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A. Textual Presentation
The first method in presenting data is through textual presentation. The data that are being collected are presented
in sentence form.
Example: Twenty of the respondents are male and thirty of the respondents are female.
B. Tabular Presentation
A tabular presentation is an arrangement of statistical data in rows and columns. Rows are horizontal
arrangements whereas columns are vertical arrangements.
Example: The table below shows the average weight of respondents grouped according to gender.


Male 60
Female 52

Definition: A frequency distribution is a summary of the data presented in the form of class intervals and frequencies.
The data can be presented in a one-way or two-way frequency distribution table.
(1) One-way frequency distribution
The data are tabulated according to a single variable.
Example: Frequency Distribution of Respondents According to Year Level

Year Level Number of Students

First 35
Second 50
Third 48
Fourth 24

(2) Two-way frequency distribution

The data are tabulated according to two variables. It is also called a cross-tabulation or contingency table.
Meranao 29 55 84
Non-Meranao 12 4 16
Total 41 59 100

For numerical data with a wide range of values, it is more practical to group the observations into classes like in
the example below.


15-16 40
17-18 56
19-20 42
21-22 30
23-24 15

 When data are organized into a frequency distribution, they are called grouped data. If they have not been
summarized in any way, they are called raw data or ungrouped data.

Construction of Frequency Distribution

The following steps are involved in the construction of a frequency distribution.
1. Find the range (R) of the raw data: The range is the difference between the largest and the smallest
values. That is, R = (highest value) – (lowest value)
2. Decide on the number of class interval (or simply classes), k : k = 1. 3.322 log10 N
where N = number of observations
**Note: Round off k to the nearest whole number.
3. Determine the class size or class width, c: c >
** Note: rounded up with the same precision as the given data
4. Determine the class limits of the k classes: The starting class limit must be equal to or lower than the
lowest value in the raw data. When the lowest class limit has been decided, add the class size to the lowest class
limit to get the lower limit of the next class. The remaining lower class limits are determined by adding the class
size repeatedly until you reach k classes. The appropriate upper class limits are determined next.
5. Tally the observations in the frequency column.

A random sample of 40 Math 31 students was selected and their weights (in kilograms) were recorded as shown
Weights (in kg) of Math 31 Students
63 59 43 60 41 53 56 81
50 66 62 52 49 48 52 40
64 64 47 53 47 54 62 56
58 53 50 47 79 70 45 47
46 58 56 55 56 45 73 49

Step 1.Compute the range: R = 81 – 40 = 41

Step 2.Compute the number of classes: k = 1 + 3.322 log1040 = 6.322.
**Round off 6.322 to the nearest whole number and that would be 6.
Step 3.Compute the class width: c > = 6.833. Then round-up 6.833 according to the rule of c.
It becomes 7 since the data are whole numbers. Thus, 6 number of classes can be made with a class width of 7 in
the given set of data.
Step 4. Tally the number of observations in each class and write them in the frequency column.

Class Limits (Weights in Frequency (No. of

kilogram) Observations)
40-46 ||||-|= 6
47-53 |||| - |||| - |||| = 14
54-60 |||| - |||| = 10
61-67 |||| - | = 6
68-74 || = 2
75-81 || = 2

The class interval 40-46 actually contains all weights ranging from 39.5 to 46.5. Also the interval 47-53
contains the weights from 46.5 to 53.5. These true class limits are called the class boundaries. The class boundaries are
39.5-46.5, 46.5-53.5, 53.5-60.5, 60.5-67.5, 67.5-74.5 and 74.5-81.5. It is important to note that the upper class boundary
of a class coincides with the lower class boundary of the next class. We can compute class boundaries using the
following formula:
Lower Class Boundary (LCB) = LL – ½ * (one unit of measure)
Upper Class Boundary (UCB) = UL + ½ * (one unit of measure)

Class Interval Class Boundaries
50-55 49.5-55.5
56-61 55.5-61.5
(1/2) * (one unit of measure) = 1/2(1) = 0.5

Class Interval Class Boundaries

19.6-20.0 19.55-20.05
20.1-20.5 20.05-20.55

(1/2) * (one unit of measure) = 1/2 (0.1) = 0.05

Class Interval Class Boundaries

1.56-1.65 1.555-1.655
1.66-1.75 1.655-1.755

(1/2) * (one unit of measure) =1/2(0.01) = 0.005

Class Mark or Midpoint
The class marks or midpoint is the mean of lower and upper class limits or class boundaries. So it divides the
class into two equal parts. It is obtained by dividing the sum of lower and upper class limit or class boundaries of a class
by 2. That is,

60+69 129
The class mark or midpoint of the class interval 60 -69 is = =64.5 or if we use the class boundaries,
2 2
59.5+69.5 129
= =64.5
2 2

Relative Frequency (R𝒇𝒊)

This is the frequency of a class expressed in proportion to the total number of observations:

Cumulative Frequency (Fi)

It is the accumulated frequency of a class. It is the total number of observations whose values do not exceed the
upper limit or boundary of the class.
Frequency Distribution Table of Weights (in kg) of Math 31 Students
Class Class Boundaries Frequency Class Mark, Relative Cumulative
Frequency Frequency, Fi
40 – 46 39.5 – 46.5 6 43 0.15 6
47 – 53 46.5 – 53.5 14 50 0.28 20
54 – 60 53.5 – 60.5 10 57 0.25 30
61 – 67 60.5 – 67.5 6 64 0.15 36
68 – 74 67.5 – 74.5 2 71 0.05 38
75 – 81 74.5 – 81.5 2 78 0.05 40

C. Graphical Presentation
After the data have been organized into a frequency distribution, they can be presented in graphical forms. The
purpose of graph in statistics is to convey the data in pictorial form. It is easier to detect trends, low and high points in
graphs, than in frequency tables. Graphs are also useful in getting the reader’s attention in a publication or in a
presentation. They can be used to discuss an issue, reinforce a critical point, or summarize a data set.

(a) Bar Chart

This is a graph where the different classes are represented by rectangles or bars.

Bar Chart
40 - 46 47 - 53 54 - 60 61 - 67 68 - 74 75 - 81
Weights (in kg) of Math 31 Students

This closely resembles the bar chart with the basic difference that a bar chart uses the class limits for the
horizontal axis while the histogram employs the class boundaries. Using the class boundaries eliminates the spaces
between rectangles, thus giving it a solid appearance.

39.5 - 46.5 46.5 - 53.5 53.5 - 60.5 60.5 - 67.5 67.5 - 74.5 74.5 - 81.5
Weights (in kg) of Math 31 Students

(c) Frequency Polygon

It is constructed by plotting the class marks against the frequency. Straight lines then connect the set of points
formed by the class marks and their corresponding frequencies together with additional class marks at the beginning of
the distribution.

Frequency Polygon




36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85

Weights (in kg) of Math 31 Students

(d)Frequency Ogive
It represents a cumulative frequency distribution. It is constructed by plotting class boundaries on the horizontal
scale and the cumulative frequency less than the upper class boundaries in the vertical scale.
Frequency Ogive
39.5 46.5 53.5 60.5 67.5 74.5 81.5

Weights (in kg) of Math 31 Students

(e)Pie Chart
This is a circle divided into pie-shaped sections, which look like slices of a pizza. The angle of a
sector is proportional in size to the frequencies or relative frequencies.
Angle of a sector = Rfi x 360o
Solution on getting angle of a sector:
• RF=5 % or 0.05
Angle of a sector = Rfx 360o = 0.05 x 360o= 18o
• RF=15 % or 0.15
Angle of a sector = Rfx 360o = 0.15 x 360o= 54o
• RF=25 % or 0.25
Angle of a sector = Rfx 360o = 0.25 x 360o= 90o
• RF=35 % or 0.35
Angle of a sector = Rfx 360o = 0.35 x 360o= 126o

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