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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E.

School: Sto. Niño Elementary School

School Principal: Victor G. Laput
Teacher: Christine E. Teves
Date: March 25, 2022

- Executes the different skills involved in the dance (PERD-IIIc-h-4)


Topic: The Basics of Folk Dancing
Sources: P.E. (MELCS) p.103
PE and Health Textbook p.54-61
Enjoying MAPEH Textbook p.173-178
Materials: powerpoint,projector and screen, laptop, visual aids

Subject Integration: ESP -Display joy of effort, respect for others during
participation in physical activities.

A. Preparation
-Opening prayer
-Class Attendance

B. Review
-ask the pupils what was the previous lesson
(In the previous lesson, we discussed the Development of Fitness through
Dancing and its Physical Acitivity Pyramid)
-ask what is the definition of dance?
( dance is described as a form of physical activity that helps the body &
mind to become healthy.)

C. Motivation
(Video clip showing/Illustrations)
-The video and the illustration shows the different Phil. Folk dances. Take
a look at the diff. Illustrations on the board. Choose one and tell something
about what you know about it.

D. Presentation
 Folk Dancing is a fun way to exercise the body & appreciate
beautiful dances of our country.
 Folk dance is defined as the tradiotional dance of a given country,
region, or provinces which evolved naturally and spontaneously
with evreryday activities.
-Show the illustrations of different kinds of Folk Dance in the Phil.
-Present the powerpoint presentation slides for The Basic Concept of
Folk Dance, The Phil. Folk & Ethic Dances can be grouped according
to the following:
1. Dances of the Cordellira Groups
2. Western Influenced Dances
3. Dances of Muslim Groups
4. Dances of the Ethnic Groups
5. Dances of the Countryside
E. Discussion
-Discuss the Fundamental Positions of Arms & Feet
-Discuss the Common Danc Terms of Arms & Feet

F. Application
-Let them do the Activity on OFF YOU GO! Test A of PE and Health
Textbook on page 59.

A. Aside from the basic terms and movements, it is also important to

study the different folk dances. Analyze the following basic folk dance
steps and accomplish the given activity.

G. Generalization
-How many fundamental positions are there for arms & feet?
-Can you perform each one of them? (ask & call pupils to perform each
fundamental position of arms and feet)

-Let them answer the CHECK OUT Test A of PE and Health Textbook on
page 61. (5 items only)

-Let them copy their assignment on CHECK OUT Test B of PE and Health
Textbook on page 61. (3 items only)

Prepared by:
Reviewed & checked by:

School Head

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