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fo UNIT.10.+ vas) "CONTRACT &-CONTING ENT “ove | | Gudik contuack ty: Cotling nk \ corthace | Zz Vile dented by (uo usithew An cpeomaeny _ ¥ le & Cedtéd haved oy the principle g ~" NO _ one Shoubel, le (08) cont. ¥ 't Goals Quant: :contackial ohio pep ate tet)” aT He = Lees r —[ecea) Bae (eer). a Meconmll aie Bas nade bon oo Sppttd| to by Hud aap ___theompetionth poaay Furclow of povons. v t 5) < ise lost gooov Ihern the i Fe sev4 cn Sec 64 conditions + “The pasty must be an interested + The aadoatiy murt he a sien ay * The peyment mut be macle_to 3H pasty - | &c10 Condi, te The act must be a non- qralifiuours act . 3d ¥ The act runt be Larsful * The oth py gel thw bem nj othe tengh S11 condilions Furl, 4 lost goods. 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CONTRACT: ACB Coilenigent- siisaE RAN Conse votithy clopency, Upon the haippeniing (03)_aon- happeriig o julio cancer event + a ; Ceiaticd pa * Ite vail corwuact - Leaampuy :— Q@aotyact ce Inewwuente + Contact of indemnity - ae Contzngent Contyact doemnot Speed ape thee me Wil the peso: Le Contitigent Contract * iE f woot 1 oon Happening bon ~haprering _ { ee EEA TO J J aed whe iHapened Wi Neo tuppened Dot — hapre! | PI y u v Det enfortsable | }Fentot Canbele just - Met - Se Combryent Cora solated ‘to Engvovii. ove dt + wu lrnpova tle, ener are olsoayy vod knows OAD Aoemk knew + Clon beppening Ymponie. ly inant se ceson a Lt cannet_he ! enjorcact Unt Enporcomnant ea Cc ow | Gunter the, nappening CA) non — went hos happensig ef event wv ae It_can be [eejerictaxt) ONIT Ur CONTRACT. OF INDEHNITY & © CONTRACT OF G Corloact DARANTEE [ieaemeittg] Y pent she WAY ae) make! good the lowe Soc toy : ovat Sr To oatlne i stint he Besos ‘make & promine te compensale the low aires ee ; te sta i ee 5 a 50) patty pe licen we wontpennate Ha Te “ies i [ws ] Lr \ Ake due Penduct- Hh of pronase uiserp © Contin ginny ney be eapwned .@ empl AU omental emit ga. Valid contact jy mppdscabla~ The cleriion. H contuack J. iodoriuly ae Lo " asaiey due To” rattaab “Catanisby con) any ack & aod; but; ay per Gafanan 4 Cast daw) dy include a4 f a ra Sec\95 i Rughls g. fncternnttg held * Clafm = fou ‘clamage- Pe Clan tow cost of sult - HK Claim ov any compsomied amount * CONTRACT OF GUARANTEE _«* Seong (dep) :- Corttuact A quarantin ts a cofthuct to thiol peypim the promise (0%) Ashore the Unity os pasty tage gy _dfautt orice (combs 4 ©, pete Ais taghist Ley ROT 9 co: 328 La Z| In cue g contyact of quanti’. “thes oo (2) conrette . 3 Conhacls : Tr I \Cormact between Contvact bh? 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Pgputirk co sealer ! v 3 7g Fnclurmifetion + U7, 0- seanilis [jane 0 S leghr gp subsepetin v Comat bulla equortly + | YL Rift scout Vv Hewibiy gf corr ¥ Ofek se Co—walliiy on 7 eaguk 4 facuseltoo cues cums - S Atay - T aes el by oy = = “4 A Painciple claloton ) aE <= 2b Et . WL So IL sx) x i 50k , BEL os wt! _ Coot ‘= 4» eit $3 _ Q = 1x 3L aL 3b GB = x AL aL. 2b Cy = Sse Koen WSL DSL. QL 3b. 6 BL OL BSL 3b. ‘pixist Dischasge of surely By Revocdelion By cwdlilous By" wvatidlation of v Baek, a 4 suxety In case. 4 orGn | . v t =a feniatee - vaudnee ‘to thw Ds Swety ts obteurtad Hy a ee mrisnepresentation - by giving lily svvtne iy a WZ ow a - hetatd to fuluw —y 4 are acy wh® sd A cua ae me Deal F suuty consent Comer a Py nae “a Loss of secutive aoe Ty v Te tho endont 4 seeuiibin F_venw © bi divhager, ID) Cuda compouncly uiat PD give Tne not to nan classmate © | 1 - 7 I ONT 12- CONTRACT OF BAILHENT & 7 I PLEDGE : unfhir 7 —T i| 7 erat beadbment amd pledge ar raeribdonecl nel 4 Sec 148). 4 _- Accoscting to Sec ng " Boidrsat is the dobiveny 4 goods by H 7d me peson to _amcthw fox somo purpose , upon °O Coniyact ¢ that the govd Shab when the purpose & actomplitud be 1 suliarid (Ot) Theusye _oldposed according to the cliiccbions Y of the peum cletubeieng them” ee Balen fa oon) a ey v ue Hi Bailon Gu Bidee - (Fox w pactbntow | fen - puapose) u San, Ye Vv u ov, Accomplishment Se Bucly Pusupose . 4 v Dispose the goo | actoacking tele none’ | ole iony- - (voulantosy “Wanaiov ; poseador 4 goosls’) H v v + | x, Symlootic. Costume | | [Phuysiial ancoven, —[ubiveny of thongs @ C ae Nay aitoanment F | goo J “ipkeny Avlatial to goods) ® corneutulgnart) { clessoau a ~ aa —Bailory “Tioo_pailins C povlse— Rolin Gv gavds. (Cigjengp sient) eR, gueysaAld Bille g bate The goody P| out tw alin 5 Acciilion sslalid) to guody > Actclitins slated “le goody ) Duly hh ake aoaronable com Daly net_te [ nix) tne goody wih his tion goody 1 Sepostaion Sepassinion, & 3b posse nef _possubte Separation, expenron Telat cose gunds & Laue bern? by builoe bonA by biulen - » (Duty not “be make inconsiriant Use 4 goods * C4 utd “thar _coropenseil -the boss) [Duudiy “tp “take s5earonable expenses imerned . Duty net to set up ave “(tle - vs @ Duty te take toacks te goody | A i ? hy ov fustiy “to Aectone als to (Ge ‘ waa) ; I J —_{Duty te diswdore Duly te disdose bey knew" kervevon as @ _unkaovan, ctypchy « may 4 O)) duty te Eotereniyy to > fully Te dbo ta oye >. pracoeltiny WimaraTion : Gf compas L Ohory te pay nrmany exp : t ni L y j Woy { 5 I 7 r ; : Any exp 2D — Ainty eupansor |betne by batlos pore by fnitev | Rights | | J ‘Petlow sights Badin signts 5 = Ouiley dui» = Boilon dadier + D | grt to Lik 2 | (Roth: the _ powselionw gods) L aa | Puminto Genwrod lien I ! 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Non -Gedluiter Barbment- partment: (ang exp wom bghico) —— (arcua,-acutayonts) * Ry 8 cosa % Right [A Ripr te claim conprsttin_ th com jah_© " Abubose “the clues’: to “the _gonoln« # Right- gf tho io = dscns, ese = oy x CONTRACT oF Penge (Sec172) 3 SENTRACT OF PLEDGE (506173, Definition i Grbuch 2 pludge. b acortact 0 uti ; d MOM NM ON ON ONY B Bie alin of gen ao secu Payment $ debt cox) pafoumancer of pore - 2 Btteact 4 pudge consists of ten pilin + yyy ry yyy\yV © paxonay ® pawonee'. sk igh a Pawonot and Pawonee ; I Rub h ts O [Right te take loach Jhe @ Ponan Mies : Pawo nee, oe Right t Adlai the pluced © lege te necaibe the nagig I LE ort foe prheap r ammunt but alyo px the oo SE of, ste bey Peusonse ilk a atl races @ [Pght tm rtaive “subpur Dit amin Gl amount to Care G sate o Sub, depty Goody . Q ae wee te paumnoy fecly } T Ah Sniper ms [Reliant thw (Receoe fio paxomad J the _pusnei) = | Diy 4 =e _pawonee || uwonee has the qellewoing diliey + | Duty to lake acasonable caw a the Duly to ‘trun the gordy, when the olbt fos bean sepa ox the promis, hay been ps Dah wnots. ty tee his _cu00 goods uh gos pute Duty oot ‘lo do ony act whut Wy incondtant with —the-Loms. Iq the plecige « | uty tb Actuany acctation to “thy gob» Y any « 11 © plactgect : Bina not fo) make unaithotued” we smgenigal @ ©, © Dubie the pouonor :— Paronow has. thy 4pllactry cuir Via ya Vv The pawonow Bb Léable to te clebt on perfoarn the Parca th cose_rmy Pe» i t 6 thw duly % the peonov compensate the pounee fev a extraodinayy experner_tncurted by hem pe pasnanrig ite goody (Ei dw duty of ths uno Uo Alone all the fouls Whit, may put the posonse unde ertraordiniyy alsky « lp tom econ oho _povmas clus to ciel to pauonetd title, tb the goody the pauonon, mink fodomnniify Ma, pavonee - DIY tha, pawonse, sells te gord elie tootjault by Hw ——___|| Pawenow — munt- pay -thy eat ee — —— fe ONIT NOB i CONTRACT OF (AGENCY. (ont \ . BG net dapies unden Indian Conhaol Ab. | Tnaven Conc” Act defiivy “event & prince Agent 2 gent means a! pore who emnpla “te do rz any” oct for ancth (or) to “epent oot, o_deabuig Wat “Thiel persony i Punciple ee Geena ens Such act & done. f.wehe bb $0. sepwroitid - Pasicipe Iroportant \- auter op conlvact v J mer he tnt ack gf Prlocd pas & a paily ot agent , pulnapab lho b tarsiing Capacug B Ualblw y b entiv ink lentiage v woliis pacaualion classmate, Date Pog Type 4 al on 1 j jpitive ri wos Netw ¥ audhonsby \ Pid aaa Eo. Mex ccuttibe Non - mencauttichy ent agent: =] lapped jou. Apporiticl fon busines (03) “leote sendowig prjerinal Retadid acteiulhy Sewitey« tf Conwinee, ie én + DOU ; CA ds J A Specot Genial Onwsesab agent” VO agent agent « 2 Appotnted bw > appoinlid joy all atoilin Specific atic, Audld te paindpv. S lauteosaty Umble) Z_catthoity A unburnilel aly _complébino pafnaple 4 Unite te te 4 speupic: allinty agent joss Laval at" agen ts “bennatied = Appocrtol pow Adinday Cure g burinen adbisily 2y Adthoily lamited elect ¥y Page CS Ye Coaation of s agen ’ _t : sihny S 4 J - ij Oreos Buy roplric) Agent cuatro) 5 py apeerient Oguemants fo oie gl emugency | - v ‘Necesse “aK ey & oon A pean a 9 {Oszted zz \ Condilions behalh of hy lennon ssl + Theagnt not _cra pesiliSn ‘to | peron udouy @ vhitton Communicate palacipal. ' heb Eo pewey ef RThs_ayenty pejoim an act pov tra | aflearara attDanuy ny, of tha prindple Db prBtid He pidacip, Ayeou (aroctaof Pracple . Alape the e . bad on acts act ~ (04) candusot Of ; Powttir (09) clyavedlancem io! Agenyy by ex ortopper Spe ty elds out L \ Vt yy % law a ! tian a 1 Sreaoe Onto aie feinaaly ve bona ve a aged auprrsenbatdas oft vse A7 AP ay ogeal « ate a a agut> } enuy of Ratification) “:- Coveliliony fox Valid “3a0i) * SS : : Rasthication mat be _enpacns G) npliid - Tho ushetey “bates mut be sasified . Reticle must be, at aa j { | Ratification Cannet Unjuw 34 peusn- “ a Daly laut eats con be sift Dufjerencer- befuseore Suge 6 Rbsibutd agent: Silly - agent 0-9 Sable, agent © | A sub-ogent coe hs Work, A: Substitabiel agent works onde pee thy ~_comat andk- ‘ the Clinton gZ jhe prinitpag - ate enol poste The agent coer chlegah auy a sub - agent’ bat alo pot J hb foots To & subEinlicl | detenatin to hein & posse agent « % | op Kin von alien ve . ; Ol Tie 6 no privity val Pik 4 contr evabtted 7 cenhact _beliseorv Oe Baluseun. a partncipar a subtests PRincipap ord 10. uly — ~ “agg : agent. \ : af ® Te mub-agend & dapnowthl A substituted feng & aepersiste He the Agent obono arcs net ty re principal el nor Hg lponatty Avnoorible to the Ohugivia) Cgent whe apotiied btn, Vv Vpoinupal . Ciundinig 20 are ctnse io (cat TB) —— i * | RigHts AND puTiés OF AN AGENT + puriés Di! Duty ty foe Enslruckiony _atisen by. ‘thw _paiocipel. pata sg tc Agent showy cE onal at CoM & skill. x — “e_nendu proper _attourib ae net ‘ on hi 8 acount « q a youy Fash ay ouaty bo par sums aecaed po pulnetbal - i rave net to ure any conptentinp sition 7 Veh. cba os oT course of agency ogebok he RIGHTS:~ Right to sotain . Right to Sernunarfion . oat of _uin 1 painajals property. wn ia det lt cs fou , = Senos classmate | -¥ |_LiaBiniTY OF A PRINCIPAL TOWARDS “THIRD PARTY + * | | 7 Paine » User a Whe’ cide ¢ agents urtuteby ae dene. wilhuy thw sepe f he. exThoule ei Patncipat by Uirly » i tohan agent \enerdy * hwy aay. \ 1 (ay aaa I Sepavatles ‘ Non~ Separatle . by ar yy t Wi ‘ ‘upto udhin ho : Principal Ww net weund to outthonty pranctipad Os thw thamatbion . & Uae . whit ty a 1d the aarthoisty Agent i ado - 4 A Vigk i ) 2 | Paina Ca for the agents pana miisaepaneny tation (>) “toads - Pewenal dco tewnrds “Lire Pots By Agente Perma Cyent is eof _pevrenaty idee Jpn lhe coracly entiot Yn hohe of pandpore éncyptiomy C) Puinciple’ ue a aviident atonoad [forertn pin ne Peinciple @®_I|n cue undisiloned principle . 5 In_case t unnecred poitaedple ( ¥ classmate 2) Ceo | |__~ rt [eminatioo. ¢ agent Hy es ; Lh re pe “luminatich by the principe games | fauhe the agent * [agent has “been partly emrcised | hit wo ik camot be surokeel J. I 2 compleluen business + 3 Death COs) cosahulgy 4 te | paindple ev the agent « || 3 Pulndeples nselvanty. On empuity 4 time 4 thy agent has been appotnted fee a | portale " pesiod « I 2 "Reneuntuations ¢ by agen (te segpeties a Auanmable netie). || + |bohen “the agency © aeyrable 1 | Aspev (sec_202) whee “the agent has hooey, FF ty _the propel Ushich founs The subpject matte « (Agency coupled wt utaut [| — | | | Sj | H —_| . —_| - =| = a : classmate. [Texminahcon of agency | Agence hy age T by “the principe aurokdng “lhe autho’ agent * ( agent has been cathy emercised his auithoily 1k comet be auvokedl J. P . comp lelion buries » Dealt (0s) Sosaiutg “the pa le a the a expliy time 4 ‘the agent” has been appointed (oe Le = peat utd 2 'Reneuntiation ¢ Py agent (te segydes a Acammabvle netite). + lohen “the agency bs aevotabl 1 Aspe, [See 202) whew “the agent has _hinself _, on “inbbest- im ‘the pa Ushich forms “The sulpjeet matte - (Agency, coup lad wills “vidaet ) ToT TT LELEL EEL LL

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