Recent Trends in Mechatronic System

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Topic: Recent trends in mechatronic systems

Submitted To:
Priyo Nath Roy


Department of Mechatronics, KUET.

Submitted By:
Name: Faria Sultana Mimi

Department: Mechatronics Engineering

Roll: 1931001

Batch: 2k19

Year: 1’st

Date: 30/ 11/ 2020

Mechatronics: An overview
The name "mechatronics" was originated in 1969 by the senior Japanese engineer
Tetsura Mori, and the field has indeed been said to have grown out of robotics.
Early on, robot arms were uncoordinated and had no sensory feedback, but as
advances were made in programming, sensor technology, and control, the robotic
movements became more coordinated. Mechatronics is the combination of
mechanical, electrical and electronic control and automation, and computer

The main research task of mechatronics is the development and control of

advanced hybrid systems covering all these fields, supported by interdisciplinary
studies. Several new technologies have emerged, allowing designers to
revolutionize their approach. Some ideas were impossible to implement a decade
ago, but with the advent of these new technologies these ideas have been
revised, and mechatronic design methods are considered. As mechatronic
systems get more complex, the challenges associated with successfully executing
them also become more demanding.

The purpose of this Special Issue, in general, is to help better understand how
mechatronics will impact the practice and research of developing advanced
techniques to model, control, and optimize complex systems. This Special Issue
presents the recent state of advances in mechatronics and related technologies
including automatic control, robotics, agent-based systems, smart manufacturing,
and Industry 4.0. The selected topics give an overview of the state-of-the-art and
present new research results and prospects of future development in the
interdisciplinary field of mechatronic systems. This Special Issue will provide up-
to-date and useful knowledge for researchers and engineers involved in
mechatronics and related fields. We welcome high-quality original research and
review articles that cover a broad range of topics related to theoretical and
applied aspects of modern mechatronics.
List of topics that are associated with mechatronics:
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

 Advanced smart automation technologies in mechatronics.

 MEMS dynamics and control.

 Sensor design and data collection approaches.

 Model-based mechatronic system design.

 Mechatronics and smart manufacturing systems.

 Computational intelligence in mechatronic systems.

 Artificial intelligence in mechatronic systems.

 Mechanism synthesis, analysis, and design

 Modelling, control, and optimization of complex mechatronic systems

 Novel robotic systems.

 Intelligent health monitoring and supervisory control of mechatronic


 Medical mechatronics for healthcare.

 (AI) Internet of Things (IOT)

 Big Data

 Intelligent machinery and cybernetic physical system.

 System Integration Technology

 Oriented complex application robotics

 Model-based parallel design and intelligent evaluation for complex machine

 Nanotechnology and Sensor Networks

 Automotive engineering

 Avionics computer hardware systems and control systems

 Data communications and networks

 Electromagnetic energy conversions

 Human-machine interface engineering and ergonomics

 Process plant and manufacturing systems

 Thermofluids

 Haptic interface

 Mechanical vibrations

Advanced Smart Automation Technologies in

Advanced smart automation technology in the automation field have made great
progress in recent decades, and it has now become a popular term in the field of
electrical/mechanic engineering. Many researchers in this topic have made great
efforts to develop methodologies for mechanical system, power and energy
system, biological and health care system, etc., and these research results have
also promoted the development of Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and Internet
of Things. With the advancement of hardware providing more powerful
computing environments, researchers have been able to challenge solving larger
and more complex system problems. Driven by such motivation, the innovative
methodologies of smart technologies are proposed not only in area of
engineering but also in new paradigms in computer science. In addition,
Automation Technologies researchers have applied the developed methods to
solve various real world problems such as robotic system. This special issue
includes all the intelligent technologies in physical, engineering, biological studies,
and their various novel applications.

MEMS dynamics and control

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have been widely used to develop high-
performance transducers, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors,
and microphones, as well as radio frequency (RF) signal processing components,
including filters, switches, and clocks, among many other high-value devices. Due
to their small size, repeatable batch fabrication processes, straightforward
integration with microelectronics, and high performance, MEMS have replaced a
number of conventional technologies. Some of the largest application domains for
MEMS include mobile communications, consumer products, such as smartphones
and tablets, the automotive industry, and industrial sensing.

While the progress of MEMS has been astounding in terms of performance and
reliability, the vast majority of research in the field has yet to embrace concepts
from the fields of dynamic systems and control even though MEMS are highly
dynamic. Instead, there has been a focus on optimizing the design, fabrication,
and integration of MEMS to make exceptionally linear, passive devices with
uncomplicated electromechanical dynamics. There are exceptions, such as the
development of closed-loop gyroscopes for inertial navigation, but even here
advanced control system approaches are rarely employed. Due to the maturity of
many MEMS sensors and components, however, it is becoming difficult to make
performance improvements through continued modifications to the
electromechanical design and fabrication.

The main goals of this special issue are to provide a snapshot of the state of the
art for the dynamics and control of MEMS and to highlight how performance can
be improved through dynamic systems and control approaches.
Sensor design and data collection approaches

Essential part of a mechatronics system is the measurement system that senses

the variations in the physical parameters, such as temperature, pressure,
displacement, and so on, and converts it to voltage or current. The control of
industrial processes and automated manufacturing systems requests accurate,
moreover, linearized sensor measurements, where numerous sensors have
nonlinear characteristics. In mechatronic systems, accurate measurement of the
dynamic variables plays a vital role for the actuators to function properly. This
chapter presents linearization methods and a measurement system in
mechatronics consisting of temperature sensors and the signal-conditioning
circuits, providing detailed information on design process of an embedded
measurement and linearization system. This system uses a 32-bit microcontroller
for thermocouple (T/C) cold junction compensation, amplification of low output
voltage, then conversion to digital, and linearization of the type K thermocouple’s
output by software to output a desired signal. Piecewise and polynomial methods
are used in linearization software, and the implemented embedded system for
the linearization of a type K T/C is presented as a case study. The obtained results
are compared to give an insight to the researchers who work on measurement
systems in mechatronics.

Mechatronics and smart manufacturing systems

The Smart Mechatronics/Intelligent Manufacturing Research initiative at
Louisiana State University has designed and implemented an object control model
for a simple manufacturing cell. Using object oriented programming and design
has allowed the internal program structure (virtual cell space) to closely match
the physical cell construction (physical cell space). This paper discusses the second
phase of the cell implementation in which the existing C++ objects were
implemented as autonomous units under operating system control. The operating
system used is Microsoft R Windows™ and Windows for Workgroups™ 3.1. Since
each object is autonomous, they can assume the properties of self-monitoring
agents in the system rather than simple request servers under the sole control of
the calling object. Communication between objects is facilitated by the operating
system using dynamic data exchange (DDE) calls or by compiling the module into
dynamic link library (DLL) modules. This arrangement of system control
architecture increases system autonomy, concurrence, and ease of use for a
relatively small overhead penalty.

Computational intelligence in mechatronic systems

Modern mechatronic systems are currently experiencing immense changes in the
fourth Industrial revolution with the recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI)
techniques, big data analytics, cutting-edge telecommunication technologies,
control theory and microelectronics. Mechatronic systems become highly
multidisciplinary with an ever-increasing synergistic integration of mechanical,
electrical/electronic, control and information disciplines. The complex technical
changes urge the modern mechatronic systems to exhibit more stable and
excellent operating performance, in terms of strong robustness and reliability,
design simplicity and smartness.

Artificial intelligence in mechatronic systems

A variety of topics in computational intelligence are expected to be covered, with
selections to be made from 1) neural networks including generative networks,
deep neural networks and convolution neural networks, 2) learning methods
including unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and semi-supervised
learning, 3) appreciation of other Computational Intelligence methods: fuzzy
systems and evolutionary algorithms and 4) an introduction to stochastic dynamic
programming and its relationship to AI. Mechatronic applications in broader
terms and case studies from other relevant areas of engineering will be discussed.
Novel robotic systems
Robotics & Mechatronics focuses on robotics and deals with modelling and
simulation of physical systems, intelligent control, robotic actuators and
embedded control systems.

The specialisation in Robotics and Mechatronics deals with the application of

modern systems and control methods in practical situations. Its focus is on
robotics as a specific class of mechatronic systems. Areas of application include
inspection robotics (UAVs, UGV, UUVs), medical robotics (assistance to surgeons),
and service robotics (street cleaning, service to people). The science and
engineering topics you will work on include modelling and simulation of physical
systems, intelligent control, robotic actuators, and embedded control systems.

Medical mechatronics for healthcare

Medical mechatronics is the integration of technologies and knowledge from
various domains [1], including bio-signal sensing fusion, real-time clinical data
analysis, electric and mechanical system design, assistive/rehabilitation robot
development, and machine/deep learning algorithms. Although medical
mechatronics has proven to be successful in healthcare applications, there still
remain difficulties and challenges to overcome. For example, most previous
assistive devices/robots were developed to provide patients with rehabilitation
training in hospitals. With the rapid growth of aging population, these assistive
devices are required to have smaller size and cheaper production cost and be
safer in order to meet the requirement of in-house rehabilitation [2]. As a result,
the medical mechatronic components in these assistive devices/robots need to be
Intelligent machinery and cybernetic physical system
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are a mix of computation, networking and physical
processes, in which the embedded computational algorithms and networks have
the power to monitor and control the physical components.

By using a combination of machines, sensory devices, embedded computational

intelligence and various communication mechanisms, CPS monitor physical
elements with computer-based algorithms tied to the internet. This means they
are capable of autonomously functioning based on their physical surroundings. In
light of the advancements in analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and
communications, there is an increased demand for intelligent machines that can
interact with the environment around them, such as driverless cars which monitor
and communicate with their surroundings, and smart appliances that optimise
energy consumption. CPS are stimulating significant changes in quality of life and
forming the basis of smart infrastructure, products, and services.

System Integration Technology

Mechatronic system designs must fluently integrate analog and digital hardware
along with the software that controls it — presenting daunting challenges for
design teams, and requiring design processes to evolve to accommodate.

The growing trend toward mechatronic system design is driven by the same
things that drive all technological advances: the demand for higher performance
and lower costs. The word itself is a portmanteau of “Mechanics” and
“Electronics.” Mechatronic design includes a combination of (1) mechanical
design elements (e.g., plant, actuators, thermal characteristics, hydraulics/fluids,
and magnetics); (2) analog, digital, and mixed-signal electronics; (3) control
systems; and (4) embedded software. The intersections in Figure 1 — (a)
electromechanical sensors and actuators; (b) control circuits; and (c) digital
microcontrollers — reveal the most common areas for interdisciplinary
cooperation among mechanical, electrical, and software engineers.
(AI) Internet of Things (IOT)
Technology is in an evolving state and the concept the Internet of Things which is
all about interconnection of machines and devices to network through sensors,
network, communication protocols, analytics and specific softwares is trying to
work it’s was to mechatronics. This is a relatively new concept though engineering
in mechatronics existed for more than half a century.

With increasing number of smart devices, industries are wiring themselves to an

upgraded version of mechatronics in order to being about an ease to
mechanical processes and systems.

There are rumors across the world that Internet of Things is compelling
mechatronics engineers, aspirants, enthusiasts and academic to develop
and research new mechatronic systems and components while facing new issues
of human- machine interface, connectivity and transmission, data security and
many more.

Today's mechatronics has advanced more and more to wider and broader areas,
such as Micro and Nano mechatronics. This field is overviewed from the
standpoint of robotic manipulation and control Micro mechatronics is one of
Mechatronics areas and has made remarkable progress recently, such as micro
sensor and actuator for automotive technology, avionics technology, bio-medical
manipulation technology, consumer electronics, and many others. It is mainly
based on the Silicon lithography technology and other micro-fabrication
technologies. Micro TAS (Total Analysis System) is one of the Micro technological
applications. Nano mechatronics deals with the much smaller sized world than
the Micro mechatronics. Nanotechnology gives technologies for nano-fabrication,
nano-instrumentation and nano assembly for these areas, including nano-sensor,
actuator and manipulation technology. Bio nanotechnology based on the Nano-
mechatronics is also promising for the research in life-science. Thus the micro and
nano robotic manipulation and control will play an important role for the 3
dimensional fabrication and assembly system and those application.

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