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•Family, other important institutions

•Values, perceptions, wants, behavior

•Shared value system

Buyer's black box Buyer's characteristic
•Common life experiences

Buyer's decison process

Upper, middle, working, lower class Shared similar values, interest, behaviors. Social class

Buying attitudes, preferences

•Direct influence Membership groups

Model of consumer behavior

Buyer responses Purchase behavior what, when, where, how much
•An individual wishes belong to Aspirational groups
Characteristics affecting consumer
Group and social Networks
Brand, company relationship behavior
Opinion leaders, influentials, leading adopters, brand
Word of mouth influence, buzz marketing
Marketing stimuli Product, price, place, promotion
Blogs, social networking sites, virtual words Online social networks The environment
Others Economic, technological, social, cultural
Social factor

Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized

Age, life cycle stage, RBC royal band stages, by high consumer involvement in a purchase and
Personal factors Complex buying behavior
occupation, economic, lifestyle significant perceived diffirences among brands.

Motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, attitudes Psycology factors

Chapter Five: Consumer markets Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized
Dissonance - Reduicing buying behavior by high involvement by few perceived differences
•Internal stimuli,•External stimuli Need recognition
and consumer buyer behavior among brands
Types of buying decision behavior
•Personal sources (family & friends) Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized
Habitual buying behavior by low consumer involvement and few perceived
brand differences
•Commercial sources (advertising, Internet)
Information search Consumer buying behavior in situations characterized
•Public sources(mass media, consumer organizations) Variety-seeking buying behavior by low consumer involvement but significant
perceived brand differences.

•Experiential sources ( handling, examining, using the

product) Adoption process is the mental process an individual
goes through from first learning about an innovation
to final regular use: Awareness, interest, evaluation,
•How the consumer processes information to arrive trial, adoption
Evaluation of alternatives
at brand choices
The buyer decision process Differences in Innovativeness adopter categories:
The buyer decision process for new Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late
•The act (by the consumer) to buy the most preferred
brand products majority, laggards.
Purchase decision
•The purchase decision can be affected by attitudes Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of
of othes, unexpected situation factors Adoption: relative advantage, compatibility,
complexity, divisibility, commanicablility.

•The satisfaction or dissatisfaction that the consumer feels about the purchase

Consumer’s expectations
•Relationship between
Product’s perceived performance

•Larger the gap between expectation and performance Postpurchase behavior

•Greater the consumer’s dissatisfaction

•Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort caused by a post-purchase conflict

•Customer satisfaction is a key to building profitable relationships with consumers

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