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International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

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What electric vehicle users want: Real-world

preferences for public charging infrastructure

John E. Anderson, Marius Lehne & Michael Hardinghaus

To cite this article: John E. Anderson, Marius Lehne & Michael Hardinghaus (2018) What electric
vehicle users want: Real-world preferences for public charging infrastructure, International Journal
of Sustainable Transportation, 12:5, 341-352, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2017.1372538

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2018, VOL. 12, NO. 5, 341–352

What electric vehicle users want: Real-world preferences for public charging
John E. Anderson , Marius Lehne, and Michael Hardinghaus
Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Center, Berlin, Germany


Electric vehicles offer a means to achieve environmental goals within personal passenger transportation. Received 21 October 2016
However, one central challenge in transitioning to electric vehicles remains the lack of adequate public Revised 23 August 2017
charging infrastructure. In this paper, we address this challenge by focusing on user preferences for public Accepted 23 August 2017
charging infrastructure. We present new insights from a survey of 843 electric vehicle users in Germany KEYWORDS
regarding their preferences for public charging infrastructure. The online survey allowed users to locate Charging station; electric
additional public charging stations required for their personal use and define the characteristics for each vehicles; mobility; online
station: charging power, location description, accessibility, and expected frequency of use. survey; preferences; public
From the results we identify a need for more public charging infrastructure. We find three critical charging infrastructure
overarching user preferences and three central infrastructure strategies. First, there is a preference for
semi-fast (22 kW AC) charging stations. Second, we find that slow charging (3.7 kW AC) is acceptable for
frequently used stations, whereas fast charging (50 kW DC) is desired for infrequently used stations. Third,
slow charging is acceptable for locations where vehicles are parked over a longer period of time. For
public charging infrastructure strategies, a mix of all station characteristics is critical. There should be
infrastructure where people already park plus an additional backup fast network for infrequent charging.
Finally, public stations should be provided mainly outside of the freeway system. The results of the survey
provide valuable insights into effective and user-oriented public charging infrastructure, which is critical to
the success of electric vehicles.

1. Introduction
(Barisa, Rosa, & Kisele, 2016; Rahman, Vasant, Singh, Abdul-
Electric vehicles are crucial to achieving environment goals in the lah-Al-Wadud, & Adnan, 2016). As charging infrastructure is
transportation sector. Huo, Cai, Zhang, Liu, and He (2015) show essential for the success of electric vehicles, significant research
that during operation, electric vehicles have the potential to reduce has been conducted in this area. A major theme in infrastruc-
both greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. Furthermore, ture research is planning strategies for charging stations. These
life-cycle assessments over the entire life span of electric vehicles strategies focus on development of methods to determine opti-
(i.e., cradle to grave) find that electric vehicles can reduce green- mal infrastructure requirements and placement. These methods
house gas emissions compared to internal combustion engine include mixed logit models (Sun, Yamamoto, & Morikawa,
vehicles (Archsmith, Kendall, & Rapson, 2015; Tagliaferri et al., 2016), multi-objective optimization models (Yi & Bauer, 2016),
2016). Based on the environmental promise of electric vehicles, bottom-up multi-agent based approaches (Xydas, Marmaras, &
numerous national governments encourage transitioning personal Cipcigan, 2016), demand estimation models (Ji, Nicholas, &
motorized transportation to electric vehicles (Bundesregierung, Tal, 2015), and activity-based approaches (Dong, Liu, & Lin,
2009; U.S. Department of Energy, 2009). 2014). Other researchers have focused on the technical aspects
For example, the German Federal Government set of goal of of charging infrastructure as the drive for planning strategies
having one million electric vehicles on the streets of Germany by (Funke, Gnann, & Pl€otz, 2015; Gnann, Pl€otz, & Haag, 2013).
2020 (Bundesregierung, 2009). Electric vehicles are central to Ger- These planning strategies have been evaluated for different
many’s overarching environmental objective to reduce greenhouse scenarios for large-scale infrastructure plans (e.g., state-wide)
gas emissions and energy use, while increasing renewable energy (Melaina & Helwig, 2014). While these methodologies provide
production (Bundesregierung, 2009). However, to date only useful insights into infrastructure planning, they have an over-
68,000 electric vehicles are registered in Germany (7% of the 2020 arching limitation: they do not account for the actual users of
goal) (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, 2017). As illustrated by this example, charging infrastructure.
the ability to fulfill electric vehicle goals is called into question. Research is starting to provide insights into electric vehicle
One central challenge in transitioning to electric vehicles users. To date several studies have been conducted regarding
remains the lack of adequate public charging infrastructure charging behavior and usage patterns of current electric vehicle

CONTACT John E. Anderson Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Center, Berlin 10245, Germany.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

users (Franke & Krems, 2013a; Morrissey, Weldon, & substantial, and unmet, target for electric vehicles and the gov-
O’Mahony, 2016; Nicholas, Tal, & Turrentine, 2017; Weldon, ernment’s strong desire to transition to electric vehicles. Pres-
Morrissey, Brady, & O’Mahony, 2016). Additional studies on ently, there are just over 14,100 charging points in Germany,
electric vehicle users focus on user habits and attitudes (Barisa which relates to 3.8 electric vehicles per charging point
et al., 2016) and user satisfaction with current infrastructure (European Alternative Fuels Observatory, 2016). Germany is
and their willingness to pay (California Center for Sustainable also ideal as a case study as it represents a country at the cross-
Energy, 2012). Further, examining actual electric vehicle users over point between early adopters and a mass-market. To
has been proven useful in gaining new insights into charging obtain one million electric vehicles would require 9% of all new
behavior (Franke & Krems, 2013a). While insightful, these vehicle registrations by 2020 to be electric vehicles.
studies focus solely on current charging infrastructure and do In the following section we outline the methodology for the
not address the need for additional infrastructure. Thus, rec- study: overview of the survey design, survey sample, and imple-
ommendations for the future buildup of public charging infra- mentation of the survey. Then we present the results from the
structure are absent. survey and analyze the data to provide insights into user
Consequently, there is little research on real-world electric preferences for public charging infrastructure. This is followed by
vehicle users’ demand for additional public charging infrastruc- a discussion of the results, and finally by the research conclusions.
ture. While potential electric vehicle users are critical to achieve
a mass-market, they are problematic in understanding addi-
2. Methodology
tional infrastructure needs. First, they have no experience with
electric vehicles and charging. Second, they have numerous In this section outline the methodology used to determine elec-
additional barriers in transitioning besides adequate charging tric vehicle user preferences for public charging infrastructure.
infrastructure, and these barriers should be explored in separate We present the survey sample followed by an overview of the
research. Thus, charging infrastructure preferences of current survey design. Then we review the online survey tool and the
electric vehicle users are essential to understand future infra- different properties available to the respondents for each charg-
structure needs. ing station.
In assessing additional infrastructure demands, user prefer-
ence surveys offer a useful methodology to determine preferen-
2.1. Survey sample of electric vehicles users in Germany
ces. Hensher, Barnard, and Truong (1988) justified the role of
stated preference methods when surveying travel choices Between December 2013 and February 2014 the Institute of
(Hensheret al., 1988). In the area of new technologies and infra- Transport Research at the Germany Aerospace Center con-
structure, user preference surveys offer a proven tool to under- tacted over 9,200 registered electric vehicle owners with the
stand how best to address future developments. For example, goal of researching their use behavior. The sample group was
Wardman, Bonsall, and Shires (1997) surveyed the impact of registered battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid
message signs on drivers’ route choice. Mertens et al. (2016) vehicle (PHEV) owners in Germany. Companies, as well as
determined the most important environmental factors to assess car-sharing and car rental services, were excluded from the sur-
when improving a street for active modes of transportation. vey. Of the initial sample, 3,111 private persons took part in an
User preferences have proven useful in studying alternative fuel online survey regarding electric vehicle user behavior (Frenzel,
vehicles, new technologies, electric vehicle range, and fast- Jarass, Trommer, & Lenz, 2015).
charging stations (Franke & Krems, 2013b; Greene, Lin, & From this initial survey group, 2,300 persons agreed to be
Dong, 2013; Philipsen, Schmidt, van Heek, & Ziefle, 2016). Fur- contacted for future research projects. Between February 9th
ther, several research papers have utilized stated preference sur- and 11th, 2016 these persons were contacted again regarding
veys to gain potential insights into alternative fuel vehicles the present study on user preferences for public charging infra-
(Bahamonde-Birke & Hanappi, 2016; Hackbarth & Madlener, structure. In total, 2,228 email addresses were found to be valid.
2013; Hidrue, Parsons, Kempton, & Gardner, 2011; Jabeen, Upon emailing the sample group, 71 samples resulted in an
Olaru, Smith, Braunl, & Speidel, 2013). email error message, which were reviewed and contacted again.
Initial findings on user preferences for public charging infra- A reminder email regarding the survey was sent on February
structure provide useful first insights, but must be updated for 17th, 2016.
the fast-changing electric vehicle landscape with new vehicle
models, increased electric range, and faster charging stations
2.2. Survey design, online survey tool, and data collection
(Nicholas, Tal, & Woodjack, 2013). Thus, new insights regard-
ing public charging infrastructure are needed to ensure the suc- In order to collect electric vehicle user preferences for pub-
cess of electric vehicles. Further data is needed regarding where lic charging infrastructure, we created an online survey tool.
charging infrastructure should be located, technical specifica- The online tool allows survey respondents to navigate an
tions of stations, different charging speeds, and frequency of online map (Agafonkin, 2015) and place charging stations
use of the infrastructure. This allows for the identification of at exact longitude and latitude locations. Each user was
individual charging patterns and provides insights into overall given a unique anonymous identity code allowing them
infrastructure strategies. access to the tool. This prevented users from replying mul-
This paper addresses the challenge of electric vehicle build- tiple times and prevented the access of unauthorized partic-
up by focusing on user preferences for public charging infra- ipants. There was no limit on the number of stations
structure. The research is conducted for Germany due to the respondents could place. Upon entering a valid code to start

the survey, users were asked if additional public charging Table 1. Properties available to survey respondents for each placed charging
stations are needed or not, if additional stations are needed station.
users were asked: “Please identify your personal need for Charging power  3.7 kW AC (slow)
public charging infrastructure.”  22 kW AC (semi-fast)
 50 kW DC and higher (fast)
The online survey tool is shown in Figure 1. For each placed Location description  Work
charging station, users had the opportunity to identify specific Personal work location
properties of the charging station. A total of four categories are Other work location
 Education/child care
defined: charging power, location description, accessibility, and Day care/Kindergarten
frequency of use. The charging power levels were selected in Elementary school
accordance to common infrastructure solutions in Germany Other school
and the functionality of electric vehicles in stock. Location Other educational center
description and frequency of use are specified according to the  Shopping
main German travel surveys (Ahrens, Ließke, Wittwer, & Daily shopping needs
Other shopping needs
Hubrich, 2009; Follmer et al., 2010). The available responses  Chores
for each of the categories are summarized in Table 1. It was Doctor
possible for a respondent to place a station without providing Post office
any additional information (i.e., “not selected” is a valid Government office
response for each property). Other
3. Analysis and results Private (e.g., friend’s apartment)
Now we present the results of the survey for electric vehicle Large event (e.g., rock concert, sporting event)
user preferences for public charging infrastructure. We review Other leisure activity
 Own house/apartment
the initial response data, preprocessing carried out, and the  Stop-to-charge
analysis of the findings. This section focuses on presenting the  Other
results. In the following discussion section, we explore the find- Accessibility  Publically accessible area (e.g., parking garage,
supermarket parking lot, gas station)
ings and insights gained from the results.  Public street
Prior to any data preprocessing 2,665 stations were placed by Frequency of use  (Nearly) daily
survey responders. Of the initial 2,228 contacted persons, a total  1–3 days per week
 1–3 day per month
of 843 persons responded (38% response rate). Of this total, 773  Less frequently
persons placed at least one station (92%) and 70 persons saw no

Figure 1. Example of a neighborhood in Berlin, Germany in the online survey tool for exact locations of charging infrastructure. For each station, users can give the
following properties of the station: charging power, location description, accessibility of station, and frequency of use of station.

Figure 2. Geographic distribution of the total 2,472 public charging stations placed by the survey respondents (blue lines indicate the German freeway system).

need for additional stations (8%). Geographical analysis of the structure (i.e., urban, suburban, rural) for each station using
data revealed several stations located outside of Germany. As the the stations’ geographical location and information from the
first data preprocessing step, we remove stations outside of Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBSR,
Germany leaving a total of 2,604 stations from 763 respondents. 2012). The distribution of the charging stations per regional
Using this data set, the average number of stations placed structure is presented in Figure 3. Of the total stations, 28%
per respondent is 3.4 with a standard deviation of 6.3. The (680) are located in urban areas, 42% (1,026) in suburban areas,
largest number of stations for one user was 122, followed by and 31% (766) in rural areas.
45 stations. In order to prevent this large number of stations We next analyze the data per charging power preferences of
from influencing the results, we remove all 122 stations electric vehicle users in Germany. For charging power, the
placed by this user. We justify removing these station as the respondents select “3.7 kW AC” with 22%, “22 kW AC” with
respondent did not seem to understand the focus of the 50%, “50 kW DC and above” with 22%, and “Not selected”
study: identifying personal needs not national coverage. with 5% (Figure 4).
Removing this respondent reduces the data set to 2,482 sta- Survey respondents’ preferences by location are presented in
tions from 762 respondents. Finally, 10 stations are from Figure 5. The results are “Work” with 16%, “Education/day
respondents without an identification code so we remove care” with 1%, “Own house/apartment” with 3%, “Shopping”
these stations. The final data set has 761 respondents and with 18%, “Chores” with 5%, “Leisure” with 18%, “Other” with
2,472 stations. Next, we review the overarching results for all 6%, “Stop-to-charge” with 29%, and “Not selected” with 5%.
stations (aggregates results) followed by the individual results The station results based on accessibility are 47% (1,171 sta-
based on user groups (group results). tions) for “Publically accessible,” 47% (1,164 stations) for “Pub-
lic street,” and 6% (137 stations) for “Not selected.” These
results are not presented graphically. Finally, station distribu-
3.1. Aggregate results: Analysis of public charging station
tion per frequency of use is illustrated in Figure 6. Here
“(nearly) daily” has 18%, “1–3 days per week” has 24%,
The 2,472 public charging stations from the survey are plotted “1–3 days per month” has 33%, “Less frequently” has 20%, and
in Figure 2 to show their distribution within Germany. “Not selected” has 5%.
In order to better understand the geographical implications Analysis of stations based on multiple-characteristics is also
of the selected charging stations, we identify the regional of interest. Figure 7 illustrates stations per regional structure

Figure 3. Results of selected stations per regional structure.

Figure 4. Results of selected stations per charging power. Figure 6. Results of selected stations per frequency of use.

and charging power, Figure 8 presents stations per location and Of the 2,472 public charging stations, 473 (19%) are along
charging power, and Figure 9 shows stations per frequency of the freeway and 1,999 (81%) are outside the freeway. For the
use and charging power. stations outside the freeways the results show 26% with
Finally, the top 10 most common stations based on the char- “3.7 kW AC,” 52% with “22 kW AC,” 16% with “50 kW DC,”
acteristics location, power, and frequency of use are shown in and 6% with “Not selected.” Groups along the freeway are as
Figure 10. The top four choices were all “Stop-to-charge” with follows: 6% with “3.7 kW AC,” 42% with “22 kW AC,” 49%
either 22 kW AC or 50 kW DC. with “50 kW DC,” and 3% with “Not selected.” These results
are shown in Figure 11. The survey results along the freeway
3.2. Stations and the freeway system are shown geographically in Figure 12; results outside the free-
way system are shown in Figure 13. These maps show many
We now analyze the results in relations to their proximity to the stations along the freeway system located in urban areas. The
Germany freeway (i.e., Autobahn). All public charging stations uncertain influence of near freeway versus urban environment
are identified as either lying along the freeway system (i.e., using a seems to further reduce the significance of stations along the
buffer of 250 m from the freeway) or as being outside the freeway freeway system.
system (i.e., all other stations outside the buffer).

Figure 5. Results of selected stations per location. Figure 7. Results of selected stations per regional structure and charging power.

Figure 8. Results of selected stations per location and charging power. Figure 11. Charging stations per charging power and location outside freeways/

70th, 80th, 90th, and 95th percentiles are 3, 4, 7, and 10 sta-

tions, respectively.
To understand the importance of fast charging (i.e., “50 kW
DC and higher”) the histogram of the responses for fast charg-
ing stations is presented in Figure 14. Of the 761 survey
respondents, 80% of the respondents did not select a single fast
charging station. The maximum number of fast charging sta-
tions per respondent is 40, the minimum 0, the mean 0.72, and
the standard deviation 2.84. These results show that users over-
whelmingly want slow and semi-fast public charging stations.
Only 10% of respondents see the need for one fast charging sta-
Figure 9. Results of selected stations per frequency of use and charging power. tion. Thus we see a strong signal away from fast charging sta-
tions in public infrastructure.
3.3. Group results: Analysis of individual user Next we analyze the survey results to determine if over-
perspectives on public charging infrastructure arching electric vehicle user groups can be identified based
on their station selections. The first grouping of respondents
Now we review the results based on individual user perspec- is based on the regional structure of their charging stations.
tive, overall and per groups. As stated previously, the We identify users based on the location of the majority (i.e.,
response rate of the survey was 38%, with 92% of respond- over 50%) of all their selected stations. There are four groups
ents indicating the need for at least one additional charging identified. The first group is “urban-majority,” which has a
station. From the post-processed data set, the mean number majority of their selected stations (i.e. over 50% of all sta-
of stations per user is 3.2 stations and the median number of tions per person) in urban areas. The second group, “subur-
stations per user is 2. The standard deviation for stations per ban-majority,” has a majority of their stations in suburban
user is 4.6 and the maximum number of stations for one areas. The third group, “rural-majority,” has a majority of
user is 45. The number of stations desired by users for the their stations in rural areas. The fourth and final group, “no-
majority,” does not have a majority of their stations in
urban, suburban, or rural areas. The resulting number of
respondents per group is as follows: 27% (208 persons)
“urban-majority,” 39% (299 persons) “suburban-majority,”
26% (195 persons) “rural-majority,” and 8% (59 persons)
“no-majority.” This result indicates a roughly even spread of
stations between the three regional groups. Due to privacy
limitations, we do not have users’ home or work locations
and thus cannot correlate these locations to station locations.
Thus, it is possible that this distribution simply reflects the
users’ home locations. The take away, however, is that addi-
tional public charging stations across all three regional types
are seen as necessary.
For the second analysis of user groups, we examine the loca-
Figure 10. Summary of the top 10 most common stations per location, power, and
frequency of use: 1: Stop-to-charge, 22 kW AC, 1–3 days per month 2: Stop-to- tion description variable (Table 1). The location description
charge, 50 kW DC, less frequently 3: Stop-to-charge, 50 kW DC, 1–3 days per describes the activity that the respondent would carry out in
month 4: Stop-to-charge, 22 kW AC, less frequently 5: Shopping, 22 kW AC, 1– conjunction with the charging station identified (e.g., working
3 days per week 6: Work, 22 kW AC, (nearly) daily 7: Shopping, 22 kW AC, 1–3 days
per month 8: Leisure, 22 kW AC, 1–3 days per month 9: Work, 3.7 kW AC, (nearly) (“work”) or taking care of chores (“daily shopping needs”)).
daily 10: Leisure, 22 kW AC, less frequently. However, there is also the option for “stop-to-charge,” which is

Figure 12. Results showing public charging stations placed along the freeway (473 in total) differentiated by charging power.

Figure 13. Results showing public charging stations outside the freeway system (1,999 in total) differentiated by charging power.

Figure 14. Partial histogram of the 761 respondents selecting a station with a Figure 16. Users grouped by charging location preference non-freeway, freeway,
charge power of “50 kW DC and higher.” and other.

similar to typical refueling for an internal combustion engine persons). The results clearly show that users want public charg-
vehicle. Here no other activities, aside from refueling, are per- ing infrastructure outside the freeway system.
formed. We can therefore analyze the location description to
determine what type of charging stations are actually sought.
The two main user groups are those desiring stations to be
3.4. Grouping users by multiple variables
used during another activity (“all except stop-to-charge”) and
those desiring stations to be used solely for refueling and no The next grouping of electrical vehicle users is per user prefer-
other activity is completed during this time (“stop-to-charge”). ences for regional structure and charging power. The grouping
Finally, users could also choose the location description of the respondents is done as follows. First, all respondents
“other.” This variable is unclear whether other activities would with a majority of one station type (i.e., charging power and
be completed during the charging event or not. This is included region) are assigned this station type for their group. Next,
as the third possible user group. Again, the groups are defined some respondents have 50% of one station type and less than
by a majority of their stations (i.e., over 50%) in one of the three 50% for all other station types. These users are assigned the
groups: “all except stop-to-charge,” “stop-to-charge,” and 50% station type as their group.
“other.” Figure 15 shows the results for the location description Some respondents have two station types, each making up
analysis. The group “all except stop-to-charge” has 77% (587 50% of their total preferences. These respondents are assigned
persons) followed by “stop-to-charge” with 19% (145 persons) to the group “two station types.” Next, respondents with no
and finally “other” with 4% (29 persons). majority of station types (i.e., less than 50%) are assigned the
For the third analysis of user groups, we examine where user station type “no majority” of stations. Finally, the respondents
groups want stations in relation to freeways. Similar to the with a majority of station types selected without power infor-
other group analyses, we define the groups based on where a mation are given the “no power selected” station type.
majority of their stations are located. The three groups are as The results are shown in Figure 17. The groups are as fol-
follows: the “non-freeway” group has a majority of their sta- lows: “urban/suburban –slow” (17%), “urban/suburban –semi-
tions outside the freeway network, the “freeway” group has a fast/fast” (33%), “rural –slow” (6%), “rural –semi-fast/fast”
majority of their stations along the freeway network, and finally (12%), “freeway –slow” (1%), “freeway –semi-fast/fast” (11%),
the “other” group does not satisfy either of the previous two “power not selected” (7%), “2 station types” (7%), and “no
groups. The results are presented in Figure 16. The group majority” (5%).
“non-freeway” has 85% (650 persons), the group “freeway” has
12% (93 persons), and the remaining group “other” has 2% (18

Figure 17. Users grouped by regional structure and charging power. All locations
are non-freeway unless otherwise indicated by freeway. Two station types indicate
that two station types are equally preferred. No majority indicates that no single
Figure 15. Users grouped by charging type preference. station type is preferred at least 50% by the users.

The next grouping looks at the groups based on charging Second, slow charging is acceptable for frequently used
power and frequency of use. The interest here lies in slow-fre- charging stations, whereas fast charging is required for stations
quent versus fast-infrequent charging preferences by electric used infrequently. As shown in Figure 9, users want more fast
vehicle users. The groups are formed using the same method charging for infrequently used stations. This is also seen when
described above for the regional structure and charging power grouping users based on charging power and frequency
grouping. The results are shown in Figure 18. The groups (Figure 18). Therefore, the charging speed of the infrastructure
are “3.7 kW –infrequent” (10%), “3.7 kW –frequent” (14%), should be directly tied to the frequency of use.
“22 kW –infrequent” (18%), “22 kW –frequent” (25%), “50 kW Third, slow charging is acceptable at locations where electric
–infrequent” (8%), “50 kW –frequent” (6%), “power not vehicles are parked over a longer period of time, whereas fast
selected” (10%), “2 station types” (7%), and “no majority” (2%). charging is required for short stops. In particular, electric
vehicles parked at work (a location with long time periods
available to charge) have the highest percentage of slow charg-
4. Discussion ing stations (Figure 8). Figure 8 also shows that semi-fast and
The survey results on real-world user preferences for public fast chargers are preferred for “stop-to-charge” events. This
charging infrastructure provide numerous new and useful finding is also verified in Figure 10 where the only slow charg-
insights. The research is of particular relevance as countries ing station among the top 10 stations is at work. All other sta-
remain far from their stated goals for electric vehicles due in tions are semi-fast or fast charging stations.
part to insufficient public charging infrastructure. The results
are also useful to ensure that countries are able to transition
4.2. Charging infrastructure strategies
from early adopters to a mass-market. In this section, we out-
line the major theses for charging infrastructure preferences The first strategy for public charging infrastructure is to pro-
and charging infrastructure planning strategies. vide a mix of all station characteristics. This mixture of charac-
Overall, the results illustrate a need for more public charging teristics includes regional structure, charging power, location,
infrastructure, although it is not much per person. We find that accessibility, and frequency of use. First, stations should be pro-
92% of respondents see a need for additional infrastructure. vided in all regional structures. We find that the placed stations
However, there is low individual demand: single respondents are fairly equally distributed between regional structures (i.e.,
specify very few additional stations. On average an additional urban, suburban, and rural) (Figure 3). Next, public infrastruc-
3.2 stations are selected by each respondent (standard deviation ture must be offered at various charging power levels and at
of 4.6 stations). Eighty percent of the respondents would be sat- numerous locations. While semi-fast has the most stations,
isfied with 4 additional stations. Thus, more public charging slow and fast stations are also desired by users (Figure 4).
stations are needed, but not that many per person. Regarding downward compatibility of charging power and the
possibility of integrating multifunctional chargers, it should be
up to potential operators to exceed minimal requirements indi-
4.1. Charging infrastructure preferences cated in the survey. The same applies for multi-level chargers.
For charging infrastructure preferences, the first finding is that In addition, users want stations not just at stop-to-charge
the majority of stations should at least be semi-fast, but do not locations, but also stations at work, shopping, and leisure
necessarily need to be fast. There is a clear preference for sta- (Figure 5). Next, stations must simply be accessible from the
tions with semi-fast charging power (22 kW AC) followed by users’ point-of-view. Thus both types of accessibility are accept-
an almost equal number of slow (3.7 kW AC) and fast (50 kW able, and therefore both the private sector (e.g., stores) and the
DC) stations (Figure 4). In addition, regardless of regional public sector (e.g., public street administrators) should be
structure, semi-fast stations are always preferred by respond- involved in infrastructure planning. Also, public charging infra-
ents (Figure 7), and seven of the ten most popular station types structure must allow for multiple frequencies of use. As illus-
are semi-fast (Figure 10). trated in Figure 6, numerous frequencies of use are desired by
respondents: some infrastructure regularly and some only occa-
sionally as a backup. These results also show that users do not
expect public stations to meet their daily charging needs.
Rather they want to have the additional charging infrastructure
as a backup (i.e., 1–3 days per month). This is supported by
Figure 10, which shows that accounting for all attributes of the
stations only two of the top ten station preferences are for daily
The second infrastructure strategy is to provide public infra-
structure where people already park plus an additional backup
fast network. We find that infrastructure should be provided at
common locations (i.e., work, shopping, leisure) to ensure users
can maintain their current travel patterns (Figure 5). This infra-
structure network should then be supplemented by backup sta-
Figure 18. Users grouped by charging power and frequency of use (Freq. – fre-
quent, Infreq. – Infrequent) (Infrequent – “1–3days per month” and “less fre- tions for emergency charging (i.e., stop-to-charge) (Figure 5).
quently;” frequent – “daily” and “1–3 days per week”). This strategy avoids creating charging infrastructure similar to

the classical gas station model. We see that users overwhelming In addition, this research survey did not include cost infor-
want infrastructure that is not stop-to-charge (Figure 15), but mation. This was done due to the absence of adequate cost data
rather distributed across numerous other locations (Figure 5). for public charging infrastructure. Further, available cost data
Thus building up electric vehicle charging infrastructure similar do not reflect actual supply costs as the market is in the start-
to gas station infrastructure is not recommended. However, up phase and subsidized. This might lead to some over-prefer-
some stop-to-charge infrastructure will be needed to supple- ence for faster chargers. However, based on the results and the
ment the other stations (Figure 10). In addition, Figure 11 fact that the respondents are experienced electric vehicle users,
shows that an overwhelming number of users only want slow the bias is taken to be insignificant.
and semi-fast public charging stations. This is further sup- It should be noted that respondents may identify more
ported in Figure 15, which shows that users desire charging infrastructure (on a station per vehicle basis) as than is actually
during other activities rather than just stopping to charge. Thus required. This initial ratio may provide an initial oversupply
the infrastructure model of gasoline stations is not desired for for the small market share of electric vehicles, which would be
this new infrastructure. While it is well known that users prefer reduced upon achieving a mass-market.
private charging while doing other activities (e.g., sleeping),
this is also the case for public charging. This new and interest-
ing finding offers unique insights into public charging infra-
structure planning. Conclusion
For the region-power group analysis, we find that the Electric vehicles are critical to achieving environmental goals
group urban/suburban–semi-fast/fast is the dominate group ranging from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to ensuring
(Figure 17). This is followed by the urban/suburban–slow the expansion of renewable energy use. However, despite
group. This may be due to the concentration of home or aggressive government goals for electric vehicles around the
work locations for respondents in these areas. However, as world, up-take of this new technology is significantly lagging. A
this data was not available due to privacy concerns, this can- major challenge for electric vehicles remains the need for ade-
not be confirmed. The charging power-frequency group anal- quate public charging infrastructure. In order to address this
ysis shows that slower stations are anticipated to be used challenge, this paper surveyed 843 electric vehicle users in Ger-
more frequently (Figure 18). In addition, we see a lower fre- many in order to identify user preferences for public charging
quency of use for fast charging stations (Figures 9 and 18). infrastructure.
However, very few individuals are satisfied only with this From the results, we identify a need for more public charg-
fast network (i.e., stop-to-charge) (Figure 15). Thus, we ing infrastructure. In addition, we find three critical overarch-
anticipate an initial low utilization rate for these fast charg- ing user preferences and three central infrastructure strategies.
ing stations, which may require short-term subsides to First, there is a preference for semi-fast charging stations. Sec-
enable profitability over the long-term. ond, we find that slow charging is acceptable for frequently
The third and final infrastructure strategy is that public used stations, whereas fast charging is desired for infrequently
charging stations should be mainly provided outside of the free- used stations. Third, slow charging is acceptable for locations
way system with a small backup infrastructure on freeways. where vehicles are parked over a longer period of time. For
From the results, we see that most stations are needed outside public charging infrastructure strategies, we find that providing
of freeways and (Figure 11). As expected, the results show that a mix of all station characteristics is critical. Next, there should
outside of freeways there is a preference for slow infrastructure be public charging infrastructure where people already park
and on freeways there is a preference for fast infrastructure. plus an additional backup fast network for infrequent charging.
Based on this, we recommend avoiding a charging infrastruc-
ture model similar to the distribution of traditional gasoline
4.3. Limitations and future research stations. Finally, public charging stations should be mainly pro-
The limitations of this research and the results must also be vided outside of the freeway system with a small backup infra-
considered. First, the survey respondents were identified as structure supply on freeways.
early adopters for electric vehicles and thus have unique This timely survey on real-world user preferences for public
characteristics that do not mirror the larger society (i.e., high charging infrastructure highlights critical insights in planning
income, highly educated, open to new technologies, environ- user-oriented infrastructure. These findings lay the framework
mentally aware) (Frenzel et al., 2015). On one hand, this for the successful adaption of electric vehicles, and in turn also
group has already adopted to the system of electric mobility for achieving the associated environmental objectives.
despite lacking public charging infrastructure. On the other
hand, this is the only experienced group to question about
realistic user needs. In transitioning from a niche to a mass-
market for electric vehicles, understanding the preferences
and barriers of potential adopters is also critical. Future This research was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic
research should examine the barriers of potential users in Affairs and Energy under the project LADEN2020: Concept to build up a
demand-oriented charging infrastructure in Germany between today and
detail. However, as the electric vehicle market is not yet a 2020 (Grant number: 01MX15001) and CCS: Combined charging system:
mass-market, early adopters remain the only available users Development and demonstration of fast charging stations (Grant number:
to question at this time. 16SBB017H).

ORCID of Hydrogen Energy, 38(36), 15857–15867.

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