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Hot Spot 3 Name................................................................

Module 1, Test A Class ................................................................

1 Posłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl 3 Wpisz wyrazy do odpowiedniej kolumny
właściwą opcję. tabeli.

1 A good rabbit’s house cage has got one / clap interesting walk big write
two rooms. cheap sleep swim expensive
worry beautiful
2 Clean the rabbit’s cage every day / week.
3 Feed your rabbit in the morning and the
afternoon / evening. Verb Adjective
4 Rabbits eat fruit / meat, vegetables and
grass. clap interesting

5 Never feed your rabbit chocolate biscuits /

6 Rabbits like / don’t like exercise.
Score /5

2 Podpisz rysunki wyrażeniami z ramki.

going away cinema dentist

practising sketch coming back netball Score /5

4 Napisz pytania w present simple.

1 Where / Lukas live?

Where does Lukas live?

1 cinema 4 2 How / Amish people travel?

3 What / Lukas see in his garden?

4 Why / bears hibernate?

2 5

5 Where / people swim in Dongguan?

6 What / Amish people wear?

3 6

Score /5
Score /5

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
Hot Spot 3

5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednia formą 7 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.

present simple czasowników z ramki.
1 Her room is bigger / the biggest than his.
not swim travel help
work live not study 2 That’s the cheapest / the cheaper T-shirt in
the shop.
1 Mary lives in Canada. 3 Her car is more expensive / the most
2 John and his friends expensive than mine.
in the creek.
4 Your room is the tidiest / the tidier.
3 Lisa German.
5 My vase is the smallest / smaller than yours.
4 Lots of people in the
city. 6 This pen is the best / the better.

5 We to school by bus. Score /5

6 Marek sometimes his
parents at home. Reading
Score /5 8 Przeczytaj tekst. Czy podane zdania są
prawdziwe (T–True), czy fałszywe
6 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą
present continuous czasowników Tortoises are popular pets but they aren’t easy
podanych w nawiasach. to look after. African tortoises are more difficult
to look after than European tortoises.
1 Alexia is playing (play) netball
All tortoises need a warm, dry place to sleep.
tomorrow. Tortoises need an indoor and an outdoor
house. In the summer tortoises love sleeping
2 We (go away) for the outside but they don’t like the rain.
weekend? Feed your tortoise wild flowers and special
tortoise food. You can buy this from pet shops.
3 When they They can have lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes
once or twice a week as a treat. But not
(perform) their sketch? everyday!
Tortoises hibernate in the winter usually from
4 Ivan (visit) his cousins October to February. Put them in a warm box
next weekend. with clean straw and holes for air. Check them
once a week but don’t wake them up!
5 What Boris
(do) on Saturday? 1 African tortoises are the easiest
tortoises to keep. T/F
6 I (go) to the park on 2 Tortoises need an indoor and an
Friday. outdoor house. T/F

3 In the summer they like sleeping

Score /5 indoors. T/F
4 Tortoises don’t eat wild flowers. T/F

5 Don’t feed tortoises cucumber

every day. T/F

6 Tortoises hibernate from November

to March. T/F

Score /5
© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
Hot Spot 3

9 Napisz krótki tekst na temat opieki nad
wybranym zwierzęciem domowym.
Wykorzystaj tekst z ćwiczenia 8. jako

Score /5

Score /45

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
Hot Spot 3 Name ................................................................
Class .................................................................
Module 1, Test B
1 Posłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl 3 Wpisz wyrazy do odpowiedniej kolumny
właściwą opcję. tabeli.

1 A good rabbit’s house cage has got one / interesting clap small call
two rooms. beautiful write big sleep
2 Feed your rabbit once / twice a day. worry expensive walk

3 Rabbits eat fruit, vegetables / meat and

grass. Verb Adjective
4 Give your rabbit a chocolate biscuit / carrot
for a treat. clap interesting

5 Rabbits like exercise / sleeping.

6 Never pick up your rabbit by its legs / ears.

Score /5

2 Podpisz rysunki wyrażeniami z ramki.

cinema coming back dentist

going away netball practising sketch
Score /5
4 Napisz pytania w present simple.

1 Where / Lukas live?

Where does Lukas live?
1 cinema 4
2 Where / Amish people live?

3 What / people call Dongguan County?

4 How / Rachel help her parents?

2 5

5 When / bears hibernate?

6 _ Why / Dongguan farmers sometimes swim

3 6 to their fields?

Score /5
Score /5

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
Hot Spot 3

5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednia formą 7 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.

present simple czasowników z ramki.
1 Her room is bigger / the biggest than his.
travel not swim help 2 This book is the most expensive / the more
work live not watch expensive.
3 Your room is the messiest / messier than
1 Mary lives in Canada. mine.
2 Lots of people on 4 That’s the oldest / the older car in the shop.
5 Our bikes are cheaper / the cheapest than
3 Fred in the creek. theirs.
4 Arthur TV in the 6 My blue T-shirt is the nicest / nicer than
morning. hers.
5 Jenny often her Score /5

6 We to school by car. Reading

Score /5 8 Przeczytaj tekst. Czy podane zdania są
prawdziwe (T–True), czy fałszywe
6 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą
present continuous czasowników Parrots are popular pets and they need special
podanych w nawiasach. care. The African grey parrots are popular
because they can learn to talk. MacCaws are
1 Alexia is playing (play) netball more beautiful but they are more difficult to look
All parrots need a warm, dry cage with lots of
space. They like climbing so a tall cage is best.
2 Charlie (do) his But Long-tailed parrots need an outdoor cage
homework right now. with space to fly. It’s important to clean the
cage every week.
3 What your friends Feed your parrot fruit, vegetables, nuts and
seeds. You can buy special parrot food from
(do) on Friday?
pet shops. Don’t feed them chocolate or
4 I (meet) my friends at Parrots are intelligent and they often get bored.
the weekend. They are friendly and don’t like being alone. So,
play games with them and teach them to talk.
5 When you
1 The African grey is the most beautiful
(practise) your sketch? parrot. T/F

6 Dina (go) to the 2 Tall cages are best for parrots. T/F

cinema on Saturday. 3 All parrots need an outdoor cage. T/F

4 You can feed parrots fruit. T/F
Score /5
5 They can eat chocolate. T/F
6 Parrots don’t like being alone. T/F

Score /5

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
Hot Spot 3

9 Napisz krótki tekst na temat opieki nad
wybranym zwierzęciem domowym.
Wykorzystaj tekst z ćwiczenia 8. jako

Score /5

Score /45

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
Hot Spot 3 – Module 1, Answer Key

Answer Key

Module 1
Test A
1 two 2 day 3 evening 4 fruit 5 chocolate biscuits 6 like

1 cinema 2 practising sketch 3 netball 4 going away 5 coming back 6 dentist

Verb: clap, walk, write, sleep, swim, worry Adjective: interesting, big, cheap, expensive, beautiful

1 Where does Lukas live? 2 How do Amish people travel? 3 What does Lukas see in his garden?
4 Why do bears hibernate? 5 Where do people swim in Dongguan? 6 What do Amish people wear?

1 lives 2 don’t swim 3 doesn’t study 4 work 5 travel 6 helps

1 is playing 2 We’re going away 3 When are they performing 4 is visiting 5 What is Boris doing
6 I’m going

1 bigger 2 the cheapest 3 more expensive 4 the tidiest 5 smaller 6 the best

1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F

Test B
1 two 2 twice 3 vegetables 4 carrot 5 exercise 6 ears

1 cinema 2 netball 3 going away 4 dentist 5 practising sketch 6 coming back

Verb: clap, call, write, sleep, worry, walk, Adjective: interesting, small, beautiful, big, expensive

1 Where does Lukas live? 2 Where do Amish people live? 3 What do people call Dongguan county?
4 How does Rachel help her parents? 5 When do bears hibernate?
6 Why do Dongguan farmers sometimes swim to their fields?

1 lives 2 work 3 doesn’t swim 4 doesn’t watch 5 helps 6 travel

1 is playing 2 is doing 3 What are you friends doing 4 I’m meeting 5 When are you practising
6 is going

1 bigger 2 the most expensive 3 messier 4 the oldest 5 cheaper 6 nicer

1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6T

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 1

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