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Buat rangkuman Pentahapan Siklus Hidup Rekayasa Sistem (Systems Engineering Life Cycle
Stages) dalam bentuk tabel yang mencantumkan masukan dan keluaran dari setiap sub-tahapan,
dengan melanjutkan contoh template berikut:
2. Buat juga rangkuman tentang Metode Rekayasa Sistem (System Engineering Method) dengan
melengkapi tabel berikut

1. Requirements Analysis — identifies why requirements are needed,

2. Functional Definition — translates requirements into functions,
3. Physical Definition — synthesizes alternative physical implementations, and
4. Design Validation — models the system environment.

Requirements Analysis (Problem Definition).

• assembling and organizing all input conditions, including requirements, plans, milestones, and models from the previous phase;
• identifying the “ whys ” of all requirements in terms of operational needs, constraints, environment, or other higher - level objectives;
• clarifying the requirements of what the system must do, how well it must do it, and what constraints it must fi t; and
• correcting inadequacies and quantifying the requirements wherever possible.

Functional Definition (Functional Analysis and Allocation). Typical activities include

• translating requirements (why) into functions (actions and tasks) that the system must accomplish (what),
• partitioning (allocating) requirements into functional building blocks, and
• defi ning interactions among functional elements to lay a basis for their organization into a modular confi guration.

Physical Definition (Synthesis, Physical Analysis, and Allocation).

• synthesizing a number of alternative system components representing a variety of design approaches to implementing the required
functions, and having the most simple practicable interactions and interfaces among structural subdivisions;
• selecting a preferred approach by trading off a set of predefi ned and prioritized criteria (measures of effectiveness [MOE]) to obtain the
best “ balance ” among performance, risk, cost, and schedule; and
• elaborating the design to the necessary level of detail.

Design Validation (Verification and Evaluation).

• designing models of the system environment (logical, mathematical, simulated, and physical) refl ecting all signifi cant aspects of the
requirements and constraints;
• simulating or testing and analyzing system solution(s) against environmental models; and
• iterating as necessary to revise the system model or environmental models, or to revise system requirements if too stringent for a viable
solution until the design and requirements are fully compatible.
3. [Bonus point] Jelaskan, secara singkat relasi yang terjadi antara kedua konsep di atas.

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