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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Writing of complete names and understanding of different directions are very important in
every test; hence, you are advised to do so. Read, re-read, understand, and analyze the directions in every test number
before answering. You are provided with a separate sheet of paper as your answer sheet. Make sure to correctly blacken
the circle which corresponds to your chosen answer. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON THE TEST QUESTIONNAIRE.


DIRECTIONS: In your answer sheet, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
1. Culture is innate in a person.
2. UNESCO stands for United Nations Ethnocentric, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
3. Anthropology is the study of politics and power from domestic, international, and comparative perspective.
4. Talcott Parsons is the father of sociology.
5. Culture is heterogeneous.
6. Culture is a collective behavior of men not arising from a shared belief and value system based on ideologies, way of life,
norms, and even identities.
7. Edward B Taylor is the one who first used the term “Culture” in his book Social Imagination.
8. Political science entails understanding political ideas, ideologies, institutions, policies, processes, and behavior, as well as
groups, classes, government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and war.
9. Sociology is the systematic study of social behavior and human groups.
10. 1Society is viewed as a complex web of relationships existing out of man’s interaction with one another


DIRECTION: Choose the BEST answer from the selection and blacken it on your answer sheet.
1. The relationship between human biology and culture.
a. Biological Culture b. Neoculture c. Bioculture d. None of the Above
2. A child acquires patterns of behavior from his/her __________________.
a. Cage b. Age c. Room d. Surroundings
3. A phenomenon where the people regard its own culture as inferior to that of other groups.
a. Ethnocentrism b. Xenocentrism c. Cultural Relativity d. None of the Above
4. Type of society where steam engines were invented.
a. Post-Industrial Society c. Agrarian/Agricultural Society
b. Horticultural and Pastoral Society d. Industrial Society
5. Where does Democracy originated?
a. Ancient Rome b. India c. China d. Ancient Greece
6. A subculture that sometimes referred as the gay culture, includes lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender.
a. LGBT b. LPG c. PPT d. Fandom
7. Filipino negative traits where in many times, we become very competitive and hate losing. At times, when we lose, we find a
way to get even.
a. Bahala Na b. Sore Losers c. Lack Discipline d. Crab Mentality
8. Who is the Father of Sociology?
a. Edward B. Taylor b. Robert Maclver c. Charles Page d. August Comte
9. How does people in France greet one another?
a. Slapping each other’s cheek c. Rubbing each other’s cheek
b. Punching each other’s cheek d. Kissing each other’s cheek
10. It is a qualitative research method that asks questions to key informants and participants in the research.
a. Survey Method b. Interview c. FGD d. Field Work
11. Viewed as a complex web of relationships existing out of man’s interaction with one another.
a. Customs b. Traditions c. Society d. Culture
12. Denotes acquired behaviors and habits that are shared by and transmitted among groups of people as a result of their
interaction with one another.
a. Society b. Customs c. Traditions d. Culture
13. A group interview of respondents on a specific topic for discussions.
a. Survey Method b. FGD c. Field Work d. Interview

14. Who coined/created the term “Social Imagination”?

a. Charles Wright Mills b. August Comte c. Edward B. Taylor d. GDH Cole
15. A subculture where individuals are a fan of movies, celebrity, or any shared interest.
a. Otakku b. Kpopper c. Fandom d. None of the above
16. He specified the five (5) types of societies.
a. Gehrard Lenski b. Gehrard Lens c. Gerhr Lenski d. None of the above

17. Inability of given society to adopt a culture immediately.

1|P r e p a r e d B y : M a ’ a m A . C o l o c a r , M a ’ a m M . L a g a n i p a , S i r A . P o s t r a n o a n d
S i r G . M . S a l i d o SY 2019-2020/ 2nd Semester
a. Cultural Assimilation b. Cultural Lag c. Cultural Shock d. None of the above
18. A subculture where people are obsessed or loves Korean pop music.
a. Kpopper b. Otaku c. Fandom d. None of the above
19. Type of society when ancient people discovered and cultivate the process of raising crops using handmade tools like hoe and
stick for digging through soil and animal domestication.
a. Industrial Society c. Post-Industrial Society
b. Horticultural and Pastoral Society d. Agrarian/Agricultural Society
20. What is the other term for Hunting and Gathering Society?
a. Fore Aging Society b. For Aging Society c. Foraging Society d. Aging Society
21. Characteristic of culture that says; “All cultures in the world are driven by symbols that stand for something.”
a. Culture is symbolic c. Culture is Abstract
b. Culture is Dynamic d. Culture is Adaptive
22. How does people in United States greet one another?
a. Bowing to each other c. Touching each other’s head
b. Shaking each other’s hands d. Elders hands to the Forehead
23. Who is the first person who used the term culture?
a. Edward B. Taylor b. Talcott Parsons c. GDH Cole d. None of the above
24. Learning about culture is a ___________ process.
a. Known b. Conscious c. Knowledgeable d. Unconscious
25. The statement “Government of the people, by the people and for the people”, are words of?
a. George H. W. Bush c. John F. Kennedy
b. George Washington d. Abraham Lincoln
26. Mode of acquiring culture where an individual was helped to learn something by punishing or giving him a certain praise or
material incentive like money.
a. Indoctrination b. Conditioning c. Imitation d. None of the above
27. Type of society where the survival is anchored on searching and gathering food from nature.
a. Agrarian/Agricultural Society c. Horticultural and Pastoral Society
b. Post-Industrial Society d. Hunting and Gathering Society
28. What is the title of the Book written by Edward B. Taylor?
a. Social Imagination b. Sociology Guide c. Primitive Culture d. Culture is Primitive
29. Process in which an individual adopts, acquire and adjust to a new cultural environment where people with differing culture try
to incorporate themselves into the new more prevalent culture, such as their traditions, but still hold onto their original cultural
values and traditions.
a. Enculturation b. Acculturation c. Assimilation d. None of the above
30. It is a characteristic of culture that says; “no single tangible manifestation can take the form of culture itself and in fact, it only
exists in the minds of individuals interacting with one another”.
a. Culture is Adaptive c. Culture is Abstract
b. Culture is Dynamic d. Culture is Symbolic
31. Literally means, going out to the field to do research and this method may employ a combination of observation, data
collection through interviews or surveys.
a. Survey Method b. Ethnography c. Interview d. Field Work
32. Charles Darwin’s book published in 1859.
a. On the Origin c. The Origin
b. On the Origin of Species d. None of the above
33. Ensures that only those organisms best suited to perform functional roles and to adapt to the natural environment will survive.
a. Natural Selection b. Natural Extinction c. Natural Elimination d. Natural Phenomenon
34. Stimulated by a willingness to view the social world from the perspective of others.
a. Social Integration b. Social Experiment c. Social Imagination d. Social Studies
35. Mode of acquiring culture where an individual imitates or observes and replicate others behavior.
a. Enculturation b. Conditioning c. Indoctrination d. Imitation
36. Filipino positive traits where we don’t like to waste anything since, we don’t have a lot and we are careful of what we have,
knowing that it will serve us well for a long time.
a. Cheerful b. Thrifty and Frugal c. Respectful d. Helpful
37. When a culture adapts to various environmental and geographical conditions as witnessed throughout the context of the
history of the world, the culture is said to be?
a. Culture is Abstract c. Culture is Adaptive
b. Culture is Symbolic d. Culture is Dynamic
38. It is in this type of society where the use of fertilization to further enhance the production of food for personal consumption and
for large-scale trade and commercialization started.
a. Horticultural and Pastoral Society c. Hunting and Gathering Society
b. Industrial Society d. Agrarian/Agricultural Society
39. Characteristics of culture that says culture is not innate in a person and that culture is also not biological in nature.
a. Culture is Shared c. Culture is Integrated
2|P r e p a r e d B y : M a ’ a m A . C o l o c a r , M a ’ a m M . L a g a n i p a , S i r A . P o s t r a n o a n d
S i r G . M . S a l i d o SY 2019-2020/ 2nd Semester
b. Culture is Learned d. Culture is Dynamic
40. Refers to values, beliefs behavior, practices, norms, and symbolic meanings within a society.
a. Law b. Culture c. Customs d. Beliefs
41. Phenomenon where people think that their culture is superior to other culture.
a. Xenocentrism b. Imitation c. Ethnocentrism d. None of the above
42. A subculture where people are obsessed with anime and manga.
a. Fandom b. Noypi c. Kpopper d. Otaku
43. Filipino negative trait where we start something eagerly but lose momentum and don’t tend to finish or reach long-term goals.
a. Mañana Habit b. Colonial Mentality c. Crab Mentality d. Ningas-Kugon
44. It involves moving away from thinking in terms of the individual and their problems, focusing rather on the social
circumstances that produce social problems.
a. Social Imagination c. Social Studies
b. Social Integration d. Social Experiment
45. He saw society as a social organism possessing a harmony of structure and function.
a. August Comte b. Talcott Parsons c. GHD Cole d. Robert Maclver
46. Process by which individuals may take on values and beliefs of the host culture and accommodate them on public, while
maintaining their own culture privately.
a. Cultural Accommodation c. Enculturation
b. Cultural Assimilation d. Acculturation
47. We sometimes get jealous of others people’s success that we find ways to pull another person down, rather than striving to be
better. This Filipino negative trait is called?
a. Ningas-Kugon c. Crab Mentality
b. Mañana Habit d. Sore Losers
48. Groups that have values and norms that are distinct from those held by majority and would include differences in interest,
behaviors or beliefs, like religion, ethnicity, and social or economic status.
a. Pre-culture b. Subculture c. Underculture d. Pro-culture
49. Filipino positive trait where from the “Mano”, to saying “po” and “opo” to our elders as a part of our language, show how we
respect people.
a. Cheerful b. Obedient and Dutiful c. Helpful d. Respectful
50. Experienced by people who goes to other countries whose culture they are not familiar with.
a. Culture Surprised c. Culture Shock
b. Culture Lag d. None of the above


DIRECTIONS: Match Column A with Column B. Write the answer on your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

1. Anthropology a. Horticultural and Pastoral Society

2. Neolithic Age b. Agrarian/Agricultural Society
3. Post-Industrial Society c. Garden
4. Edward B. Taylor d. Cultivate
5. Evolution e. Primitive Culture
6. Manuel Castells f. August Comte
7. Latin word “Hortus” g. Charles Wright Mills
8. Harriet Martineau h. Change
9. Father of Sociology i. On the Origin of Species
10. Industrial Society j. Network Society
11. Social Imagination k. Steam Engine
12. Homo Sapiens l. Information and Communication Technology
13. Neolithic Revolution m. Human
14. Latin word “Colere” n. Mother of Sociology
15. Charles Darwin o. Study of human past and present
p. Sociology


DIRECTIONS: Study the picture below and critically analyze. Then answer the questions that follows. (5 points each)

3|P r e p a r e d B y : M a ’ a m A . C o l o c a r , M a ’ a m M . L a g a n i p a , S i r A . P o s t r a n o a n d
S i r G . M . S a l i d o SY 2019-2020/ 2nd Semester
1. What does it represent?
2. How does it explain human’s development?

TEST V. ESSAY. (10 points)

1. What is the importance of studying our culture?

*End of Test*

4|P r e p a r e d B y : M a ’ a m A . C o l o c a r , M a ’ a m M . L a g a n i p a , S i r A . P o s t r a n o a n d
S i r G . M . S a l i d o SY 2019-2020/ 2nd Semester

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