Odd Word

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Choose the odd word –

Odd words mean the word which does not match with other words of
the group

• blue - pink - park - black: color

• apples - bananas - oranges - chairs: fruit

• postman - doctor - hospital - secretary: occupation

• hungry - tired - happy - friend: emotion

• Friday - Sunday - March - Wednesday: day of the week

• seven - first - eight - twenty: number

• German - Russia - England - Scotland: country

The odd word in the given list is "Scotland." The other three words are
countries, while Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom.

• February - November - Monday - July: month

• tree - fridge - table - bed: furniture

• salad - carrot - tomato - cucumber: vegetable

• second - third - nine - twelfth: ordinal number

• orange - cherry - potato - kiwi: fruit

• good - nice - bad - friendly: adjective

The odd word in the given list is "bad." The other three words, "good,"
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"nice," and "friendly," all have positive connotations, while "bad" has a
negative connotation.

• sister - niece - father - aunt: family relationship

The odd word in the given list is "father." The other three words, "sister,"
"niece," and "aunt," are all female family relationships, while "father"
refers to a male family relationship.

• grandfather - aunt - nephew - brother: family relationship

The odd word in the given list is "brother." The other three words,
"grandfather," "aunt," and "nephew," are all older generations or extended
family relationships, while "brother" refers to a sibling relationship.

• windy - sunny - clock - freezing: weather condition

• football - tennis - music - judo: sport

• red - jump - read - write: verb

The odd word in the given list is "jump." The other three words, "red,"
"read," and "write," are all related to language and communication, while
"jump" is related to physical action or movement

• my - our - she - your: possessive pronoun

The odd word in the given list is "she." The other three words, "my,"
"our," and "your," are possessive pronouns indicating ownership or
relationship, while "she" is a personal pronoun used to refer to a female

• skirt - shirt - shoe - smart: clothing item

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• car - dog - camel - horse: animal

• arm - knee - finger - know: body part

• taxi - bus - underground - stop: mode of transportation

• ice-cream - cake - chips - biscuits: food item ---The odd word in the given
list is "chips." The other three words, "ice-cream," "cake," and "biscuits,"
are all sweet food items, while "chips" typically refers to a savory snack.

• bed - kitchen - bathroom - hall: room in a house

The odd word in the given list is "hall." The other three words, "bed,"
"kitchen," and "bathroom," are all rooms typically found in a house or
building, while "hall" refers to a common area or corridor.

• cartoon - comedy - musical - office: genre

The odd word in the given list is "office." The other three words,
"cartoon," "comedy," and "musical," are genres or types of entertainment,
while "office" refers to a workplace or a physical location.

• long - short - old - door: adjective

• telephone - computer - radio - lamp: electronic device

• teddy bear - ball - doll - backpack: toy

• breakfast - lunch - meal - dinner: mealtime

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• biology - carpet - geography - maths: school subject

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