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History upper part-kanggan- male outfit

the art and science of investigating and lower part- bahag/que

recording past human events thst are definite in
time and space and place, social in nafure,and for female upper part baro
socially significant. lower part saya/tapis
Sources: It's two types the Primary and (deflower)sagra&tugbuk(buletas) insert in penis
tattoos serves as war medals
pintados the one who made tattoos
archaeological records- artifacts (man-made)
and ecofacts (fossils and remains of urban legends and belief is under in pre-16th
microorganisms) century as well

oral/ video accounts baylan/babaylan or the healer

>corroborate/corroboration- do not rely on one bayoguin- gorgeous male

side, use to judge both sides. in terms economic introduced the barter system

3 state exist in 1898 TRI-PEOPLE OF MINDANAO

*Felipinas -Indigenous Christians
*Maguindanao -Lumad only applied here in Mindanao it's term
*Sulu Sultanate referring the IP in Mindanao in1868 remain in
their original religion
Moros consider as piraticas(pirates) they do
slave raiding Moros- consist of 13 ethnolinguistic
Mindanawon convert in Islam
We need to rewrite history its because do need
to tell about Aetas Subanen(people in the river) IP in Zamboangas

Sultan Kudarat ( Thunderbolt of Lucifer) Kolibugan

Bukidnon (Monteses named in the time of Manobo/Mamanwa, Bagobo, Mandaya,

Spaniards) Mansaka, Dibabawon, Tagakaolo-Davao
Maranao-Lake Lanao

Pre-16th Century of the PH Tausug-Sulu, Tawi-tawi, Maguindanao

Datu/Barangay System( the leader is called 5% of Badjao are Moros

datu, omalohokan or the public announcer Jesus Piralta-
trial by ordeal- Badjao/Sama Dilaut/Sama Jengjang
Social Class divided into three (Nobles, T'boli- they are dream weavers(t'nalak)
Freemen, Oripon/Alipin-aliping namamahay has
property Cotabato-Manobo, B'laan, Tiruray
aliping saguigilid has no property Manobo-is the largest IP group
13 Ethno Moro-Maranao, Maguindanao, Iranun, Portugal:
Tausug, Sama(Dilaut, Sama Bangigue),
Sangil/Sanguil, Kalagan, Jama Mapun, Molbog,
Palawan Spain:
ISLAM-Salam means peace 1. Christopher Colum Portugal:
Islam have the 5 Pillars 1. Prince Henry -discovered Cape Verde
1. Shahadah/Profession of Faith 2. Bartholomeo Diaz -
2.Salah/ 5x Daily Prayer 3. Vasco de Gama -arrived in Calicut, India
3.Saun/Fasting(exception Lactating, Traveler, bus
Sick People)
Amerigo Vespucci named America after him
4.Zakat/ Charity or the giving
5.Hajj/ Pilgrimage to Mecca(to know if the
Muslim is already in Mecca if his name has Spain:
Hadji, Hadja 1. Christopher Columbus - a Genoan; fan of
Marco Polo; want to go to China but arrived in
America and he called it India because he
RENNAISSANCE believe that it is India
United States of America 2.Fernao de Magalhais- Ferdinand Magellan-
Canada 1519 (270 group)started his travel with Victoria,
Concepcion, Trinidad, Santiago, San Antonio
10 members except East Timor or Tiimor Leste
in Asean Pope Aelxander da six- Rodrigo de Borja

The peak of Renaissance Period is in 16 and Inter Caetera- Treaty of Tordesillas( Treaty of
17th century Zaragosa under this treaty Ph is under the
The Greek and Roman Civilization
Cape Azores somewhere in Atlantic Ocean
Europe is called Dark Ages
They named Pacific OceanMar Pacifico or the
Feudalism( compose of nobles and serfs) calm sea
Constantinupul or the Turkey Marianas Island or Guam today
(silk, ceramic, and spices)- three main products Chamoros- native of northern marianas
in Asia
Isla de Ladrones- island of Thieves
Ottoman Turks blocks the
Constantinople(Turkey) March 16, 1521- Homonhon, Samar

Three route that pass through in Turkey- Silk Limasawa - first mass happen
Road, Grand Trunk, Venetian R. Cebu- Rajah Humabon
tierra incognito(land of the unknown) gihatagan og Santo Nino
Spain and Portugal are the two Kingdom who
sent an expedition
Enrique de Malacca- an interpreter- first person 4. Ray Lopez de Villalobos- died in Moluccas
to circumnavigated the world (isla de Felipinas- Francis Xavier attended his
1. theres a theory
5. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (1564-1565) – first
Lapu-Lapu governor of the Philippines, named Cebu as
an aliance is form Santisimo Nombre de Jesus or the most holy
name of Jesus
April 1521- was killed in that battle
-Francis Xavier went to panay
3 ships- Victoria and Trinidad survive
-Manila- Ruled by Raja Sulayman assisted by
Trinidad going back to westward succesfully
arive Spain -Port in Manila

Sebastian el Cano- wala nila nadefine ang -in 1571-Rajah Sulayman will be defeated
ending point, As a sign of arrival( panuto) -took it invasive,
Loaysa Maynila as El Nuevo Reyna de Castila (Most
Cabot distinguished and ever loyal city if Spain)

Saavedra-√ niabot sa Sarangani POLITICAL STRUCTURE

Villalobos-√(Islas de Felipinas) honor to King Legazpi introduced Reduccion/es the barangay

Philip lost its economy

Legazpi-√(1565)Miguel Lopez de Legazpi- first Pueblo/Town

governor of the PH Its design includes:
Islas de San Lazaru- the day of the feast of St. 1. Church in the Center
Lazarus named by Magellan Ancient Trade
Routes 2. Plaza in the South
- Silk Road/Northern Route 3. Municipal Hall in the East
- Grand Trunk/Central Route 4. School in the West
- Venetian Route/Southern Route
Sebastian el Cano - leds the ship "Victoria" Because Philippines is far from Spain
Spain--->Viceroyalty of Mexico--->Council of
Arrival of Magellan and Legazpi
•Central Government (Gov-Gen)had to be
Spain send an expedition led by : peninsulares (pure blooded Spaniard born in
1. Loaysa Peninsula (Spain) Royal Audencia, General)

2. Cabot -Patronato Real

3. Alvavo de Saavedra Special power (Right to Complase) -Right to

suspend the laws in Colony
5 major power
1. Legislative
3. Executive Economic Impositions:
4. Church 1. Encomienda (Land Grabbing)
5. Military The office is assigned to Encomiendero-
former conquistador
-Special power (Right to Complase) -Right to
suspend the laws in Colony Functions of Encomiendero:
•Provincial Government (Alcalde Mayor 1. Educate the natives in Encomienda
Corrigidor) 2. Protect the native of Encomienda
3. Help propagate/ helps in propagation of
2 Types of provinces Christianity
1. Alcaldia-led by alcalde mayor 4. Encomiendero is allowed to:
1. Collect taxes
2. Corrigimiento-led by corregidor(military) 2. Extract Polo Y Servicio
Indulto de comercio/right to engage in Encomiendero can’t/ not allowed to do:
commerce (cash/in kind)
1. Not allowed to build his own house in
•Municipal Government (Gobernadorcillo) 2. Not allowed to stay in encomienda for 24 hrs
Introduced Reducciones (strategy)
-Cura Paroco 2.Polo y Servicio (Forced Labor)
Frailocracia/frailocracy(government of the all men 16-60/18-60 years old are required to
friars)-type of government that we have during give services to the government for 40 days
the time of Spaniards
- They are called polistas and they are
-was assisted by the Cabeza de Barangay(only given salary
position that the indios can have) - falla- pay for exemption
1. They are given salary for their work
2. They are given food rations
The only way to salvation is to give donation to 3. They are assigned within their area only
church 4. They are not required to work in
planting and harvest season
Anti-clergy-Jose Rizal and friends

3.Paying of Taxes
Visita -Visitador General
18-60 years old all men need to pay back taxes
Residencia- public tribunal
which is 8-12 reales
taxes can be cash or in kind
Spaniards introduced corruption
In kind taxes can be in any fom like,
Datu gives tributes
If the tax is 12 reales, you can give: -the government did not paid them properly
that’s why some of them became tulisans like
4 reales in cash the character “Ilias” in Dr.Jose Rizal’s novel
4 reales equivalent for 10 pounds of rice
2 reales equivalent to 3 chickens 1565- Legazpi arrived
2 reales equivalent to 10 bananas 1898- Philippine Revolution( Emilio Agunialdo)
1896- Katipunan Revolution( Andres Bonifacio)
Mexican money only have 2 domination.
Everything revolves around taxes Reasons of Late Development
Marcello del Pilar said “Everything shall not die 1. Geographical Characteristics of the
without the consent of the Friar” Philippines
2.Passport- ancient practice to require
4.Galleon Trade passports in the form of cedula

-3 countries engage in this trade 3. Language Barrier- Filipinos have linguistice

system(Mexico, Philiplines(under Spain differences and they are regionalistic by nature
colonixation), and China) Cebuano – superior language
- In Manila Acapulco Galeon Trade, Men Only scholars and Spaniards are allowed
became: to learn other language
1. Kargador 4.Divide et empira/ divide & rule
2. Builders of Galeon ships

5.Bandala System( mandatory selling of
goods) Nationalist- value in loyalty, it requires sacrifice
thinking the general welfare.
-According to scholars, this is the reason why
the natives become poor. Patriotism- value responsibility
-it is the mandatory selling of goods in the FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF FILIPINO
government natives. NATIONALISM:
- they are given quotas per month 1. Opening of the Phils. to Inti'l trade
-1850’s (Industrial Revolution)
-the government assigned crops for every -Europeans invented mode of
province to plant communication and Transportation
-they are not allowed to plant anything except -oil source of electricity
for the assigned crop/goods in their place, 2.Spread of Liberal Ideas
- Social contract- if the government fails
Illocos is assigned to plant Tabacco and Negros to satisfied the people then, the people have
is Sugarcane the rights to overthrow the government and
build a new one.
John Locke and Jean Jacques Ronsseu- both 4.Principalia (Secularization Controversy)
engaged in social contract
They evict Jesuits because the accused the of
French revolution - 1789 overthrowing the King
King Louis XVII of France married to Marie 5.Liberal regime of Carlos Ma. de la Torre -
Antoniette of Austria Carlos Ma. dela Torre -Liberal(introduce
The Palace of Versailles- consider the mother of
all palace Rafael de Izquierdo- became dela Torre’s
replacement .Conservative about paying of
-The people demand bread to the palace but taxes and polo y servicio)
the queen gave them cake
“I will rule in the Philppines with sword
Reasons: in my hand and Bible in the other”
1.Draught/ Scarcity
2. War in America 6.Cavite Mutiny-1872
3.Difference of 3 states in social class of clans- - basta kato ning gi fucker out si
they vote by estate and since the clergy and Bonifacio(NEXT CHAPTER KAPOY TYPE YAWA!)
nobility will always go against the mass, the
mass will have no voice in the estate even if 7.Execution of GOMBURZA(1872)
they are the tax payers
-10 (1872-18182) yrs the spaniards celebrate
3 States of France because there is no revolution happen
1st Estate( clergy) 1% do not pay tax - GOUMBURZA found guilty of treason.
2nd Estate(Nobility) 5% of the France Paciano is an apprentice of father Burgos and
population do not pay tax the brother of Rizal
3rd Estate( Rest of the population)-
pays tax but no voice in the estate
-King Louis XVI(1789)- executed in public
through guillotine -direct effect of execution of GOMBURZA

-Queen Marie Antoinette(1790)- also executed -they turn over schools to the government
through guillotine which leads to

-Napoleon Bonaparte- spread and introduced 1. The students only memorizes the book
the idea of liberalism. His brother is Joseph 2. The students memorizes the Bible
3. They are not allowed to use the tools/
-liberte', egalite', fraternite' means liberty, equipments in the school. Only for
freedom, and brotherhood obeservations purposes.
La Solidaridad- mouthpiece of propaganda,
3.Rise of the Middle Class newspaper of propaganda

- propaganda of Rizal and friends

Assimilation-for the philippines becomes the founders of Katipunan)
province of spain and not a colony pf spain. admiration/respect to Rizal, “Rizal”
became the password of every secret
Benefits of Assimilation transaction
1. They will have rights just like what 2. Every Katipunan area has Rizal’s image
rights the Spaniards have. 3. Rizal’s name was used for donations
2. They will become the citizen of Spain 4. Rizal became the honorary president of
3. They will become a fellow of Spain Katipunan

Rizal -Revolution wants/ ultimate goal is
Graciano Lopez-Jaena
- independence is the only way for “total
Marcello del pilar- wrote for the mass separation of mother spain”
Propaganda failed because: -Filipinos wants their own identity, territory,
1.Propagandist has own internal issues. Some and sovereignty
wants Rizal, others wants Lopez. -wealthy class did not support KKK
2. Spain could not address the reforms wanted -Teodoro Patino shared the story of Katipunan
by the propagandist to his sister and his sister told the mother
3. Lack of financial support superiora, then the mother superiora told
Fr.Mariano Gil
Fr. Mariano Gil- sees the evidences that
-when rizal back to philippines, wanted to katipunan really exist.
continue La Liga Filipina on July 3,1892
Pugad Lawin – (Cry of Katipunan)the tearing of
-Andres Bonifacio- reads and translates Rizal Cedula and the start of revolution
1896- katipunan revolution
-Andres bonifacio send Dr. Pio Valenzuela to
convince him to join te revolution 1898-Philippine revolution

-Jose Rizal rejects the proposal because he Emilio Aguinaldo- cavite, magdalo -1 loss
thinks that the Philippines is not ready for Andres Bonifacio- magdiwang- win
revolution or freedom
-meet at Tejeros Convention where assembly
- Rizal also volunteered to be a medical of katipunan convention happened.
assistant in Cuba
-They invited Andres Bonifacio to become
- On his way to Cuba, he is arrested and mediator.
accused of being the brain of Katipuanan and
was sent back to the Philippines -When you’re a mediator you should be neutral.

Reasons/evidences that pointed out Rizal being

the brain of Ktipunan -Andres Bonifacio nominated as president
1. Because of Andress -Emilio Aguinaldo won through absentia
Bonifacio’s( supreme and one of the because he was in Cavite
-Director of Interior- Andres Bonifacio won 1. Christopher Columbus - a Genoan; fan of
Marco Polo; want to go to China but arrived in
Daniel Tirona opposed and said “sir the most fit America and he called it India because he
of that position is someone educated and a believe that it is India
2. Ferñao de Magalhais (Ferdinand Magellan)
-Andres Bonifacio walked out.
-from Portugal
-Naik Militang Agreement: military
-5 ships; 270 crew
-the election happened was not recognized
-3 ship remains
-King Charles

Ancient Trade Routes

Pacific Ocean is very calm so they named it Mar
- Silk Road/Northern Route Pacifico
- Grand Trunk/Central Route Chamorros- natives of Guam
- Venetian Route/Southern Route

Isla de Ladrones(Island of the Thieves)

Age of Crusades

March 16,1521 they sighted the mounts of

Ottoman Turks blocks the Homonhon

In Limasawa:
Tierra Incognito(Land of the Unknown) Rajah Humabon
- Santo Niño given to his wife and converted to
Portugal: Christian

1. Prince Henry -discovered Cape Verde - enemy of Lapu-lapu

2. Bartholomeo Diaz -
3. Vasco de Gama -arrived in Calicut, India Enrique de Malacca

Two ships remained

Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo de Borja) Victoria

Inter Caetera--->Treaty of Tordesillas Trinidad


Spain: Santiago
San Antonio

Magellan named the Philippines Islas de San

Sebastian el Cano - leds the ship "Victoria"

Treaty of Zaragosa

Spain send expeditions led by

1. Loaysa
2. Cabot
3. Alvaro de Saavedra
4. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos(Isla de Felipinas)
Francis Xavier- attended his burial
5. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi(1564-1565) - first
governor in the Philippines
-Named CEBU as Santissimo Nombre de Jesus
-Went to Panay Island
-in 1571-Rajah Sulayman will be defeated
-Declared Manila as El Nuevo Reyna de Castila

1565-Spaniards arrived led by Legazpi

1896-Katipunan Revolution
1898-Philippine Revolution

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