Lower Airway Obstruction and Bronchiolitis

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Indian J Pediatr (November 2011) 78(11):1396–1400

DOI 10.1007/s12098-011-0492-z


Approach to a Child with Lower Airway Obstruction

and Bronchiolitis
Sudhanshu Grover & J. Mathew & Arun Bansal &
Sunit C. Singhi

Received: 25 April 2011 / Accepted: 16 May 2011 / Published online: 28 May 2011
# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2011

Abstract Lower airway obstruction can occur at the level of specific clinical pointers are prolonged expiration and
trachea, bronchi or bronchioles. It is characterized clinically hyperinflated chest. Wheeze is most often expiratory, but it
by wheeze and hyperinflated chest, apart from other signs of may also be inspiratory or biphasic. Expiration becomes an
respiratory distress. Common causes include bronchiolitis, active rather than a passive process in such cases. There are
asthma, pneumonia, laryngotracheo-bronchitis, congenital many causes of wheezing in infancy and childhood. These are
malformations and foreign body inhalation. Bronchiolitis summarized in Table 1. The most common among these,
usually occurs in children aged 2 months to 2 years. It is presenting with an acute illness in authors’ emergency
most commonly caused by respiratory syncytial virus infec- department are bronchiolitis, acute asthma, pneumonia,
tion. The diagnosis is mainly clinical, and investigations have congestive cardiac failure, laryngotracheo-bronchitis, airway
a very limited role. Humidified oxygen and supportive therapy foreign bodies and congenital malformations. In a study
are the mainstays of treatment. A trial of inhaled epinephrine published in 2002 from a teaching hospital in north
or parenteral steroids may be considered for non-responders. It India, the common causes of wheezing in children aged
is usually associated with good outcome. 2 months to 1 year were bronchopneumonia(50%),
bronchiolitis(34%), bronchial asthma(16%) after exclud-
Keywords Children . Lower airway obstruction . Wheeze . ing foreign body inhalation, congestive cardiac failure,
Bronchiolitis and anatomical malformations [1]. In Singapore, 22.7%
children had at least one episode of wheeze by the second
year of life [2], while in the West one-third children had at
Lower Airway Obstruction least one lower respiratory tract infection with wheeze in
the first 3 years of life [3].
Obstruction in the lower airways (i.e. airways within the Older patients with lower airway obstruction tend to
thorax) may occur in the trachea, bronchi or bronchioles. breathe at a slower rate; however infants breathe faster. This
The general symptoms/signs of respiratory tract disease is because of a highly compliant chest wall; wherein slower
include cough, tachypnea, and increased respiratory effort. breathing would lead to subatmospheric intrapleural pres-
The most characteristic symptom and sign of lower airway sure and collapse of the chest wall.
obstruction is wheezing. Wheeze is a high pitched whistling
sound usually heard during expiration (sometimes heard
with stethoscope only). It is caused by vibrations of airways Approach to a Wheezing Child
during passage of air through narrow lumen. Other relatively
In pediatric emergency, important points in history and
examination are as follows:
S. Grover : J. Mathew : A. Bansal : S. C. Singhi (*)
Department of Pediatrics, Advanced Pediatrics Centre, History
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh 160012, India & Age of onset: Onset in neonatal period/early infancy sug-
e-mail: sunit.singhi@gmail.com gests CCF, anatomic malformation, or immunodeficiency.
Indian J Pediatr (November 2011) 78(11):1396–1400 1397

Table 1 Differential diagnosis of acute wheezing in infants & Signs of allergy or atopy like rhinitis, conjunctivitis,
1. Infection eczema suggest asthma/allergic bronchitis.
• Viral: Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis, Parainfluenza, & Look for the signs of CCF like hepatomegaly, neck
Influenza, Adenovirus, Rhinovirus, Human metapneumovirus veins, dependent edema, and growth pattern.
• Bacterial pneumonia Remember
• Chlamydia pneumonia
2. Asthmaa & In a child with acute onset wheezing, with history of
3. Aspiration syndromesa preceding fever and abdominal pain, and presence of
4. Heart diseasea temperature >38°C at presentation, pneumonia is the
• Congestive cardiac failure
likely diagnosis [4].
• Myocarditis
& All infants/children with bilateral wheezing do not have
• Cardiomyopathy
bronchial asthma [4]
& Foreign body aspiration can present with non-
5. Anatomic abnormalitiesa
lateralization of findings; it should be suspected in non-
• Extrinsic airway compression
responders to inhaled bronchodilators and corticosteroids
- Vascular ring/sling
- Mediastinal lymph node/mass
& Asthma and congenital heart disease can coexist [4].
• Intrinsic airway anomalies
& In a young infant (2 to 6 months) with mild to moderate
- Airway hemangioma
grade fever and wheeze along with respiratory distress,
- Cystic adenomatoid malformation
bronchiolitis is the most likely diagnosis.
- Bronchial lung cyst
- Congenital lobar emphysema
- Sequestration of lung
- Mediastinal lymph node/tumor/TB lymphadenitis
• Central airway obstruction: laryngotracheo-malacia
“Bronchiolitis” refers to inflammation of peripheral air-
6. Foreign body
ways. It is the most common cause of wheezing in young
7. Anaphylaxis
8. Inhalational injuries (burns)
9. Mucociliary clearance disordersa
• Cystic fibrosis
• Primary ciliary dyskinesia
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is responsible for more
• Bronchiectasis than 50% cases. Other etiologic agents include Para-
10. Gastro-esophageal reflux influenza, Adenovirus, Mycoplasma, and Human Meta-
11. Immunodeficiencies – HIV, IgA deficiency, B-cell deficiency pneumovirus. Human Metapneumovirus is an important
These conditions can be associated with recurrent wheezing
primary cause or it can occur as a co-infection. There is no
evidence for a bacterial cause of bronchiolitis.
& Frequency: Recurrent or persistent symptoms point to-
wards asthma, cardiac cause, or anatomical malformation. Clinical Features
& A positive family history or a personal history of atopy
indicates asthma. & Age—Bronchiolitis generally occurs in young infants
& Other specific symptoms like fever, cardiac symptoms, 2 to 6 months of age. It may occur up to 2 years of
GERD may suggest the definitive cause of wheeze. age.
& Previous treatment and response to the treatment is also & History—Fever (mild to moderate grade), refusal to
important in making a diagnosis. feed, breathing difficulty, wheeze, lethargy
& On examination: wheeze, hyperinflation, hyper- reso-
nant percussion note, obliteration of liver and cardiac
& Clubbing is an indicator of chronic disease (e.g. dullness.
& Chest shape: Barrel shaped chest is seen in asthma/ Differential Diagnoses
chronic lung disease; precordial pulsation/bulge is seen
in congenital heart disease. The differential diagnoses of wheezing in infants/children
& Lateralization of findings suggests foreign body, ana- are presented in Table 1. First episode of asthma,
tomical malformations, mediastinal lymph nodes/mass. pneumonia, and congestive cardiac failure are the most
1398 Indian J Pediatr (November 2011) 78(11):1396–1400

important diagnoses that should be ruled out. The following Treatment

points should be kept in mind.
An outline of treatment plan for suspected cases of
& First episode of bronchial asthma—often has a family
bronchiolitis is given in Fig. 2.
history and shows good response to bronchodilators
& Pneumonia—usually a sick looking child, with moder- 1. Humidified oxygen is the mainstay of treatment in
ate to high grade fever; signs of obstruction are less bronchiolitis.
pronounced; and crackles are audible on auscultation. 2. Careful attention to fluid therapy is necessary; liberal
& Cardiac failure due to myocarditis or congenital heart fluid therapy may lead to water intoxication [5].
disease—is associated with tachycardia, tender hepato- Bronchiolitis of infancy is characterized by water
megaly, basal crackles, murmur and cardiomegaly on retention which is caused by impaired renal water
chest radiography. excretion.
Other modalities of treatment have been studied exten-
Investigations sively. These include inhaled epinephrine, parenteral ste-
roids (dexamethasone), inhaled salbutamol, inhaled
Indications for investigations: possible alternate diagnosis, hypertonic saline etc. Their role is unproven; none of them
severe distress, worsening, and absence of clinical improvement. is supported by robust evidence of significant clinical
The following investigations may be required:
& Chest radiograph Nebulized Epinephrine
& Viral studies (nasopharyngeal swab): Nasopharyngeal
swab may be positive for RSV. Epinephrine has been aptly described as the “least
& Blood gas analysis ineffective” intervention [6, 7]. There is no benefit in terms
of admission rate or duration of hospitalization; however
Chest radiograph provides information about the base- subgroup analysis suggests that epinephrine has some
line lung condition for any infant with respiratory distress benefit among outpatients. Similarly, there is no difference
and helps to rule out other differential diagnoses such as for surrogate outcomes including change in oxygen
foreign body and pneumonia, and to look at chronic lung saturation, heart rate and respiratory rate, although epi-
conditions e.g. bronchiectasis. In bronchiolitis, it typically nephrine results in more favourable clinical score change
shows hyperinflation and patchy atelectasis. from baseline. A meta-analysis of the treatment effects of
Figure 1 shows a typical chest radiograph of bronchio- nebulized epinephrine suggested a decrease in clinical
litis. This one and a half month infant was brought with symptoms as compared with either placebo or salbutamol
fever and paroxysmal cough for 4 days. Long bouts of [8].Nebulized epinephrine has been shown to improve
cough were associated with apnea. He had family history of symptoms better than oral or nebulized salbutamol [9–11].
asthma. On examination: respiratory rate was 65/min with Some infants may experience worsening of symptoms
chest wall retractions, decreased air entry and wheeze and with nebulized epinephrine. Therefore, a trial should be
scattered crepts all over chest. Nasophryngeal swab was considered but treatment should be stopped if there is no
positive for Respiratory Syncitial Virus. response.

Nebulized Salbutamol

There is no benefit of inhaled salbutamol on admission rate

or duration of hospitalization [12]. A meta-analysis of the
treatment effects of nebulized selective beta-agonists failed
to show any consistent benefits [13].

Nebulized Hypertonic Saline

It has been suggested that hypertonic saline nebulization

may be useful in making secretions less viscous and
promoting their excretion, thereby resulting in clinical
Fig. 1 Chest radiograph of a two and a half month infant, with
bronchiolitis showing bilateral hyperinflation (hyperaerated lungs, improvement. However, nebulized hypertonic saline has a
widening of intercostals space, straightening of ribs). limited role in bronchiolitis [14].
Indian J Pediatr (November 2011) 78(11):1396–1400 1399

Fig. 2 Flowchart showing out- Humidified oxygen

line of management in suspected
case of bronchiolitis IV fluids (70%)/ supportive therapy

Assess response

Adequate response Inadequate response

Continue supportive therapy Trial of inhaled epinephrine

Adequate response Worsening/ no response

Stop epinephrine.
PICU transfer
Give Dexamethasone (0.6 mg/kg) 1 dose

Inadequate response

Steroids (Oral/Inhaled) Use of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

Steroids are no different from placebo with respect to hard A recent randomized controlled trial (n=31) compared the
outcomes and several surrogate outcomes (clinical scores, use of nasal CPAP with standard treatment. CPAP im-
oxygenation parameters, respiratory rate, readmission rate). proved ventilation and hypercapnea [23].
One trial (n=174) showed that a single dose of intravenous
dexamethasone (0.6 mg/kg) results in (statistically but not Treatment Modalities That Should Be Avoided
clinically significant) shorter duration of hospitalization and
time for resolution of respiratory distress [15, 16]. & Chest physiotherapy should not be used routinely in the
Inhaled dexamethasone does not show any difference in management of bronchiolitis.
clinical score and oxygenation compared to saline [17]. & No antibiotics should be given routinely [19].
A recent randomized controlled trial studied 800 patients
divided in 4 intervention groups: 1) Epinephrine–dexa-
Indications for Hospitalization
methasone group, 2) Epinephrine group 3) Dexamethasone
group 4) Placebo group. The doses used were:- Epineph-
Indications for hospitalization are mentioned in Table 2.
rine: 3 ml of generic epinephrine in a 1:1000 solution;
Dexamethasone: 1.0 mg/kg body weight (maximum dose,
Criteria for Discharge
10 mg) or placebo given after the first nebulized treatment
in the emergency department, followed by five once-daily
The following criteria are recommended for sending home
doses of dexamethasone (0.6 mg/kg; maximum daily dose,
an infant with bronchiolitis [24]:
10 mg). The study concluded that combined therapy with
dexamethasone and epinephrine may significantly reduce & Normal respiratory rate
hospital admissions [18]. & Oxygen concentration of at least 94%
& Adequate oral intake
Ribavirin (Aerosol) & Absence of respiratory distress

Ribavirin should not be used routinely in children with Table 2 Indications for hospitalization/markers for severe disease
bronchiolitis [19]. Indications for using ribavirin include • Age less than 3 months
selected patients with life threatening RSV infection [20]: • Gestational age at birth < 34 wks
such as prematurity, infants with congenital heart disease, • Cardiopulmonary disease/immunodeficiencies
chronic lung disease and immunocompromised host. • Anatomical defects of airways
One systematic review and two subsequent RCTs • Neurological disease associated with hypotonia and pharyngeal
found that, in children and infants admitted to hospital in-coordination
with RSV bronchiolitis, ribavirin did not significantly • Respiratory rate > 70/min
reduce mortality, respiratory deterioration, or duration of • Lethargic appearance
hospital stay compared with placebo [21], but it signif- • Wheezing and respiratory distress associated with SpO2 <92%
icantly reduced the duration of ventilation compared with • Atelectasis or consolidation on chest radiography
placebo [22].
1400 Indian J Pediatr (November 2011) 78(11):1396–1400

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