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A research proposal submitted to the Department of English and literature in the partial fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Award of Bachelor of Education Degree of Turkana University College.

December 2023
Table of Contents
DECLARATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................................i
COPYRIGHT© 2023......................................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Background information.............................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Statement of the problem.........................................................................................................2
1.1.3 Objectives of the study...............................................................................................................2
1.1.4 Research questions.....................................................................................................................2
1.1.5 Justification of the study.............................................................................................................2
1.1.6 The scope of the study................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Literature reviewed.....................................................................................................................4
2.2 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Theoretical Framework..................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER THREE..........................................................................................................................................6
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................................6
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................6
3.1.1 Research Design..........................................................................................................................6
3.1.2 Sampling and Sampling Techniques............................................................................................6
3.1.3 Data Collection methods.............................................................................................................6
3.1.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation................................................................................................6
Declaration by the candidate

This research proposal is my original work and has not been presented for any conferment of any degree
in this or any other university.

Signature: Date: 8th Dec, 2023.


REG NO:EDA/B/2020/0080

Recommendation by supervisor

This thesis has been submitted with our approval.

Signature: Date:

Dr. Julius Chepkwony

Copyright ©2023. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without written permission from the author or Turkana University College.


This work is dedicated to all learners who aim at knowing women emancipation in the society.

I also dedicate it to my lovely mother Glady’s Nasimiyu and my future children who will be a living
testimony that hard work pays.

First of all I thank God for guiding and strengthening me up to this far.

I also thank my lecturer ;Dr. Julius Chepkwony from Turkana University College who has always been
directing and guiding me in all the ways when I was almost giving up.

I also thank my classmates whom we have been working together and all those who were always there
for any assistance.

I appreciate my brother’s love and support through the efforts of my mother without getting tired

This chapter covers the background to the study, statement of the problem, research objectives,
research questions, justification of the study and Scope

1.1.1 Background information

The emancipation of women refers to the process of granting women equal rights, opportunities, and
freedoms as men in various aspects of life including social, political, economic and cultural spheres. It
involves challenging and dismantling traditional gender roles and norms that have historically limited
women’s autonomy and agency.

“The Joys of Motherhood “ is a novel written by Nigerian author Buchi Emacheta, published in 1979. It
explores the life of Nnu Ego, a Nigerian woman living in pre- colonial and colonial era, her struggles and
sacrifices as a mother in a patriarchal society.

The novel is set against the backdrop of Nigerian’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule.
It portrays the impact of colonialism on traditional African societies and subsequent changes in gender
roles and societal dynamics. The novel highlights the tension between traditional cultural values and
influence of western ideals.

In the novel, Nnu Ego is raised with the belief that motherhood is the ultimate fulfillment for a woman.
She is married off at a young age and faces the pressure to bear children, as her worth and status in the
society are tied to her ability to produce offspring. However, Nnu Ego’s journey as a mother is fraught
with challenges including infertility, economic hardship and loss of her children. Her journey can also be
seen as a form of emancipation as she strives to find her own identity and purpose beyond the confines
of societal expectations.

Throughout the novel, Emacheta highlights the struggles faced by women in a patriarchal society
including limited education opportunities, economic dependency on men and the pressure to conform
to traditional gender roles. Nnu Ego’s experiences reflect the broader issues faced by women in Nigeria
during that time period . While “ The Joy’s of Motherhood “ primarily focuses on the challenges faced by
women, it also explores the complex interplay between tradition and modernity and the impact of
colonialism on Nigerian society. The novel offers a critique on the patriarchal structures that oppress
women and limit their agency. It portrays the resilience and strength of women as they navigate societal

constraints and strive for emancipation. It also raises important questions about gender inequality,
cultural traditions and the impact of colonialism on women’s lives.

Overall, the background of the emancipation of women in "The Joys of Motherhood" era a context for
understanding the struggles and challenges faced by women in Nigerian society during the colonial era.
It sheds light on the complexities of gender roles, societal expectations, and the quest for personal
fulfillment and liberation.

1.1.2 Statement of the problem

The novel explores the challenges and limitations faced by women in a patriarchal Nigerian society
where traditional gender roles and expectations confine women primarily to the role of motherhood.
The problem lies in the societal constraints that hinder emancipation and limit their opportunities for
personal fulfillment and independence beyond their role as wives and mothers. The problem includes:
gender inequality, limited autonomy and economic dependence, societal expectations and pressures,
cultural and traditional constraints and lack of education and empowerment.

1.1.3 Objectives of the study

The study will focus on the following objectives:
1. Analyze the portrayal of women’s emancipation in the novel “Joys of Motherhood “
2. Examine the role of education in women’s emancipation in “Joys of Motherhood.”
3. Assess the influence of colonialism on women’s emancipation in “ Joys of Motherhood.”

1.1.4 Research questions

The study will entail the following research questions as per the objectives:

1.How are women’s experiences of emancipation portrayed in Joys of Motherhood?

2. What roles does education play in the emancipation of women in” Joys of Motherhood “?

3.What is the influence of colonialism on women’s emancipation in “Joys of Motherhood “?

1.1.5 Justification of the study.

Studying women’s emancipation in “ Joys of Motherhood “ is justified as it delves into the complex
interplay between motherhood and societal expectations offering a nuanced portrayal of women striving

for liberation. The novel provides a rich context for examining the challenge, sacrifices and
transformations experienced by women in their pursuit of autonomy, shedding light on broader issues of
gender inequality and societal names. Analyzing this theme contributes to a deeper understanding of the
historical and cultural dimensions of women’s emancipation making it relevant area of study.

1.1.6 The scope of the study

The study will involve an analysis of the novel’s portrayal of individual characters and their struggles
examining the societal norms and cultural context depicted. The study will also extend to exploring
historical and political aspects relevant to the time period covered in the novel providing a
comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities for women emancipation.
Furthermore, the study will delve into the author’s intentions, literary techniques employed and the
novel’s impact on gender roles and emancipation.

2.1 Introduction
This section will encompass reviewed literature and theoretical framework. Literature reviewed will
relate to the subject area under study and will be organized in accordance with the objectives.

2.1.1 Literature reviewed

Cynthia Ward(2018) stated that Emecheta’s novels apply feminist view because they represent the
experience of the African woman struggling to assert herself against the historically determined
insignificance and try to speak for disenfranchised African women who are oppressed by colonial,
patriarchal societies.

Balavatbhai (2020) argued that Buchi Emecheta’s “ Joys of Motherhood “ attempts to expose the
marginalization and suffering of women in patriarchal African societies. The novel tells the story of Nnu
Ego, an Ibiza traditional woman who is proud of herself as a mother of three sons. In patriarchal
societies, women who do not bear children are often scorned by their in- laws.

Lewis and Mills (2003) asserted that the novel accommodates the aspect of western feminism which
brings in the light gender inequality, sexual difference and gender oppression within the Igbo society and
silenced by patriarchy.

Kohzadi et al, 2011) asserted that a feminist observer, Alice Walker, submits that because of “ their
double identity, black women are the victims of both sexual and racial discrimination.”

WuDunn and Kristoff claimed that in our society, when it comes to education boys are preferred to go to
school as compared to the girls. The same thing in the Joys of Motherhood when Nnaife decide to spend
all of his leftover for the study of his elder son Oshia.

Montle (2021) asserted that cultural proverb declares that a woman cannot lead and hence, should not
be given position as a leader.

Coetzee (2010) showed that some men are promiscuous, that is, they see women as sex toys.

Baloyi (2010) asserted that marriage, especially a polygamous one, is seen as means by which men
objectify women.

Nyanhongo (2011) asserted that women are treated as properties of men, commodities that can appeal
to the owner whilst still new.

2.2 Conclusion
Literature related study will be reviewed in order to identify gaps to be filled by the study.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

This is the structure that supports the theory of a research. It introduces and describes the theory that
explains why the research problem under the study exists. According to Hadi (2017), a theory is a set of
ideas that is extended to explain something about life or world, especially an idea that has not been
proved to be true. The study will be anchored on feminist theory. Mary Wollstonecraft is the proponent
of feminist theory . According to Pasque and Wimmer (2011) feminist theory is a theory interested for
equality between men and women and the elimination of all social forces that instigate discrimination,
oppression and exploitation. The theory argues that women are invisible in socio political of economics.

Basic Tenets of feminist theory

1.The aim is to promote gender equality through gender identity and gender roles.

2. Oppressed women become invisible in society hence they become societless.

3.Culture determines gender and especially feminine behavior which are deconstructed.

4.The power relationship reveals the dominance of men over women and that the women must resist
and therefore must come as strong main characters.

5. The female characters liberate themselves through their actions in the texts. They champion the

interests of the society.

3.1 Introduction
This section provides an overview of Research design, sampling and sampling techniques, data collection
and data analysis and interpretation.

3.1.1 Research Design

This study uses qualitative approach that is library based.

Crang and Kook (2007) in Cropley (2019), argued that the central aim of qualitative research is to detail
the daily lives of people under inquiry.

3.1.2 Sampling and Sampling Techniques

This study will use purposive sampling technique. Buchi Emecheta’s “Joys of Motherhood “ will be
chosen because it has issues touching women.

3.1.3 Data Collection methods

Primary data will be collected on Buchi Emecheta’s Joys of Motherhood. The research will entail close
reading on Buchi Emecheta’s Joys of Motherhood when applying feminist theory. Data will be extracted
and analyzed in accordance with the objectives. Secondary data will also be chiseled from secondary
sources such as internet, journal and academic studies.

3.1.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

The research will analyze and interpret the extracted data in terms of plot, characters, themes and style.
It will also be subjected to detailed interpretation as per the three objectives and it will focus on
feminism. The data will be therefore presented in analytic chapters.

1.Kohzad,et al. 2011. A Study Black Feminism and Womanism in Toni Morrison’s the Bluest Eye from the
view point of Alice Walker. International of Academic Research.

2.Lewis, M, et al. 2003. Feminist post colonial Theory: A Reader. New York. Routlege.

3.Pasque, A. P and Wimmer, B. (2011). An introduction : Feminist perspectives. University of Oklahoma,

p(1) 21-47

4.Balavatbhai, V. H.2020. Tale of African Women: Buchi Emecheta’s Joys of Motherhood. International
Journal of Advance Academic studies.

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