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What is a Competence Matrix?

Competence Matrix is a table which displays work-related competence descrip-
tions and the progress of competence development (‘steps of competence devel-
 the left column of the table contains competence areas, based on the var-
ious core work tasks;
 in the right column each competence area is divided to steps of compe-
tence development so that the acquisition of competences by a person in
training with reference to core work tasks is understandably described
for each competence area.

The main aim of a Competence Matrix is to enhance transparency of com-

petences and qualifications and thus mutual understanding between different
countries and different contexts (for example, between the world of education
and the world of work or between VET and HE) and to compare qualifications
with one another.

A Competence Matrix can be used for those purposes where the transparency
of competence profiles is very important, such as:
 transferring vocational competences acquired abroad (mobility in VET);
 transferring and recognising competences acquired within the official
VET system as well as competences achieved through non-formal or in-
formal learning;
 developing qualifications;
 composing job profiles as well as personnel (human resources) plan-
 referencing qualifications to qualifications frameworks;
 enhancing permeability between VET and HE.

How to create a Competence Matrix?

General approach
 Level of application. A Competence Matrix can be developed for the na-
tional level, or in cooperation between two or more partner countries, or
by an international sectoral association. 3

 Based on empirically derived core work tasks. These must be identified

in the professional context and should not be derived primarily from the
educational system, which is marked by country-specific characteristics.
Qualifications need to be described in a learning outcomes approach that
is not solely linked to a certain national context or educational system.
 Empirical methods are used. The core work tasks – the basis for ‘compe-
tence areas’ – must be derived empirically by using methods that include
work process analyses, company surveys, expert interviews, work-relat-
ed comparison of existing qualification or occupational profiles and mod-
erated workshops with experts from the occupational field.
 Analyses of secondary sources. It might be necessary to prepare the Com-
petence Matrix based on analyses of secondary sources such as compe-
tence descriptions that have been gathered empirically in other research
 Involvement of experts from the occupational field. Experts from the re-
spective occupational field must be included: from the field of work as
well as from the field of education. In order to facilitate mutual trust, dif-
ferent perspectives and expertise should be integrated and experts from
different countries should be involved.
 Further support. VET researchers or ‘Competence Matrix experts’ should
be involved in the development process to ensure that the principles for
developing a Competence Matrix are taken into account sufficiently.
 The power of language and examples. The use of clear, holistic, illustra-
tive and work contex-related language in forming the descriptions is rec-
ommended. Further, the inclusion of clarifying examples has proven to
be useful.

Definition of the Scope of the Competence Matrix

a) Identification of the sector or occupational field for which the Compe-
tence Matrix will be developed. The available examples are from the
fields of ‘mechatronics’ and ‘electronics/electrical engineering’.
b) Decision of the scope of the Competence Matrix in terms of profession-
al profiles to be included (Competence Matrix ‘mechatronics’ focused
on the skilled worker level and on VET programmes from secondary
level education. The VQTS II Competence Matrix ‘electronics/electri-
cal engineering’ was broadened to include at least some steps of com-
petence development relevant for HE).

Definition of the competence areas

Competence areas must be identified based on core work tasks derived empir-
ically from the real world of working (work practice/work place). Only holis-
tic competences that actually exist in the world of work are to be described and
differentiated. Just as core work tasks have a complex relationship to the work
process, competence areas also represent a certain complexity. A balance be-
tween general and detailed formulations of the competences areas enhances the
mutual understanding between the users of a Competence Matrix.

Definition of the steps of competence development for each competence area

 The descriptions of competence development should clearly illustrate the
process of progression from the lower to the higher steps.
 The number of steps of competence development depends on the nature
of the competence area. Therefore, no concrete or consistent number of
steps can be pre-determined. Consequently, the steps only make sense
within one single competence area (horizontally) and a step of compe-
tence development for one competence area does not necessarily corre-
spond to the meaning of a step of any other area.
 The descriptions must provide a clear and comprehensible picture of the
competence development process, but they should not be too detailed.
The differentiation of steps of the competence development is a crucial
issue in designing a Competence Matrix: The difference between one
step and the next must be clearly described.
 No specific determinants for differentiating the steps are given in ad-
vance. However, whenever it is reasonable, certain dimensions are in-
cluded as reference points to describe the competence development in ad-
dition to the context characteristics
Competence Matrix „Electronics/Electrical Engineering“

Competence areas
Steps of competence development
(core work tasks)
1. Preparing, planning, He/She can prepare and carry out simple He/She can plan, prepare and connect He/She can plan complex electrical and/or
electrical and/or electronic installations electrical and modular electronic electronically networked installations (e.g., systems
mounting and installing (e.g., cables, electrical outlets, connection installations (e.g., energy supply in private of energy distribution, building management systems
electrical and/or and distribution systems, modular electronic and business premises, incl. lighting; / KNX, regulation and monitoring systems, building
electronic systems for components, computer components) as well alternating and three-phase current; access systems, RFID-systems) and fully wire them.
buildings and industrial as carry out and check the necessary wirings electronic systems as units, wireless LAN, He/She can configure, service and diagnose the
and mountings. multimedia systems). He/She can advice the functionality of the installation according to customer
applications costumer and select the best implementation requirements and for this purpose can use computer-
according to customer specifications. assisted tools.

2. Inspecting, maintaining He/She can carry out basic He/She can carry out and document He/She can analyse and determine He/She can develop and
and scheduled maintenance preventative maintenance and availability and condition of electrical document maintenance
and servicing electrical tasks, inspections and checks alignment tasks at electrical and/or and/or electronic systems. He/She can and inspection methods for
and/or electronic at electrical and/or electronic electronic industrial appliances and analyse influencing factors on reliability electric al/electronic systems
systems and machinery equipment according to systems according to established and performance of electrical and/ based on production and
maintenance schedules and quality assurance methods (e.g., or electronic systems and find causes service process analysis
predefined instructions (e.g., continuous monitoring of a CNC of malfunctions (e.g., leakage current as well as on quality
checking voltage tolerances, machine tool) analysis, power factor correction, EMC management and customer
changing wearing parts in analysis). requirements. He/She is
industrial plants, switching able to develop related
and control systems, electrical maintenance, inspection
machinery, computer systems). and quality assurance plans
He/She can use the measuring (e.g., optimizing MTBF of
and testing tools necessary for it. a production line, planning
reserve power supply).

3. Setting up, putting into He/She can set up, adjust and put into He/She can obtain and set system test He/She can select, set up and adjust electrical and/
operation electrical and/or electronic parameters for setting up and operating or electronic systems and their control including
operation and adjusting systems (e.g., allocating frequency electrical and/or electronic systems and accompanying sensors and actuators according to
electrical and/or channels for a TV set, basic settings of a select and carry out test procedures for requirement analysis (e.g., energy supply systems,
electronic systems frequency converter or a thermo relay for installation and adjustment (e.g., adjusting drive systems, electrical machinery, radio relay
a motor) following customer requirements interfaces in multimedia system, sensitivity systems).
and instructions from the technical setting of alarm equipment, elevator
documentation. control unit).

4. Designing, modifying He/She can modify, plan and He/She can modify, plan and build He/She can design, build up and He/She can design, build
build up simple electrical and/ up standard electrical and/or improve electrical and/or electronic up and configure devices,
and adapting wirings or electronic circuits according to electronic appliances according to applications and its interfaces together facilities and units for process
and circuit boards standards and guidelines (e.g., customer requirements and official with experts working in interdisciplinary control systems including
for electrical and/ wiring for rooms, connection regulations (e.g., fire-warning teams according to EMC standards related programming and
or electronic systems diagram of basic motor circuits, devices, layouts for electrical/ and confirming tests (e.g., electronic considering complex system
simple operational amplifier electronic wirings with the help of control circuits and equipment, micro- requirements (e.g., controlled
including their interfaces applications, small programmable CAD programmes, energy supply in controller applications, PLC and related drive systems, process
control units). private and business premises). software). monitoring, automated
production line, real time
microcontroller applications
for car control, GSM data
transmission for monitoring
and remote control).

5. Developing custom He/She can develop and propose solutions He/She can design electrical and/or He/She can develop technical solutions for electrical
for simple electrical and/or electronic system electronic systems (e.g., PLC program for and/or electronic systems and applications (e.g.,
designed electrical and/ based on customer requirements (e.g., industrial applications, microcontroller microcontroller board for heating and air condition,
or electronic projects lighting installations, power supply unit, application, ensuring expansion capability) RFID access system, new production line) and provide
basic automation and control systems). and provide the necessary documentation appropriate documentation and customer training.
(operational, maintenance, safety
instructions, function, integration and
acceptance tests).

6. Supervising and He/She can check process steps in the He/She can evaluate results of the process He/She can develop controlling methods in the
production with suitable process tools monitoring with software tools and production (e.g. PPS, MRP, ERP) and process
supporting work and (e.g., PPS, ERP, MRP) and carry out quality determine quality assurance actions (work, planning/control and supervision (e.g. CAP) and
business processes controls. production and time schedules). implement these with the help of software supported
including quality systems.
7. Installing, configuring He/She can install programmes He/She can select hardware and He/She can integrate hardware He/She can combine
for hardware and software software for production systems and software into existing system hardware and software
modifying and testing environments and carry out following the business requirements environments and use simulation and to networked system
of application software simple configuration tasks as well and test programmes. diagnostic programs (e.g. implement environments and carry out
for setting up and as updates (e.g., starter software, and adapt a driver for a CAD/CAM network specific checks of all
operating electrical and/ graphical programming for interface). signals and adapt by means
measurement and automation). of software (e.g., OPC-Server,
or electronic systems process control system).

8. Diagnosing and repairing He/She can carry out He/She can use testing and He/She can select and use diagnostic He/She can carry out system
standardized test procedures and diagnostic tools as well as expert methods for complex electrical and/ analyses (e.g., FMEA, FTA) of
of electrical/electronic diagnostic methods using wiring systems for the fault diagnosis at or electronic systems and carry electrical and/or /electronic
systems and equipment diagrams and test tools and carry electrical and/or electronic systems out preventative measures for the systems, determine error
out simple repairs at electrical up to the component level and carry avoidance of disturbances and types and develop suitable
and/or electronic systems (e.g., out the necessary repairs (e.g., malfunctions in arrangement with diagnosis and repair methods
power measurement, level software control test, spectrum customers (e.g., detection of bit error including preventative
measurement). analyzer). rate, over-voltage protection analyse). measures.

CAD: Computer Aided Design
CAP: Computer Aided Planning MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures
CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing OPC: Object Linking Embedding for Process Control
CNC: Computer Numeric Control KNX: Konnex is the most established standard for home and building electronic systems.
EMC: Electro Magnetic Compatibility The Konnex technology is based on the well-tried EIB-System (European Installation
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning bus - EIB)
FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis LAN: Local Area Network
FTA: Failure Tree Analysis PLC: Programmable Logic Control
GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications PPS: Production Planning System
MRP: Machine Resource Planning RFID: Radio Frequency Identification
Competence Matrix “Mechatronics”

Competence area Steps of competence development

1. Maintaining and assuring He/She can perform the basic He/She can master the He/She can use preventive He/She can develop the necessary
scheduled maintenance on maintenance procedures for maintenance to assure the trouble- procedures for maintenance of
the reliability of mechatronic mechatronic machines and systems mechatronic systems such as the free operation of mechatronic mechatronic devices and systems, and
systems and adhere to the equipment use of service documents and systems. In addition, he/she can can schedule the maintenance and
maintenance plans. maintenance plans and, if faced modify operational sequences quality-assurance procedures.
with new challenges, can make to implement quality-assurance
the necessary adaptations. measures
2. Installing and dismantling He/She can use written instructions to install He/She can master the installation and He/She can provide independent mechatronic solutions
and dismantle individual components (e.g., dismantling of mechatronic systems for the construction of production lines, assure their
mechatronic systems and sensors, actuators, drives, motors, transport that use several technologies (e.g., overall ability to function, and, in addition, can use both
facilities systems, racks) that form a functional group of mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, existing and modified standard components.
mechatronic systems. electrical-mechanics, electronics), set up
the connexion technology, and check the
efficiency of the overall system.
3. Installing and adjusting He/She is able to install and adjust standardized He/She can install and adjust components He/She can install and adjust complex mechatronic
mechatronic components (e.g., individual electro- of mechatronic subsystems (e.g., linear facilities that include diverse technologies and
mechatronic components in pneumatic valves, sensor and actuator units). drives, measuring systems, transport instrumentation and control (I&C) equipment, adjust
systems and production lines systems). the associated parameters, test the facilities overall
functions, and assure their reliability

4. Designing, adapting, He/She can use machine He/She can build simple He/She can build He/She can He/She can make He/She can
tools controlled either mechatronic subsystems mechatronic systems design and build independent adaptations independently develop
and building mechatronic manually or via computer- by using engineering by using both autonomous to the various devices complex mechatronic
systems and facilities on the program to fabricate drawing and can install original construction mechatronic (including selection of systems and can
basis of client needs and (according to production the devices according techniques and subsystems and, with drives, sensors, PLC) and calculate the economic
site plans designs and customer to specific production previously designed suitable measuring can use CNC programs for usefulness of the
requirements) the needs. He/She can act parts. He/She fully and testing facilities,building the system. He/ system. He/She can
individual components for on extensive knowledge understands CAD can assess the She can, through a digital optimise CNC programs
mechatronic systems. He/ of standards and functions and can necessary production mock up, assemble and for the manufacturing
she can provide simple regulations (e.g., on document system accuracy. He/She can simulate the functioning of complex mechatronic
designs and descriptions surface treatments) developments document the results system and use computer- devices and systems
of mechatronic and is able to use (e.g., parts lists, with quality-control aided computations and monitor the
subsystems and can use CAD’s more advanced descriptions of systems. (e.g., FEM). He/She can automated quantity of
basic CAD applications. functions (e.g., function, operating perform cost-benefit an open loop control
interference check). instructions). analyses (e.g., as a basis system.
for deciding whether
components should be
bought or individually
5. Putting mechatronic He/She can, according to He/She, after considering He/She, after considering He/She can evaluate He/She can direct, including
specifications and blueprints, the enterprise’s needs and all basic conditions, can customer requirements for scheduling and time
systems into operation put mechatronic devices basic conditions, can put master the start-up of mechatronic facilities, develop management, the start-up of
and providing clients with into operation and provide the mechatronic systems interconnected mechatronic solutions, and can plan the the project from the creation
technical and economic support to the client in the into operation, create the systems and machines, and system’s implementation and of a proposal to the client’s
support hand-over phase. necessary documentation, can provide the necessary operation. acceptance.
advise the customer documentation including a
on safe operations of manual. He/She can review
the devices, and advise client needs and configure
on future technology machines that provide
selection. solutions. He/She can
train the customer where
necessary and provide
support for safe operating
6. Supervising and He/She can supervise process He/She can independently He/She can operate and He/She can master the He/She can optimise the
sequences according to supervise the process supervise mechatronic monitoring of complex process cycles of mechatronic
evaluating both the process specifications as well as sequences, evaluate facilities, choose testing mechatronic systems using production lines, provide
sequences of mechatronic implement any requested the results, operate an and monitoring plans, set virtual instruments and PPS instructions on modifying the
systems and facilities and quality-control measures. accompanying statistic up the accompanying SPC, systems as well as open loop PPS systems (e.g., adjustment
the operational sequence process control (SPC) for seek the optimal results control for the optimisation to SAP systems) and introduce
the quality control plan, of the production line of machinery arrangement, quality systems for continuous
(including quality assurance) and prepare simple work according to material-flow, material flow analysis, and improvement processes
schedules, including and provide work schedules scheduling. (CIP/KVP).
production schedule and including standard
time management. production times.
7. Installing, configuring, He/She is able to install and He/She can master the selection He/She can integrate and configure He/She can develop, test, and configure
configure programs for hardware of hardware and software for program-, control-, and regulation- hardware and software solutions for
programming and testing and software components as well as mechatronic systems (e.g., mechanisms in mechatronic networked mechatronic systems; and
hardware and software set up simple programmable logic sensors, actuators, interfaces, systems, program simple devices can monitor system conditions with
components for control and control programs (PLC). communication procedures) (in co-operation with developers), suitable measuring and visualisation
regulation of mechatronic and can provide and test simple and simulate the program tools.
programmable logic control sequence before start-up.
systems and facilities programs (PLC) according to
production process requirements.
8. Preparing and distributing He/She can provide descriptions and designs of He/She can fully understand the He/She is able to analyse complex operational
mechatronic subsystems and is familiar with the management of technical information sequences separately in order to understand the
the technical information basic CAD applications. documents for mechatronic systems and connections and draw up maintenance and production
for adjustment of each can prepare and adapt these documents procedures. He/She can understand that the system
enterprise’s mechatronic according to an enterprise’s specific parameters are important for the equipments’ functions
systems operating requirements. and can independently assess and document the wear
and general conditions of the mechatronic equipment.

9. Diagnosing and He/She can diagnose and repair He/She can independently He/She can diagnose and repair He/She can develop, through analyses
errors and malfunctions on the correct problems in mechatronic errors and disturbances in complex of malfunctions in the mechatronic
repairing malfunctions with simple components and devices in production equipment with mechatronic equipment and is equipment, a monitoring and
mechatronic systems and the mechatronic systems. He/She the help of (computer-aided) able to advise clients on how to diagnostic system
facilities, advising clients on can use the necessary checking, diagnostic systems and the use of avoid sources of malfunctions
avoiding malfunctions, and measuring, and diagnostic tools. expert systems, databases, and through changes or upgrades in the
error documentations. equipment and system.
modifying and expanding
mechatronic systems

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