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Cutting-edge chemistry

Industrial nitroglycerin made fast and safe

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out the
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y of ni troglycerin
chemistr control the decomposition products. And in the event
ast from
with this podc of something going very wrong, the resulting explosion
Chemistr y Wor
y/O Jo 0xW would be much smaller.
The microreactor is a hand-sized clear polymer tile with
an internal channel that meanders across the plane.
The internal channel has two entrances but only one
exit – the reactants are brought together at the start and
then mixed as they move through the microreactor by
turbulence caused by a complex pattern of grooves and
ridges on the sides of the channel.
To scale up production, you simply add more
microreactors in parallel. A single microreactor
might be used to make 10–50 kg of
nitroglycerine per day. But the research
group in Pfinztal has experimented with
production at 2–3 tonnes per week by
‘numbering up’ the microreactors.
Since the invention of nitroglycerin in the mid-19th
century, people have been trying to find safer ways High purity
Structure of nitroglycerin to manufacture this highly unstable liquid explosive. That said, this is not an approach for
Now, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for bulk production of nitroglycerin. Low
Chemical Technology (ICT) in Pfintzal, Germany, have grade product, primarily for the mining and construction
Did you come up with what might be the safest approach industries, can be made cheaply in bulk already. Where
yet – using microreactors to produce nitroglycerin this approach is a real advantage is in the manufacture
know? continuously rather than in batches. This is not only of smaller quantities of nitroglycerin at very high grades
safer but also quicker, facilitating a 10-fold increase in for use in the pharmaceutical industry.
Nitroglycerin is not only a
production rate. Andrew Turley
powerful explosive but
also a potent drug Nitrating hydrocarbons

Fraunhofer ict
(sometimes called Nitroglycerin is made by adding glycerol, a simple
glyceryl trinitrate), widely hydrocarbon with three hydroxyl groups, to a mixture
used for treating angina of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The reaction is
and other heart problems.
extremely exothermic, and if the temperature gets too
high ‘runaway’ can occur, dramatically increasing the
risk of explosion.
Therefore manufacturers continually cool the reaction
mixture and – in the traditional batch process – add
the glycerol drop-by-drop to the acid to allow time for
the heat to dissipate and maintain an excess of acid,
essential to ensure complete nitration of the all the
hydroxyl groups.
Switching to a continuous process in a microreactor
means working with much smaller quantities – safer
for several reasons. It makes it easier to control the
Microreactors can be overall temperature and the degree of mixing, which
used to produce explosive is important to avoid localised temperature variations
materials much more
safely and dangerous ‘hotspots’. It also makes it easier to

8 | The Mole | September 2012

Did you
Polymers and plastics are
Smart windows store sun’s energy often thought of solely as
insulators. However,
polymers like polyaniline
can conduct electricity
due to their conjugated
electronic structure. Find
out more about
conducting polymers at

The energy storage

smart window can be
bent and flexed and
still do its job

Scientists in China have developed a smart window that are then covered with a gel electrolyte layer to form an
not only heats and cools a building, but can also act as electrode, and two electrodes are sandwiched together
an energy storage device to power electrical equipment to make a working device.
within the building.
Flexible devices
Smart windows are already in use in some buildings; Polyaniline has a high capacity and doesn’t cost
they are used to reduce energy consumption by keeping much to make, plus it has the added advantages of
the interiors cool and controlling the light levels within. being transparent and flexible. ‘Flexible devices are
An example of this is in museums, where artefacts can
be damaged by too much sunlight.
attracting more and more attention because they are
lightweight, easy to roll up, and can be designed in Have a go�
a more fashionable way. It is no doubt that a flexible
Changing colour Electrochromic materials
smart window like ours possesses these properties. For
Now, Zhixiang Wei from the National Centre for Nano- change colour when an
instance, the ESS window can be rolled up like a curtain electric current is applied.
science and Technology and colleagues have made a
if it is not being used,’ says Wei. Make your own
window that combines a supercapacitor with a window
pane that changes colour in response to an electric John Rogers, an expert in photonic devices from electrochromic polymer in
your school lab.
current. In bright sunlight, it absorbs and stores energy, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US,
but when it is full to capacity, the window darkens was cautiously optimistic about the work. ‘Such
to limit the amount of light that enters. This controls technologies, if they can be made cheaply and in forms
the temperature and brightness of the room and the that offer long-lived operation, could be valuable in
captured energy can be used to power equipment, such contexts ranging from automotives to homes,’ he says.
as television screens. As the electricity is used up, the
Wei’s team is working on optimising their device by
energy storage smart window (ESS window) will lighten
trying different electrode materials and improving the
and begin to absorb more sunlight to recharge itself.
window’s electrochromic properties. They are also
The ESS window is made of polyaniline nanowire arrays, looking at integrating a solar cell into the device to store
which are deposited onto a transparent film that has even more energy.
been coated with a conductive layer. The nanowires Holly Sheahan September 2012 | The Mole | 9

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