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GROUP 6 Questions

Multiple Choices:

1. Who was the scientist or Geologists who published many books about geological findings,
one of his well known book is "PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY"?

A. Charles Darwin

B. Thomas Malthus

C. Charles Lyell

D. Jean- Baptiste Lamarck

2. The theory of _________ is a fundamental principle in geology that suggests that the same
geological processes that are happening today have been shaping the Earth's surface
throughout its history.

A. Theory of Geology

B. Theory of Catastrophism

C. Theory of Uniformitarianism

D. Theory of law superstition

3. Who was the scientist authoring the book entitled "On the Origin of Life by Means of Natural
Selection" that was published in 1859?

A. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

B. Charles Lyell

C. Charles Darwin

D. Georges Cuvier
4. It is a mechanism of evolution, stating that organisms that are more adapted to their
environment are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success. What is

A. Fittest

B. Biological Evolution

C. Natural Selection

D. Taxonomy

5. During Charles Darwin's voyage, he collected _______species of finches.

A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14

6. From _____, Darwin knew that the population could grow faster than their resources. This
"overproduction of offspring" led to a "struggle for existence." Who is the scientist that Darwin
referred to?

A. Georges Cuvier

B. Thomas Malthus

C. Charles Lyell

D. Charles Darwin

7. Charles Darwin coined the term "fitness." What does fitness refer to in the context of
Darwin's theory of evolution?

A. The physical well-being of individuals being free from any diseases

B. An organism's relative ability to survive and produce fertile offspring.

C. The ability of individuals to resist diseases through physical exercise

D. An organism's ability to maintain a body fit

8.) The laws of Lamarckism

A.) The Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics and the Use and Disuse

B.) Natural Selection

C.) Geological process

9.) Who was considered one of the first scientists who proposed the Theory of Evolution but
later was rejected and replaced by Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection?

A.Charles Lyell

B.Jean-baptiste Lamarck

C.Charles darwin

D.George Cuvier

10.) What was the whole idea of Lamarckism?

A.) Lamarckism refers to the process by which organisms with traits that better suit their
environment tend to survive and reproduce more effectively than those with less favorable traits.

B.) Lamarkism is a theory of evolution in which it says that animals don't come from common

Lamarkism is the theory that organisms could pass on traits acquired during their lifetime to their

11.) The following are the principles of use and disuse:

A.) Use it or lose it.

B.) The acquired characteristics of an organism could possibly be passed on to their offspring.

C.) The processes we observe shaping the Earth's surface today, such as erosion, sedimentation,
and volcanic activity, have been occurring at relatively constant rates over geological time.

D.) None of the above

12.) Who was the said scientist who challenged Lamarck's theory about inheritance of acquired
characteristics and proved it by cutting the mice's tail?

A.) August Wiceman

B.) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

C.) Charles Lyell

D.) August Weismann

13.) Who is the “father of modern geology“?

a. James hutton

b. James hulton

c. Jhames hulton

d. James carl

14. Who proposed the theory of gradualism?

a. James hutton

b. Charles lyell

c. Jhames hulton

d. Charles hutton

15 . What profession did James Hutton hold besides being a geologist?

a) Physician

b) Lawyer

c) Farmer

d) Teacher

16. In which Scottish city did James Hutton spend much of his life?

a) Glasgow

b) Edinburgh

c) Aberdeen

d) Dundee

17. He is considered the father of taxonomy.

a.Carolus Linnaues

b.Thomas Malthus
c.Charles Darwin

d. Charles Lyell

18. It refers to the biological system of naming organisms in which the name is composed of two

a.Binomial Nomenclature

b.System of Nature

c.Linnaean System of Classification

d.An Essay on the Principle of Population

19. It is the work of Carolus Linnaues; he published his classification system in a work called?

a.Binomial Nomenclature

b.Linnaean System of Classification

c.System of Nature

d. AAn Essay on the Principle of Population

20. Binomial nomenclature is the biological system of naming organisms in which the name is
composed of two terms.

a.Plant Kingdom and Animal Kingdom

b.Genus and Species

c.Class and Order

d. KKingdom and Phylum

21. This taxon is considered the highest taxon in the Linnaean taxonomy. a.Kingdom



22. A book that was published in 1798 about the increase in population and agricultural

An essay on the principle of population

B. A system of nature

C. On the origin of species


23. Who wrote the book that was published in 1798?

A.carolus lineus

B. Charles darwin

C. Thosmas Malthus

D. Charles Lyell

24. A pessimistic view refers to the fact that populations had a tendency to grow until the lower
class suffered hardship, want, and greater susceptibility to war, famine, and disease.

A Malthusian trap

B. Malthusian catastrophe



25. What refers to the terms "by head" or "per head"?

A. Per capita


C. Abundance

D. Famine

26. The spreading of malnutrition is due to a lack of food production.

A.famine '
B. abundance


D. per capita


1. Who is the Father of Paleontology?

3. According to him, the fossil are remains of?

5. What theory is the scientist above facilitated?

6. What is the full name of the scientist of The father of Paleontology?


1. Explain the Principle of Charles Lyell the " Principles of Geology". Explain it 3-5 sentences,
worth 3 points.

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