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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City


Third Quarter

Multiple Choice Test

Instruction: Read carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided.
_______1. Which of the following is the characteristic of a “modern people”?
A. They were future oriented.
B. They are guided by tradition.
C. They have limited choices.
D. Technology dependent.
_______2. Exceptionality refers to the state of being intellectually gifted or having physically or mentally
conditions. Which of the following does not belong to the exceptionality?
A. Average individual
B. Hearing problems
C. Learning disability
D. Speech impairment
_______3. It explains the changes in beliefs, knowledge, customs, skills, attitude, language and others.
A. Cultural Evolution
B. Human Evolution
C. Political Evolution
D. Social Evolution
_______4. Which of the following does NOT define cultural relativism?
A. Cultures must be viewed and analyzed on their own term
B. No culture should be considered better than another
C. It views that one’s group is superior compared to another
D. There are no universal norms or moral absolutes
_______5. A group of people living together in a definite territory, having a sense of belongingness, mutually
interdependent of each other, and follows a certain way of life.
A. Culture B. Formality C. Politics D. Society
_______6. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of society?
A.Society is a noncomplex whole.
B.Society is relatively large.
C.Society socializes its members and from those from without.
D.Society endures, produces and restrains its members for generations.
_______7. There are three types of social status. Which of the following do the farm employees, skilled
and unskilled artisans, service workers, and people who may be employed or underemployed
A. Lower Class B. Middle Class C. Middle-Lower Class D.Upper Class
_______8. Is an intangible idea of one’s self-respect, self-esteem, and self-regard
A. Human Dignity B. Human Rights C.Norm D. Values
_______9. What two early human roamed the earth at the same time as Homo sapiens?
A. Homo habilis and Homo erectus.
B. Homo sapiens sapiens and Homo erectus.
C. Cro-Magnons and Homo sapiens.
D. Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals.
_______10. What are the two main responses of an individual or group to real or imagined pressures including
the norms, standards, rules, and laws set by the society?
A. conformity and deviance
B. innovation and retreatism
C. rebellion and conformity
D. ritualism and deviance
_______11. In New Guinea, both men and women of the Arapesh group would be judged as feminine, the men
and women of the Mundugumor group are adjudged as fierce and aggressive, whereas among the
Tchambuli’s, the women were socially dominant - politically and economically, whereas the men
socially passive, emotional and flighty. What does this say about gender roles?
A. Gender performance is irrivocably biological.
B. The behaviors displayed by men and women in the three groups are brought about by
C. Female dominance is found in all societies.
D. Male dominance is found in all societies.
_______12. Taboos related to food are also manifestations of deviancy. Why do the Muslims and Jews abstain
from eating pork such as pigs?
A. Because they considered “unfit”
B. Because they considered “unclean”
C. Because they considered “unlawful”
D. Because they considered “weird
_______13. One of the types of political dynasty that simultaneously monopoly of seats.
A. Fat dynasty B. Thick dynasty C. Thin dynasty D. Wide dynasty
_______14. The absorption of an individual or minority group of people into another society or group.
It is also often hastened by intermarriage and by de-emphasizing cultural and or biological
A. Acculturation B. Assimilation C. Culture change D. Diffusion
_______15. The continued practice of assimilation have the following consequences EXCEPT_______.
A. Both minority and majority lose some traits and take on some traits from new group.
B. Religions may also blend demonstrating assimilation
C. Maintain culture and traditions
D. Responds to new situations in conformity with what is already available.
_______16. Which of the following is NOT the reason why cultural change occur?
A. Because of economic growth
B. Because of colonialism
C. Because of ethnocentrism
D. Because of globalization
_______17. Culture includes ______________.
A. only material things such as cars
B. only nonmaterial things such as values or beliefs
C. our thoughts, beliefs, and possession
D. the land we share
_______18. Utang na loob or reciprocity is what aspects of culture?
A. Shared and contested
B. Integrated
C. Learned
D. Patterned social interactions
_______19. The giant in Jack and the Beanstalk who enjoyed eating English men shows taboo. What
taboo is shown in the situation?
A. Adultery B. Cannibalism C. Self-flagellation D. Voodoo
_______20. Why are anthropologists concerned about the disappearance of tribal groups?
A. The loss of tribes may mean loss of knowledge
B. There is a dwindling of population due to the tribe member’s death
C. It is a good practice to make the tribes exist
D. They are vanishing race
_______21. The following are the pillars of democracy, which is NOT included?
A. Sovereignty of the people
B. Government based upon consent of the governed
C. Constitutional claims on the government
D. Majority rule
_______22. A dominant feature of old age is
A. Acquisition of new roles
B. Contraction of one’s social circle
C. Expansion of one’s social circle
D. Increased independence role
_______23. Which of the following describes the play behavior of boys?
A. Boys play in more unstructured way.
B. The rules to their games are minimal.
C. There is the pressure to be good or to win.
D. Easily annoyed
_______24. It is defined as a behavior that elicits a strong negative reaction from group members and involves
actions that violate commonly held social norms.
A. Acceptance B. Conformity C. Defiance D. Deviance
_______25. The major distinction between culture and society is that:
A. Culture refers to people whereas society refers to a way of life
B. Society refers to people who are linked together in territorial units whereas culture is a way of life
shared by people
C. Culture in part, is shaped by environment and technology, society is not
D. Culture is more of a limited concept than society
_______26. One will reap what he sows is a ________.
A. Belief B. Culture C. Custom D. Values
_______27. Which of the following are the causes of ethnocentrism?
I.Lack of education sometimes increases ethnocentrism.
II.People with low wealth or low self-esteem seem to be more ethnocentric.
III.Little or no contact with members of outsider groups
IV.Lack of happiness in his/her life
_______28. Nomadic life style is _________.
A. Barbarism B. Direct democracy C. Socio-political D. Savagery
_______29. This refers to the techniques for finding, excavating, dating, and analyzing material remains of past
societies – used to help prove theories, i.e. evolution, artifacts.
A. Archaeology B. History C. Anthropology D. Sociology

_______30. Erika, a Filipino student says that her culture is better than the culture of her Chinese classmate.
Erika’s judgment refers to_______________.
A. Cultural relativism B. Ethnocentrism C. Folkways D. Mores
_______31. The following are the goals of socialization EXCEPT ___________________________.
A. To instill in its new members a desire to work towards goals that society considers important
B. To acquire skills important to survive in the society
C. To teach members how to fulfill social roles
D. To fulfill needs and wants to be recognized
_______32. What is an individual or group's sense of self-respect and worth, physical and psychological
and empowerment?
A. human dignity B. human right C. inclusive citizenship D. morality
_______33. What is the right inherent to all people, regardless of nationality, place of residence, gender, sex,
national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status?
A. common good B. general welfare C. human dignity D. human right
_______34. This type of government is ruled in favour of the noblemen or aristocrats.
A. Oligarchy B. Tyranny C. Democracy D. Federalism
_______35. A form of social cohesion that arises when the people in a society are interdependent, but hold to
varying values and beliefs and engage in varying types of work.
A.Mechanical solidarity C. Organic Solidarity
B.Manifest function D. Latent function
_______36. On the study of violence and television, the researchers recommended the following EXCEPT.
A. Parent and producers must have joint responsibility in supervising what children see on TV.
B. We must be concerned with children ages 3-13.
C. Most harmful shows are the bloodiest, they should be stopped.
D. We have to be most concerned of shows where aggression is rewarded for violence and where it is
portrayed as justified.
_______37. A leader who specializes in conducting the activities of members to achieve group goals.
A. Democratic B. Authoritarian C. Instrumental D. Laizzes faire
_______38. The following are the benefits of youth service, except ___________.
A. Increases young people’s feelings of community connectedness,
and reduce engagement in risky behavior.
B. Contributes to higher reported levels of academic success, graduation rates,
positive civic behavior, and self-esteem.
C. Volunteering at any age is associated with decreased likelihood of finding employment.
D. Volunteering in one’s youth leads to a lifetime of service and philantrophy.
_______39. The following best describes an inclusive citizenship, which is NOT?
A. 4 P’s beneficiaries regularlly receive government subsidy
B. Aetas group has been given territorial rites on their ancestral domain
C. PWD’s given special privileges on public amenities
D. Random selection of beneficiaries of the government projects
_______40. Which of the following is NOT an example of a collective behavior?
A. A demonstration in Indonesia
B. A protest on the Balikatan Exercises
C. People Power of 1986 in the Philippines
D. Procession on the birthday of Mary
_______41. Which of the following is NOT included in the degree of members conformity to the group norms?
A. Pulls data together so group may consider what it is
B. Builds upon ideas or suggestions of others
C. Reconciles disagreement
D. Norm violation that exceeds the tolerance level of the group
_______42. In the Philippines, the government has given the same privileges even to the LGBTQ group and
to express themselves. It is the reason why my best friend gets out of his shell and show to the
the real he. The situations shows _______________
A. Human dignity B. Human Rights C. Conformity D. Deviance
_______43. Lerie always ensure that everyone stays satisfied and happy. She shows concern to her
and makes sure for group cohesion and harmony. What kind of leader is she?
A.Optimistic leader C. Instrumental leader
B.Expressive leader D. Democratic Leader
_______44. Why human rights are respected and safe-guarded?
A. It makes human safe
B. Promote peace
C. Intrinsic dignity
D. Promote equality
_______45. Rona has a sexual relationship with her father. What taboo did she practice?
A.Patricide B. Ritual taboo C. Incest taboo D. Religious taboo
_______46. These are the changes beginning 8000 B.C. farming change the way humans lived. Which is NOT?
A. People no longer a nomads
B. Food surpluses led to an increase in population
C. Farming villages became established
D. Dependent on the available resources

_______47. In 1974, at Hadar, Ethiopia, Donald Johanson and his team unearthed a set of fossilized bones of
a female hominid approximately 3.18 million years old. The remain is restored in San Diego Museum of Man.
What was the name of his discovery?
A.Lussy B. Lucy C. Ludy D. Luzy
_______48. Which Philippine artifact is believed to be the vessel of the dead into the afterlife?
A.Manunggul jar B. Mananggal jarC. Marunggul jarD. Mununggul jar
_______49. Which of the following is the example of cultural change?
A. Giving women the right of suffrage
B. Use of e-mail and internet surfing
C. Abolition of slavery
D. Industrialization
_______50. A historical landmark in Iloilo which is known as one of the famous baroque churches included in
UNESCO World Heritage List.
A. Jaro Cathedral Church
B. Miagao Church
C. Molo Church
D. Sta. Barbara Church

Prepared By:


Malitbog NHS Mina NHS Jovita Alfaras Rivera NHS


Don Casimero Andrada NHS A. Firmeza Memorial NHS Palaca-Damilisan NHS


Leganes NHS Kirayan NHS A. Maido Memorial NHS


Layog NHS Cayos NHS Igbaras NHS

Cabatuan NCHS

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