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Submission of Summative Assessment

Assessment Details

Module Code and Title MC4064NI Principles of Marketing

Course Title BA (Hons) Business Administration
Level Level 04
Cohort Autumn 2023 I
Credit Semester long
Component # Comp 001
Weight 100%
Individual Written Coursework (1500
Assessment Title
Module Lecturer Mr. Sumit Pathak

Submission Details

Student’s Name/s University ID

Prakhar Maskey 22066804

Date of submission (DD-MM-YYYY)

Word count # 1504
Company Profile: NTC..............................................................................................................................3
Value chain Analysis................................................................................................................................3
Competitor Analysis – Ncell.....................................................................................................................4
SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................................................................4
Key Marketing Issues...............................................................................................................................5
Analysis of Marketing Issues....................................................................................................................5
Recommendation and Marketing Strategies...........................................................................................6

Company Profile: NTC

Since its start, Nepal Telecom has consistently made an effort to offer its cherished consumers a high-
quality service. The technologies that best serve its clients' interests have always been chosen in order to
reach this goal. All of these efforts led to the organization's nationwide reach, which extends from urban
areas to the furthest rural locales where it is economically unviable. This is what sets this organization
apart from others.

Name Nepal Telecom

Established 13th April 2004

Founder Chandramohan Kandasamy

Headquarter Bhadrakali Plaza, Ktm

Value chain Analysis

NT is a state-owned company that provides various telecommunications services in Nepal, including
mobile, fixed-line, internet, and data services. It has a strong network coverage throughout the country,
including in remote and mountainous areas. NT operates a network of mobile, fixed-line, and internet
infrastructure that enables it to provide services to customers. NT would have a strong focus on logistics
and distribution, as it needs to ensure that its services are available to customers throughout the country.
This could include the maintenance of its infrastructure and the provision of customer service. A value
chain analysis of NT would demonstrate the company's strengths in terms of its infrastructure and
network coverage, as well as its ability to provide a range of services to customers in Nepal.
Competitor Analysis – Ncell
The rivalry between Nepal Telecom (NTC) and Ncell, the two largest telecom firms in Nepal, was
amusing. The telecom companies are engaged in fierce rivalry not merely to win over new clients, but
also to advance social causes. Nepal has experienced devastating flooding and landslides. On Friday
morning at the Prime Minister's official house in Baluwatar, Sunil Bahadur MaIla, the chairman of the
board of directors of Nepal Telecom, presented Rs 20 million to the Prime Minister's Disaster Relief Fund.
A short time later, at the same Ncell location, the rival Ncell gave RS 200 million for the same cause. CEO
Erim Taylanlar presented Prime Minister Sushil Koirala with a check for the sum. Such a healthy rivalry is
always desirable because it makes people happy.

SWOT Analysis
Economies of scale: By making it simpler to achieve economies of scale, return on investment is
increased. There are more people per tower in the Nepal Telecom market, notably in Kathmandu,
because it is a high-density location. Lower capital costs result from this. Active management group -
sustained long-term profitability. Change the price because NTC's clientele is devoted. Customers are
willing to pay for it even when the comparable rates are greater for its services. Low signal strength,
several call dropouts, and poor connection quality Late adoption of new technology: Nepal is most likely
among the last nations to do so. Consider 3G technology.

The technology is getting better and more sophisticated. These kinds of technology can be implemented
into the operations of telecom companies to boost overall performance and customer satisfaction. The
company gains a competitive advantage in the market as a result of this. The telecom industry is unable
to take risks, investigate novel technologies, or enter new markets because the government and
regulations frequently change. Studies have shown that excessive use of mobile phones is the cause of a
number of health issues, including cancer.


Strengths Product Cost, Largest market share, Strong

brand name
Weakness High Advertising Costs, Low Signal Strength

Opportunities Large Domestic Market, Untapped Rural Areas

Threats High Competition, Political Instability, Customer

Key Marketing Issues
Every Firm, big or small will face problems, criticism and issues. Few issues of Nepal Telecom have been
facing are listed down below:
 Competition
 High Pricing
 Limited access to rural area

Analysis of Marketing Issues

In Nepal, the fixed-line industry still has room to expand. A key contributor to this is the mobile market's
monopoly. The sector is anticipated to grow slightly more during the following five years through 2027 as
mobile usage for voice and data/broadband consumption continues to surge. Over the past five years,
Nepal's whole wireless market has expanded remarkably swiftly and is now fairly established. High
pricing is a common issue with state-owned companies, as they may not face the same level of
competition as private companies.

Additionally, regulatory and bureaucratic issues can also contribute to higher prices. Numerous people
have voiced their displeasure over Nepal's high telecom service prices. Many rural areas in Nepal there is
lack of infrastructure necessary for telecommunication services such as roads, equipment and electricity.
This makes it difficult and expensive for Nepal Telecom to launch and maintain equipment in rural areas.
Many peoples in rural areas of Nepal are poor in economic status and may not be able to afford the cost
of telecommunication services or equipment. Rural areas in Nepal often have low population densities,
which makes it difficult to justify the cost of providing services in these areas.

Government policies and regulations can also make it difficult for NT to provide services in rural areas
Nepal Telecom has been working on various solution to overcome this issue and has been successful to
some extent. Such as introduction of wireless technology and partnership with other companies to
improve coverage in rural areas. Nepal Telecom infrastructure and technology may not be as advanced
as other service providers, which also contributes to higher pricing. Some customers have also reported
poor customer service and network issues. The Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) is
responsible for regulating the telecommunications industry in Nepal and is working to address these
Recommendation and Marketing Strategies
Telecommunication companies often focus on expanding their network coverage, improving customer
service, and offering competitive pricing and packages to attract and retain customers. Additionally, they
may also explore new technologies such as 5G or internet of things to stay competitive in the market. If I
were the marketing manager of Nepal Telecom I will go for better improvement in marketing
segmentation. Recently the market segmentation is mostly focused on city and town area. 77 districts in
the nation have already received 4G service from Nepal Telecom. Customers must be aware of a few
things in order to use 4G service without any interruptions, even if Ntc's 4G coverage has been expanded
to 596 local levels in 77 districts.

To continue to dominate the domestic telecom market, Nepal Telecom is strategically aiming to meet its
goals. The business is constantly launching new mobile and internet service products for diverse target
markets. "We have introduced unlimited data packages for the night to GSM Prepaid subscribers," says
Vaidya, "focusing on the next generation of clients." Similar to this, NT intends to provide all of its
subscribers with additional enticing bundles. Nepal telecom is using wide variety of promotion tool to
reach to the custom in each and every possible way. The mission on Nepal Telecom is to reach every
corner of nation. For that they are investing a huge amount on promotion. NT also focuses on providing
affordable and competitive pricing for its services, as well as improving customer service. This includes
offering bundle packages for mobile, internet, and fixed-line services, and providing easy recharge
options for prepaid customers.

NT is looking into ways to sell its services efficiently because it is a major firm that offers a variety of
services simultaneously on many platforms. "We are now using social media to advertise our products
and tell customers about our many services, in addition to newspapers, broadcast media, and digital
media. Because NT offers a range of services and some individuals may become confused by them,
effective marketing is crucial "cites Vaidya.

In conclusion, after the Communications Corporation Act of 2028 was passed, Nepal Telecom was
formally established in 2032 B.S. as a completely owned government corporation called Nepal
Telecommunications Corporation with the intention of providing telecommunications services. Beyond any
else, Nepal Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) was transformed into Nepal Doorsanchar Company
Limited (NDCL) on Baisakh 1, 2061, after 29 years of incredibly fulfilling service to the populace. Nepal
Telecom is exclusively in charge of offering services to all areas of the nation because it is a public
company. They are providing services in remote areas where other business owners have fallen short of
their obligations.

Appendix I
Since I grew up in a business family and have always been very familiar with the business world, this
course has been very exciting for me. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I experienced some
ups and downs while learning and studying for this course, but I'm glad I used my own strength of
character and tenacity to get through them. Studying marketing gives you a distinct competitive
advantage because you can learn how to market your services and yourself. The value of the product and
the value of the individual or brand delivering the product are what marketing studies assist you
understand. A young professional can learn how their rivals and more seasoned professionals view value
in their industry through marketing studies, and they can utilize this knowledge to their advantage to add
value to themselves and their talents.
Key Marketing Issue for Boat Lifestyle: Brand
Differentiation in a Crowded Market
Boat Lifestyle has carved a niche in the audio accessories market by positioning itself
as a youth-oriented brand offering trendy, affordable products. However, the market is
becoming increasingly saturated, with numerous competitors offering similar options.
This raises a key marketing issue: how can Boat Lifestyle differentiate itself from the
competition and maintain its unique brand identity?

One relevant theoretical principle from services marketing that can be applied to
address this issue is relationship marketing. This approach emphasizes building strong,
long-lasting relationships with customers, focusing on exceeding their expectations and
fostering loyalty. Instead of solely focusing on product features and price, Boat Lifestyle
can leverage relationship marketing by:

 Creating a vibrant community: Cultivating a community of "boAtheads" around

shared passions like music, adventure, and self-expression through social media
engagement, exclusive events, and collaborations with youth influencers. This
fosters stronger emotional connections and brand loyalty.
 Personalized experiences: Utilizing data analytics to understand individual
customer preferences and offering personalized
recommendations, discounts, and product bundles. This creates a sense of value
and exclusivity, differentiating Boat Lifestyle from generic competitors.
 Exceptional customer service: Providing prompt, responsive, and friendly
customer service across all touchpoints builds trust and encourages repeat
business. Going the extra mile with service guarantees or loyalty programs
further incentivizes customer commitment.

By applying the principles of relationship marketing, Boat Lifestyle can shift the focus
from simply selling products to building lasting relationships with its target audience.
This creates a unique competitive advantage by fostering brand loyalty, positive word-
of-mouth, and a distinct community-driven identity, setting them apart from the
competition in the crowded audio accessories market.

Source: Gummesson, E. (2008). Total relationship marketing: Relationship marketing

revisited and integrated. Paul Routledge.

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