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Persuade speech

Now we are talking about recycling. So, what actually does recycling
means? Turning used materials that are labeled as recyclable over to your local
waste facility designated in a disposal container as “recyclable” materials to be
taken and reused as material for a new purpose defines recycling . In order to
create a new and different product, a recyclable product is turned back into a
raw form that can be used. Recycling efforts can significantly reduce additional
waste that will not only harm the planet today , but future generations as well.
We must make the most to conserve, recycle and reuse whenever possible
because the natural resources on our planet earth are limited.
One of the most efficient ways to support recycling is to purchase products
made from recycled materials. Maybe by now, you are not aware of how
important this act can make a change to the world. However, the effort involves
not only recycling existing products, but purchasing products that have already
been recycled. Today, you will notice a lot products that are made from
recyclable materials thanks to a strong push in green movement recent years. It
is easy to purchase the products that are made from recyclable materials, you
can just simply refer to the recycling symbol and language on the products
packaging. Everyday the manufacturers are thinking of how to make the
products and packaging with recyclable materials.
Research Paper Every year, The United States generates approximately 230
million tons of trash. This is about 4.7 pounds per being per day. Less than the
quarter of it is recycled, the rest is buried or incinerated in landfills. With a little
careful consideration, or forethought, over than 70 percent of the landfilled
waste could be recycled, reduced, and reused.

Writer : Ajlin Fortuzi

Class VI-A

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