ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

concave growth pattern in avoiding ascites is also found
in chicks fed B2 compared to those fed B1. Surprisingly, This research was funded by the “Instituut ter
B2-fed birds had relatively high hematocrit values. The bevordering van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in
rather low hematocrit values of T3-supplemented chick- Nijverheid en Landbouw (IWONL)”, project nr. D1/
ens that showed a high ascites incidence, however, 4-5260/5507A. G. Nackaerts and I. Geerts were grate-
indicates that the relationship between hematocrit and fully appreciated for technical assistance.
ascites mortality is not always obvious.
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