IMAP - Đề dự đoán Speaking Quý 4 năm 2021

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Speaking Part 1: .................................................................................................................... 1

Topic: Study .................................................................................................................................. 1
Topic: Major – subject.................................................................................................................. 4
Topic: Work .................................................................................................................................. 6
Topic: Accommodation - The area you live in............................................................................ 11
Topic: Hometown – Countryside ............................................................................................... 16
Topic: Mobile apps ..................................................................................................................... 19
Topic: Colour .............................................................................................................................. 20
Topic: Weather........................................................................................................................... 21
Topic: Getting lost – new places ................................................................................................ 23
Topic: Concentration .................................................................................................................. 25
Topic: Pets and Animals ............................................................................................................. 27
Topic: Public gardens and parks................................................................................................. 27
Topic: Science ............................................................................................................................. 28
Topic: Shoes ............................................................................................................................... 29
Topic: Headphones .................................................................................................................... 31
Topic: Handwriting ..................................................................................................................... 33
Topic: Wild animals .................................................................................................................... 35
Topic: Wallet .............................................................................................................................. 37
Topic: Sky and stars .................................................................................................................... 38
Topic: Relax ................................................................................................................................ 40
Topic: Primary school ................................................................................................................. 41
Topic: Holidays ........................................................................................................................... 42
Topic: Flowers ............................................................................................................................ 43
Topic: Festival............................................................................................................................. 45
Topic: Environmental protection ............................................................................................... 46
Topic: Car trip ............................................................................................................................. 47
Topic: Barbecue.......................................................................................................................... 48
Topic: Advertisement ................................................................................................................. 49

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Topic: Special costumes ............................................................................................................. 50
Topic: Museum........................................................................................................................... 51
Topic: Watching TV .................................................................................................................... 52
Topic: Cooperation ..................................................................................................................... 53
Topic: Leisure activity................................................................................................................. 53

SPEAKING PART 2 & 3 .......................................................................................................... 54

Topic: Balance ............................................................................................................................ 54
Topic: Spending .......................................................................................................................... 58
Topic: Primary schools ............................................................................................................... 61
Topic: Special occasions ............................................................................................................. 64
Topic: Habits............................................................................................................................... 67
Topic: Foreigners ........................................................................................................................ 70
Topic: Decisions.......................................................................................................................... 74
Topic: Road trip .......................................................................................................................... 77
Topic: Sports............................................................................................................................... 80
Topic: Creative ........................................................................................................................... 83
Topic: Service ............................................................................................................................. 86
Topic: Vacations ......................................................................................................................... 90
Topic: Business ........................................................................................................................... 92
Topic: Friendliness...................................................................................................................... 95
Topic: Smart ............................................................................................................................... 98
Topic: Books ............................................................................................................................. 101
Topic: Café ................................................................................................................................ 104
Topic: Get up early ................................................................................................................... 108
Topic: Art and Craft .................................................................................................................. 112
Topic: Older people .................................................................................................................. 115
Topic: Puzzle ............................................................................................................................. 118
Topic: After school activities .................................................................................................... 121
Topic: Talent ............................................................................................................................. 125
Topic: Place you want to live in ............................................................................................... 129

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Topic: Music ............................................................................................................................. 132
Topic: Movies/Films ................................................................................................................. 136
Topic: Smiles............................................................................................................................. 140
Topic: Plan ................................................................................................................................ 143
Topic: Social media................................................................................................................... 146
Topic: Argument....................................................................................................................... 149
Topic: Mobile Phone ................................................................................................................ 152
Topic: Markets ......................................................................................................................... 155
Topic: Health ............................................................................................................................ 158
Topic: Equipment ..................................................................................................................... 161
Topic: Law ................................................................................................................................ 164
Topic: Activities on the beach .................................................................................................. 167
Topic: Companies ..................................................................................................................... 170
Topic: Buildings ........................................................................................................................ 174
Topic: Sharing ........................................................................................................................... 177
Topic: Local news ..................................................................................................................... 181
Topic: Success .......................................................................................................................... 184
Topic: Help ............................................................................................................................... 187
Topic: Quiet place .................................................................................................................... 190
Topic: Difficult problem ........................................................................................................... 193
Topic: Pride .............................................................................................................................. 196
Topic: Moving ........................................................................................................................... 199
Topic: Advice ............................................................................................................................ 201
Topic: Skills ............................................................................................................................... 205
Topic: Learning ......................................................................................................................... 208
Topic: Famous .......................................................................................................................... 211

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Speaking Part 1:
Topic: Study

1. Do you work or study?

I’m currently a senior student at Hunan University, and I’m studying computer science at the

2. Which universities do you go to?

The university I go to is called XXX University, which is a top-level university in China. I’m really
proud to be a student there and honestly, I was so close to being rejected because I thought my
grade for the University Entrance Exam was subpar compared to the enrollment requirement of
the previous year.

3. How do you usually spend your school day?

I usually spend my school day with a combination of homework, class, and spending time with
friends. I also sometimes like to participate in a club or other extracurricular activity during lunch
or after school. Most of my day I spend doing schoolwork because I don’t want to fall behind.

4. What technology do you use when you study? / Which technology can help you learn better?

There are lots of websites and apps that can quiz you and test your knowledge. All you have to
do is input your terms and then you can use online flashcards. I’ve used a couple of them to
memorize important terms before an exam. They’re definitely a life-saver when you’re in a rush
to catch up on some class content.

5. Why did you choose your school I university?

Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university has a really good undergraduate
program for Computer Science, which is really what I’m passionate about and love to study.
Besides, my parents also rooted for me to go there as they believe four years of study there
would be a big help for my future career.

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6. Is it good to study in the morning or in the afternoon? / Do you prefer to study in the morning
or in the afternoon?

I think it’s good to study in the morning. You have to wake up earlier, but when you get through
the work, you have the rest of the day off. And the afternoon is usually a better time of day to
enjoy yourself. So it’s best to get studying over with as early as possible.

7. Who is more important for you at school, teachers or students?

I think the students are more important. I mean, the teachers are obviously playing a key role at
school. But who you’re in a class with makes a world of difference. It’s much easier to be excited
about school if you’re friends with the other students. You should at least be able to get along
with them.

8. Do you like your school?

Yes, I do like my school. I mean, even though I’m often swamped with all the assignments and
exams, 1 often have a blast studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. None of them have
ever given me a hard time. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school
whom I hang out with all the time.

9. Which part of your school do you like?

I really like the campus. There are tons of really old buildings, which gives the whole place a
serious feel. But there’s also lots of nature around. There are big trees in front of some of the
buildings, and there are even a few garden areas to walk around in. It’s such a lovely place to
hang out.

10. How do you improve your study efficiency?

When it comes to studying efficiently, I try to make Slue there aren’t any major distractions
around me. For example, I turn off my phone and I avoid listening to music. It helps me focus on
my study so that I stay on track and avoid wasting all my time.

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11. Which part do you hope your school to change?/Which part of your school needs an

Well, off the top of my head, the most urgent part of my school that needs to be improved is the
gym on our campus. I mean, the whole place should be flipped because everything in the gym is
literally worn out. The basketball court doesn't even have a hoop. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I really
hope our school can do something about it.

12. Are you looking forward to working?

Yes, I am. I’ve been studying as a student for almost 16 years of my life. I really expect to have a
proper job after graduating from college. It will be a huge change of lifestyle and I will be able to
support myself financially, which will make my parents proud as well. I can’t wait to find a good

13. Describe your education

I started school when I was 7. I finished my primary education 5 years later and I went to
secondary school at 12. Then at 16, I made it to a high school for gifted pupils in my hometown.
In my country, high school education lasts 3 years, then I went onto higher education at the
Foreign Trade University where I’m currently studying economics.

14. What kind of school did you go to as a child?

As a child, I attended a public elementary school. It’s quite a big school in my hometown which
provides both high-quality education and a supportive environment, so I think I was quite lucky.

15. Do you think your country has an effective education system?

To be honest, I don’t think so. Our system has somehow become unduly stressful, does not
promote creativity and the ability to be critical due to the fact that our society still cares way too
much about grades and schools consequently focus on an exam-driven curriculum, which I find
quite impractical.

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Topic: Major – subject

1. What is your major?

I’m studying computer science at Hunan University. It’s an undergraduate major, and it usually
takes four years to earn the degree. I feel happy being enrolled in this program because coding
is one thing that I’m passionate about. Plus, I think I have a knack for it since my math is good.

2. Do you like your major?

Yes, I do like my major. But you know… there will always be parts you like and parts you don’t
like. For example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are about as
fun as watching paint dry because some abstract concepts are quite difficult to understand.

3. Why did you choose to study that (major)?

Well, as for the reasons why I decided to study computer science, I think the main one is that I
have lots of passion for that field. I never feel bored and I always enjoy studying and researching
things about it, and I’ve noticed that since I was still in high school. So, I told myself that if I went
to a college, I would take computer science as my major.

4. What’s the interesting part of your major?

A: I’m majoring in computer science, and I really like what I’ll! studying, especially when I take
coding courses related to game design. They give me a lot of fun through the learning curve
because becoming a game designer is kind of my dream. So I always have a blast learning about

B: I study literature, so I get to read tons of different books. It’s really interesting to see how many
different perspectives are out there. Plus, storytelling is a really big part of the culture, I like
reading books from other countries and learning about the culture there. It’s definitely expanded
my horizons.

5. What kinds of help can this major bring to your future job?

I believe this major will help me communicate well with others in a future job. For instance,
knowing how to write well means that I can make my points to them and not create any

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confusion. That helps us work together better as a team. Studying literature also helps you be
more detail-oriented, which is always helpful.

6. Will you continue doing what you’re studying in the future?

Yes, I will. It’s mainly because I have a lot of passion for computer science and Web development.
I don't think I will be bored if I make a living off of it. Plus, the income level of specialists in this
field is also higher than average, so I can have a comfortable life by working as a programmer.

7. What is your plan after finishing school?

It’s hard to say right now. Everything feels like it’s up in the air. But after I graduate from school,
I’d like to have a job that’s somehow related to my major. You know, it’s cool to apply what
you’ve learned at college in the real world. I’m not sure what kind of job I want to have, but I’m
sure I’ll figure it out soon.

8. When did you decide to choose your major?

If memory serves correctly, I chose my major in high school. As a kid, I wasn’t quite sure what I
wanted to do for a living. But after I took some science classes in high school, I found that I really
loved them and was passionate about science. So that’s when I decided to pick biology as my

9. Which subjects are more difficult? Do you think your major is difficult?/ What do you dislike
about your major?

Personally, subjects in the sciences to me are more difficult. I can’t seem to wrap my head around
stuff like chemistry or physics. There are just so many facts and rules to memorize. I can’t make
heads or tails of it, honestly. Alts subjects are easier by a long shot, in my opinion.

10. What have you learned from the courses?

I’ve basically learned how to think and Witte critically. It sounds kind of vague. But it basically
means I can explain my thoughts in a way that makes sense and is based on evidence. It’s actually
a very useful skill. It helps with communication and making your point in the best way possible.

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Topic: Work

1. Do you work or study? What work do you do?

I’m currently working full-time as a programmer at Baidu; I’ve been working there for 5 years.

2. Do you like your job?

Yes, I am really happy with what I do. Most of the time, it’s very rewarding to be able to help
people every day. Besides, it’s a really good company to work for. The pay is good and they even
hand out bonuses twice a year!

3. Do you want to change your job? Will you do the same job in the future?

No, I don't want to hop on my job right now. It’s mainly because the pay is not bad. I mean, it’s
not way higher than others but I’m pretty comfortable with it. Plus, it’s not easy to find a proper
job in today’s job market, is it? Sometimes, it’s better to appreciate what you have now.

4. What is the most interesting part of your job?

I work at a coffee shop, so I think the most interesting part of my job is the people. I get to meet
so many people dining my shift. Some of them have fascinating personalities. Sometimes I even
strike up a chat with them and learn something random. One time a customer showed me photos
of his cat.

5. What technologies do you often use at work?

I don’t use anything super complex at work. There’s an online application that we use to chat
with each other. But it’s not difficult to use. I’m not a tech wizard by any means. 1 just use
standard word- processors and other typical office software. Most of my job involves phone calls
and emails. It’s nothing fancy.

6. Which part is difficult in your job?

I think the most challenging part of my job is communication within a team. It’s often difficult to
communicate with someone who didn’t finish their part of the work in time. They may think
you’re pushing them, which can even create conflict.

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7. How do you spend your work day?

I usually arrive at the office before 9 A.M. and start my day with a morning meeting with my boss
and co-workers, which really helps me and others know the agenda of the day as well as keep
everyone on the same page. Then the long day of work begins and I need to work overtime until
8 P.M. most days.

8. Is it better to work in the morning or in the afternoon?

I think it’s better to work in the morning. Even though you have to wake up early when you get
through work you have the rest of the day off. And the afternoon is usually a better time of day
to enjoy yourself. So it’s best to get work over with as early as possible.

9. Have you ever changed your job? / Why did you choose to do that type of job?

I’ve changed my job a couple of times. Before working at this company, I had full-time jobs at an
IT company and a glass shop. But neither of them is bigger than the company I’m working for
right now in terms of business scale. And most importantly, I get paid more for my current job,
which is the main reason I job-hopped.

10. What did you gain the most from your job? /What do you learn from work?

Well...The most valuable lesson I learned from work is how to collaborate with my coworkers.
It’s not something that I really understood back in school. But in a real job, a ton of tasks need
good teamwork and can’t be done on your own. For instance, when I coordinated a marketing
event with my colleagues, it was of the essence to make Slue everyone was on the same page, or
else we might’ve messed up the whole thing.

11. Which do you think is more important, colleagues or work itself?

I think that colleagues are more important. You could be doing your dream job, but if it’s with
people you can’t stand, you aren’t going to enjoy it as much. You end up seeing your coworkers
more than anyone else in your life, so it’s important that you can get along with them.

12. What do you do to improve your productivity?

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Whenever I feel like I’ve lost focus on work and started slacking, I take a 5-minute break and
make a cup of instant coffee. It sounds simple but it works like a charm for me. After I’ve had
some coffee, I feel pumped up and have more energy.

13. Do you think your company needs to make some changes? Which part of your working
environment needs improvement?

Well... As far as I’m concerned, I really wish my company wasn’t so strict about the dress code, ft
really bugs me to have to wear a uniform day in and day out. Plus, I have to be really careful
keeping the uniform clean otherwise I might get fined at my workplace. It would be great if we
could have a casual Friday.

14. Is this job a good opportunity? / Is it good for your future development?

Yes, it’s a wonderful job. Even though I’m swamped with the tasks at work sometimes and have
to work overtime, overall, I believe it’s a good career for me. I’m very passionate about my job
and I really know what to do. Plus, doing this job right now will definitely help me build my resume
later since it requires excellent workmanship.

15. Do you miss being a student?

No, I don’t really miss being a student, ft was fun to study something that I liked. But it was also
a lot of work. Going to school isn’t exactly a piece of cake. There were tons of assignments and
exams to do. I like being more independent now that I’ve graduated.

16. What are your responsibilities?

Well, I work as a business analyst in a large software company and my responsibilities include
understanding and documenting the requirements of the clients, competitor analysis, market
research, then converting the requirements for the programmer, tracking the project, updating
the CEO about the progress, collaborating with the developers, communicating the clients for
further changes, testing the software from a high level and making sure that the software is
delivered to the clients before deadline. Those are in fact the main responsibilities I have in my

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job. However, due to the dynamic nature of the software industry, I often need to perform
additional tasks as required for making a project successful.

17. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?

Being a business analyst was not my initial career plan. I started my career as a programmer.
While I worked with another large software company, they promoted me to this position and I
found it more challenging and demanding. I started enjoying my work and then decided to work
as a business analyst. The business analyst position of a company requires these kinds of works
and the responsibilities are equally demanding and challenging. I think I chose to work in this
position initially because I was promoted to this position but I have continued this position
because I enjoy my work.

18. What do you dislike about your job?

I would say I enjoy most of the responsibilities I have in this job position. However, the part I least
enjoy is the pressure I have to take to finish a project before a deadline. Sometimes the time
estimation is too perfect due to various facts but that’s something the CEO and the clients are
adamant to listen to. Once a deadline is fixed, they want to have it religiously followed. Besides,
I often need to cancel my family programs and work in the office during holidays. This is another
part I do not like since it damages my family and personal life.

19. Is it very interesting?

Yes, I found my job challenging but rewarding. As a business analyst, I got the chance to meet up
with influential individuals in the financial world as well as cooperate with Forbes Fortune 500
companies. These were such unique experiences that other positions could hardly offer.

20. What do you dislike about your job?

I would say I enjoy most of the responsibilities I have in this job position. However, the part I least
enjoy is the pressure I have to take to finish a project before a deadline. Sometimes the time
estimation is too perfect due to various facts but that’s something the CEO and the clients are
adamant to listen to. Once a deadline is fixed, they want to have it religiously followed. Besides,

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I often need to cancel my family programs and work in the office during holidays. This is another
part I do not like since it damages my family and personal life.

21. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

I might try to work as a part-time web strategist for a large web development company. But I
have not given it that much thought. I would love to continue my current job role for the next
few years but won’t be interested in working in a different sector unless and until I start my own
software company.

22. Describe the company or organization you work for

I am working as a Business Analyst in a large IT company. The name of this company is IT Vista
and I joined there 2 years ago. My colleagues and superiors are extremely friendly, in fact, my
first day at work was such a unique experience that I will remember it forever. If I recall my
memory of that particular day, I was nervous. It was like being on an alien planet with no friends
or known persons. I sat at my desk and filled up some necessary forms and other employees
came to my desk to greet me. I was intimidated when the HR manager asked me for a document
that I forgot to bring. But I got back my harmony and usual myself when I found that my boss,
the HR manager, and other colleagues were amiable. My CEO called me into his room and
described my job responsibilities and tried to motivate me. That was really impressive as it
completely erased my fear and anxiety. So I would say I am one of the lucky people to have such
an amicable workplace.

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Topic: Accommodation - The area you live in

1. What kind of house or apartment did you live in when you were a child?

When I was a kid, I lived in a bungalow in the suburbs. My parents and I barely fit into it, but that
just made it cozy. I remember we filled our home with lots of antique furniture. It gave the house
a nice atmosphere. We moved to an apartment later, but I always missed our first home.

2. What kind of house or apartment are you living in right now? / Do you live in a house or an
apartment?/ What kinds of accommodation do you live in?

Right now, I’m living in an apartment near my university. It’s not that big; it only has two
bedrooms. But it’s cozy enough for me. Plus, the apartment is part of a newly developed high
rise. It has a really nice view of the city.

3. What kind of house or apartment do you want to live in in the future? / Do you want to live
in a house or an apartment in the future?

I’d really love to live in a big house in the middle of nowhere. It might sound a little lonely, but I
think having a family there would be awesome. You would have tons of privacy because you don’t
have any nosy neighbours. And if it was somewhere nice, you could probably have a great view
of the stars.

4. What’s the outside appearance of your house or your apartment?

I live in a high-rise apartment in an older part of the city. So the front of it is actually old-fashioned.
It has these really antique bricks and even some ivy growing over it. It’s so pretty and makes me
feel like I live in a castle! I love coming home to it every day.

5. Do you think the place you are living at right now is suitable for a family with children?

Yes, I do think so. I believe my neighbourhood is fairly safe and I live around the corner from a
great elementary school. It's a top-notch school district. So there are a lot of families with kids in
this neighbourhood already. I moved here when I was a child myself. There are also beautiful
parks near the neighborhood which are awesome for kids.

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6. Do you think the place you are living at right now is suitable for elders?

No. I live on a steep hill and I’m not too close to any stores. I would worry about elderly people
being able to navigate the neighbourhood safely, as the school nearby creates a lot of traffic on
weekdays and the loud kids may become a nuisance. If an elderly person decided to move here,
I’m sure they would make it work, but I think there are better alternatives.

7. Where are you living now? / Why do you live there? I Do you like your living place?

I’m living in an apartment in downtown Shanghai. I have two roommates sharing the same
apartment with me. It’s a nice place to live since the rent is dirt cheap for a young guy like me.
Plus, my workplace is literally a stone’s throw away from there, which is the main reason why
I’ve been living there for a long time. I really hit the jackpot finding this place.

8. How is the area surrounding your home like?/Are there any good facilities near your home?
/Do you like the area that you live in?

My living place is in the city’s downtown area. Well, there are several tasty restaurants around
my apartment, which is great for a foodie like me. And we also have a giant grocery store across
the street and a small park nearby. So I have to say it’s a pretty livable place.

9. What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the

Well, I used to live in a smaller city for college, but now I live in a big city. I moved to the city just
a few months ago for a job I found here. One significant advantage of this big city is that there
are more job opportunities than in the city I moved from. There are a lot more differences
between them like public facilities, traffic, and lifestyles. It’s been a big change to adjust to. But I
really like living ill the city. It’s pretty exciting.

10. Are there any shops or facilities around there? /Where do you like to go in that area?

There’s actually a mall that’s not too far from my house. It’s only a ten-minute drive for me, which
isn’t bad at all. I like going there to hang out with my friends. Other than that, there’s a gym just
down the road". I definitely don’t go there as often as I should though.

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11. What are the changes of surroundings around your living place?

Well...When it comes to the changes to my neighborhood over the past few years, I think there’ve
been more high-rise buildings built nearby so the area is denser than before. Besides, my favorite
improvement of this area is the building of an outdoor gym where I work out on a regular basis.

12. What changes do you think your neighborhood/living area needs?/Are the transport
facilities to your home very good?

Um ... my neighborhood is pretty close to perfect, but it would be better if there was a subway
station within walking distance of my home. Now the closest subway station is about 3 kilometers
away, which isn’t exactly a hop, skip, and a jump away. I heard the city has a plan of extending a
subway line to the street next to my home in the next few years. I hope it’s true.

13. Do you know any famous people in the area you live in?

No, I don’t know any famous people who live near me. It would be so cool to live near a celebrity.
But as far as I know, there aren’t any famous people around me. I’ll have to keep an eye out
though. I would definitely love to hang out with a celebrity.

14. Do you know anyone who lives nearby? /Are you familiar with your neighbors?

Yes, I’m familiar with my neighbours because they’re very friendly. And the Lees, who lives across
the hall from us, are the ones I’m most familiar with. Our families are pretty close to each other.
And I’ve been inside their apartment a lot since we moved into this home.

15. How long have you lived there?

I’ve been living there for over three years and I love it. Even though I have to share a room with
three roommates, luckily, they’re all easy-going and nice, so we get along really well with each

16. Will you move home in the near future? I Will you live there in the future? I Will you live
there for a long time? /Do you plan to live there for a long time?

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Well, it’s hard to tell. Right now I live here because I go to school nearby. But after I’m done with
school, I might find a job that’s far away. If that happens, I would move without a second thought.
But I do like this area, so it might be a tough choice.

17. Please describe the place where you live.

I live in the quieter part of a big city. Meaning I can take transit downtown very easily but all the
hustle and bustle isn’t part of my normal day today. There are lots of grade schools and bakeries
in my neighborhood. And a lot of families live here too.

18. What is your favorite room?/What part of your home do you like the most? /Please describe
the room you live in.

My favorite room in my home is definitely my bedroom. I think it’s where I spend most of my
time. It has all my favorite stuff in it, like my books, and I got to decorate it myself. That really
makes me feel at home - literally! It’s important to have somewhere you can blow off steam and
just relax.

19. What are your roommates like? Who do you live with?

Well, currently, I have two roommates sharing the same apartment with me. They are pretty
cool. And I’d say I’m glad to live with them since all three of us love playing video games, so we
have a lot to talk about and do together. It’s really a blast for us to have a game night together
every Saturday.

20. What do you usually do in your flat?

Well, when I have some time to myself, 1 like hanging out in my room. It’s probably where I feel
most at home. After all, I got to decorate it myself. So everything is to my taste. I usually just sit
and read, or scroll through social media on my phone. It’s a nice way to kill time.

21. What room does your family spend most of the time in?

I think we spend the most time in the living room. It’s a comfortable place where we all have
room to kick back and relax. My mom and dad sit on the couch together. I like sitting on the
loveseat. We all watch TV or just have quiet time as a family.

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22. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

To me, living in a house would be much better, because, you know, I need my own space so that
I can concentrate on my work. Besides, I can change the size and design of the house in any way
I like. I can't do that if I live in a flat.

23. What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the

Let me think...I think that life in the countryside is more peaceful, and the air is so fresh, while in
a big city like Hanoi, the air is very dirty. However, living in a city is much more convenient,
because you can buy anything you want.

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Topic: Hometown – Countryside

1. Where are you from?/Where is your hometown?/ Which city are you living in?

My hometown is Jinan, which is a city in Shandong province. I really love it because there're tons
of amazing attractions in the inner city, and the people living in Jinan are very warm and friendly.

2. Do you like your hometown?/ Which part of your hometown attracts you the most?/ Where
is the most impressive place in your hometown?

Yes, I do. I’m from Harbin, which is a city in the northeast of China. It’s famous for the Ice & Snow
Festival there, which is a really cool annual event in my hometown. Tons of visitors come to my
city to see it every year. I love being a tour guide and showing my friends from other cities this
tourist attraction.

3. How long have you lived in your hometown?/ Do you think you will continue living there for
a long time?

I’ve been living in my hometown since I was born. I’ve never thought about leaving my hometown
because my entire social circle is there and the cost of living is pretty low. However, I also want
to work in a different city for a few years to broaden my horizons.

4. Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?

Well, I think everything is good except the air pollution. There are tons of parks and museums in
my hometown, so children can do tons of interesting and educational activities. But the air quality
... you know, I often see the buildings outside my window looming in the smog... It really
threatens children’s health.

5. Do you prefer to live in the country or in the city?

I prefer living in the city. Don’t get me wrong, the country has beautiful views. But the city is way
more exciting to me. There are always cool things going on, and everything is convenient and
close by. Plus, there are more job opportunities and things to see and do in cities, especially big

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6. Do you want to live in the country in the future?

I’m not sure. But I don’t think I would rule out living in the country. Maybe when I’m ready to
settle down, I could move to the country and enjoy the peace and quiet there. It’s really hard to
tell where life will take me. 1 might want to just keep living in the city.

7. Is that a big city or a small place?

My hometown isn’t a major city in China but it’s not small either. As far as I know, it has a
population of 5 million people. So the urban area is always crowded with people. It’s also the
largest city of the province by land area.

8. Do you like the city you are living in now?

Yeah, I really love it. When I moved here, I thought it was overwhelming. But now I can’t imagine
living anywhere else. There are always cool things happening here. For example, a lot of singers
come to our city for their conceits. It definitely keeps me on my toes.

9. How long are you going to stay there?

I have no idea. It really depends on where I can work. I’ll stick around if I can find a decent job
after graduation. Otherwise, I won't be able to stay there and I’ll have to go back to my hometown
since living in Jinan practically costs an arm and a leg.

10. Is there anything you dislike in your city?

I love the city I live in. But of course, every rose has its thorn. Sometimes, the buses are really
slow here. So as a commuter, I often get fed up with having to wait for long periods of time. I just
want to get places on time, but the public transportation can make that easier said than done.

11. Is there anything that you dislike about your hometown?

Yes, I suppose so. One thing I’m not satisfied about with my hometown is the traffic there. Lots
of drivers don’t follow the traffic lilies and often have road rage, so road accidents in my
hometown are common and often fatal.

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12. Do you know any famous people in your area?

No, I have little correspondence or communication with my neighbours. It is my father who does
most of the talking with people in the neighbourhood, so he must know some famous people in
my area.

13. For you, what benefits are there living in a big city?

Cities generally have better infrastructure, education systems and advanced health care facilities.
You get to meet people from all walks of life, learn to coexist with people from different ethnicity,
race, caste and culture; hence you become more tolerant, open-minded and start respecting
each other differences. Whereas countryside people are less tolerant, the caste system still
prevails and the powers lie with a certain group of people. 14. Do you know much about the
history of your hometown?

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Topic: Mobile apps

1. Have you downloaded any new apps recently? Why did you download it?

I just downloaded a new photo-editing app. I don’t use it to do any big changes. I think it looks
weird when you edit too many things about your appearance. But it’s nice trying out different
filters. I like posting on social media, but I want to make sure that my pictures look good before I
share them.

2. What lands of apps do you often use?

Well, I have plenty of different kinds of apps on my smartphone. But the app I use the most is
Weibo, which is kind of the Chinese version of Twitter but way more entertaining. It’s very fun!
and easy to use. I basically check the updates on it every five minutes.

3. What was the first App you used?

I think the first app I ever used was an instant messaging app called WhatsApp. You could basically
just friend others with their WhatsApp number. I had a ton of fun friends on WhatsApp who I got
acquainted with on the internet. Back when smartphones weren’t popular, everyone, mostly
young people, used WhatsApp as their first choice for online messaging.

4. What kinds of apps are you usually interested in?

I usually like apps that involve pictures. It’s fun to edit your own photos, or to take pictures and
have the app identify what’s in them. For example, I downloaded a nature app that will tell you
what kind of plant you’ve taken a picture of. I think that’s a cool way to learn about the world
around you.

5. What kind of apps do you want to see in the future?

I want to see more apps that change the way you look at your surroundings. It would be cool if
you could open your camera and the app would project images or even videos onto what you’re
seeing. There was a version of that with Pokémon Go, which was really viral because everyone
loved seeing the Pokémon around them.

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Topic: Colour

1. Which color do you like best?

I really like blue. It’s a very calming colour, and it comes in so many different shades. Blue also
reminds me of lots of things in nature, like the sky and the ocean. Plus, it’s a good colour to wear
because it matches with a lot of different ones.

2. Are there any colors you dislike? Why?

I don’t like orange that much. I don’t think that it looks good with many other colours. And
personally, it doesn’t look good with my skin tone. So in a practical sense, orange is kind of useless
to me. But I also don’t think it’s that nice to look at.

3. What color of the room would make you feel uncomfortable?

I don’t think I would like a room that was painted lime green. To me, it’s too bright and bold. It’s
harsh on the eyes and it would be uncomfortable to see that everywhere. Another bad colour for
a room would be black. I think that would feel really dark and creepy.

4. What colors do your friends like?

My friends tend to like blight, warm colours. They like red, green, and yellow, which are usually
summery colours. Dining the fall, they like to wear clothes in neutral tones like black, brown, and
white. But they decorate their rooms with all kinds of colours. They’re not very picky when it
comes to that soil of thing.

5. What colours do you want to paint your house/room with?

I am a big fan of simplicity, so white is my go-to colour when it comes to choosing wall paint.
Scientists have proved that white can make a room seem more spacious. Plus, looking at this
colour will help us to ease our minds.

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Topic: Weather

1. What kind of weather do you like most?

I really love rainy weather. It’s so nice when it’s cool outside and there’s a little bit of rain. I also
feel so cozy staying inside and watching a storm roll in. It’s so fascinating to watch the lightning.
But I also like sunny weather. It’s really nice to just sit and soak up some rays.

2. What’s the weather like in your hometown? Do you like that?

My hometown has pretty consistent weather. It’s usually warm in the summer and cold in the
winter. Sometimes there can be dry spells, but we get a normal amount of rain and snow. I like
that we go through all the seasons. It’s nice to have a change every once in a while.

3. Do you want to live in another place with a different climate in the future?

I think it would be nice to try living in a place where it’s sunny all the time. I really love the beach,
so if I could live somewhere by the ocean, that would be amazing. I’m not sure if I’d want to stay
forever, but it could be cool for a while.

4. Have you ever been to a foreign country where the weather is different from your country?

Yes, I’ve been to a few foreign countries where the weather was really different. Last year, I went
on vacation to an island where it was constantly sunny. The city where I live often has rainy
weather, so it was a huge shock. I really enjoyed all the sunshine though!

5. Do you think people will be happy living in a place with sunny seasons?

Yeah, I think that most people would enjoy living in a sunny place. It can be really nice and relaxing
to just sit on a beach and get a tan. There are also lots of activities you can do when it’s nice and
sunny out. So I don’t think people would mind every day being warm and blight.

6. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

A: I prefer a humid place over a dry one. Even though that weather can really get under your skin,
it’s way better than a totally dry area. I’m the type that loves rainy days, so I like living in a place
where they come more often than once in a blue moon.

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B: I prefer a dry place over a humid one. Even though low humidity can really be annoying
sometimes, it’s way better than a totally humid area. The humid weather always makes me sweat
and feel like I’m sticky, while dry days are more comfortable for me.

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Topic: Getting lost – new places

1. Have you ever been lost?

Yes, I’ve definitely been lost before. Once, I was visiting my friend in a different city. Even though
they gave me really specific directions, I ended up going the wrong way. Instead of just tinning
around, I tried to find a different route. But I got way in over my head. I had no idea where I was.

2. Have you ever helped someone who got lost?

Yes, I’ve done that a couple of times. Since I live in a major city, it’s common for tourists to ask
for directions. A few weeks ago, I helped a couple find the museum they were looking for. I could
tell they were really nervous to approach me, but I didn’t mind at all.

3. Will you read a map if you get lost (or if you go to a new place)?

I don’t usually read maps. I’m definitely used to my phone’s map app leading me places.
Whenever I feel I can’t figure out directions, I just look up the address and use my smartphone
to navigate. So technically, I won’t need to read the map, I could just follow the instructions and
get to the destination.

4. What do you do if you get lost?

The first thing I do when I get lost is to retrace my steps. I try to work backward so that I can
eventually find the place I started from. If I can’t remember where I was before, I’ll look up where
I am on my maps app. Or I might ask someone to point me in the light direction.

5. Do you feel nervous when you travel to new places?

Yes, I definitely feel nervous when I’m travelling somewhere new. If it’s a country where I don’t
speak the language, I feel really out of place. It’s hard to feel comfortable when you don’t know
what people are saying around you. But it’s really exciting to explore a new place. It’s worth
feeling uncomfortable from time to time.

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6. What places do people get lost easily?

I think people usually get lost in major cities. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the streets apart,
especially when there’s so much going on around you. They can also get lost in the countryside
since the roads aren’t always marked very clearly. It’s even harder to navigate at night.

7. What was the last new place you visited?

Tire last new place I visited was a small town an hour away from the city I live in. I decided to go
on a day trip with my friends. There were lots of little shops that we visited. They all had really
unique items. Plus, there was a beautiful park that we hung out at for a while.

8. How is it different from other places?

This town was definitely very different from the major cities close by. It wasn’t as crowded or
noisy. There were lots of little shops instead of big chain stores. And there was also a lot more
nature. I saw tons of trees and flowers, which you don’t get to see ill big cities as much.

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Topic: Concentration

1. Can you concentrate in a noisy environment?

No, it’s really hard for me to focus in a noisy environment. I prefer to work in silence. So if people
are talking around me, or if I can hear traffic noises, I won’t be able to pay attention to my work.
It’s just too tempting to focus on what’s going on around me instead of my tasks.

2. Is it difficult for children to concentrate?

Yes, I think that in general, children have a hard time concentrating. They’re just so full of energy
that they find it difficult to sit still. They would rather be running around or playing. But children
can learn to focus over time. They just need to be patient and learn how to pay attention to a

3. How can we help kids focus?

I think kids can learn how to focus by getting into the habit of doing tasks. For one, unlike adults,
most children aren't capable of multitasking. So letting them do one task at a time is a good way
to improve their concentration. Besides, parents can teach children how to break big tasks into
smaller and more manageable pieces, which makes it easier for them to concentrate.

4. What do you do to help you concentrate?

I usually put on music. I try not to pick songs with words because they can be distracting. Instead,
I listen to classical music. It helps me tune out any distractions and stay focused on the task at
hand. Sometimes, if that doesn’t work, I’ll just do my work in silence.

5. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

Yes, I get distracted pretty easily. I feel like nowadays, there are tons of things that steal our
focus. Even our phones can have a million things that we’d rather look at instead of the task at
hand. I can get off track if I see a text and then start a conversation instead of doing my work.

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6. What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?

There are so many things that distract me when I’m trying to focus. My phone is a huge
distraction. I have to turn it off so that I don’t see texts or notifications coming in. I can also be
distracted by the people around me, like my friends or family.

7. When do you need to be focused?

I need to stay focused whenever I’m preparing for an important test. For example, I had a big
exam coming up a while ago. I really had to buckle down and stay on task so I could do well.

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Topic: Pets and Animals

1. Have you ever had a pet before?

Yes, I’ve had a pet before. When I was little, my family got a cat. It was a really sweet cat that
loved getting attention. Now that I’m living on my own, I have a small dog. He only came up to
my knees. He’s really energetic and loves going for walks. I spend a lot of my day with him.

2. What animal would you like to keep as a pet?

Well, I’d like to have a pet snake. Some people are freaked out by snakes, but I think they’re cute.
It’s just hard to take care of them. They require a lot of care and effort. But it would be really cool
to have an exotic pet.

3. What is the most popular animal in your country?

I think cats and dogs are probably the most popular animals in China. They’re the most common
household pet because they’re pretty easy to take care of. Cats don’t require a lot except for food
and a place to sleep. Dogs might take up more of your time but they make great companions.

4. Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?

I prefer having my pet indoors. Some people have outdoor cats, but I would be too worried about
the cat getting stolen or lost. Having a pet inside means that it can keep you company throughout
the day. It’s so nice to bond with an animal. I really love spending time with my own dog.

5. What’s your favorite animal? Why?

Well, I’m crazy about pandas. They look like giant teddy bears, but with striking black and white
markings. And they have black eye patches that make them look pretty funny. I mean, no animals
are more adorable than pandas, are they?

Topic: Public gardens and parks

1. What do you like to do when visiting a park? /Do you like parks?

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I usually like walking around with my friends. It’s not that exciting, but it’s a nice way for us to be
surrounded by nature. Some of my friends have dogs, so we have a good time walking around
with them. It’s so cute when they get to run around the park.

2. Did you like to go to the park as a child?

Yeah, I really liked going to the park when I was a kid. My parents let me run around in the grass
and just let loose. It was a great way to get all my energy out before bedtime. Sometimes my
friends and I went together and played games. I made a lot of good memories at the park.

3. How are the parks today different from those you visited as a kid?

Well, I have to say parks today are way better than the parks I usually went to when I was a child.
I still remember the park where I used to hang out with my friends. It only had a slide and a couple
of swings. But the parks I’ve been to lately all have big playgrounds with tons of recreational

4. Would you like to hang out in a public garden or a park?

I think I’d rather hang out in a park. Public gardens are beautiful, but sometimes it’s not easy to
relax there. I’d be worried about accidentally ruining the plants or something. Public parks are
usually more spacious. You have room to walk around. You can also do more activities, like a fun
game of catch.

5. Would you prefer to hang out in a personal garden or a public garden?

I think I’d like to hang out in a public garden. A personal garden would be nice because you’d
have a lot more privacy. But I would be too worried about accidentally messing something up.
Being in a public garden comes with less pressure. Plus, you can hang out with other people in a
public garden.

Topic: Science

1. Do you like science? Do you think it is difficult?

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I’m not a huge fan of science, to be honest. I think it’s interesting, but I can never seem to wrap
my head around the more complicated concepts. In high school, science was one of my weaker
subjects. I’m definitely glad that other people are doing important work in that field.

2. When did you start to learn about science?

Like most people, I started learning about science in elementary school. The first thing I can
remember learning about is magnets. The teacher showed us how magnets could attract and
repel each other. I remember that It was really fun! to play around with magnets and feel the
magnetic force between them.

3. Which science subject is interesting to you?

I think that out of all the subjects, biology is the most interesting to me. It’s so fascinating to learn
how the human body works. I also like hearing facts about animal biology. It’s really fun to learn
about. Plus, we have much more in common with animals than one might think!

4. What kinds of interesting things you have done with science?

Well, when I was in high school, we actually got to do a dissection of a frog. It might sound gross,
but it was helpful for educational purposes. And I actually did learn a lot about the different body
parts. I remember that my partner was really freaked out. But I found it really interesting.

5. Have you ever attended a science lecture? Do you feel it’s easy or difficult?

I took one science class in university. It wasn’t too hard to follow along with because it was about
psychology. Psychology is surprisingly easy to understand. A lot of it is common sense. But there
are definitely some parts about the human mind that are difficult to learn about. It’s a really cool
subject though.

Topic: Shoes

1. Do you like buying shoes? How often?

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Honestly, I don’t really like buying shoes that much. Finding the right style and size can take a
long time. I always feel tired after I’ve been browsing for an hour. So I don’t buy them that often,
maybe a couple of times per year. I get a few pairs and then I’m good for a long time.

2. Have you ever bought shoes online?

Yes, I’ve bought shoes online. I wouldn’t recommend it, since you can’t try on the shoes and every
website’s sizing chart can be different. It can be hard to find which shoes will actually suit you.
But a nice thing about online shoe shopping is that you have more choices.

3. How much money do you usually spend on shoes?

I want to get good-quality shoes, so I usually spend a hundred dollars on a pair. It’s worth it for
shoes that will last a long time. Cheaper shoes are more budget-friendly, but they wear out a lot
quicker. When you have to replace them pretty often, it’s actually more expensive in the long

4. Which do you prefer, fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes?

I definitely prefer comfortable shoes. I don’t really care that much about fashion. So even though
it might be cool to have a certain style of shoe, I would much rather have shoes that are comfy
to walk. In the long run, comfortable shoes are better for your feet anyways.

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Topic: Headphones

1. Do you use headphones?

Yes, I use headphones pretty often. It’s a great way to help me time out any distractions. Plus,
listening to music is a much better experience when you have headphones on. You can hear
everything more clearly. When I have headphones on, I can also turn up the music as loud as I
want without bugging anyone.

2. What type of headphones do you use?

I really like using wireless headphones. When I use the ones with wires, they always get tangled
up and sometimes they fall out. So I have earbuds that I can use with Bluetooth. It’s so
convenient. I also find that the sound quality is better. They’re more expensive than I would like,
but I think it’s worth it overall.

3. When would you use headphones? What do you use headphones for?

I use headphones whenever I want to listen to music without bothering anyone. For example, I
usually commute to school, so I use headphones so that I don’t disturb the other passengers. I
also like to use headphones for phone calls. I can walk around while talking on the phone without
having to hold my phone next to my ear.

4. In what conditions will you not use headphones?

I don’t use headphones if I really need to focus. Sometimes, listening to music can be more
distracting than helpful. So I’ll take out my headphones and just work in silence. Other times, I
don’t use headphones if I’m in public because I want to be aware of my surroundings.

5. Are headphones popular in your country?

Yeah, I think that headphones are pretty popular in my country. A lot of people commute to work
and school every day So they listen to music on their way. Headphones are great because you
can listen to whatever you want, as loudly as you want, without bothering other people.

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6. How long do you wear headphones a day?

I usually wear headphones on my commute, which is an hour each way. Sometimes I use them
when I go for a walk at night. It’s nice to listen to music while I walk around the neighborhood.
So I would say that I probably spend three hours wearing headphones a day.

7. Do you think it’s healthy to wear headphones or earphones?

I don’t think you should have headphones on for too long. When you use headphones a lot, you
can get used to listening to music at a loud volume. That might eventually damage your eardrums.
You might end up having hearing problems later on. But as long as you don’t use headphones too
often, you should be safe.

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Topic: Handwriting

1. Do you like handwriting?/ When do you write by hand?

I prefer typing most of the time, but I think there’s something nice about handwriting. When I’m
trying to plan something out. I’ll always write my thoughts down in a notebook. It makes me feel
more organized. Plus, handwriting is a nice personal touch when you’re giving someone a card
for their birthday or another occasion.

2. Did you write more when you were a child?

Yes, I definitely wrote more when I was a kid. I used to write letters to my grandparents all the
time. It was really fun to write the letters and get replies back. Sometimes I wrote to my friends,
but they didn’t write as many letters as I did. It was a more old-fashioned way to talk.

3. What needs to be written by hand these days?

I think that most cards and personal letters need to be written by hand. When it comes to special
occasions like birthdays or graduation, it’s much nicer to get a handwritten card than a text or an
email. Some people even handwrite their wedding invitations, which I think is classy and

4. Do you think handwriting is important?

I think handwriting is somewhat important. When you’re giving someone a gift, it’s nice to
handwrite a card so they feel special. Handwritten letters are also a great way to show someone
that you care. I’ve also heard that handwriting your notes will help you memorize the content
better. So for some purposes, it’s definitely important.

5. Which do you prefer, handwriting or typing?

I usually prefer typing. I like handwriting, but for the most part, using a computer is way faster
and more convenient. For example, if I’m writing an essay for school, it would take me way too
long to try and write it out. My hand gets cramps when I try to write for that long. Typing is a lot

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6. What’s the difference between handwriting and typing?

Well, handwriting is definitely more personal. Everyone has a unique style of handwriting, so it’s
kind of like putting your personality on a page. Typing is much more efficient though. Even if
you’re slow at typing, chances are that you’ll get more done than if you were writing by hand.

7. Is your handwriting easy to read?

I’m proud to say yes, I believe my handwriting is legible. Even though I got a lot of scolding from
my teachers during my compulsory study years, I’ve been putting my maximum effort into
improving my handwriting and I am over with joy when it finally paid back years later.

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Topic: Wild animals

1. How do you learn about wildlife?

I would say most of my knowledge about Mother Nature and the life of animals are a product of
mass media and television programs. We did have some lessons about wildlife throughout the
schooling years, however, these lectures proved to be insufficient when compared with the
infinite information about other species.

2. Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?

Well, I like learning about wildlife by watching TV programs. There are a few that show wildlife
from really far-away places. It’s really fascinating to see their habitats and learn about their

3. Do schools teach students about wildlife? /Did you learn something about wild animals at

Yes, I think schools teach students about wildlife. When I was in school, I remember learning
about all kinds of species dining science classes. It was really interesting to learn about the types
of wildlife that lived near me. It’s great that students are still learning about that kind of thing.

4. Where can you see wild animals?

You can usually see wild animals in parks and other natural areas. For example, my friend and I
love going to a park near my house because there’s a pond there. You can see ducks, swans, and
sometimes even deer depending on the time of day. That’s the easiest way to see wildlife.

5. In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?

I think any country in Africa would be a great place to see wild animals. I have always wanted to
go on a safari in Africa to see lions, elephants, rhinos, and giraffes. The African savannah has so
many wild animal populations that are thriving, so it would be an amazing place to visit.

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6. What is your favourite wild animal? [Why/Why not?]

It’s hard to pick just one out of all the animal kingdom, but I guess I’ll go with the tiger. Firstly,
the tiger is my zodiac sign, so somehow, I feel a special connection to this animal. Secondly,
though most of the time lions are hailed as the king of the jungle, tigers actually outdo lions in
terms of weight and size. They appeal to me as extremely majestic.

7. How important is it to protect wild animals? [Why/Why not?]

Protecting wildlife is not just about our responsibility but also about ensuring life is good for us.
We are living on a planet where any imbalance affects the entire living being. So, the disparity in
nature ultimately impacts us.

8. Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

Yes. I have seen wild animals several times in person and plenty of times on TV through National
Geographic TV shows. I vividly remember the first time when I went to the zoo in the city centre
with my family. I was instantly smitten by all the wild animals when seeing them.

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Topic: Wallet

1. Do you use a wallet?

Yes, I use a wallet! It’s such a handy way to keep all my important things in one spot. I have all
my bank cards in my wallet, plus my ID and some cash. Of course, that makes me nervous if my
wallet ever gets stolen. But it’s definitely a valuable accessory.

2. Have you lost your wallet?

A: Yes, I’ve lost my wallet before. It stressed me out so much! Thankfully it wasn’t lost for too
long. I left it at the counter of a clothing store after buying something there. Then I left the store
and drove home without it. Luckily the cashier noticed, and I could pick it up the next day.

B: No, I have never lost my wallet before but I have forgotten it a few times. Sometimes if I am
leaving home in a rush, I forget to grab it or I forget that I’ve left it in a different purse. That can
be an awkward situation if I need to buy something later and I don’t have my wallet.

3. Did you give others a wallet as a gift?

I actually bought my mom a wallet for her birthday. It might seem like an impersonal gift, but she
really loves accessories like that. I picked out a pretty emerald-green wallet that really catches
the eye. She totally loved it and was so happy with her gift. So I think it was a great choice for

4. Do most of your friends use a wallet?

Yes, they do. Although some of them prefer to pay for everything using apps on their phone, they
all have their wallet at all times in case they need their ID or extra cash in an emergency. Plus,
most of them see a wallet as an everyday fashion accessory.

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Topic: Sky and stars

1. Do you like to look at the sky? Why?

Yes, I really love looking at the sky! Depending on the time of day, it can have the prettiest colors.
For example, I love watching the sunset because you can watch the sky go from blue to orange
to red to pink. It’s really amazing. I think it reminds you of how beautiful the world can be.

2. Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?

Unfortunately not, as I’m currently living in a metropolis, the sky is always hazy during the day
and at night. There are too many cars and factories that emit carbon dioxide and other gases that
pollute the air, as a result, there’s nothing beautiful to look at above.

3. Do you like to see the stars at night?

Yes, I can usually see the moon and stars at night from my house. Sometimes there’s a bit of light
pollution, so I don’t get the clearest view. But for the most part, I can make out constellations. I
love searching for them with my friends when they come over.

4. Do you want to live on other planets?

Honestly, living on another planet doesn’t interest me in the slightest. I really love Earth, and I
can’t imagine leaving it. Plus, I would be too scared about all the things that could go wrong living
on another planet, all the things we don’t know about.

5. Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?

I definitely prefer the sky at night. After sunset, the sky turns pink and purple. It’s so pretty. And
then when the stars come out, it’s absolutely breathtaking. I really love finding constellations and
reading about the stories that come with them. Plus, I’m more of a night owl than a morning

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6. Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

There’s a park close to my house. It’s far enough from the city that you don’t get as much light
pollution. So on a clear night, you can go to the park and stargaze. It’s so beautiful and I love
going there as often as I can. It’s really fun finding all the constellations.

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Topic: Relax

1. What do you do to relax?

I usually like chilling in my room and reading. It’s a great way to destress at the end of the day If
I don’t want to think at all, I’ll just scroll through social media on my phone or listen to music. I
also love going out for long walks when the weather is nice.

2. Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?

Well, it depends on the person; some people find sports relaxing while other people find them
stressful. I think physical activity is a good way to reduce stress in general, so it may be that
people who do not like sports can go for a walk or a run instead in order to relax.

3. Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?

Yes, I think vacations are an excellent opportunity to relax. That being said, you may also want to
do other things on vacation like see the sights and tour around a bit. On my vacations I try to
make sure that I schedule plenty of time each day to just relax, with no other obligations.

4. Do you think students need more relaxing time?

Yeah, students definitely need more time to relax. Nowadays, they put so much pressure on
themselves to do well. Of course, it’s good for them to be dedicated to their studies. But if they
don’t take time to relax, they might actually do worse on assignments. They need to take breaks
for the sake of then mental health.

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Topic: Primary school

1. Which primary school did you go to?

I went to a primary school that was close to my house. It was actually within walking distance,
but my mom always dropped me off because she didn’t want me to go by myself. It was a pretty
small school, so I knew everyone really well. That meant I had a lot of great friendships, which
was awesome.

2. How did you like your primary school?

I really liked my primary school. It was fairly small, which meant that I knew my classmates really
well. I even had friends who were in other grades. There was a really nice sense of community
there. I never felt lonely or left out. That feeling of acceptance is what I remember most.

3. How did you go to primary school every day?

I usually got a ride from my mom. She had time before work to drop me off, so I never had to
walk to school or take the bus. On the days when my mom was too busy to drop me off, I just got
a ride with one of my friends.

4. What did you like to do the most when you were in primary school?

To be honest, it’s a long time ago and my memory about this period is a bit blurry. There’re some
fond memories which I still remember ‘till today, though. I remember playing hopscotch with my
friends and we were having a lot of fun.

5. What did you do in your leisure time when you were in primary school?

My favourite thing to do in primary school was play with my friends. Whenever we had a break
from studying, we would run around and play tag or hide-and-seek. Sometimes we played
pretend. We acted like we were robbing a bank or discovering a hidden treasure. It was so much

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Topic: Holidays

1. Where did you go for your last holiday?

I went to a town near the sea for my last holiday. I took a week off from work and visited this
tourist hotspot. I got to stay in a hotel right by the water. So I could take walks by the sea
whenever I wanted. It was amazing.

2. Do you like holidays? Why?

Being bombarded with deadlines and school assignments on a daily basis, having a day off would
be extremely a blessing, to be honest. I’d have a chance to hang out with my friends, play my
favorite games, or just simply chill in my bedroom, listening to music. So I’d say that I’m looking
forward to every holiday throughout the year.

3. Which public holiday do you like best?

Yes, I love holidays! I mean, who doesn’t? Holidays are a great way to take time off from work or
studies and just enjoy time with your loved ones. I especially like Spring Festival. I get two weeks
off of work every year. My family gets together and we all enjoy each other’s company. It’s so
nice to celebrate important days with friends and family.

4. What do you do on holidays?

I try to spend as much time as I can with friends and family. We don’t often get to see each other
because of work or school. But when we have time off during the holidays, we get to hang out
and enjoy each other’s company.

5. What do you want to do next weekend?

I’d really like to hang out with my friends next weekend. We haven’t seen each other in a while,
so it would be nice to have a meal together. We always have a ton of fun when we try to cook
something. Even though we’re not great at cooking, it’s the effort that counts.

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Topic: Flowers

1. Do you like flowers?

Yes, I love flowers! They’re so pretty and they smell so nice. My favourite flowers are lilies. My
grandmother used to grow lilies and daffodils in her garden and I really liked helping her with the
gardening when I was young.

2. What kinds of flowers do you know?

I’m not that knowledgeable about flowers but I could at least recognize different kinds of roses
and daisies. They’re ubiquitous in Vietnam.

3. Are there any flowers that have special meanings?

I know all the basic types of flowers. So I know about roses, lilies, sunflowers, daisies, and tulips.
I think they all have special meanings, but people are probably the most familiar with roses. Red
roses in particular usually symbolize romantic love. But yellow roses can symbolize friendship.
Tire meaning of a flower depends on the type and colour.

4. Do you plant flowers?/Have you planted any flowers?

Yes, I plant flowers in the spring. I have to admit that I don’t have a green thumb. Sometimes I
don’t take good care of my flowers and they end up dying in a couple weeks. But I still love
planting them. They look so beautiful when they’re in bloom!

5. Have you bought flowers? / Have you sent flowers to others? When was the last time you
bought flowers?

Yes, sometimes I buy flowers. Flowers are nice to buy for yourself or as a special gift for a family
member or friend. Tire last time I bought flowers was last month when I ordered some flowers
for my sister to celebrate her new job. I bought her a really colourful flower arrangement and
sent it to her house.

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6. When do people in your country usually buy flowers?

People usually buy flowers on special occasions. You know, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day are
probably the most popular days for buying flowers. Those are great holidays where you can show
someone that you care about them. I think it’s a really lovely tradition. Flowers are such a
beautiful gift for someone you love.

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Topic: Festival

1. How do you celebrate festivals in your country?

Well, even though Vietnamese people have different traditions for different festivals, food
normally plays an important role in celebrations, like eating Chưng cakes for Tet/Spring Festival
and mooncakes for mid-autumn festival. I think it’s because an important value in our culture is
that food is people’s first necessity.

2. What special food and activities do you have for these festivals?

There’re tons of food and celebration activities we have for different festivals. Taking the most
important festival in our country, the Spring Festival, as an example, Chưng cakes are the most
classic lucky food that we have for it. We also love watching the Spring Festival Gala on TV, and
enjoy having a family reunion during that holiday.

3. How do you celebrate Spring Festival?

Well, in my family, nothing matters more than the reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve. Since I have
a big family, every Lunar New Year's Eve, all our family members meet up at my grandparents’
home and have a large meal to celebrate the festival together. But my favorite part of the Spring
Festival celebration is setting off fireworks.

4. What is your favourite festival?

I’m quite into the Dragon boat festival. Besides the delicious Zongzi, a classic gourmet rice
dumpling made for this festival, I have a great liking for the Dragon boat race. My hometown
holds a race on a lake every year, and it’s always the most exciting event I look forward to
watching on site.

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Topic: Environmental protection

1. How should people protect the environment?/How can we protect the environment?

Well, people should try to change their daily habits so that they can lend a hand to the wider
environmental protection movement. For example, instead of driving everywhere in a private
vehicle, they could take public transportation to cut down on carbon emissions.

2. Is there education about environmental protection at school?

Yes, in classes that focus on geography or science, students learn about the environment and
how cool nature can be. So I think that in those classes, students also learn about environmental
protection and what they can do to help. But it would be great if students could learn about that
in every type of class.

3. Do you think it is important to protect the environment?

Yes, it’s really important! Environmental issues like climate change and pollution affect us all.
After all, we only have one planet to live on together. So if we work together to help keep the
environment safe and healthy, we’re really helping each other out. I think that’s what makes it
so vital.

4. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

I think that would be really interesting. I’m not sure if that’s something I’ll end up doing. But I’m
pretty passionate about the environment. I like doing my part to protect it. So if my job could
relate to environmental protection, that would be amazing. It just depends on what the position
would be.

5. Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?

I like to think that I chip in to help protect the environment. But at the same time, we can always
do more. For example, I’m really good at recycling and trying to avoid wasteful products.
However, I could cut down on eating meat and driving places because I know that takes a toll on
the environment.

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Topic: Car trip

1. Do you like to travel by car? Why?

Yes, driving is my passion! I think cars made our lives a lot easier. I drive Hyundai Verna nowadays
and it’s fun to drive especially during the rainy season.

2. Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?

I’ve had my license for a few years now, and it’s always really fun to drive. I also love taking road
trips with my friends. The farthest place I’ve travelled to by car is to a beach with my friends,
which took us five hours. It was such a long drive but totally worth it.

3. Do you like to sit in the front seat or back seat when travelling by car?

I prefer the front seat because it gives you a better view of the landscape and the area you’re
driving through. When I’m in the back, I can sometimes get carsick. I feel really nauseous, which
is the worst. So it’s definitely better being in the front.

4. When do you travel by car?

A: Well, normally I only travel by car when I go on a trip with my parents. We usually take a road
trip to somewhere not too far away from our hometown during holidays or weekends. But on
school days, I mostly use public transportation to commute to school.

B: I actually drive to work every day, so I technically travel by car pretty often. However, when it
comes to longer trips, I prefer to travel by train. Driving is nice, but you have to stay focused on
the road. As a passenger on a train, you can just sit back and enjoy the nice views.

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Topic: Barbecue

1. Did you have barbecues when you were a child?

Yes, my family loves having barbecues. So when I was a kid, we had them pretty regularly during
the summer. I have lots of fond memories of my family hanging out at our place. We loved to eat
great food and catch up with each other. It was always a good time.

2. What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

I really love ribs. You know, it’s a pretty messy type of food. You usually eat them with your hands,
and there’s typically a lot of sauce on them. So I wouldn’t recommend eating them if you’re trying
to impress someone. But they taste amazing. The meat is always so tender and juicy.

3. Would you like to have barbeque with your family or your friends?

I prefer having a BBQ with my friends! I mean, I love my family. But I can relax a lot more when
I’m with my friends. I don’t have to worry about being proper as much. So it’s nice to kick back
and relax on the weekend with my friends.

4. Do people in your country like barbecue?

Yes, people in my country love to have barbecues in the summer. Barbecues are a great, easy
way to bring together family and friends. The food is always loved by everyone, even small
children who are picky eaters. Barbecues also encourage people to eat and socialize outside and
get fresh air.

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Topic: Advertisement

1. What kinds of advertisements do you watch?

Well, I don’t go out of my way to watch advertisements. But the ones I tend to see on videos I
watch are usually for things like clothes or books, since that is the bulk of my online shopping
habits. Tire internet then shows me ads based on my browsing history.

2. Where can you see advertisements?

It’s sad to say, but advertisements are pretty much everywhere. They pop up on websites and
sometimes show up in the middle of videos that you watch. Even on social media, advertisements
can appear between the posts you’re scrolling through.

3. Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?

Actually, yes, I have! I once bought a pair of wireless headphones because I kept seeing
advertisements for them. They were pretty expensive, but the ads made them look so
convenient. Plus, they were fairly stylish for that kind of accessory. So I decided to take the plunge
and I actually loved the product.

4. Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?

Most advertisements make you watch the whole thing, especially if they pop up in the middle of
a video you’re watching. But if I have the option to skip them, I always do. I would rather just
focus on the thing I wanted to see in the first place. Sometimes ads can be interesting, but mostly
they’re just annoying.

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Topic: Special costumes

1. Do you like to wear special costumes?/Do you usually wear special costumes?

Honestly, I don’t really like wearing costumes. I don’t like attracting a lot of attention. So I tend
to wear things that are low-key and don’t draw anyone’s eyes. But special costumes do the
opposite. They make you a focal point in the room. Whenever I can, I avoid dressing in a way that
will make me stand out.

2. Did you try any special costumes when you were young?

When I was young, I really liked dressing up. Even if it wasn’t Halloween, I always begged my
parents to let me wear special costumes. I wanted to dress up like my favourite anime character,
but my parents thought it was kind of embarrassing. So I wore some costumes, but only once a

3. When was the last time you wore special costumes?

The last time I wore a special costume was for Halloween a few years ago. I don’t normally get
that dressed up. But that year, my friend convinced me to dress up as one of our favourite
cartoon characters. Everyone at the Halloween party said I looked great.

4. Do you ever buy special costumes?

Well, my parents bought a few for me when I was young. But now that I’m older, I usually just
borrow them from friends if I need to wear them. I know some people who love wearing special
costumes and have a ton of them on hand. I save the money and just ask them to help me out. I
wouldn’t want to spend money on costumes.

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Topic: Museum

1. Do you often visit museums?

It’s like… never. For me, one should not ever go to a museum unless they are already bored to
tears. Maybe I’m a little bit biased against all kinds of museums in Vietnam ever since I last visited
one. I guess it’s just very boring having to walk all the way through a building just to see some
pictures and odd-looking things I’m not allowed to touch.

2. Did you visit museums when you were a child?

It was hard not to. I mean, it’s one of the ‘compulsory’ extra-curricular activities that we had back
in primary school. We went to a different museum each year with the whole school, and nobody
was allowed to be absent from this annual activity, even if you were sick that day.

3. Are there many museums in your hometown?

A: Honestly, I have no clue. Museums and historical sites are places that I couldn’t care less about,
so I don’t really notice if there are any in Hanoi. Maybe there’re a couple of museums
somewhere, I think.

B: Yes, there are more than 20 museums around Hanoi. But the majority of them have a strong
emphasis on military history or a particular historical figure such as President Ho Chi Minh. We
don’t have things like Natural History Museums or Science Museums which I am really into.

4. When was the last time you visited a museum?

I can’t really think of the answer for this question off the top of my head, perhaps because it’s
been such a long time since the last time I went to a museum. But I don’t think I’ve ever paid a
visit to any place of such a kind after primary school.

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Topic: Watching TV

1. Do you still watch TV?

Yes, I definitely still watch TV. After a long day of work, it’s nice to sit on the couch and put a
show on. Sometimes my friends and I even watch TV together. Last year, we watched an entire
show from start to finish. We would get together one night a week until we had watched all the

2. Did you watch TV when you were a child?

Yes, I did, but my parents limited how much time I could spend watching shows. They didn’t want
my brain to rot. So they made sure that I spent more time playing outside. That being said, I had
lots of favourite TV shows that I really enjoyed.

3. Do you think children watch too much TV nowadays?

Yeah, I think kids spend too much time watching TV nowadays. It’s not healthy for them to just
sit on the couch and watch something mindlessly. They should play outside more or hang out
with their friends. That’s the best way to spend your childhood. Too much TV can make kids lazy.

4. What the current TV programs do you think could be improved?

I think that current TV programs should be more educational. I don’t mean that they should feel
like a lecture. But they should be focused on more serious things. There are way too many reality
TV shows. Those shows are a total waste of time and resources.

5. What kind of TV programs do you like?

I like comedy television. I don’t like any serious dramatic TV shows, or daytime television. I like
to be entertained and laugh when I’m watching TV. My favourite comedy show is My Own
Swordsman. That show always makes me bust a gut. The script is very witty and I’ve binge-
watched it several times.

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Topic: Cooperation
1. Do you prefer to study alone or together with others?

I prefer studying alone. Sometimes it can be helpful to work in a study group, especially when it’s
for a big test. You can share your study notes and help each other out. But for the most part, I
find other people too distracting. I would rather just do my own thing.

2. What activities need teamwork or collaboration?

I think a good example is a team sport like basketball or soccer. When you’re playing a sport like
that, you have to depend on your fellow teammates to win the game. Sports are great for
collaboration because it encourages people to work together to achieve a goal. It can help
improve communication as well.

3. Could you describe a time when you studied with others?

In my first year of university, I joined a study group for one of my classes. We had a big test
coming up, so we all brought our study notes and discussed the class material together. It was
really great because we could help fill in what other people were missing.

Topic: Leisure activity

1. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Whenever I have some free time, I really like to read or watch a movie. When I read a good book,
I can picture what’s going on in my head and get lost in a good story. Similarly, movies are a nice
way to kick back and relax. I like watching them with my friends as well.

2. What leisure activities do you do with your friends?

I like going for walks with my friends. Sometimes we go to a park and just shoot the breeze. Other
times, we go to the mall and check out the stores. We mostly just window-shop, but it’s still a
good time. It’s also fun to go to the movies together. It always gives us something to talk about

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Topic: Balance

Part 2: Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

You should say:
• What it is
• When you usually do it
• Why you do it
• And explain why you think it wastes your time

Well, I live too far away from my workplace. So I think my commute to work is the biggest time-
waster every day. This summer holiday, I found a part-time job that I can do for a long time. But
I had to move out of the student residence because the building was closed during the summer

So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Eventually I rent a newly renovated
apartment, which has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. But
the drawback is its distance from the workplace. I have to take a bus for 40 minutes to commute

Basically, I have to get up really early every morning for work. But what’s worse is that it often
takes me over an hour to arrive at the office because of traffic jams during rush hour. I can’t do
anything except listen to some music or look at the passing crowd through the window. It’s purely
a waste of time, which is a pain I have to go through almost every single day.

In fact, when I was looking for apartments, there was another one within walking distance of the
office. But it’s practically a shoebox and the decor is pretty worn-out. The rent wasn’t cheap
either as it’s in a commercial zone, so I ruled it out. But it turned out that the huge amount of
time I’ve wasted on the commute is even more valuable than the difference in rent.

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Part 3:

1. How do you/people balance life and work?

A: Finding a work-life balance is really difficult, but I think that it comes more naturally over time.
People have to figure out what their priorities are. If work is causing them to neglect their family,
they should reassess and figure out how they can handle their responsibilities differently so they
can avoid damaging their relationships. Once you know what’s really important to you, you can
base your work-life balance around that.

B: I think balancing work and life is always a work in progress. We are always doing it, and it is
not something specific. For example, if we go on vacation with the family, we come back and
spend extra time at work to make up for the pending work. Another rather unhealthy way, we
achieve it is by cutting down on our sleep hours, but it takes a big toll on our mental and physical

2. Will you continue doing something when you are aware that it’s a waste of time?

I think the adage ‘bad habits die hard’ would be the best answer to this question. I think we do
such things because we are addicted to them. I think it’s very hard to give up on such activities,
and it requires a lot of willpower. However, the realization that the activity is wasteful is the first
step, and once people have that, it becomes easier to stop.

3. What kinds of things make people feel pressured?

I think there are millions of things in today’s life that stress us- for example, financial obligations,
unreasonable work deadlines, competition with others, and maintaining relationships. The
pressure each puts varies according to the stage of life- for example, competition stress is in the
early stages when we are trying to get into universities or trying to secure a good job and financial
stress comes a little later when we have to manage the expenses for the whole family.

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4. Why do some people refuse to abide by rules?

I think there is a certain thrill in breaking the rules and doing whatever we want. In some ways,
it is exhilarating and freeing to not care about the rules and regulations. Actually, I think it is good
as long as we don’t harm others because it prevents life from becoming monotonous and boring.

5. What are the activities that people must do in their daily lives?

Well, there are the basic activities, like eating and working. Every day, you have to decide what
kind of food you’ll put in your body, and you have to figure out how you’re going to support
yourself through either a job or education. But another activity that people should do every day
is exercise. It’s important to stay fit through working out, whether it’s for twenty minutes or an

6. What wastes people’s time in daily life?

A lot of different things can waste people’s time in daily life. Mainly, having to wait on other
people is a waste of time. That includes being stuck behind a slow walker or a slow driver, waiting
in line, or waiting for a co-worker to send you a document that you need. All of these things can
waste your time and can be extremely frustrating. Another thing that wastes time is scrolling on
a cellphone. People often spend an excessive amount of time on apps like TikTok, Wechat and
Weibo. They could be more productive in life if they put down their cell phones.

7. What (time-wasting) things do people feel stressed out about?

People usually feel stressed out about their commutes. If they have to wait in traffic, they’ll get
frustrated, especially if they’re already running late. Waiting in a long line of cars is a huge waste
of time. I don’t know anyone who can sit in the middle of rush hour and not feel a little stressed.
Actually, I think people hate waiting in line in general, whether it’s on the highway or at a store.

8. Why do some people not follow their own plans?

It seems to me that some people abandon their own plans because they don’t have enough
motivation or dedication. Although they might set clear goals for themselves, they might not
follow through because things get hard and they don’t have the drive to keep going and push

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through. But in other situations, people don’t follow their own plans because they realize it’s not
the right plan, or that there’s a better choice for them.

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Topic: Spending

Part 2: Describe an item on which you spent more than expected

You should say:
• What it is
• How much you spent on it
• Why you bought it
• And explain why you think you spent more than expected

Speaking of something I spent more on than I expected, the first one that comes to mind is a
funky home karaoke machine. If memory serves correctly, last August, I happened to watch a
Livestream show hosted by a famous live-streamer named Li Jiaqi. He was selling a karaoke
machine in the Livestream. I thought it’d be great if I could sing karaoke at home. So I decide to
buy one on the live stream.

Unfortunately, there were too many people purchasing so it was sold out before I placed an
order. I had to check the online shop that Li strongly recommended. It turned out that the price
there was about 500 yuan higher. Honestly, I was having second thoughts because it was going
to cost me an arm and a leg.

But I really felt the lack of such a device at home. It’s a very useful and practical device for those
who love singing. It can connect to your TV through an HDMI cable or even WIFI. What's better,
it even has a colorful LED lighting system, which is a must-have for a cool karaoke room. I thought
it was so practical that I finally decided to buy it.

As it turned out, it wasn't just an impulse purchase. Since we bought it, having a karaoke party
has become the most popular fun event in our family. So, even though it was over my budget, I
think it was totally worth it since my family uses it from time to time.

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Part 3:

1. Do you often buy more than expected?

Yeah, I’ve found that I often buy way more things than I was planning for. I think that happens
the most often when I’m grocery shopping. Everyone says that you shouldn’t buy groceries when
you’re hungry, which I definitely agree with. Even though I always make a list before I go
shopping, I get more than I planned for because all the food looks so appealing. It’s hard to have
any self-control.

2. What do you think young people spend most of their money on?

I think that young people like to spend their money on new clothes and new technology. A lot of
young people are very concerned about what other people think of them, so they want to wear
the newest clothes and own the newest phones and devices. Plus, since they don’t usually have
other responsibilities like paying bills or covering other people’s needs, they’re free to spend their
money on luxury items as well. For example, some young people like buying designer shoes and

3. Do you think it is important to save money? Why?

Yes, it’s definitely important to save money. Even if you’re comfortable financially, you should be
thinking ahead. Anything could happen, and you might find that suddenly you need money to
pay for a damaged car or laptop, in case of emergencies, you should always have some extra
money lying around. So it’s good to make plans for your money and try to save up. It’s also good
to save money for fun things like vacations.

4. Do people buy things they don’t need?

Yes, people definitely buy things they don’t need from time to time. Even when they go grocery
shopping, it’s easy to pick up ingredients that weren’t on their list because they look really
appealing in the moment. Plus, some people go out and buy things they don’t need as a form of
therapy and relaxation - this is where the phrase retail therapy comes from.

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5. Why are some rich people reluctant to spend money on others or even themselves?

Well, sometimes, rich people don’t want to spend money because they’re very protective of their
wealth. It seems confusing since they could definitely afford to splurge, but I think that the more
money you get, the more you want to hold on to it so you can have even more. Plus, some people
become rich after being poor or middle-class, so they have the old mindset of needing to save
every penny.

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Topic: Primary schools

Part 2: Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• Why he/she impressed you most
• And how you feel about him/her

Well, when I was in primary school, art class was always my favorite. So the art teacher, Mrs. Li,
really left a mark on me.

In my eyes, she was like a superhero. She could do anything! I still remember clear as day that
she taught us to draw stick figures, make paper lanterns, and even make paper cuttings. I have
to say she’s pretty skilled in paper-cutting. I remember that during one class, she took just a few
minutes to cut two butterflies. It seemed like she had magic hands. But I couldn’t keep up with
her at all.

My fingers were clumsy and I could never cut the papers well. But Mrs. Li didn’t look down on
me. She personally came to my side and helped me fold a piece of paper in half several times.
Then she asked me to draw an image on it and cut it along the lines. When I unfolded the paper,
it really looked like a butterfly. I remember I was over the moon and thanked her a lot.

Actually, I learned many art skills from Mrs. Li. She was patient and kind to every student and was
always smiling, so I was very fond of her. After so many years, my memory of primary school is
fading, but I still remember tons of moments from art class and with Mrs. Li clearly, I really miss
those days in primary school. It was the happiest and most carefree period of my life.

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Part 3:

1. Why do people always miss their childhood?

I think people miss their childhood because it’s often much more stressful and complicated to be
an adult. When you’re older, you have way more responsibilities than you did when you were a
kid. Instead of your main priority being playtime with your friends, you have to pay bills, handle
a full- time job, and in some cases take care of your own children. So compared to all the stress
of adulthood, childhood seems like a much better time of life. It’s easy for people to be nostalgic.

2. Are kids happier than adults? Why?

I suppose that in some ways, kids are happier than adults. When you’re a kid, it’s not that hard
to have all your needs met. You don’t have to worry about paying bills or working at a full-time
job like adults do. Kids are content with simple things, like hanging out with their friends. As an
adult, you have way more responsibilities and way more stress. So it’s harder to find happiness.

3. Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?

I think it’s because primary school is a really formative time in people’s lives. When you’re young,
you’re learning about the world for the first time. And the people that you learn with make a
huge impression on you. It seems to me that most people can remember their childhood friends
because they went through lots of important first experiences together. It’s really sweet how
those childhood bonds can last throughout your lifetime.

4. What kinds of primary school teachers will impress students?

I suppose that students are most impressed by primary school teachers who are engaging,
enthusiastic, and caring. Children in primary school are very young, and they have a short
attention span, so the teacher needs to be interesting enough and to plan enough engaging
activities to keep students focused. Teachers also need to be kind and caring so that students
feel comfortable coming to them if they have a problem.

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5. What do people generally remember about elementary school?

I would say that people usually remember the friends they made in elementary school. They
might remember some cool experiences from a class or even one interesting lesson. But as time
goes by, the thing that stands out the most is the people that they met. A lot of people might not
remember much about their time in elementary school, but they do remember the good friends
they had and keep a lifelong friendship with them.

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Topic: Special occasions

Part 2: Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen
You should say:
• What you waited for
• Where you waited
• Why it was special
And explain how you felt while you were waiting

I’d like to talk about my experience of waiting for the result of the National Judicial examination
I took last September. It’s one of the most difficult qualification exams in China as the pass rate
is only about 10% every year. So passing this exam really mattered to me and it was especially
important to my career. I took lots of online classes and studied law day in and day out. I literally
dreamed about legal cases several times. To be honest, I didn’t even know I had that kind of grit
before I started preparing for the exam.

Anyway, after I finished the exam, I waited about two months to get the result. That was the
most anxious and stressful period of time I’ve ever had in my life. Sometimes my mind would
drift away from the things I was doing and I’d stall worrying about what to do if I failed the exam.
The only thing that helped me blow off some steam was chatting with other candidates in an
online chat room.

Fortunately, it turned out that I passed the exam and by a lot! I was over the moon and burst into
tears seeing my good score. I really felt like all my effort paid off at that moment. You know, I'm
finally qualified to be a lawyer!

So waiting for the judicial exam’s result really left a mark on me. It was a long, hard wait, but at
the end of the day, it was all worth it!

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Part 3:

1. On what occasions do people usually need to wait?

People usually need to wait on a number of different occasions, including when they are lining
up for something or waiting for an appointment. Sometimes people have to wait in very long
lines at stores, especially if it is a busy time to go shopping. Sometimes people need to wait in
traffic. Waiting for a medical or dental appointment can also take a long time. Most people need
to wait for things very often throughout their lives.

2. Who behaves better when waiting, children or adults?

Usually, adults behave better when waiting than children. Children often do not understand why
they have to wait for something, whereas adults know why they are waiting. Children get restless
very easily, and they usually have more energy than adults, so they don’t like when they have to
wait for a long time in one spot, not moving. Adults can wait more patiently than children because
they have more experience and they have better self-control.

3. Compared to the past, are people less patient now, why?

I suppose that people are less patient now because it is easier nowadays to do things without
having to wait at all. People have become accustomed to instant gratification. You can order
packages online that arrive the next day, and you can order food from a restaurant delivered to
your home. It is very easy to avoid waiting, so when people do have to wait for something, they
are less patient.

4. What are the positive and negative effects of waiting on society?

Well, a positive effect is that, in some cases, it can teach people patience. When they have to
wait in line for a long time, they have to learn how to manage their impatience and still be polite.
But a negative effect is that it can make people very aggressive. Not everyone can keep their
temper in check. When people have to wait in a long line on the highway, you can often get
drivers with road rage who act recklessly just to get ahead.

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5. Is it a good thing to be patient all the time? /Should people be patient all the time?

Yes, I think that for the most part, it’s good to be patient all the time. There are a few instances
where you should act instead of waiting around, like if there’s an emergency. But in general,
patience is a good trait to have. Being impatient can make you feel anxious and irritable. Plus,
you can’t control the things that happen around you. You might get stuck in a long hue of cars on
the highway, or you might have to wait a long time for your meal. But if the situation is out of
your control, it’s good to be patient instead of losing your cool.

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Topic: Habits

Part 2: Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop
You should say:
• Who your friend is
• What habit he/she was
• When you noticed this habit
• And explain why you want to develop this habit

I’d like to talk about my roommate who has a good habit of working out on a daily basis. He
especially likes recreational cycling.

Actually, he developed this habit about two years ago when he planned to lose some weight and
get in shape. He set a goal to lose five kilos in two months. And biking worked like a charm for
him, so he decided to make it a regular fitness activity for himself.

The place where he goes biking the most is a park that was recently built near our apartment. It
has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. And there’s a long bike
path that has been built alongside the lake. My roommate usually goes biking there about two
or three times a week. Each time he spends at least an hour there.

Since we live together, I know his habit very well. Sometimes I go biking with him. But it’s a pity
that I haven’t been able to go cycling very often because I’ve been swamped with school
assignments. I do hope that I can start riding daily and stick to it. For one, it would be a great way
for me to relieve my back pain. Besides, cycling at a beautiful place helps me blow off some
steam. It’s definitely an excellent way to stay mentally fit as well. So, for the sake of my health, I
think I’ll try cycling as a routine.

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Part 3:

1. What habits should children have?

I suppose that children should get into the habit of cleaning their rooms and picking up after
themselves. They should be aware of whatever mess they create, and they should take care of it
as much as they can. It teaches them to be responsible and proactive. They can develop these
habits by doing simple tasks, like making their bed every day. Once they have enough practice,
they’ll become cleaner.

2. What should parents do to teach their children good habits?

I think that parents should first demonstrate good habits themselves. Children learn from
observation, and if they see their parents doing things like regular flossing or eating breakfast
every day, then they’ll be motivated to do those same activities. Parents should also explain the
importance of developing good habits to their kids. If children understand the importance and
the benefits of those habits, they’ll be inclined to develop them as well.

3. What influences do children with bad habits have on other children?

Well, children are heavily influenced by what their peers do. Kids just want to fit in with their
friends. So if they see their friends developing bad habits, like skipping school or being rude to
their teachers and parents, they might pick up those habits as well. Children with good habits can
easily be swayed by children with bad habits to develop poor behaviour. Plus, if kids with bad
habits are seen as cool, children will be even more motivated to imitate them. It’s definitely a big

4. Why do some habits change when people get older?

I think that some people just outgrow their habits because they don’t support their lifestyle
anymore. For example, young people might get into the habit of staying up late and partying a
lot because they don’t have a lot of responsibilities. But as they get older and have to manage
full-time jobs and other duties, they’ll start going to bed early and staying in on the weekends.
People’s habits grow and change light along with them.

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5. What are the common habits of adults?

Well, there are some basic habits like having a good sleep schedule, eating balanced meals every
day, and having good hygiene by flossing and brushing your teeth. Most people would consider
those essential habits to develop if you really want to act like an adult. Unlike young people,
adults avoid staying out late and partying all the time. Adults also do things like exercising
regularly, budgeting and handling other responsibilities like paying bills.

6. Should adults encourage good habits in children by talking to them or by leading by example?
I suppose that parents need to do both - they should explain why having good habits are
important, and they should lead by example. Children need to see good habits in action in order
to develop their own good habits and positive routines, so it is very important that they see their
parents demonstrating good habits when they are growing up. Children often mimic their
parents’ behaviour, so parents need to be very aware of this.

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Topic: Foreigners

Part 2: Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting
You should say:
• Who the person is
• How you knew him/her
• What kind of person he/she is
• And explain why you think he/she is interesting

Well, I like listening to pop songs, so most of the foreigners I know are singers from other
countries. So, I’d like to talk about an American singer-songwriter whose name is Bea Miller. She’s
a very cute and funny person.

About two years ago, one of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at a New
Year’s party that my class held. I really took a liking to that song and looked it up online right
away. Then I found the original singer of it, Bea Miller. She’s only in her twenties but she definitely
has great potential with her pop-rock career.

Anyway, I think her character is way different from what she shows on stage. Whenever I put on
my headphones and listen to her songs with her sexy and raspy singing voice, I feel like the whole
world suddenly calms down. So I thought she was a quiet and cool person. But she’s actually
hilarious. You won’t find other celebs who post selfies of their big nostrils on social media. But
she does it all the time! Sometimes she posts photos of herself making faces with a funny line or
a bad joke. It cracks me up every time!

So I feel like she’s very down-to-earth. When she interacts with her fans it’s like she’s the girl next
door, which really appeals to me. Of course, I admire her talent for wilting music as well. I believe
that with her talent and interesting personality, she will go a long way in the entertainment

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Part 3:

1. Do you have any foreign friends and do you think having foreign friends is a good way to
know other countries?

Yes, I do have a few friends from other countries whom I met on the internet. Specifically, we got
to know each other through an online game called PUBG, a trendy online shooting game. Anyway,
I know them pretty well after playing dozens of games together. And I’ve learned a lot about
then- countries through our chats. One of them is from the Philippines; she’s the one who I’m
the closest with and talks the most to. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t know so many fun facts
about the Philippines.

2. Do you think it’s important to know the culture and language before going to another

I think that it’s important to know a little bit about the country’s culture and to know a few
important phrases in their language before you visit. This is because some countries have very
different attitudes and customs compared to others, and you don’t want to offend someone
because you don’t know the proper attire or customs. Knowing some key phrases in the language
is also very helpful, and the locals will appreciate your effort to speak their language.

3. What do you think of people who work in international companies?

Well, it’s really cool for people to work in international companies. I respect them for it because
they probably have to take on a ton of challenges. For example, if they have a higher-up position
in the company, they might have to go on business trips to different parts of the world. They
might also have to learn about other cultures when dealing with people from different countries.
So I think that it takes a lot of tact and determination to succeed at an international company.

4. What abilities do people need to have when working in an international company?

People working in an international company need to have good language learning skills. Since
international companies normally have branches and stakeholders in more than one country,
their employees need to be able to communicate with other co-workers, suppliers and clients

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horn different countries in an effective manner. So employees who are bilingual or trilingual are
definitely assets to an international company. Besides, people skills are also essential since
communication makes up a big part of their job.

5. How do people know foreign friends?

People usually get to know foreign friends through travel. A lot of people like to travel abroad,
so they might meet new friends along the way. Sometimes it’s easier to start a friendship while
on a journey than in everyday life, despite the difference of citizenship. After all, being in a foreign
land means you are exotic, which adds your charisma somewhat. Besides, some people may meet
new friends from other countries online. When you play an online game that is open to the world,
it’s quite easy to team up with gamers from other countries and have opportunities to know

6. What are the advantages of knowing foreigners?

Well, there are a lot of advantages to knowing foreigners. Firstly, knowing someone from another
country will open up your perspective since you will get to learn about a culture that is different
from your own. Secondly, you might be introduced to new food, music, languages, or traditions
that you would not have known otherwise. Finally, knowing someone from another country gives
you a good excuse to travel and visit that country someday.

7. What are the pros and cons of living abroad?

One big pro is that you get to experience a new culture. You might even be able to learn a new
language. I think that’s a great way to expand your horizons and learn more about the world, or
even yourself in the process. You can also try new food and meet new people, which is always
exciting. A con is that you might find it hard to learn a new language and fit into a new
environment. It can also be very expensive to live abroad.

8. How can we promote international cultural exchanges?

I think that a great way to promote international cultural exchanges is through study abroad
programs. When students go to another country to learn, they encounter a totally new culture

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and way of life. It helps familiarize them with another country and gives them lots of knowledge
that they can bring back to their own country. When they have formative experiences abroad,
they can also have more empathy and understanding for people from different places.

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Topic: Decisions

Part 2: Describe a difficult decision that you once made

You should say:
• What the decision was
• When you made your decision
• How long it took to make the decision
• And explain why it was difficult to make

I’d like to talk about a tough decision I made when I was choosing a rental department. This
summer holiday, I found a part-time job that I can do for a long time. But I had to move out of
the student residence because the building was closed dining summer holidays.

So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Finally, I narrowed down my choice to two
apartments. One is a newly renovated apartment, which has a really good location because it’s
next to a beautiful lake in our city. But the drawback is its distance from my workplace. I would
have to take a bus for 40 minutes to commute there.

The other apartment is practically a shoebox and the decor is pretty worn-out. Despite all that,
the rent isn’t cheap either since it’s in a commercial zone. But the good part is that it’s within
walking distance of the office.

I would’ve loved to live in a cozy place, but I was afraid of being late for work if it’s too far. So I
was really torn about which one to rent. Eventually, I signed the lease for the apartment near the
lake so I could enjoy a better lifestyle. It turns out I made the right decision. Even though I had to
get up really early every morning for work, I could have some fun biking along the lakeshore after
work, which helped me blow off some steam. So I definitely made the right call.

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Part 3:

1. What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?

People make a number of decisions throughout the day. One of the most basic but consistent
choices is what to eat every day. Sometimes they might have to choose between cooking a meal
or ordering out. People also have to decide how they’ll spend their time, at least when they’re
not at work or school. There are lots of options for things to do during leisure time, so they have
lots to choose from.

2. Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after group discussion?

I think that it really depends on the decision, in some situations, it’s better to make a decision by
yourself. You don’t want to have too many cooks in the kitchen. If everyone’s giving their opinion,
it might be harder to figure out what you really want. But in other cases, you might actually want
other people to weigh in, especially if the decision is something you’re unsure about or if it’s
outside your expertise.

3. Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’ advice?

I think that young people are unwilling to follow their parents’ advice because they want to
express their individualism. Young people grow up having to do everything their parents say, so
once they become teenagers or young adults, they are less likely to follow parental advice. They
want to prove their independence and show that they can make their own decisions about their
life. They may even try to lead a life that is completely different than the life their parents want
them to have.

4. Why would middle-aged people tend to second-guess their own decisions?

Middle-aged people usually have to make more important decisions than younger people, since
most middle-aged people have a lot of family and work responsibilities. This means that any
decision they make will affect other people, so they may spend more time doubting themselves
and second-guessing their decisions than a young person would. Plus, when you’re older, you

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realize that your instinct isn’t always right. Middle-aged people have had lots of experiences
where they’ve made the wrong call. So they know to think twice before making a decision.

5. How do people usually make decisions?

People usually make decisions by weighing the pros and cons. Whether it’s picking what to order
off a menu or choosing a job, they’ll think about what they might gain from the situation, and
then judge if it’s worth the potential risks. A lot of people also make decisions by consulting
people they trust. They might ask their friends or family for advice in order to make the right call.

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Topic: Road trip

Part 2: Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

You should say:
• Who you would like to go with
• Where you would like to go
• When you would like to go
• And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car

Well, what I like to do the most is going on a bike tour. I really love recreational cycling. Some
friends of mine who have the same interest usually talk about going on a bike tour at a fun place
together. One place we've always wanted to go to is Weihai, which is located in the easternmost
part of Shandong province.

Weihai has a really good location because it’s surrounded by the sea on three sides, and there
are many terrific attractions in the city. What’s more, there is a long bike path in the city that has
been built alongside the sea. Many people recommend visitors bike around there. Just imagine,
you can feel the soft sea breeze and even enjoy the sparkling sun on the water while riding, which
will be fantastic. Plus, when you get tired, you could lie on a nearby beach and enjoy soaking up
the sun. It’ll definitely make you feel like a million bucks.

So, I’m really looking forward to this kind of cycling tour. I bet it’ll be an exciting way to explore
a new city. If everything goes well, I hope to go there with my friends and to the city during the
National Day holiday next year. We can rent bikes and cycle around while enjoying some
breathtaking scenery. If we see street vendors, we can just stop by and try the local signature
seafood. Well, my mouth is watering just thinking of it. Anyway, it’s definitely a one-of-a-kind
experience I want to have.

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Part 3:

1. Which form of vehicle is more popular in your country, bikes, cars or motorcycles?

Well, given the traffic of most cities in China, cycling is still the most popular mode of
transportation. It’s true that a lot more Chinese families can afford cars, but driving a private car
can be a pain in the neck because of things like parking, insurance and the risk of accidents. But
if you ride, you won’t have most of those concerns, so most people still prefer using bikes to go
somewhere if it’s not too far. Plus, bike-sharing has swept across China, which means it’s easy
and dirt-cheap to rent a bike for a trip.

2. Do you think air pollution comes mostly from mobile vehicles?

No, I don’t think that mobile vehicles are the leading cause of air pollution. They definitely
contribute a lot to the problem, and we need to cut the use of mobile vehicles down wherever
possible. But I think that a lot of air pollution comes from ships and trains and other forms of
transportation as well. Factories also cause a ton of air pollution. You can see all the dark smoke
that comes out of them.

3. Do you think people need to change the way of transportation drastically to protect the

No, I don’t think it’s worth it to change a lot about how people get around. After all, even if all of
humanity stops using all kinds of transportation that consume fossil fuels, global warming won’t
get better because the damage has already been done. Besides, instead of subverting the current
transportation system, some minor improvements in people’s choices for transportation will help
reduce tons of carbon dioxide emissions, like carpooling more, taking more public transportation
and buying electric cars.

4. How are the transportation systems in urban areas and rural areas different?

As far as I know, urban and rural communities are extremely different when it comes to
transportation systems. Compared with rural areas, urban areas are densely populated and have
more developed infrastructure, so urban residents have easier access to a network of public

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transit But you’ll never see public transportation that good in villages. People who live in the
countryside normally ride a bike or just walk places within the territory as the residential area of
a rural neighborhood can be very small.

5. Why do more and more people drive private cars?

More and more people drive private cars because they are a very convenient option for
transportation. Private cars offer more flexibility because you can pack them full if you’re moving
to a new home or packing for a long trip, or you can drive multiple people at once. You can’t do
that with a motorcycle or a bike. Also, if you don’t own a private car, you may have to rely on
public transportation or taxis to get around, which can be unreliable because you need to wait
for them to come to you.

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Topic: Sports

Part 2: Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• What he/she has achieved
• And explain why he/she is famous

Well, I know tons of athletes since I’m a fan of many sports. But the one who really left a mark
on me is a sprinter who just attended the Tokyo Olympics. His name is Su Bingtian, and he’s the
first-ever Asian sprinter to break the 10-second barrier of the 100-meter event in track, which is
amazing. He’s definitely a household name in China.

Actually, he rose to fame years ago when he won the 100-meter race in the Asian Games and
broke the Asian record. He still holds the record, which means he’s literally the fastest Asian in
the world.

Anyway, before the Tokyo Olympics, just like lots of other Chinese people, I was really looking
forward to seeing his performance on the track. His first race was the men's 100-meter semi-
finals; he was so incredibly fast and finished in the first place, which blew my mind. Honestly,
before he ran in the final, I had faith in him that he could probably win a medal, or even gold. But
in the end, he came in sixth place in the final. I was a little disappointed at the beginning but on
second thought, he still made history by being the first Asian man in the Olympics’ 100 meters
final and I witnessed it!

So even though he came back without an Olympic medal, he’s my and many Chinese people’s
hero because he’s proved Asians can also fly on the track! He definitely deserves his fame and
sets an example for Asian kids.

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Part 3:

1. What kinds of exercises do people in your country like?

Chinese people usually like to exercise with others so they can socialize at the same time. Lots of
people like to mil or bike together. You can also see people doing tai-chi or going for a walk in
the public parks. It’s nice because it’s a way to stay fit while also catching up with friends or even
family. When it comes to sports, I think a lot of Chinese people enjoy football because you get to
run in a really large field as well as have a lot of fill! playing against the other team.

2. What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?

I suppose that an athlete should be hard-working, patient, and confident in themselves. They
need to be dedicated if they’re going to train and keep improving their skills as an athlete. They
also need to be patient and not give up, even if it takes a long time to achieve their goals. But
maybe most importantly, they have to believe in themselves. They have to know that they’re
capable of working hard and doing well.

3. Why are there so few top athletes?

I think it’s because the field of sports is extremely competitive. Many people want to be athletes
just because they think they’re decent at a sport. But apart from athletic talents, it takes true grit,
dedication, and hard work to make it as a professional athlete, which is so hard, in a sports game,
only one team or one athlete can be the champion. So even among professional athletes, there
are only a few who can truly rise above and perform the best.

4. What’s the best way to become a top athlete?

It seems to me that the best way to become a top athlete is to keep training and setting new
goals. If you get too satisfied with where you’re at, you might not be able to keep advancing
through the different levels. I think you should definitely get a coach as well. You need someone
with advanced expertise to guide you as an athlete and get you to stay on the right path.

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5. What’s the difference of the sports liked by young people and those liked by the old?

I think young people like more intense sports, like basketball or soccer. They like activities where
they have to constantly stay moving. Those kinds of sports require fast reflexes and lots of
endurance. But old people tend to like sports that are more relaxed, so they might play something
like golf. Badminton and tennis are good options for those who still have a lot of energy and

6. Why do some people like to work out at a gym?

I would say that some people enjoy working out at a gym because there’s professional equipment
there that they wouldn’t have in their own homes. For example, not everybody can afford to get
a treadmill. But if they get a gym membership, they can use a treadmill and other types of
workout equipment. Other people like going to the gym because they can work with personal
trainers or just enjoy other people’s company while they work out.

7. Do people often do exercises or sports nowadays?

Yeah, nowadays, people pay more and more attention to then' health. So there are actually a lot
of people who are really into exercising, whether that’s at the gym or by playing a sport. Young
people in particular like being active. They’re always looking for new ways to get fit, whether it’s
by doing some kind of diet or trying a new form of exercise. A lot of older people enjoy sports as
well, though they may pick more relaxed activities like golf.

8. What can the government do to encourage people to do exercise?

I think the government could invest more money in sports facilities and gyms. If they can make
those places appealing, more people would be interested in going to work out there. To that end,
it would be great if they could support gyms and help make memberships less expensive. The
government can also support natural spaces like public parks so people can exercise surrounded
by nature. There’s nothing nicer than doing yoga or tai-chi in the park.

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Topic: Creative

Part 2: Describe a creative person whose work you admire

You should say:
• Who he/she is
• How you knew him/her
• What creative things he/she has done
• And explain why you think he/she is creative

Speaking of people who are creative, I always think of artists and musicians first. So, I’d like to
talk about an American singer-songwriter whose name is Bea Miller. About two years ago, one
of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at a New Year’s party that my class
held. I really took a liking to that song and looked it up online right away. Then I found the original
singer of it, Bea Miller. She’s only in her twenties but she definitely has great potential with her
pop-rock career.

Normally, singers only have two or three good songs on an album at most, and their songs are
mostly the same style. But Bea’s music is very diverse. I mean, every song she writes is unique
but also catchy. I really admire her creativity in music.

As for why she’s so creative, I really have no idea. But one thing I know is that she loved making
up stories when she was a child. And after she got into music, she found a new brilliant way to
tell her stories. I have to say some people are just naturally good at what they do. Her creativity
in writing songs is more like an amazing natural gift that she has, just like her calming singing
voice. It’s not something you can get from practice.

Anyway, Bea is a very talented young lady. Now, there are still tons of people who don’t know
her but I look forward to seeing her blow everyone away.

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Part 3:

1. Do you think you are a creative person?

Yes, I would say that overall I’m a creative person. I’m always coming up with new ideas and new
ways to do things because I think that is a good way to keep work interesting. I also really like
making art. It’s not my profession by any means, but it’s a really fun hobby and it helps me bling
out my creative side more. Plus, I try to be creative with interior design, by adding new decor and
furniture to my apartment to make it reflect my personality and creativity.

2. Is it good for children to learn arts?/Do drawing and music lessons in school help children
develop creativity?

Yes, it’s great for children to study the arts. Children can definitely develop their creativity
through activities like drawing and music lessons. Both of these activities teach children to
express themselves in creative ways. Withdrawing, they can use their imagination to create
pieces of art. When they take music lessons, they can use different parts of their brain to
understand music and express themselves by playing a song. Through these activities, children
can learn to see and interact with the world in new ways.

3. What kinds of jobs require people to be creative?

Many jobs require you to be creative, and I would even argue that you can be creative no matter
what your job is. Some jobs are very obviously creative, like being an artist or a writer. In those
professions, your entire livelihood depends on how creative and original you can be. Some other
examples are people who work in graphic design or marketing. They have to figure out creative
ways to advertise a product. But if you work in a job where you have to do a lot of problem-
solving, like as a manager or a business owner, you also need a lot of creativity to succeed.

4. Do you think leaders need to have the creative ability?

Yes, I would say that leaders need to be creative. This is because leaders need to take into account
every single member of then' team and come up with ideas and solutions that work for them.
This often requires the leader to think outside the box in order to come up with ideas that work

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for everyone. The more creative a leader can be, the more engaged and happier their team will

5. Is children’s doodling meaningful?

Well, it depends on the child - some children doodle things that are meaningful to them, while
other children just doodle to pass the time. Either way, I think doodling is a great way for children
to practice their artistic skills and fine motor skills. They can also practice their handwriting.
Doodling is also a good option for hyperactive children who need to be doing something and
can’t focus on just one thing at a time.

6. Do you think music education at school is suitable for all children?

Yes, I suppose that all children could benefit from at least a little music education. They don’t
have to take music classes throughout school, but they should at least have one class. I think that
learning about music or learning to play an instrument is really beneficial for children’s
development. It gets them to use their brain in a different way. Studying music has also been
shown to improve children’s math skills.

7. What age should children start music lessons at school?

I think children should start music lessons when they’re six or seven. If they’re any younger, they
might not be able to grasp the basic skills you need to play an instrument. But when they’re
around that age, they can understand simple instructions and begin to read music notes on a
page. Plus, if they keep at it, they’ll be able to become a strong player in a few years. That can
help build their confidence.

8. Should teachers be creative?

Yes, I definitely think that teachers should be creative. They don’t have to be artistic, necessarily,
but they should be good at problem-solving, which requires creativity. Teachers have to deal with
a variety of unpredictable situations when they’re in the classroom. They also have to
accommodate students who have different learning styles. So teachers need to be flexible and
creative when it comes to how they deliver a lesson and help their students.

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Topic: Service

Part 2: Describe a good service you received

You should say:
• What the service was
• When you received it
• Who you were with
• And how you felt about it

I’d like to talk about the service I received at a gym I used to work out at. If memory serves
correctly, it happened about half a year ago. At the time, I was upset about failing to lose weight
again! So I decided to pay for a membership at a gym and see how it would go.

At first, I thought the gym only provided workout equipment. After all, the membership wasn’t
pricy. But their service went above and beyond. They assigned an instructor to every member of
the gym to provide advice and guidance. And they sent diet plans and recipes to me. The diet
plan luckily contained meat! I was really satisfied with that since I could still enjoy meat during
the diet.

Plus, the instructor who helped me a lot said if no one supervises you, the pain and stress might
make you want to quit. So he helped me find a companion who went through the workout and
diet every day with me. We formed a team. When we were tired or hungry, the instructor would
try to cheer us up. And he even texted and reminded us not to eat snacks at night.

Anyway, thanks to the gym, I lost 5 kilograms in a month. I have to say it’s the best service I’ve
ever come across, and I have strongly recommended this gym to others who want to keep fit.
Their service is worth every penny.

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Part 3:

1. What do you think of the relationship between companies and customers?

I think that nowadays, customers feel more entitled than ever to a good relationship with a
company. And companies definitely want to make customers feel valued because they want their
business. Companies will put in extra effort to show that they care about their customers’
business. Sometimes they send personalized cards or emails. In return, customers usually
develop loyalty to a certain company. They’ll only do business with them because they feel

2. As a customer, what kinds of services would you expect to receive from a company?

I would expect to have a certain degree of familiarity. You know, it’s nice to at least get emails
addressed to my name, and not just addressed to “Dear Customer.” When companies take the
time to add personal touches, it makes me feel like my business matters more to them. I would
also expect to get great customer service. If I have a problem and need to get in touch, I should
be able to do that in a quick and efficient manner.

3. What kinds of jobs involve coping with the public?

There are lots of jobs in the public sector that involve dealing with the public head-on. For
example, if you work in emergency services as a firefighter or paramedic, you have to deal with
the public every day. People who work at hospitals or any kind of service job also have lots of
face-to-face interactions. Those jobs can often be very demanding because people can be very
unpredictable and hard to deal with at times.

4. Why should companies react quickly when customers have difficulties?

Well, companies should be quick to respond when customers are having problems because it
helps improve their brand. If they’re known for being fast and reliable, then that customer will
probably stay with them even though they’re encountering difficulties with their product or
service. Customer loyalty is super valuable to companies, so they want to make sure that they

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retain their business. If they’re slow and unhelpful, customers will probably move on to another

5. What traits do people need to have if they need to provide service to the public?

I think patience is probably the number one trait that people should have if they provide service
to the public. People can be very demanding, which might make you tempted to lose your
temper. But you have to be patient and professional when dealing with difficult people. People
can also be unpredictable, so you have to be flexible. You have to stay on your toes and be able
to adapt to any situation.

6. Should people receive training before they provide service to the public?

Yes, people should definitely receive training for that kind of job. Even if you’re a people person,
you probably won’t be prepared for how demanding working with the public is. Providing services
to the public requires a lot of patience and flexibility. You need to be able to deal with a variety
of problems, which training can help you prepare for. Besides that, you might have to learn how
to deal with emergency situations.

7. What are the common customer service problems that companies often need to deal with?

I suppose that a major customer service problem is when a customer wants to cancel something
they’ve purchased from a company. For example, a lot of people might want to cancel or change
their internet plans. So they have to spend a lot of time talking to the internet company’s
customer service line. Companies also have to deal with complaints about their products or
services, which aren’t pleasant for customer service workers to handle.

8. Why do some companies respond to customers so slowly when they need to solve problems
for customers?

I think that it depends on the situation. Sometimes a company wants to make sure that the
customer gets the best service, so they’ll go the extra mile to solve the problem. However, that
might result in the customer waiting for a long time for the issue to get resolved. Other times,

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the company might not have a good protocol in place for dealing with an issue, so it gets fixed at
a snail’s pace. They also might not have enough employees to deal with the problem.

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Topic: Vacations

Part 2: Describe a place you visited on vacation

You should say:
• Where it is
• When you went there
• What you did there
• And explain why you went there

Speaking of a place I’ve travelled to during holidays, the first one that comes to mind is definitely
Weihai, which is located in the easternmost part of Shandong province. That area is close to the
sea, which makes it a hotspot for lots of people.

I have a friend who moved to the city last year, so I visited her as well as toured the city during
the National Day holiday last year. It has a really good location because it’s surrounded by the
sea on three sides, and there are lots of terrific attractions in the city. My friend toured with me
to discover the city for two whole days. We went to the famous beach and also tried the local
signature seafood. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.

Anyway, my favorite part of the city is a long bike path that was built alongside the sea. We rented
bicycles to ride along the coast. You can feel the soft sea breeze and even enjoy the sparkling sun
on the water while riding, which is fantastic. When we got tired, we lay on a nearby beach and
enjoyed soaking up the sun. It definitely made us feel like a million bucks.

As an inlander, I really crave the feeling of living by the sea. So I really love that city. It has
breathtaking views and fresh air. You could easily find a place to kick back and relax, in fact, I
have strongly recommended this place to many friends. It’s definitely worth visiting.

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Part 3:

1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit in your country?

Some popular attractions that people like to visit include museums, shopping malls, and national
parks. If you are visiting a new city, you are going to want to explore everything that it has to
offer. It is important to do your research fust to find out what kinds of things you would actually
enjoy doing. Some people love history and visit lots of museums, while others are very outdoorsy
and prefer to hike through national parks.

2. Do old people and young people choose different places to go on vacation? Why?

Yes, I think old people tend to pick more relaxing places, while young people want to have
adventures in an exciting setting. Old people would probably be content to sit on a beach and
relax all day. Or they might choose places with a lot of history and just do walking tours. But
young people are more inclined towards places where they can explore a lot and do exciting
activities like diving or parasailing. So they might choose exotic locations to check out.

3. What do young people and old people think about when making travel plans?

I think old people usually consider their personal comfort. They want to know that they won’t be
too exhausted at the end of each day. So they might choose very low-key trips and not put a lot
of activities on their itinerary. But young people are less concerned with comfort and more
interested in having adventures. So they’ll want to pick somewhere that’ll be exciting and they’ll
probably plan to do a lot of strenuous or challenging activities.

4. How do people get to know a new place?

Most people discover a new place to travel by talking to other travelers or reading reviews online.
There are a lot of smaller cities and towns that only locals know about. These places are usually
less busy and less expensive than the popular tourist cities, so they can be a great option to
explore. Sometimes a good strategy is to start your trip in a major city, then speak to some of the
locals there and ask them if they know of any good spots nearby.

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Topic: Business

Part 2: Describe a businessman you admire

You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you knew this person
• What kinds of business this person does
• And explain why you admire this person

I’d like to talk about Zhang Yiming, who’s the founder of ByteDance. It’s the parent company that
developed TikTok, which is a trendy video-sharing social network in our country

About two weeks ago, one of my friends shared a news report about Chinese enterprises to his
WeChat moments, in this story, I learned a lot about ByteDance and what makes Zhang so

Actually, with his leadership, ByteDance has almost more employees than Alibaba, the most
famous E-commerce company. And yet they’ve been hying to expand their business at breakneck
speed. For example, Tiktok is not just a video-sharing platform. The latest version of the app has
expanded into online shopping, online education and many other services on the internet. As far
as I know, ByteDance is also recruiting and setting up branches in other countries, and their apps,
especially Tiktok, are very popular in foreign countries.

I really admire Zhang Yiming because he and his company never rest on their laurels, but instead
keep innovating new products. What's more, from the article I read, I learned that Zhang wasn’t
from a rich family like many young entrepreneurs are, and he didn’t study abroad either, in fact,
he graduated from college as a programmer. But he’s very driven for success and has a lot of grit.
He often works more than 12 hours a day and has a great passion for what he and his company
do. So his success is inevitable. His entrepreneurial mindset is also worth learning for our young

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Part 3:

1. What do you think is the retirement age for men and women?

I would say that anyone between the ages of 60-75 can choose to retire. Around that time, people
are ready to settle down, and they usually have the financial means to retire and live comfortably.
I don’t think it changes too much if it’s a man or a woman retiring. Since we’ve come a long way
in regards to gender equality, it’s normal for either a man or a woman to work all the way into
their sixties.

2. What kinds of qualities do people need to run their own business?

I think people need to be intelligent, determined, resilient, and enthusiastic in order to run their
own business. People need to be smart enough to assess their target market and design a
business that is appropriate for their customers. Plus, they need to be determined and resilient
because running a business comes with many challenges and ups and downs. Finally, people need
to be enthusiastic in order to inspire their employees and come up with unique ideas.

3. Is it easy to establish and run a new business in your country?

The reality is harsh. To launch a new company is quite simple in my country since you only need
some investment money and a license from the Ministry of Finance, however, managing and
maintaining it on your own is a different story. There are a million things to do, it’s stressful as
well as required a large sum of capital and manpower. As a result, the vast majority of start-ups
in Vietnam failed each year as they struggled in competition against giant enterprises or the
shortage of demands.

4. What do you think are the key factors that contribute to the success of a business?

I think that creativity, determination, and flexibility are the mam factors that make a business
successful. In order to make it, you need to have a unique approach. Since there are so many
businesses out there, you have to be creative enough to set yourself apart. Businesses also need
to be led by people who are hard-working and determined to meet their goals, no matter what

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obstacles they face, in today’s world, a business owner should also be flexible to adapt to
different situations and needs.

5. If you had the opportunity to have your own business, what business would it be? Why?

I would love to open a small shop that sells books and also has a café so that people can sit and
enjoy a coffee and a snack. I love to read so I think that I would be able to understand my target
market very well and predict their needs and wants, which is an important part of owning a
business. I also think that there is always a need for more cafes, so I would have a lot of

6. What fields do young people like to engage in when they start a business and why?

I would say that young people like the art and technology sectors when it comes to starting a
business. A lot of young people are really creative and want to sell the things they make. I know
many people who sell pins, prints, and other art products for a living. If they have a unique style,
it’s easy for them to become successful. Technology is also a good area to start a business in,
especially as people come up with more and more new apps.

7. Is it better to start a business alone or start as a team?

Well, it would be better to start a business as a team, because that way you can come up with
double the ideas and double the financial capital to make your business a success. On your own,
you have no one to talk to for advice, which can make it really difficult to make decisions and
take risks. Having a partner or a team also means that you can divide up the workload and avoid
becoming burnt out.

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Topic: Friendliness

Part 2: Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
You should say:
• When and where it happened
• Who he/she was
• Why you didn’t like this person
• And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion

I’d like to talk about a time when I was chatting with my friends but someone interrupted. I have
two friends, Lisa and Sarah, who live practically within spitting distance of me. We hang out
together a lot, so we often share some interesting things with each other. Several months ago,
we had a meet-up at a coffee shop. Lisa took her new boyfriend who I met for the first time.

I told them that I was planning to take part in a novel-writing competition for sci-fi novels about
alien civilizations. The mention of aliens made Lisa’s boyfriend chime in. He said he didn't believe
in the existence of an alien civilization.

I think it’s kind of rude to interrupt others in a conversation, especially because he was being
such a wet blanket. But out of politeness, I kept smiling and listening to him. He claimed that
even though there are photos of aliens and UFOs on the internet, they are all either blurry or
photoshopped. He just kept talking until Lisa hinted to him that he really didn’t need to argue
about something that the whole world doesn't have an answer to. Well, then he stopped but he
was making a face.

Honestly, he seemed to be a stubborn and petty person, so I didn’t like him at all. But since he's
my best friend's boyfriend, I decided to be the bigger person there and not talk back. After all,
you can never go wrong by being kind.

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Part 3:

1. Why are people friendly with the person they don’t like?

Some people are friendly with people they don’t like because they need to maintain a civil, polite
relationship with them. This is especially true in situations where other people are involved. For
example, if a husband and wife get divorced, they will likely continue to be friendly towards each
other for the sake of their children. If two employees have a falling out, they will continue to be
polite since they work together.

2. What kinds of people are usually friendly?

People who are usually friendly are those who are in careers that require them to deal with
people on a daily basis. The best example of this would be teachers and nurses. Teachers and
nurses work with people of all ages every day, and often these people are vulnerable. They need
to be very friendly in order to make people feel at ease. Plus, some people are more naturally
friendly than others if they are more extroverted. They are more outgoing and enjoy being
around people.

3. What are the differences between being friendly and being polite?

I would say that the main difference between being friendly and being polite is enthusiasm.
People who are being polite may exchange pleasantries and have a conversation, but they will
not discuss their personal lives or get too excited. On the other hand, if someone is being friendly,
they are more likely to share personal details and speak with enthusiasm and emotion. Being
friendly means that you are more comfortable with the person to whom you are speaking.

4. What do you think of the people who are always straightforward?

I like people who are always straightforward because I appreciate their honesty and efficiency.
These types of people will always tell you the truth and are never afraid to share their honest
opinion. Sometimes straightforward people may be perceived as blunt or rude, however, I would
say that is a misconception. Straightforward people are not frying to be Hide, they are trying to

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be honest. Some people may also have trouble reading social cues, so they act very
straightforward all the time.

5. What are some qualities of a good friendship?

A good friend should, first of all, be trustworthy and honest. If you cannot trust someone, he
cannot be your true friend. Apart from these qualities, a friend should be understanding and
helpful so that he can help you at the time you face any difficulty or troublesome situation in
your life. Let’s say, if you need money, a good friend would help you with the money you can
borrow at the time of financial constraints.

6. Is it important for people to have a good friendship with their colleagues?

Definitely, it is essential for people to have friendship at the workplace because if you are being
treated as a good friend, you can work better being surrounded by a positive work environment.
It is even important for those employees who work in teams as they are able to achieve their
targets and goals if they know each other well-being friends.

7. What do you think of a person who seems so nice and friendly no matter what happens?

I suppose that people who can keep their cool, no matter what’s going on, are very respectable.
Although to be honest, I’m always a little suspicious when people are nice and friendly even if
they’re dealing with rude people. It makes me wonder if they’re actually that nice, or if they’re
just being polite. Either way, I really respect people who can continue to be kind even if they’re
in a tense situation.

8. When would you be friendly to someone you don't like?

I think I would have to be friendly to someone I didn’t like if I was on the clock. You know, when
you’re at your job, you’re expected to be nice to the people you interact with, no matter what.
It’s a measure of your professionalism. And it’s definitely not professional to lash out at someone
or lose your temper while you’re at work. Otherwise, I would be nice to someone I didn’t like if I
was trying to make a good impression on the other people around us.

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Topic: Smart

Part 2: Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way/who gave a clever solution
to a problem.
You should say:
• Who this person is
• What the problem was
• How he/she solved it
• And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way

When it comes to someone who solves problems in a clever way, the first one that comes to mind
is an 80-year-old lady I saw on social media.

I watched a video of a reporter interviewing the lady. She said she’s had a great liking for paper­
cutting since she was a kid. And she still goes to a senior college for a paper-cutting course. But
as she gets older, she finds that there are fewer and fewer young people who take an interest in
this art form, and we are losing the culture of paper-cutting.

In order to change the situation, she came up with the idea of promoting folk art on social media.
She cuts paper into comics that tell traditional Chinese stories and creates videos of them. You
can see how she has presented many storylines through paper cuttings. She even bound them
into a book form and got them published. Most importantly, she really made it work! Her story
and artwork have already been covered by foreign media and now she is an authentic internet
celebrity in China. Since her videos went viral, tons of young people have become interested in
the art of paper-cutting.

It’s definitely a brilliant idea. She successfully took advantage of the We-media trend. I was
amazed by how creative she is for her age. Actually, although she's in her 80s, she’s still learning
new things and improving her skills every day. She is such a great role model to young people like
me and definitely earns my admiration.

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Part 3:

1. Do you think children are born smart or they learn to become smart?

I think that there is a very interesting debate about nature vs. nurture. The central question of
this debate is whether children are born with their personality and skills, or if they develop into
these traits. Personally, I suppose that it is a combination of both. Some people are born naturally
gifted with a high level of intelligence, whereas others have learning disabilities that may affect
their intelligence. Nonetheless, any child can become more intelligent with the proper supports
and education.

2. How do children become smarter at school?

It seems to me that children usually become smart at school by applying themselves and being
open to learning new things. They have to work hard at a subject in order to master it. That
requires doing all the homework and persevering even when it gets hard. But they also have to
adapt to new material and ways of learning. For example, their teacher might teach them
something using a hands-on method. So they have to learn how to work with that method in
order to get smarter.

3. Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Being well-rounded or being good at one thing depends on your personality, as well as the
amount of effort you put into different aspects of your life. Some people find one thing that they
are good at and throw all of their effort into that one thing, becoming experts. Others do not
have one passion, but rather prefer to develop many different talents. Either way, most people
tend to focus on things they are good at rather than things they struggle with.

4. Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?

Well, modern society needs talents of all kinds because that is the best way to have a healthy
workforce and consequently a healthy society. If everyone was good at science and became a
doctor, then no one would become an author or a teacher, or a business person. It is much better

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to have a multitalented society so that everyone can contribute something different. We need
just as many artists as we need accountants.

5. Do you think clever people are bad at some things? What things can clever people be bad

I think that everybody has weaknesses, no matter how smart or clever they are. But when it
comes to what clever people, in particular, might struggle with, it really depends on what they’re
clever at. For instance, someone who’s really quick with numbers might have a hard time writing
a good essay, and vice versa. Or someone who’s very smart and has a quick wit might be bad at
being empathetic. There are different ways to measure intelligence.

6. What role can a good teacher play in a student's learning?

Well, a good teacher plays a huge part in a student’s education. A good teacher who can
effectively teach a lesson can help a student grasp the material quickly. As a result, that student
can get a good grade and feel confident about learning. But beyond that, a good teacher can
encourage a student whenever they have difficulty. That helps the student know that they’re
worth more than just a grade.

7. Do the people around you have special skills?

Well, I’m friends with people who have studied other subjects, so to me, it feels like they have
special skills. I know some people who are science majors, so they’re able to figure out complex
equations and solve difficult problems. I have a friend who works in construction, so they’re also
very handy and are good with tools in a way that I’m not. It’s cool to know people with different
specialties. It makes me appreciate everyone’s differences.

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Topic: Books

Part 2: Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading

You should say:
• When you read it
• What kind of book it is
• What it is about
• And explain why you think it is exciting

Well, the first book I can think of is definitely Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is the
seventh book, also the final novel, of the Harry Potter series. I became a fan of this fantasy story
when I was still a child. So by the finale’s release, I’d been obsessed with the series for almost ten
years. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I could finally read the ending of this story.

Anyway, I read it as soon as it was published. Even though this was about twelve years ago, I
remember the release like it was yesterday. I waited for hours in front of a bookstore in a
hundred-meter line full of excited Hany Potter fans like me, mostly teens of course, just to get
the book on the day of its release. And once I started reading it, I literally couldn’t put it down.

The final Hany Potter book really blew my mind. I mean, it has a happy ending as I expected, but
the plot twists and turns made my jaw drop. Like Hany has to die once and comes back to life so
he can defeat the villain, Voldemort. I finished the book with an overwhelmed feeling that was a
mix of excitement, happiness and some loss.

Honestly, I’ve reread this novel tons of times. I’ve even written some glowing reviews of the book
on social media, which I’ve never done for other books. It’s a really exciting book that left a mark
on me.

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Part 3:

1. Do you prefer books or movies?

I prefer books. Even though movies are really entertaining to watch, books are just more
interesting to me. I like reading a character’s thoughts instead of healing them get narrated on
the screen. When I’m reading a book, I can also picture everything for myself. It takes a lot of
imagination, which is what I find fun about the reading process. I think books are also a more
relaxing way to spend time than a movie, which can be loud and intense.

2. Do you think it is very important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?

No, I don’t think so. Even though I love reading, and personally I like reading the book before
seeing the movie, it’s fine to just watch the movie by itself. I suppose that when it comes to
movies, it’s sometimes better to watch them without knowing anything about the story.
Sometimes, you can be disappointed if you watch the movie version because it might not live up
to the book.

3. Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?

I suppose that this depends on the person’s preferences; some girls love the romantic comedy
genre, while others love honor novels. The same is true for boys. Honestly, boys are discouraged
at a young age from liking romantic or dramatic books and are instead encouraged to read
nonfiction or action books. This really limits the kind of things that they read, and I suppose that
both boys and girls should explore a wide variety of literary genres.

4. What kinds of books do people in your country like reading?

I think that Chinese people like to read a great variety of different books; it really depends on the
individual person, since everyone has different tastes when it comes to books and movies.
Chinese literature has a long history of folklore and legends, so many Chinese people may like to
read these traditional stories as a starting point. Plus, children may prefer fiction books, while
adults may prefer nonfiction books such as biographies and history books.

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5. Did you read more magazines or books when you were a child?

I definitely read way more magazines than books in my childhood. Honestly, I wasn’t fond of
books until I grew up. Books, especially textbooks, were just too complicated and tedious for me.
But reading magazines was a lot of fun when I was a student. I was a huge fan of sci-fi magazines
back then. I even subscribed to a magazine called The Sci-Fi World. I was really fascinated by it
and could read the issues day in and day out.

6. Do you think e-books will eventually replace paper books?

Although e-books are becoming very popular, I don’t think that they will ever completely replace
paper books. The reason for this is that people who love reading generally prefer paper books.
Reading on paper is easier on your eyes, and it’s also great for students because they can
highlight, underline, or write notes in the margin if they are using a paper copy. Paper books are
also great to wrap up and give as gifts!

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Topic: Café

Part 2: Describe a cafe you have visited.

You should say:
• Where it is located
• How the cafe looks like
• What kind of food and drink you had there
• And explain why you like or dislike the cafe.

Speaking of a coffee shop, the first one that comes to mind is definitely a new café in a giant park
located in the newly developed Fuxin district of my hometown.

Since I have a friend who moved to the district last year, I’ve visited him and toured this park
several times. Whenever we go there, we always stop by that coffee shop. It’s a wonderful place
to chill out with a beverage.

The café has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. The lake is
enormous and there are lots of beautiful sculptures made of all kinds of plants. The owner of the
shop built a huge deck outside with some chairs and tables, so you can appreciate the nice
sculptures peacefully or breathe in fresh ah’ and enjoy the sparkling sun on the water while
drinking coffee, which is fantastic. I often ordered a donut, their signature snack, with a cup of
cappuccino at the shop. It was always a blast to sit on the deck and have a chit-chat with my

Anyway, since the park hasn’t been open for that long, the coffee shop hasn’t gotten popular and
crowded. So you can always kick back and relax there like you were in your own backyard. You
know, now it’s hard to find such a pleasant place in urban areas. So I really enjoy spending time
at the coffee shop. It’s great to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

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Part 3:

1. What kind of people would like to go to a café?

I think young adults like going to a café. When you’re a kid or a teenager, cafes aren’t entertaining
enough to hang out at. But when you’re in your twenties, they’re a nice place to meet up with
your friends after work or on the weekends. Plus, retired people also like going to cafes because
the environment there is super relaxed. It’s a nice place to have a chat over coffee or tea.

2. Why do young people like studying in a café instead of at home?

It seems to me that young people like studying at a café instead of at home because it’s a nice
change of scene. When you’re studying at home, you might get sick of being in the same place
all the time. Plus, you can get distracted by your roommates or family members. Cafes offer a
nice, relatively quiet atmosphere where you can focus on your own thing. It also makes studying
a more appealing activity because you can enjoy a nice tea or coffee while you work.

3. Do people in your country like to go to a café? If not, what are their social places?

Well, although not every Chinese person loves going to a cafe, there are more young people who
have adapted to coffee culture, and enjoy drinking coffee and hanging out with their friends at
coffee shops. It’s a trend. But honestly, older people in China, like people of my parents’
generation, rarely go to a cafe. They are more used to having a meal with others at a restaurant
to socialize.

4. Do older people in your country like drinking coffee?

No, I don’t think so. As far as I know, most middle-aged and senior people don’t have the habit
of drinking coffee. Very few of them have taken a liking to coffee. I think it’s mainly because they
didn’t grow up with coffee culture. Instead, they were surrounded by a strong tea culture. Plus,
it’s true that coffee is fairly new in China and just got popular. I bet 30 or 40 years later when
young people get older, there will be way more regular coffee drinkers than today.

5. Do young people like to invite their friends to their home? Why?

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Yes, I suppose that young people like to invite friends to their home for a few reasons. Inviting
friends’ home is a great way to get to know them outside of school. Sometimes school is too busy
to really get to spend a lot of time with your friends, so inviting them home is a great option.
Children also like to show their friends their space and get to know their families.

6. What do you usually do when you come to the house?

When I get home, I usually get changed right away into comfortable clothes if I know that I do
not need to go out again. Then I make tea, and I will settle down to read or watch TV. Sometimes
if I have friends coming over, I will clean the house and prepare a snack or meal for them. I may
also study at home or do more work if there is something that I did not get done during the day.

7. What is the difference between a cafe and a restaurant?

Cafes are usually more relaxed. They also tend to be smaller. Instead of full meals, they offer
snacks and beverages like coffee and tea. They’re designed more for casual outings, like catching
up with a friend over a hot drink. Restaurants, on the other hand, are usually fancier places where
people go to enjoy a nice meal. Sometimes they celebrate special occasions like birthdays or
graduations. Plus, restaurants are more expensive since they offer meals instead of snacks.

8. Do people prefer to have parties at cafes or restaurants?

It seems to me that people prefer having parties at restaurants. Cafes are better for more casual
hangouts, like if you’re just meeting up with a couple of friends. But with restaurants, you can
plan ahead and make a reservation for a larger group. In most cases, you can even reserve a
whole room for your party. I know lots of people who’ve had birthday parties or graduation
parties at a nice restaurant. It can be really fun.

9. Do coffee shops in your country sell tea? Are coffee shops that different in different countries?

Yes, most coffee shops in China sell tea. In fact, selling tea or milk tea is a lot more profitable than
selling coffee for many Chinese coffee shops as China has a thousand-year tradition of drinking
tea. Coffee culture still has a long way to go to conquer China. I also believe coffee shops in
different countries have different features since it’s a must to adapt to the local culture and local

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people’s drink preferences. It shows respect to customers of the country and provides a new
source of revenue.

10. Why do many people like to drink a cup of coffee before work?

People drink coffee every morning because it increases alertness quicker than the body’s
naturally produced hormones. The majority of working adults nowadays are hummingbirds or
night owls as they spend hours committed to their job, some even pulled an all-nighter in order
to finish their job. Hence, they are more prone to be addicted to a rush of physical and
psychological rush resulting from a cup of coffee.

11. What kind of people would like to go to a café to work or study?

I reckon people from all walks of life could be benefited from a trip to a coffee house. Especially,
those who are in their twenties are often more focused when they study in a coffee shop. I don’t
actually know why really, but it might have something to do with the fact that there are a lot of
people around you. You know, I always have that funny feeling of people looking at me when I’m
studying, and of course, I don’t want to look bad.

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Topic: Get up early

Part 2: Describe a time when you got up early

You should say:
• When it was
• What you did
• Why you got up early
• And how you felt about it

Speaking of a time that I got up early, the first one that conies to mind are the time when I had
an early morning bike ride.

I have a great liking for recreational cycling. About a month ago, several friends of mine who have
the same interest decided to cycle at a park together. There’s actually a park that was recently
built near my home. It has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city.
And there’s a long bike path that has been built alongside the lake. So, in order to try out the new
bike lane, we agreed to meet up at the park at six in the morning when the park wasn’t packed
with people yet.

I’m not a morning person. Getting ready to go out before 6 was way earlier than I was used to.
But I didn’t want to make my friends wait so I dragged myself out of bed. And it tinned out to be
a very pleasant experience that day. We breathed in fresh air and enjoyed the sparkling sun on
the water while riding, which was fantastic. Plus, since we went there early, the lanes were empty
so we could speed up as much as we like. When we got tired, we sat on the lawn nearby and
enjoyed the morning sunlight, which is super cozy!

So, that early start to the day really left a mark on me. But honestly, having one experience like
that is enough for me. I prefer sleeping in on most days

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Part 3:

1. Do you know anyone who likes to get up early?

My mom has always loved waking up early. She’s usually awake by 5 A.M. She likes to go for her
morning walk for about an hour, and then she takes a shower and makes breakfast. I think that
the reason she is able to wake up so early is that she also goes to bed early, usually around 9 P.M.
If she went to bed any later she probably wouldn’t be getting enough sleep.

2. Why do people get up early?

Some people get up early because they have to for work or for school, and some people get up
early because they enjoy it. These people might like having some extra time to relax in the
morning before they begin their day. As for why some people hate getting up early, I think it’s
mainly because they struggle to wake up, maybe as a result of going to bed late. These people
may feel tired all day if they get up early.

3. What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?

Most people try to arrive early for formal ceremonies such as a wedding or a funeral. This is
because these events require a large amount of organization and planning, so it is very important
that no one arrives late in order to avoid interruptions. People may also arrive early to an airport
or train station when they are travelling. Most international flights recommend that you arrive
three hours early in order to get through airport security, so arriving early is a good idea for

4. Is it easier for older people to get up early than young people?

I believe so. My grandparents usually wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning. The main reason, I think,
is because their health is no longer in good condition, at least not as good as it was when they
were younger. So, it is hard for them to have 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night. Besides, unlike
younger people who have to work or study all day and therefore need a deep sleep at night to
recharge their batteries, older people usually have more time on their hands. They can take naps
during the day, which will affect their sleep at night, I suppose.

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5. What time do you usually get up?/Do you like getting up early?

I usually get up at 7 A.M. so that I can be at work at 8:30. I like getting up early in the spring and
summer because the sun naturally wakes me up, but in the winter where I live it is quite dark in
the mornings, so I don’t like to get up too early in the winter. I like that getting up early gives me
time to enjoy a coffee before work, but sometimes I wish I could sleep in more often.

6. Why do some people get up early? Why do some people hate getting up early?

Some people get up early because they have to for work or for school, and some people get up
early because they enjoy it. These people might like having some extra time to relax in the
morning before they begin their day. As for why some people hate getting up early, I think it’s
mainly because they struggle to wake up, maybe as a result of going to bed late. These people
may feel tired all day if they get up early.

7. Why do some people like to stay up late?

I think some people like staying up late because they’re more energetic at night. Night owls are
really good at being productive late into the night. For whatever reason, they just work better at
that time. Personally, I like staying up late because it’s quieter in my house since everyone has
gone to sleep. Other people like staying up late because there are exciting activities that happen
at night, like parties and concerts.

8. Do you think morning is the best time of day?

Personally, I think that evening is the best time of day because it is the end of the work or school
day and you have time to kick back and relax. I do like mornings, but I wouldn’t say that they are
the best time of the day because mornings can be quite stressful. If you are getting ready for
work or school and you’re running late, then your morning isn’t very enjoyable.

9. What happens if you arrive early or late?

When you arrive somewhere early, you have lots of time to settle in. If you’re there for an event,
it’s nice to get there early so you can find a seat or use the bathroom if you need to. But if you

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arrive late, it can be super stressful. It really depends on the event. Being late to a party is fine,
but being late to a meeting or a class is really disruptive. You should avoid being late if you can.

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Topic: Art and Craft

Part 2: Describe an art or craft activity (e.g. painting, woodwork, etc.) that you had (at school)
You should say:
• What you made
• How you made it
• What it looked like
• And how you felt about the activity

I’d like to talk about the time when I created handmade paper cuttings in an art class at my high
school. I remember that before the Chinese New Year, my art teacher invited an old lady to teach
us paper-cutting skills.

The old lady looked like she was in her 80s. She said she’s loved paper-cutting since she was a
kid. She still goes to a senior college for a paper-cutting course. So I have to say she’s pretty skilled
in paper-cutting. For example, she took just a few minutes to cut two butterflies. It looked so
easy for her to do that, but we all know cutting paper into an image is way more difficult than it
looks. She seemed to have magic hands. But we couldn’t keep up with her at all. So she started
teaching us some tricks of cutting the easiest flower-shaped paper-cuts.

As she taught us, I folded a square of red paper in half several times. Then I drew an image on it
and cut it carefully along the lines. When I unfolded the paper, it really looked like a flower. Then
I cut several more in the same way and started getting the hang of it.

Like other students, I was over the moon to learn this new skill. I even took the paper cuts home
and stuck them onto the windows on New Year’s Eve. Actually, in China, we call these paper-cuts
Chuanghua, meaning window flowers. That was my first time creating my own window flowers,
so I really had a blast.

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Part 3:

1. What traditional handcrafts are popular in your country?

There are tons of traditional folk-art crafts that are still popular in China. The ones that come to
mind are paper cuttings, ceramics, and Chinese knots. They are popular and very common home
decorations that you can see in Chinese homes. People like them because they are all delicate
and beautiful, and most importantly, normal handicrafts like that are very affordable and easy to

2. What do young people think of traditional handcrafts?

I think young people appreciate traditional handicrafts, even if they’re not skilled at them. Folk
art crafts are usually delicate, beautiful and practical in some way. So it’s not a surprise that young
people in China love seeing and having them. For example, it’s trendy for young people to wear
ancient Chinese clothing which can only be handmade. Even though they are young, they are
conscious of how traditional arts and crafts represent our culture and traditions.

3. Do people in your country send handicrafts as gifts?

Yes, I know that some people do. It’s not super common where I’m from, but it’s still recognized
as a really sweet and meaningful gift in my country. I think it’s because, in an age where pretty
much everything can be made by a machine, it’s such a change of pace to get something
handcrafted. A lot of time and energy goes into handicrafts, so that makes them really valuable.

4. What are the benefits of making handcrafts?

I think one benefit is that you get to make it personal. Nowadays, you can buy pretty much
anything from a store. You don’t have to handmake most gifts. But that’s what makes it
meaningful when you decide to make something yourself. You can also get a lot of satisfaction
from learning and mastering a particular craft, like pottery and embroidery. Sometimes it doesn’t
matter if you’re good at it; the fun of making handicrafts is what counts.

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5. Are there many handmade crafts being sold in shopping malls today?

No, I don’t think there are a lot of handmade crafts being sold in shopping malls nowadays.
Shopping malls typically cany name-brand products, or at least things that are produced in
factories. It’s not very common to see handmade crafts because most of them are made by
individuals, so neither the production nor the quality can be ensured, which is a business risk for
the retailers in the malls. I think that’s a shame, but it also makes sense. Malls are trying to make
a profit, and that’s a lot easier to do with recognizable brands.

6. What should the government do to promote traditional arts and crafts?

I suppose that the government should support traditional arts and crafts by hosting festivals
based around them. They can put on events where local vendors can sell their handmade items.
That helps improve awareness of traditional arts and crafts while also supporting local businesses
and boosting the economy. They can also add traditional arts and crafts to the school curriculum
so that children can learn about them from a young age.

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Topic: Older people

Part 2: Describe someone who is older than you that you admire
You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you knew this person
• What kinds of things you like to do together
• And explain how you feel about this person

I’d like to talk about an 80-year-old lady I saw in a video about paper-cutting art on TikTok, which
is a trendy video-sharing social network.

The senior lady’s paper-cutting artworks are amazing. They aren’t normal images of folk art that
people are familiar with. She actually cuts paper into comics that tell traditional Chinese stories.
And you can see how she has presented many storylines in paper cuttings. She even bound them
into a book form. I was amazed by how creative she is for her age.

When the reporter interviewed the lady, she said she’s had a great liking for paper-cutting since
she was a kid. And she still goes to a senior college for a paper-cutting course. Her story and
artwork have already been covered by foreign media and now she is an authentic internet
celebrity in China. You know, what caught my attention is that she's in her 80s! But she's still
learning new things and improving her skills every day. She is such a great role model to young
people like me and definitely earns my admiration.

During the interview, she even took a few minutes to cut two butterflies. It looked so easy for
her to do that, but we all know cutting paper into an image is way more difficult than it looks.
She seems to have magic hands. So, I take my hat off to both her skills and her attitude towards
learning. Honestly, I really hope that I can be so passionate about what I do and have so much
spiritual energy when I’m old.

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Part 3:

1. What can young and old people learn from each other?

Old and young people can learn a lot from each other. For example, young people can learn about
patience and dedication from old people. Nowadays, a lot of young people are eager to pursue
their dreams, but they tend to give up quickly if they don’t achieve them light away. Old people
have more life experience, so they can teach young people how to stick to their goals. Plus, young
people can teach older people certain things, including how to use the latest technology and
social media. Tire younger generation tends to be more tuned into those kinds of things.

2. Has old people’s life quality improved when compared to the past?

I suppose that old people’s quality of life has improved greatly in the last few decades because
the quality of medicine has also improved greatly. Life expectancy is much higher now than it was
in the 1940s, for example, because we have more life-saving medicines than we used to. Older
people can also participate in more organized activities now than they could have in the past due
to the influence of social media.

3. Why is there a generation gap between the young and the old?

Well, it seems to me that the generation gap is largely due to the fact that things in society change
very quickly. Even though it might not be your intention, you lose touch with certain things as
you grow older. You get used to one way of doing things, but the generation after you might
discover a new way of doing it. Having these differences creates the generation gap. Actually, I
think the generation gap has been around forever and it is something that will always exist.

4. What do old people usually do in their daily life?

Old people tend to take it easy. They play games with each other or they go for long walks. Some
of them like to stay fit, so they do some low-energy activities. They also like keeping in touch with
their children and grandchildren. I know a lot of old people also take up some hobbies, like
knitting or paper-cutting. It’s a good way for them to stay busy.

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5. How does an aging population affect a country?

I think that when the population of a nation is aging, there can be a lot of effects on the economy
and society. Firstly, the increase of seniors means more retired people who live on a pension but
don’t work, which can be a huge economic burden. Besides, the aging population is a
consequence of the severe decline of fertility rates of a country, which means there will be fewer
young people in tire country in the future. Taking Japan as a typical example, tons of Japanese
people have been worried about the future of their country because their population will
certainly shrink a lot in the next several decades.

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Topic: Puzzle

Part 2: Describe a (jigsaw, crossword, etc.) puzzle you have played

You should say:
• What it is like
• How easy or difficult it is
• How long it takes you to solve
• And how you feel about it

Well, I really enjoy solving jigsaw puzzles. I have a 1000-piece puzzle that my parents bought for
me when I was at primary school age. It has an image of many tulips in various colors.

I still remember how fun it was when I solved it for the first time with my parents. We thought it
was going to be a piece of cake, but we ended up taking almost two months to get it done. Every
night, we spent a while working on matching pieces. After we finally assembled the puzzle, we
were over the moon. Actually, I took apart the puzzle several times and tried to redo it all by
myself. Each time it was a new journey of discovery. And it always gave me so much fun.

Completing a puzzle is exciting but the daunting part is that you don’t always know which piece,
to begin with. It’s a challenge for your strategic thinking. Besides, you need to focus all your
attention on the pieces while solving them. After all, many puzzle pieces have similar colors and
shapes and each piece only contains a very small portion of the full image. Honestly, it drove me
crazy sometimes when I thought I found the right place for a piece but I was wrong.

But I do have a great liking for it. Whenever I take a long time to solve the puzzle, and put
everything in its place, it definitely gives me a genuine sense of accomplishment.

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Part 3:

1. Why do parents let their children play puzzles?

Well, there are lots of proven benefits to doing puzzles. They provide really good mental exercise
because you use both the right and left side of the brain. Doing puzzles also makes you have
greater attention to detail. So I think that it’s a great activity that gets children to slow down and
focus on the little things. Those types of skills can come in handy in the long run.

2. What kinds of puzzles improve people’s intelligence?

I think every puzzle improves intelligence in some way. Every type of puzzle helps build your
concentration skills and problem-solving skills, both of which are absolutely crucial to supporting
intelligence. For example, word puzzles such as crosswords and word searches are great for
building vocabulary, and number puzzles like sudoku can improve mathematical reasoning skills.
There are also some great building puzzles that improve hand-eye coordination and other
physical skills.

3. Why are detective stories attractive to people?

I think people get hooked by detective stories because they offer really interesting and
stimulating scenarios. You can try to solve a case along with the character and put your deductive
skills to the test. Plus, even though they might sound boring, problems involving logic are actually
appealing to people. It tests their minds and gets them to think about things in unique ways.
Everyone wants to be smart enough to figure out mysterious cases.

4. Which do you think is better? A detective movie or its original novel?

A: I suppose that the original novel is better than a detective movie. It might be cool to see the
story brought to life. But when you’re reading the novel, you have the time to slow down and
focus on the little details. You can actually try to solve the case along with the character, or even
before them if you catch on. I think that helps make the reading experience as interesting as the
visual impact of a movie.

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B: I personally prefer detective movies, but I know that some people prefer books. I love to read,
but I find that with detective stones seeing them in a movie makes them even more exciting.
Movies can add music and effects that enhance the viewing experience and make the mystery all
the more engaging. I also find that the visuals of a movie make it easier to follow the storyline,
as some detective stories are very confusing.

5. Why do some people like to do number puzzles? Is it true that only talented people can do
number puzzles?

I suppose that some people enjoy doing number puzzles because it’s great mental exercise. It
feels really satisfying when you complete a puzzle like that. It really forces you to slow down and
use logic. People who are really good at being analytical do a great job with those kinds of puzzles.
I don’t think you have to be especially talented to do those puzzles though. It is certainly easier
for people who are good at math to do number puzzles, but it's not rocket science either, right?
Most people can solve them if they try hard enough.

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Topic: After school activities

Part 2: Describe an activity that you do after school/work

You should say:
• What it is
• When and where you do it
• Who you do it with
• And how you feel about it

Speaking of a leisure activity I like to do after school(work), the first one that comes to mind is
definitely cycling. I have a great liking for recreational cycling. I often go cycling with my friends
(co-workers) who have the same interest.

The place where I go biking the most often is a park that was recently built near our
college(company). It has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city.
And there’s a long bike path that has been built alongside the lake. We usually go biking there
about two or three times a week and spend at least an hour there.

You can breathe in fresh air and enjoy the sparkling sun on the water while riding, which is
fantastic. Plus, since the park hasn’t been open for that long, the lanes are usually empty so you
can speed up as much as you like. When we got tired, we loved to sit on the lawn nearby and
enjoyed soaking up the sun. There was no traffic or construction noise. You could kick back and
relax like you were in your own backyard.

Anyway, I’ve been swamped with school assignments (work) these days and haven’t been able
to go cycling very often. But I'll go whenever I get the chance. For one, it’s a really great way to
help me relieve my back pain. Besides, cycling at a beautiful place helps me blow off some steam.
So it’s definitely an excellent way to kick back and relax.

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Part 3:

1. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?

I think it’s because doing extreme sports gives you a huge adrenaline rush. Those sports can be
really dangerous, but that’s part of what makes it fun and exciting. For example, a lot of people
do skiing as an extreme sport even though they could wipe out and potentially break a lot of
bones. There are even people who have died in skiing accidents. But the risk can make it more

2. Are men more likely to do extreme sports than women?

I would guess that it’s because men seek out risks more than women do. They might not be as
concerned or focused on their physical safety. A lot of men are attracted to dangerous situations
because they want to test their will or abilities. However, women tend to be a little more practical
and avoid overly risky situations. Other than that, men might like doing extreme sports more
because it makes them feel tougher or more manly.

3. What are the most popular outdoor activities in your country?

Many people enjoy playing badminton, riding bicycles, and walking. Some sports that have been
adopted from other cultures are also popular, such as basketball, tennis, and track sports. One
outdoor activity that most people, both old and young like is table tennis, it is a national sport in
our country so it’s not really surprising that so many people enjoy playing it.

4. What do young people usually do in groups?

There are several activities that people normally like to do in groups. The very first one is dancing,
which is getting quite popular with people of all ages. In fact, it’s normal to see many of them at
a studio dancing cha-cha or samba. A lot of individuals also like to play team sports like soccer
and basketball with friends. I can’t imagine them playing these sports solo. Lastly, many families
like to prepare meals together to celebrate festivals. In China, for instance, young people have to
go back to their hometown during the Spring Festival to meet up with their relatives and friends,

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and, try to help out at the kitchen when they can to cook some traditional dishes like spring rolls
and longevity noodles.

5. Does modern technology limit people’s leisure activities?

I think that it’s a choice for people. It just depends on the way you choose to use technology. For
example, if you use your phone to scroll through social media or do other mindless things, you’re
pretty much just wasting your leisure time. But you can also use your phone for other activities.
You can use apps to count steps when you go for a walk, play games with other people, or read
books. The choice is yours as to whether or not technology kills your free time.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of outdoor activities and indoor activities?

One advantage of outdoor activities is that you can get fresh air. You can enjoy natural scenery
too, depending on where you are. But a disadvantage is that you can’t control the weather, so
your activity might be mined by a thunderstorm. Indoor activities are nice because they’re in
controlled environments. If it’s really hot outside, you can enjoy air conditioning. But a downside
is that indoor spaces can get crowded more easily than outdoor ones.

7. What leisure activities are popular in your country?

In my country, mobile games are extremely popular. Practically everyone has a smartphone
nowadays, so it’s very easy for young people to download a game on their iPhone and start
gaming right away, in addition, many people, especially seniors, are quite into doing outdoor
activities in their spare time. Parks are often filled with people from dawn until dusk who are
engaging in sports, tai chi, and public dancing.

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of group activities and individual activities?

Group activities involve a lot of collaboration, so an advantage is that you get to work with
different people and be exposed to new ways of doing things. However, it also means that you
have to depend on others, so you might get frustrated with them. I think an advantage of
individual activities is that it develops your own skills more since you’re doing it on your own. But
a disadvantage is that you don’t get to be social with other people.

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9. What are the benefits of doing leisure activities in people’s spare time?

I suppose that a huge benefit is that it helps people relax. People often get way too stressed,
whether it’s from work or school. So when they can blow off steam through a leisure activity, it
makes a world of difference. Another benefit is that you can try something new and develop your
creativity. For example, if you try something new like painting, it can push you to explore your
artistic side and experiment.

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Topic: Talent

Part 2: Describe a natural talent (sports, music, etc.) you want to improve
You should say:
• What it is
• When you discovered it
• How you want to improve it
• And how you feel about it

Speaking of natural talents, I guess I may have a little talent for writing novels. I actually didn’t
discover it myself, but all my friends said so.

Several months ago, I had a meet-up at a coffee shop with a couple of my friends. One of them
was Lisa, who loves writing so much. She told us that she was planning to take part in a novel-
writing competition for sci-fi novels. She had come up with a good frame for the story. But to
think up something more creative, she asked us for advice and hoped to get some inspiration for
the details about the aliens. So we all expanded our imagining of aliens and had an unrestrained
brainstorming session.

I remember I said the aliens might have existed on Earth and lived among us. And they might
have observed and intervened with human civilization for some purpose. I shared a lot of my
thoughts. My friends all complimented me for my unique ideas. Lisa even said I was creative and
had the potential to write fiction. You know, I was so flattered.

I do enjoy reading all kinds of novels. So what my friends said made me want to try it out. Since
I’ve never written a novel, I definitely should have more writing practice. After all, the logic of
writing matters a lot, which is what I think I’m lacking. Seriously, I’ll try my best to see if I can tum
my talent into income one day.

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Part 3:

1. Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents only?

Yes, I suppose that doing art is a wonderful activity and artists should definitely take advantage
of their natural talents if they have a talent for art. Alt can take many different forms including
painting, drawing, sculpture, and music. A lot of children really love to do artwork, but not all of
them continue with their art into adulthood. I think it would be better if people who have a
natural talent for art are encouraged to explore that talent throughout their lives.

2. Is it possible for us to know whether children who are 3 or 4 years old will become musicians
and painters when they grow up?

No, I don’t think it’s possible. I mean, it might be possible in some cases. For example, child
prodigies will probably be really successful later in life. And you can definitely show proficiency
in some talents when you’re young. But you don’t know what kind of career path a child will
choose to take, especially when making that choice is still in the distant future. They might be an
amazing painter and yet decide to become a doctor or a veterinarian. So it’s too hard to tell at
that age.

3. Why do people like to watch talent shows?

Well, a large part of it is because talent shows are really entertaining. You get to see fairly
ordinary people doing cool things. Even if it’s something more regular like singing or playing an
instrument, you get to see things that you might not be able to do. I think that makes it really
interesting. I also think some people watch these shows sadistically because they might like to
watch the less talented contestants fail and get kicked out of the show.

4. Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous people’s or ordinary people’s shows?

I suppose that for the most part, it’s more interesting to watch ordinary people’s shows.
Celebrities are cool, but it’s only because we all agree to find them interesting and valuable. Of
course, people matter whether they’re famous or not, but with celebrities in general, they’re
pretty much just like us. They’ve just had the chance to become well-known. Plus, ordinary

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people are usually more down-to-earth, and thus they’re more genuine. I think that’s more
interesting than watching celebrities.

5. How do parents usually nurture their children’s talents?

I think parents usually nurture their children’s talents by encouraging them and even giving them
lessons if they need to. For example, a parent could notice that their kid has a knack for singing.
So they might give the kid lots of compliments on their singing voice. And they might sign them
up for vocal lessons to refine that talent. They can steer their children in the right direction by
supporting their talent.

6. Do you think some parents put too much pressure on children to develop their talents?

Yes, I suppose that some parents tend to put too much pressure on their kids when it comes to
their talents. For example, there are parents who force their children to practice musical
instillments for long hours, which often comes with high-pressure parenting. I think it comes from
a good place most of the time. Parents just want their kids to do well. If they have a talent for
something, it’s natural to want them to pursue that. But parents also need to remember that
their child’s well-being is more important than whatever they’re good at.

7. Are natural artistic talents, like talent in dance or music, useful?

Well, it seems to me that those kinds of talents can be useful, but not always in the same way.
Some people might be so good at music or dance that they can make a career out of it. If they
can support themselves through their talent, then it’s definitely useful. But others might only find
a talent useful because it helps them relax. They might not pursue it full-time, and that’s okay.
After all, it would be great if playing an instrument helps you blow off some steam after a long
day of work or study.

8. Should everyone develop a talent?

I don’t think everyone needs to develop a talent. Of course, most people have a talent for at least
one thing. But they don’t need to pursue it fully if they don’t want to. You can be good at singing
without feeling the need to become a professional singer. You don’t have to go out of your way

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to become good at something, or it might cause unnecessary stress in your life. That kind of goal
isn’t for everyone.

9. If talented people don’t pursue their talents, we will lose a lot of treasures, what do you think
about it?

I think it’s true that if every talented person decided not to pursue their talent, we would lose
out on a lot. We might not have anyone to entertain us in the performing arts, or we would lose
a lot of great authors and artists. But of course, that’s not the case today. However, not every
single person with talent needs to pursue it. Some people might have a raw talent for something,
but they don’t have the passion. Think about it - even though you’re talented in drawing, would
you struggle to be an artist if you didn’t even want to be one? It’s great that one is passionate
about what they’re good at, but everyone has the right to pursue what they love, so to each their

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Topic: Place you want to live in

Part 2: Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future
You should say:
• Where it is
• How you knew it
• What it is famous for
• And why you would like to live there

Speaking of a city that I want to live in, the first one that comes to mind is definitely Weihai, which
is located in the easternmost part of Shandong province. That area is close to the sea, which
makes it a hotspot for lots of people.

Since I have a friend who moved to the city last year, I’ve visited him and toured there twice. It
has a really good location because it’s surrounded by the sea on three sides, and there are many
terrific attractions in the city.

My favorite part of the city is a long bike path that has been built alongside the sea. You can feel
the soft sea breeze and even enjoy the sparkling sun on the water while riding, which is fantastic.
I went biking with my friend there every time I visited this city. When we got tired, we loved to
lie on a nearby beach and enjoy soaking up the sun. It definitely made us feel like a million bucks.

As an inlander, I really yearn for the feeling of living by the sea. So I really love that city. It has
breathtaking views and fresh air. You could easily find a place to kick back and relax. And I heard
from my friend that the housing price there is way cheaper than metro cities like Beijing and
Shanghai. You know, that’s the top factor to consider when deciding where to live. So I’m really
looking forward to moving there in the future.

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Part 3:

1. Why do more and more people live in the city?

I think it’s because all the major opportunities are there. If you live in a rural area, you might not
be able to get your dream job, depending on what field you want to work in. For example, if you
want to work in finance, you’re not likely to find a great position out in the countryside. Most
cities are also known as cultural hubs. So people also move there for the entertainment and

2. How does this affect the environment and nature?

Well, when more and more people move to cities, those cities need to expand to accommodate
them. So they end up taking up more and more natural resources as they grow bigger. That
negatively affects the environment by destroying lots of species’ natural habitats. More
populated cities can also mean an increase in demands on the infrastructure. Having to update
things like public transit systems might result in more pollution.

3. What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?

I think young people tend to focus on their career goals. They want to move somewhere that’ll
provide them with a great job. They also focus on what the culture is like. For example, they
might prioritize a city that has a great nightlife or lots of entertainment opportunities. However,
older people might focus more on the scenery. People who have retired already might want to
live somewhere they can relax and be surrounded by nature.

4. What are the differences between the young and old when choosing where to live?

I think youngsters prefer to have better work and recreational facilities to find well-paid jobs or
hang out with their friends in restaurants and shopping centers. On the other hand, older people
like to have access to hospitals where they can go for their regular health checkups. They also
like parks where they can do some simple exercises to make themselves fit and healthy.

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5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city?

One big advantage is convenience. When you live in the suburbs, you usually have to commute
pretty far to work. But in the city, your job could be a short bus ride away. There are also lots of
food options in cities that are open at all hours of the day. But cities can be really crowded.
Sometimes people have to be packed like sardines in a bus or a subway train during rush hours.

6. Why do so many people choose to move from the countryside to the city?

I guess it’s because cities have a reputation for providing more job opportunities, especially more
high-paying jobs, than the countryside. Some cities, like Shanghai, are economic hubs with lots
of opportunities for all types of people, which is the reason that tons of people move to cities to
pursue their career dreams. Plus, cities are more diverse. You can find interesting communities
and a variety of cuisines. So compared with the lifestyle in cities, living in the country can be
boring and tedious.

7. In what ways does technology contribute to the development of cities? How can technology
influence urban areas?

Well, there’s no doubt that technology has a huge impact on urban development. I think modern
technology contributes to the public transit system the most. As far as I know, there are tons of
Chinese cities that are building or expanding their subway system nowadays with state-of-the-
art technology to build the subway tunnels. A few decades ago, most cities in China didn’t even
have a subway system. Besides, technological innovations also influence the city services a lot.
For example, the increase of surveillance cameras helps cities reduce crime rates.

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Topic: Music

Part 2: Describe a singer you like

You should say:
• Who he/she is
• What his/her personality is like
• What kind of style his/her music belongs to
• And explain why you like him/her

Well, I’d like to talk about an American singer-songwriter whose name is Bea Miller. About two
years ago, one of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at a New Year’s party
that my class held. I really took a liking to that song and looked it up online right away. Then I
found the original singer of it, Bea Miller. She’s only in her twenties and definitely has great
potential with her pop-rock career.

Bea has an incredible smoky voice that is ear candy to me. Whenever I put on my headphones
and listen to her songs with her sexy and raspy singing voice, I feel like the whole world suddenly
calms down and all my bad emotions go away. I have to say her calming singing voice is an
amazing natural gift that she has. It’s not something you can get from practice.

Plus, normally, singers have only two or three good songs on an album at most, and their songs
are mostly the same style. But Bea’s music is very diverse. I mean, every song she writes is unique
but also catchy. I really admire her talent for music wilting as well.

Anyway, she’s a celebrity idol and also a very talented young lady. I believe she will go a long way
in music. Now, there are still tons of people who don’t know her but I look forward to seeing her
blow everyone away.

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Part 3:

1. What kind of music do people like at different ages?

I think that when people are young, they like loud and exciting music like pop and rock. They tend
to listen to whatever’s trending. They also like music they can dance to, so it needs a good beat
and a catchy hook. As people get older, they might gravitate toward more classic types of rock or
even quieter genres like folk or country. But I definitely know people who have varied music
tastes that don’t change as they get older.

2. What kind of music is popular in your country now and what kind will be in the future?

Right now, pop music is definitely at the top of the charts in China. It’s what most people listen
to on a daily basis. That makes sense because it’s literally designed to be catchy and get stuck in
people’s heads. I’m not really Slue what will be popular in the future, but I think that EDM might
have a resurgence. It’s similar to pop, but it’s more experimental. It sounds like a good genre for
the future.

3. What is the difference between popular music now and popular music in the past in your

Well, the most significant change I think of is the way it is produced and released. In the past
when technology hasn’t developed, musicians haven’t got access to many supporting tools to
record and edit their work. They relied mostly on their pure talent. Nowadays, with a wide variety
of advanced software at their disposal, musicians could not only polish their brainchild to ensure
maximum quality but also inject all forms of creativity into it. I mean, in the past, we only had
acoustic instruments. Now, we’ve got all sorts of digital sound effects, which gave rise to a whole
new genre – electronic. In addition, technology also facilitates the process of releasing music.
Aside from the traditional format of releasing physical singles or albums, artists nowadays could
launch their musical products to digital platforms, like Spotify or Youtube, and earn money from
their subscription services. So basically when we talk about change, we talk about technology. It
changes everything in our life, and music is obviously not an exception.

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4. Do parents in your country require their children to learn to play musical instruments?

No, I don’t think so. Even though a lot of parents sign their children up for music classes so they
can learn to play musical instruments, they just account for a small proportion of all parents in
China. I mean, learning a musical instrument can really cost you an arm and a leg, and not every
family can afford the expenses. Plus, a lot of Chinese parents have a mindset that good grades at
school always come first, so learning music is more like developing a hobby for their children
rather than an essential part of education.

5. Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs?

Well, some people love how exciting a live performance is. There’s a type of energy that you
don’t experience when you’re listening to a recording. It’s also amazing to see the musicians right
before your eyes. But some people like CDs because it’s a more intimate listening experience.
You don’t have to be around other people. You can just listen and have the volume as high or as
low as you want.

6. Can everyone sing well?

No, I don’t think everyone can sing well. Granted, there’s always room to improve. Even if you
aren’t naturally talented at singing, you can take vocal lessons to sing better. But I think that for
some people, they’re just never going to get to that place. They might just be tone-deaf and you
can’t really do anything about that. So it seems to me that singing isn’t a skill everyone can

7. Should children start learning music at an early age?

Yeah, I suppose that children should start learning music as soon as they can. It’s a great skill that
will take them far in life, even if they don’t pursue music as a career. It’s been shown that learning
music can improve your memory and make you better at math. So if children learn music at a
young age, they’ll be able to develop those skills as they grow up. In addition, exposing children
to music can help them understand their feelings better and be more sympathetic, which is
helpful to their social skills as well.

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8. What kinds of music do children like to listen to?

I think children like listening to upbeat music. They like something that sounds happy and bright.
They don’t like music that’s slow and gloomy. They also don’t typically like music without any
lyrics. They just want to dance around and sing along. So pop music is usually a favourite for kids.
The simple chords and catchy melodies are really entertaining to them. It’s cute to watch kids
enjoy music like that.

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Topic: Movies/Films

Part 2: Describe a movie/a film that you like

You should say:
• When you watched it
• Where you watched it
• What it was about
• And explain why you like it

Well, the first movie I can think of is definitely Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, which
is the eighth film, also the final one, of the Harry Potter film series. I became a fan of this fantasy
story when I was still a child. So by the finale’s release, I’d been obsessed with the movies and
books for almost ten years. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I finally could watch the
ending of this story.

Anyway, I watched it as soon as it was in the theatres. Even though this was about ten years ago,
I remember the release like it was yesterday. I waited for hours in front of a cinema in a hundred-
meter line full of excited Hany Potter fans like me, mostly teens, of course, just to be the first
audience for the premiere.

The final Hany Potter film really blew my mind. I mean, it has a happy ending as I expected, but
the plot twists and turns made my jaw drop. Like Hany has to die once and comes back to life so
he can defeat the villain, Voldemort. And the visual effects were astonishing. I finished the film
with an overwhelmed feeling that was a mix of excitement, happiness and some loss.

Honestly, I’ve rewatched this film tons of times since then and I never get bored of it. I’ve even
written some glowing reviews of the film on social media, which I’ve never done for other films.
It’s definitely my favorite film.

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Part 3:

1. What kind of movies do people in your country like to watch?

I think there are several movie genres that are popular with moviegoers. Action films have existed
as a dominant genre of cinema for the past decade; one of the reasons why it is so popular is the
great influence of Hollywood blockbusters. Another popular movie genre could be a comedy, as
it allows people to relieve stress, the witty dialogue or fish-out-of-water comedies also make us
laugh, and laughter is the best medicine in our life. And of course, other types are gaining more
prominence, such as science-fiction. Harry Potter - one of the world’s most famous franchises-
could be a great example, as it has been the favorite movie growing up for millions of young
children from all over, and they can learn a lot from this movie series.

2. Are films a waste of money?

No, I don’t think they’re necessarily a waste of money. I mean, there are definitely some films
that weren’t worth being made. They just aren’t good and they definitely seem like a waste of
time and money to some people. But I think that in general, films are worth the effort and money
because they not only provide entertainment to the public, but they also employ a lot of people.
So even if it’s not the best film, it still has a purpose.

3. Are movie stars important to a movie?

Yes, movie stars are crucial to a movie. You can’t have a movie without a screenwriter or a
director, but the success of a movie will often depend on who’s stalling in it. If you have a big
name attached to a movie, it’s likely that more people will see it than if you had a lesser-known
actor. So I think that movie stars can make or break a movie.

4. Are foreign movies popular in your country?

Honestly, it’s sad to say but foreign movies aren’t that popular in my country. Most of the time,
foreign movies are in a different language. So you have to watch them with subtitles. And it’s
kind of shocking how many people refuse to watch something if they have to read the dialogue

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on the screen. I think that if more people were open to subtitles, foreign movies would be more
of a hit in my country.

5. Is it important that a country has its own movies?

Yes, I think that film is a really important part of a country’s culture. It’s good for a country to
make its own movies and for those movies to have success both locally and internationally.
Movies are part of how a country can express its national identity. They also contribute to the
entertainment industry, which in turn can support the national economy. So the importance of
movies shouldn’t be overlooked.

6. What are the differences between the movies young and old people like to watch?

Actually, I don't think people’s preferences for movie genres have anything to do with their age
at all, but generally speaking, I suppose that young people really like exciting, fast-paced movies.
They love a lot of action and adventure movies. However, the elderly may feel that watching such
movies is too energy-consuming and even dizzying, so I suppose that they tend to like dramas
and romances. They prefer movies that slow down and focus on the characters more than an
elaborate plot full of big twists.

7. Why do you think some people like to watch black and white movies?

I think it’s because many black and white movies have captivating plots. You know, back when
there were basically no visual effects in movies, the directors and actors placed a lot of
importance on storytelling in the movie. So tons of black and white movies are really fun to
watch. They also have a classic feel that brings you back to a different time. So I suppose that a
lot of people who watch those movies are really nostalgic and enjoy that atmosphere.

8. Will virtual actors replace real actors in the future?

No, I don’t think virtual actors will replace real actors in the future. Real actors can convey much
more complexity than virtual ones. And I think that people respond to human actors differently.
They feel like they can connect with them, whereas virtual actors just don’t have that same

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capacity. It seems to me that people want to see real actors more than virtual ones. The novelty
of virtual actors would probably wear off quickly.

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Topic: Smiles

Part 2: Describe an occasion when many people were smiling

You should say:
• When it happened
• Who you were with
• What happened
• And explain why most people were smiling

Speaking of a time that everyone was smiling, the first one that comes to mind is when I had
some food with my friends. During the Labor Day holidays in May, there was a flower exhibition
of tulips held at a flower farm around my neighbourhood. On a sunny day, I went there with four
of my friends for a tour.

On our way back home, we came across a snack market that was packed with people. It seemed
there were all kinds of authentic foods and snacks. Since we were starving, we dropped by the
market and decided to try some food there.

We're all foodies, so we were eager to try every stall. But it was late, and we didn’t have much
time to tour around the street. So we decided to split up and each of us went to buy a few kinds
of food that we like. Then we gathered together to share the food and snacks.

When we met up again with all kinds of signature foods on our hands, we were all excited and
everyone had a big smile on their face. After all, it was such a surprise for us to discover this
gourmet place, and we hadn’t had dinner in this way for a long time. Plus, everything there tasted
heavenly. Honestly, who doesn’t feel happy eating delicious food? So it was such a happy and
memorable night for us and we all had a blast that night.

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Part 3:

1. Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly?

Yes, it seems to me that people who like to smile tend to be friendlier. Smiling is probably the
quickest way to express good intentions. It makes you come off as a warm and friendly person.
So anyone who enjoys smiling is probably outgoing and welcoming. There are some people who
just smile out of habit, but I think that if you genuinely like smiling, you’re probably pretty

2. Why do most people smile in photographs?

I suppose that most people smile in photographs because most photographs are taken at really
happy events, such as birthday parties, vacations, weddings, or holidays. When people are happy
or laughing, they smile naturally. Plus, smiling is so common in photographs because it makes the
person look nicer on camera. Smiling brings out your inner beauty. Actually even from a very
young age parents teach their children to smile when someone is taking a photo, so this becomes
a habit that children cany into adulthood.

3. Do women smile more than men? Why?

No, I don’t think that women smile more than men. I think it all depends on their personality.
Some people like to smile because they are very enthusiastic and just generally happy people.
Others can be shyer or more private, and so they do not smile often. However, sometimes we
expect people to smile, especially those who are in a customer service position at a retail location
or a restaurant.

4. Do people smile more when they are younger or older?

It seems to me that people smile more when they’re younger. Children are much less reserved
than older people. They don’t have as much to be cautious about. They don’t tend to assume
that people around them are a threat, even if they’re strangers. So children smile at pretty much
everyone they come across. Older people tend to be wary about the people they encounter, so
they don’t smile as much. They aren’t automatically friendly the way kids are.

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5. On what occasions do people smile?

People usually smile at celebrations. For example, you’ll see lots of smiles at graduation
ceremonies, weddings, and other kinds of parties. Those are really exciting occasions and there’s
a lot to be happy about. People also smile over casual things, like when they see a cute dog. There
doesn’t have to be something big and exciting happening for a person to smile.

6. Do children smile more than adults?

Yes, I think so. Generally speaking, children are less guarded and defensive than adults are.
They’re just friendlier than adults are because they have less to be suspicious or worried about.
If they see a stranger, they usually don’t think of them as a threat. They just want to smile because
it’s a person they’ve never seen before. Smiling is basically like a reflex for them.

7. Are there any occasions where people need to control their feelings?/ Do you think it's
important to be able to control emotions?

Yes, I think there are some occasions where people have to keep their feelings in check, especially
when it comes to dangerous occasions. Drivers who have road rage are typically negative
examples. It’s a fact that tons of traffic accidents are caused by drivers who get irritated by others
on the road and can’t keep calm. Besides, sometimes you need to keep your feelings to yourself,
or you need to be calm when disagreeing with someone even if you’re really upset with them. It
can help you express yourself more clearly and get a positive solution to your problem.

8. Do you think older people are better at controlling their emotions?

Yeah, I think that older people are better at controlling their emotions. But honestly, it’s just
because they have more life experience. They’ve had more practice with it. As you grow older,
you learn that you can’t always fly off the handle when you’re dealing with difficult emotions.
Older people know that because they’ve dealt with lots of different situations. So they’ve been
able to develop that skill better.

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Topic: Plan

Part 2: Describe a plan in your life (that is not related to work or study)
You should say:
• What it is about
• Why you make it
• What you need to do first
• And explain how you would feel if it is successful

Actually, I planned to drop some weight and get in shape not long ago. I set a goal to lose five
kilos in two months. Dining this time, I should have a workout schedule to make sure I’m
committed to daily exercise, and I’ll need to stick to a good diet plan, in fact, I just downloaded a
list of diets and recipes that are popular on the internet.

But I still haven’t started my plan. I just read a book that one of my friends highly recommended
about losing weight. One point in the book that I totally agree with is that the key to losing weight
is finding a companion who wants to go through the workout and diet every day with you. You
know, if no one supervises you, the pain and stress might make you want to quit and break off
the plan, especially if you’re at the bottleneck.

So I think if I can find some friends who have the same goal as me and form a team to encourage
and support each other, then shedding the weight will be a piece of cake.

Now I’m looking for a workout partner to complete the weight loss program together. We could
be a fitness team. We can go to the gym together and cheer each other up when we are tired or
hungry. If this plan works out and I can reach my goal of weight loss, it’ll be one of the greatest
achievements for me.

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Part 3:

1. Should parents make plans for children?

Yes, I think that sometimes parents should make plans for their children. Parents can be
especially helpful at making plans when kids are young, because they can coordinate with other
parents to set up visits, sports, clubs, and birthday parties. Parents also need to make plans such
as what to feed their children, and where to send them to school. As children grow up, they can
start making more plans for themselves.

2. When should children start to make plans for themselves?

It seems to me that children should start to make plans for themselves a few years before they
start high school. Around that time, you have to start thinking about your long-term goals. You
might even have to choose certain classes if you want to go to a certain program. So in the years
leading up to high school, they should begin to think about what they want and try to make some

3. What things should be planned on a daily basis?

Well, having a daily to-do list is always a good idea so that you can stay on track every day with
things that you need to get done. You can have a different to-do list for work, home, and
socializing. That way you can keep all your plans organized. Most people like to plan out what
they’re having for dinner, what tasks they need to accomplish, and what social events they want
to attend on a daily basis.

4. Are plans always necessary? Can people succeed without plans?

I don’t think plans are always necessary. I know some people who fly by the seat of their pants.
They somehow manage to land on then feet, even without a solid plan in place. So you can
definitely succeed without a plan. However, I think it’s much less stressful to make a plan for
yourself. Even if you do something different, it’s good to know what you want to do.

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5. How do young people plan their careers?

I think young people usually plan their careers by finding what they’re passionate about, then
exploring ways to make a living from that. A lot of young people I know have had dream jobs
since they were a child. They might be really interested in something like science or art and want
to pursue that as an adult. So they find programs that will train them in whatever occupation
they want.

6. Do parents have any influence on their children's career plans?

Yes, I definitely think parents have some influence on their children’s career plans. They might
not have control of what their kids do for a living. But I suppose that most kids take their parents’
advice to heart. After all, they’ve raised them for their whole lives. So if their parents encourage
them to pursue something, they might feel more confident about it. Or if they discourage them
from a certain occupation, kids might take that into consideration because they know that their
parents understand better about how society works and they believe their parents can help them
make much wiser decisions.

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Topic: Social media

Part 2: Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media

You should say:
• When it was
• Where you saw it
• What you saw
• And explain why you think it was interesting

Not long ago, I watched a video about an 80-year-old lady doing paper-cutting art on TikTok,
which is a trendy video-sharing social network.

The senior lady’s paper-cutting artworks are amazing. They aren’t normal images of folk art that
people are familiar with. She actually cuts paper into comics that tell traditional Chinese stories.
And you can see how she has presented many storylines in paper cuttings. She even bound them
into a book form, which is very creative.

When the reporter interviewed the lady, she said she’s had a great liking for paper-cutting since
she was a kid. And she still goes to a senior college for a paper-cutting course. She had the idea
to make such a unique series of artworks because she thinks the combination of paper-cutting
and traditional Chinese stories is a good way to promote Chinese culture. And it turned out to be
a great success. Her story and artwork were even covered by foreign media and now she is an
authentic internet celebrity in China.

During the interview, she even took a few minutes to cut two butterflies. It looked so easy for
her to do that, but we all know cutting paper into an image is way more difficult than it looks.
She seems to have magic hands. I’m really fond of her creativity and expert paper-cutting skills.
So this video really left a mark on me, and I forwarded it and also left my compliments in the
comment section.

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Part 3:

1. Why do people like to use social media?

I think people like to use social media because it is a good way to connect with people who live
far away. If you make friends when you’re travelling abroad, it can be hard to keep in touch with
them without social media. Plus, people like to share the good news through social media, like
getting a new job, getting engaged, or getting married. You can share pictures of these events
with your friends from afar.

2. What kinds of things are popular on social media?

Social media is constantly changing, so things that are popular are changing too. I think currently
the most popular social media platform is TikTok, which allows the user to make short videos.
WeChat and Weibo are pretty popular as well. People like to share pictures of themselves on
vacation, and there is also a trend where people post pictures of their meals. Pets are another
popular thing; some people create a Weibo account just for pictures of their pet.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

Well, the major advantage is getting to stay connected with your friends. There are a lot of people
I don’t get to see regularly. But when I check their social media accounts, I can see what they’re
up to. I can leave comments on their posts and even message them directly. So that part is great.
The disadvantage is that you can get obsessed with social media and wind up spending way too
much time on your phone. You can forget to focus on real-life interactions.

4. What do you think of making friends on social networks?

I suppose that it all depends on how you make friends on social media. I wouldn’t ever
recommend talking to complete strangers and forming a friendship, because you have no idea
who they really are and it can be very unsafe. However, I think if you connect with someone you
know from work on social media or someone who is a friend of a friend, then you can go ahead
and start a friendship with them safely.

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5. Are all news and information from the media true?

No, definitely not. One difficult thing about the media is that not all sources are reliable. You
definitely can’t trust everything that you see, especially when it’s online. So you have to take
certain things with a grain of salt. Some media outlets are really biased so they’ll misrepresent
information. Other times, they might just be inaccurate for one reason or another. You have to
take the extra step to ensure it’s real.

6. Should older people use social media? What are the differences between older and younger
people using social media?

Yes, I think older people should use social media. It’s a good way for them to keep in touch with
others. They can also make new friends and connections. I don’t think their age should be an
obstacle. That being said, there are some differences between the ways that older and younger
people use social media. Older people use social media to check in on their friends and family
members and don’t tend to follow strangers. But young people, on the contrary, like connecting
with their peers on social media, especially those who are not in their real-world social circle.

7. Is it necessary to use social media as a communication tool at work? (e.g. Teachers contact
parents and students through social media)

I don’t think it’s necessary to use social media to communicate with people at work. That puts a
lot of pressure on people to join social media, even if they’re uncomfortable with it. That being
said, it seems to me that using social media can make communication a lot easier and more
accessible. People are more likely to check their social media instead of their email nowadays. So
it might make things easier in the long run.

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Topic: Argument

Part 2: Describe an argument two of your friends had

You should say:
• When it happened
• What it was about
• How it was solved
• And how you felt about it

I’d like to talk about a time when two of my friends, Lisa and Sarah, had a funny argument. The
three of us live practically within spitting distance of each other, and we hang out together a lot,
so we often share some interesting things with each other.

Several months ago, we had a meet-up at a coffee shop. Lisa told us that she was planning to
take part in a novel-writing competition for sci-fi novels about alien civilizations. The mention of
aliens made Sarah chime in. She said she didn't believe in the existence of an alien civilization.

Lisa apparently had a totally different idea about this. She said the aliens might have existed on
Earth and lived among us. And they might have observed and intervened with human civilization
for some purpose. Sarah thought what Lisa said was just a fantasy. But Lisa insisted that there
are photos of aliens and UFOs on the internet, while Sarah argued they are all either blurry or

Anyway, both of them were kind of stubborn. To smooth over the situation, I said their ideas all
made sense, but they really didn’t need to argue about something that the whole world doesn't
have an answer to. Finally, they stopped. And soon after that, Lisa said the discussion inspired
lots of new ideas for the novel. She finished her novel and it ended up getting into the final round.
So, you know, it's not always a bad thing to have arguments.

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Part 3:

1. Do you think arguments are important?

Yes, I definitely think arguments are important. Of course, you want to make sure you’re not
having arguments all the time. But I think they’re a natural, vital part of life. People are bound to
have different opinions on things. So they will need to express themselves, which often leads to
arguments. But it’s better to share your thoughts instead of keeping them bottled inside.
Arguments can help you settle a matter.

2. What do family members usually have arguments about?

I think family members usually argue over cleaning the house. You know, they can often disagree
over whose turn it is to take out the garbage or wash the dishes. And if there’s a mess, they might
argue about who has to clean it up. Nobody loves doing chores, but everyone has to work
together to keep the house tidy. It can cause a lot of stress when you’re living in a messy

3. Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends?

I think it’s a lot easier to have arguments with my family, to be honest. I really don’t like fighting
with my friends. We tend to get into arguments that are a lot more serious. And because we’re
just friends, there’s always the possibility that we could wreck our friendship. But with my family,
I know that they have my back no matter what. So I’m not really afraid of having an argument
with them.

4. Do you think people should change the way they think when having arguments?

Yes, I think sometimes it’s very beneficial to change your way of thinking during an argument.
When you get into an argument with someone, it’s because you have two very different opinions.
So if you’re going to come to an agreement, you’ll probably need to change the way you think.
You might also have to learn a new way of thinking when it comes to presenting your view of
things. For example, if you’re struggling to communicate what your point is, you might have to
think about it differently in order to make yourself clear.

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5. When there is a dispute, how do people usually settle it?/ Do you think a third person is the
solution during a conflicting situation?

Well, people usually settle disputes by having open communication and even bringing in a third
party if they need to. When you’re in a conflict with someone, it can be difficult to figure things
out between the two of you. Getting advice from people not involved with the situation can be
helpful. It gives you a fresh perspective on the situation, which can let you find a solution that
works for everyone.

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Topic: Mobile Phone

Part 2: Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
You should say:
• When it was
• Where it was
• Why you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
• And how you felt about it

Well, several weeks ago, I happened to have a free Friday afternoon. My friend Lisa invited me
to listen to a lecture about novels at her college.

When we were at the gate of the auditorium, the teacher there required us to seal our cellphone
in a bag. Lisa told me smartphones are banned at her college. You know, I wouldn’t have gone
there if I’d known that. To make matters worse, the theme of the lecture was sci-fi novels. I’m
not that into sci-fi, so I wasn’t interested in the talk right from the start. But Lisa is crazy about
sci-fi novels, so she was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. I thought it would
make her embarrassed if I left right away. So I said nothing but kept listening to it.

During the whole lecture, the teacher’s words just went in one ear and out the other. I was so
bored out of my mind without my cellphone, I yawned and almost fell asleep.

Honestly, if I could’ve used my cellphone, I might have read some interesting online novels
secretly. I know that wouldn’t have been ideal, but it was at least better than closing my eyes
Since then, whenever I go to listen to a lecture, I make sure I’m really interested in the topic,
otherwise, it’ll be a waste of time. Plus, I’ve never gone to Lisa’s college for a lecture again
because I really don’t like their no-cellphone rule in class.

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Part 3:

1. How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

I think old people usually use their mobile phones for support. You know, if they need an answer
about something, they’ll look it up on their phone. If they use it for social purposes, they tend to
prefer phone calls. I don’t know many old people who text often. But young people use their
phones mostly for socializing. They text or use social media. They also use it as their main way of
taking photos.

2. What positive and negative impact do mobile phones have on friendship?

Well, the first positive impact I can think of is that it keeps people connected. Even if they’re
separated by distance, or if they’re in different time zones, friends can still talk to each other by
chatting on their mobile phones. They can text or use different kinds of social media. A negative
impact is that they might depend too much on online interaction and forget to prioritize seeing
each other in person. I think that hanging out together in person is still important and shouldn’t
be neglected.

3. Is it a waste of time to take pictures with mobile phones?

No, I don’t think it’s a waste of time at all. Most people take photos with their mobile phones.
They don’t use traditional cameras as often. A lot of people my age don’t even own those kinds
of cameras. I guess that the downside is that when you take photos on your mobile phone,
they’re not of the highest quality. Unless you have a fancy phone, the pictures might not be good
to save or print.

4. Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones?

No, I don’t think that’s necessary. I get that some laws could be useful in preventing illegal
activities. But I don’t think that regulating the use of mobile phones is necessarily going to solve
that. That’s a huge invasion of people’s privacy, and I think it’s better to just make the punishment
for cybercrimes more severe in order to prevent those kinds of activities. I just don’t think that
laws on the use of mobile phones would go over very well.

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5. On what occasion do you think a cellphone is necessary?

Well, a cellphone is most useful when you need to get in touch with someone. So if you have to
make a call or send a message, a cellphone is definitely a must. Cellphones are especially helpful
if you’re out and about but you still want to talk to someone. Like when you are shopping for
groceries but want to check with your family if they want you to pick up something for them, you
need a cellphone, right? You can’t exactly bring a landline phone with you while you’re shopping.
I’m glad we have cell phones available to us.

6. What do you think about people talking loudly on their phones?

Well, it’s really rude when people talk loudly on then phones. It always happens in small, crowded
spaces, like on the subway. I think it’s really inconsiderate to the other passengers. No one likes
noise pollution. I understand that sometimes you might get into a heated conversation while
you’re out in public, and you might raise your voice because of it. But you need to be respectful
of the people around you and try to keep it down.

7. Is there anyone who can live without cell phones?

I think it’s rare to find someone who doesn’t have a cellphone. But it’s definitely possible to live
without one. There are a lot of people who don’t have a need for them. They tend to be older
people who don’t need to stay in contact with others all the time, especially when they're retired
and their kids are around. They’re happy to just focus on their own lives and they don’t feel the
need to have a cellphone with them at all times. Honestly, that sounds pretty peaceful.

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Topic: Markets

Part 2: Describe a time you bought something from a street (or outdoor) market
You should say:
• When it was
• Where the market was
• What you bought
• And how you felt about it

When it comes to a street market I’ve been to, the first one that comes to mind is definitely the
one near a flower farm that I happened to pass by. During the Labor Day holidays in May, there
was a flower exhibition of tulips held at a flower farm around my neighbourhood. I had never
been to a flower farm before. So on a sunny day, my boyfriend and I decided to go there.

I really had a good time touring the flower farm that afternoon. On our way back, we saw a street
market that was packed with people. The food vendors lined their stalls along the two sides of
the street. It seemed there were all kinds of authentic foods and snacks. Since we were starving,
my boyfriend and I dropped by the market and decided to try some food there.

If I hadn’t been trying not to overeat, we would have tried all the stalls on the street that day.
Everything there tasted good. The one that knocked our socks off was the baked potatoes. They
bake the potatoes really soft and put a lot of cheese, pulled pork and even maple syrup on them.
My mouth waters just thinking about it. I never knew potatoes could taste so heavenly.

Anyway, I haven't experienced this feeling of walking down the sheet and enjoying all kinds of
food in years. So I really had a blast that night. If I have a chance later, I will definitely revisit that

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Part 3:

1. What kinds of markets are there in your country?

We have some street markets, which are always really fun to visit and usually feature local
specialties. Then we have grocery stores and other types of supermarkets where people do most
of their grocery shopping. Many people prefer street markets because you can see more unique
products. The food there is also way fresher than it would be at a supermarket. I think that’s a
definite plus. I hope street markets never go out of fashion.

2. Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?

No, I don’t think so. There’s a certain charm to small markets that really attracts people. You can
usually find lots of local specialties. For example, I saw a street vendor who had pastries shaped
like different kinds of fish. I mean, what kind of supermarket is going to offer that. Plus, food at
small markets is typically a lot fresher than in bigger ones. So that’s also a really great bonus.

3. Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?

Yes, I suppose that people’s shopping habits have changed a lot in recent years. More and more
people shop for things online instead of in-person, especially since the start of the pandemic.
Shopping online is more convenient than shopping in person, and is also a great option for people
who do not own a car. Plus, I think people’s shopping habits have also become lusher, as
everyone seems to be too busy to shop around or spend lots of time in a mall.

4. What are the differences between shopping in street markets and big shopping malls?

Shopping in street markets means you can actually speak with the person who made the item
that you are buying, which gives it a personal touch. Shopping in malls is less personal, but often
you can find more sales and better deals than you would find at a street market since big
companies have sales more often than individual vendors. That being said, sometimes you can
haggle at a street market to get a better price, which you can’t do at a mall.

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5. What are the advantages of shopping at street markets?

Well, one big advantage is that you can find unique products. Street markets often have a variety
of really cool, one-of-a-kind items that you couldn’t find in a chain store. Another advantage is
that stores have fixed prices, but vendors will often let you negotiate for the price. That way, you
can get a really good deal on whatever catches your eye.

6. What are the benefits of shopping alone and shopping with others? Which way is better?

When you shop by yourself, you can focus on what you want without worrying about other
people’s opinions. You also don’t have to go to other stores or even sections of a store that you
aren’t interested in. But a disadvantage is that you might actually want someone else’s input on
what you buy. So that’s where shopping in a group comes in handy. I think the best way is to shop
with others so you can get a second opinion before you buy something, especially if it’s

7. Do you think street markets have gradually become tourist attractions? If so, do they still
have the value and meaning of existence?

I suppose that there’s definitely been a trend of street markets becoming tourist attractions. It
can be annoying for locals since something they’ve enjoyed all their lives is slowly becoming more
of a hot spot than a genuine experience. However, I don’t think that tourists diminish the
significance of street markets. It just makes it cooler because more people can participate in the
market and add to all the cultural diversity that’s usually there already.

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Topic: Health

Part 2: Describe an article on health you read in a magazine or on the Internet

You should say:
• What it was
• Where you read it
• Why you read it
• And how you felt about it

I’m going to talk about an article about health I got from my friend. He forwarded the article to
Wechat moments about two weeks ago.

It mainly talks about the benefits of sunbathing and the protective measures against sunburn
that should be paid attention to. It is said that taking in the sun at a beach can increase people’s
dopamine levels, which makes them happy and relaxed and reduces anxiety. Plus, sunlight helps
us generate vitamin D, which is essential to our health. The article also contains some tips for
protection from sunlight, like wearing dark colors and putting on a lot of sunscreens. Plus, it gives
the best length of time for sunbathing.

I think this article is convincing because I do believe sunbathing can really increase people’s
dopamine levels. Last year when I visited my friend’s hometown, she took me to sunbathe at a
famous beach. We sunbathed there for half an hour. That’s the most joyful half an hour I’ve ever
had. When I was lying there and soaking up the sun, I could feel the soft sea breeze and even
enjoyed the sparkling sun on the water, which was fantastic.

So after I read it, I forwarded it to my social media account the same as my friend did. I hope
more people can read it to know it’s well to sunbathe. And if I have the chance to spend my
vacation by the sea, I’ll definitely sunbathe again.

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Part 3:

1. Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?

No, I don’t think people are healthier now. In the past, it was a lot more common for people to
do manual labor. They were naturally fit because they had to do a lot of physical work. There also
wasn’t as much processed food as there is now. Presently, I think there are definitely a lot of
people who try to get fit. But in general, we’re pretty unhealthy compared to previous
generations. We aren’t as physically active and we indulge a lot more in fast food.

2. How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not?

I think one obvious way to tell is by looking at the design. Most reliable websites will look pleasing
to the eye. They’ll have that professional look to them. You can tell that they were made by a
real company instead of some random person on the internet. You can also use a search engine
to read about other people’s experiences with that website to see if it’s the real deal.

3. What activities can school organize for children to keep fit?

Schools can organize lots of different activities for children, including school sports teams,
marathons, sporting events, and mandatory daily physical activity. Specifically, schools should
have lots of sports teams that students can join. And everyone in the school has to participate in
daily physical activity by going for a walk, playing tag, or skipping. Plus, students should be taught
about the importance of physical activity in health classes, so they could be encouraged to stay

4. What can governments do to improve people’s health?

Governments can do lots of things to improve people’s health, and they should. Healthier citizens
are better for everyone in the country overall. First of all, healthcare should be free, and this
includes extended health care such as psychiatric care, vision, and dental. Governments should
also focus on the food people are eating. They can encourage people to eat healthy foods by
regulating the prices of those products. They can implement local fanners’ markets so that people
can buy produce and eat healthily.

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5. How do people usually keep healthy?

I suppose that people typically stay healthy by sticking to a good diet and having a regular exercise
routine. It’s important to watch what you eat. You don’t have to starve yourself, but you should
choose foods that aren’t high in sugar or fat. It’s also important to exercise a lot. If you can
manage a daily routine, that’ll definitely help keep you in shape. Plus, it’ll really benefit your
mental health as well.

6. Is it difficult for people to stay healthy nowadays?

Yeah, it can be challenging for people to stay healthy nowadays. Honestly, a lot of it comes down
to time management. So many people are tied up with work or study. They don’t have enough
time to exercise regularly. They might not even be able to cook healthy meals for themselves. It’s
really easy to let yourself go because you’re so busy with other things. Health just isn’t as much
of a priority.

7. In what ways can we get health-related knowledge?

I think schools play a big part in educating us about health. Most elementary and high schools
have health classes in their curriculum. So from a young age, kids learn about how to keep healthy
and what factors are involved in that. But after school, you can still stay up to date with health-
related knowledge. There are lots of great online resources, and you can subscribe to health-
focused magazines as well.

8. Should individuals and the government take responsibility for the healthcare system

It seems to me that the government is definitely more responsible for the healthcare system. The
government has all the resources at its disposal, so there isn’t much that an individual can do to
change the healthcare system or make necessary improvements. That being said, I think that as
individuals, we should try to maintain our health so we don’t put too much pressure on the
healthcare system by getting sick a lot.

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Topic: Equipment

Part 2: Describe a piece of equipment that is important/useful in your home

You should say:
• What it is
• How often you use it
• With whom you use it
• And explain why it is important

I’d like to talk about a funky home karaoke machine my family really loves to use. If memory
serves correctly, last August, I happened to watch a livestream show hosted by a famous live-
streamer whose name is Li Jiaqi. He was selling a karaoke machine in the livestream. Since I
couldn’t go to a karaoke bar dining the lockdown, I thought it would be wonderful if I could sing
karaoke at home, so I bought the one he was selling without hesitation.

It is a very useful and practical device for those who love singing. It has a touch-screen where you
can just pick and tap the songs you want to sing. And it also can connect to your TV through an
HDMI cable or even WIFI. Then you are ready to throw a karaoke party at home. Plus, the sound
quality really blew my mind. I feel like a professional singer when my sound goes out from it.
What's better, it even has a colorful LED lighting system which is a must-have for a cool karaoke

Since we bought it, having a karaoke party has become the most popular fun event in our family.
My dad is totally obsessed with it and he claims to be the karaoke king, in fact, since the
pandemic, we haven’t been to a karaoke bar. This home karaoke machine brings a lot of
convenience to our lives. So, even though it was a little pricy, over a thousand Yuan, I think it’s
totally worth it.

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Part 3:

1. What kinds of machines are there in people’s homes?/What kinds of machines are there in
people’s homes?

People have all kinds of gadgets nowadays. Some people really love smart appliances. They have
personal digital assistants, or they have smart machines like robot vacuums or smart lightbulbs.
Some people don’t trust these new kinds of technologies, but I think they’re really cool. A lot of
modem tech makes people’s lives a breeze, especially since it makes their homes more
comfortable. So I think it’s great that they’ve become integrated into people’s everyday lives.

2. What are the differences between the young and the old in their attitudes towards
machines?/What's the difference between young people and old people using machines?

I think young people are a lot more comfortable with using machines. I mean, a lot of them grew
up with smart devices in their homes. They aren’t freaked out by things like robot vacuums.
They’re usually pretty adept with them. Old people might not be as great at using machines
because it’s really new technology to them. Or they might even be suspicious of them. It’s
definitely a generational thing.

3. What kinds of professions require people to use machines?/ What jobs use machines?

It’s hard to think of a job that doesn’t involve some type of machine. The ones that come to mind
are any jobs in construction. I mean, most people have come across a construction site full of
huge machines like cranes and bulldozers. Factories also use a ton of machines. People might not
operate them directly, though. A lot are actually automatic. They have all kinds of machines that
help create a certain product.

4. Will many people’s work be done by robots in the future? /Will many people’s work be done
by robots in the future?

Well, some people’s jobs have already been replaced by machines, in factories, people used to
do a lot of the work of manufacturing by hand. But now there are machines that can handle all
that work for them. But I think there are some jobs that will never be replaced by a machine. For

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example, jobs in the arts can’t easily be done by robots. Teachers and doctors cannot be replaced
by machines either, since their work requires subjective judgment.

5. Is the use of machines good or bad for young people?

I think it depends on what they’re using them for, and how often they’re using them. There’s no
tiling automatically wrong with using a smart device like a robot vacuum. But you shouldn’t let it
make you lazy. The problem with some machines is that they make you too dependent on
technology. Young people should just moderate their use of machines and make sure it’s not
making them disappointingly lazy. They should still value hard work.

6. What kinds of machines do you often use?

I don’t have that much fancy technology. The machine I use the most is probably the most
common one: a computer. I’ve had my laptop since I was in high school and it still works great.
My family does have a couple of smart devices. We have a robot vacuum that makes cleaning the
house a breeze. I love busting it out to show my friends when they’re over. It might seem lame
to show oft" a vacuum to your friends, but they all find it really fascinating.

7. Do old people and young people like to use the same kind of machine?

No, I don’t think old people and young people like using the same kind of machine. Old people
gravitate toward more practical machines. They like things like desktop computers and printers
because those are more traditional types of technology, in contrast, I think young people like
using machines that are more personalized to them and up to date. They like trying new things
like the PlayStation 5, VR headsets, drones, or other interesting machines. But cutting-edge
technology is normally too much for old people to handle.

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Topic: Law

Part 2: Describe a law on environmental protection your country should have

You should say:
• What it is
• How you first learned about it
• Who benefits from it
• And explain how you feel about this law

I think one of the environmental laws that ow city (or our country) urgently needs to put in place
is banning barbeques by rivers or lakes. And violators should be punished.

I say this because of a heavily polluted river near my grandmother's house. I visit my grandma by
bus every two weeks. There’s a river that the bus must pass on the route, and it bothers me every
time the bus gets close to it, especially dining the summer. There are always tons of people having
a barbeque by the river. They seem like they’re having a blast, but I’ve seen a ton of ashes, used
tissues, and plastic bags everywhere on the riverbank, in recent years, I’ve seen garbage floating
on the water all the time. And when the windows on the bus are open in the summer, I can even
smell the stink caused by all the garbage, which really sets me off.

However, I haven’t seen any action from the government to deal with the pollution. Honestly,
the problem of environmental pollution goes beyond just affecting our mood. It also threatens
people’s health and safety. So I think it is time that the government makes a strict law to prevent
water pollution. Just like the drunk driving law in our country severe punishment can be effective
in changing people’s behavior. If the government could have the grit to work hard on it, I believe
the river will be restored to clean water and may even have thriving plants alongside the

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Part 3:

1. Are there laws about education in your country?

Yes, there are some laws about education in China. One major law is that all children need to
have six years of primary education, usually starting when they turn seven, and then three years
of junior middle school. After that, you have three years of senior middle school. That makes sure
that every child receives a good education, which I think is really important. There are some other
laws, depending on which province you’re in.

2. What kinds of rules do schools in your country have?

Well, in general, there’s a rule about what you wear. Students have to have a school uniform.
Other than that, there are some rules about student conduct. All students must attend class on
time, they must complete then- homework, and bullying is strictly prohibited. Teachers have to
follow rules as well; they have to be respectful of their students, inclusive, and they have to
maintain a high quality of education through training and research.

3. What can teachers do to make students obey rules?

I think teachers can explain the importance of the rules. If you know why a rule is in place, it
might make you more willing to follow that rule. For example, teachers can talk about the dress
code and how it helps students feel united as a school. That might make them more accepting of
their uniforms. They can also clearly identify what punishments will occur if students break the

4. What should parents do to educate children about laws?

Parents should start educating children about laws from a very young age. Kids from the age of
about three or four should be taught that stealing is wrong, cheating is wrong, and hurting other
people is wrong. I think that while children can’t always understand everything about laws, they
can understand the difference between right and wrong, so parents should start teaching them
these important things as early as possible.

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5. Do you think it is important to make rules?

Yes, I definitely think it’s important to make rules. Without rules, you can end up with a lot of
chaos. If people can do whatever they want, they might end up doing really harmful things. So
it’s important to create rules. That way, there’s order and structure. If everyone’s on the same
page about what is and isn’t allowed, things will go more smoothly. Ultimately, it’s best for
everyone involved.

6. What are the common rules at work?

There are usually some rules around etiquette. You need to be respectful of your boss and your
coworkers. You can’t use certain language or be inappropriate. Sometimes there’s a dress code,
which means you might have to dress business casual or something like that. Other lilies are
about what you can and can’t do on company time. For example, most workplaces have lilies
against handling personal business while you’re on the clock.

7. Is it important to have the rule of what to wear at work?

I think it’s somewhat important. Firstly, uniforms for different jobs are intended for identification.
For example, when you are in a hospital, you can easily distinguish the nurses and doctors with
just a glance at what they wear. Plus, a workplace should be professional. That might mean
different things to different companies. But you want to present a unified front to any customers
or clients. So if you all dress in a certain way, it conveys to others that you’re a well-oiled machine
and you care about putting your best foot forward.

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Topic: Activities on the beach

Part 2: Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try
You should say:
• What it is
• What you need to prepare
• How easy or difficult it is
• And explain why you want to try it

As an inlander, I don't actually get the chance to go to the beach very often. And I’ve never been
a big fan of intense physical activities. So speaking of a leisure activity by the sea, I would
definitely say sunbathing is my top choice.

I used to just sit on the beach and enjoy the nice view of the sea. So I had never tried to really
sunbathe. But I read an article about sunbathing before. The proper way to do it is to change into
your bathing suit and put on a lot of sunscreens. The best time for sunbathing is between 9 and
10 in the morning. You can find a perfect spot for laying down. And then you sunbathe there for
half an hour tops. You might get a sunburn if you expose your skin to the sun for too long.

Anyway, sunbathing has tons of health benefits. It can definitely help you kick back and relax. It
is said that taking in the sun can increase people’s dopamine levels, which makes them happy
and relaxed and reduces anxiety. Plus, sunlight helps us generate vitamin D, which is essential to
our health.

So if I have the chance to spend my vacation by the sea, I’ll definitely go sunbathing. Actually,
there’s a coastal city, Weihai, near my hometown. It is located in the easternmost part of
Shandong province. It has a really good location because it’s surrounded by the sea on three
sides. I think I’ll go sunbathing at a beach there.

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Part 3:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?

I think one obvious advantage is the scenery. Not many people live by the sea, so going to a
seaside town is a huge novelty. It’s amazing to walk around and smell the ocean, or to go relax at
a beach. Another advantage is the new kinds of food that you can try. Seaside towns might have
unique culinary specialties. A disadvantage would be the crowds. Since a lot of people want to
vacation in seaside towns, people might be overwhelmed by the high number of other tourists.

2. Why do people like spending time on the sea?

People like spending time on the sea because it is relaxing. I know a lot of people who plan their
vacations specifically so that they can visit the sea. For some people, they like the sea because of
all the different activities they can do, such as surfing, scuba diving, swimming, and sailing. Plus,
Seeing the gorgeous water and enjoying the bright sun is definitely an experience worth having.
The sea is an excellent place to connect with nature and to see something different that you
wouldn’t see every day.

3. Why do children like the sea better than adults?

I think it’s because they don’t realize the high risks that come with the sea. For example, when
they go swimming, they just focus on having a good time. They don’t think about whether there
are any animals in the sea that could sting or hurt them. If they’re on a boat, they just like looking
at the view. Unlike adults, they don’t think about the risk of drowning in a storm.

4. What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?

The first one that conies to mind are a job in the fishing industry. A lot of people are employed
on fishing boats, so they basically spend all day at sea. It’s a really physically demanding job.
Another job would be a boat captain. In island countries, a lot of people have their own boats
that they use to take tourists snorkeling or scuba-diving. Similarly, you could work in tourism if
you live in a seaside town.

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5. Which group of people likes going to the seaside more, young people or old people?

I think young people like going to the seaside more. Old people still enjoy going there to relax
and enjoy the scenery. But young people get more of a kick out of it. They’ll usually go swimming
in the water if they can. They also check out tourist spots and do lots of activities by the sea.
Compared with young people, there isn’t a lot that seniors can do when they go to those kinds
of places because of a lack of stamina.

6. What are the health benefits of seaside activities?

Well, one benefit is that it can decrease your stress, which is better for your physical health. You
can also get fresh air when you go to the seaside, which often helps you sleep better at night.
More sleep helps you function better and can improve your health. Another good thing is getting
a lot of Vitamin D. When you spend the day sunbathing at the beach, your body gets lots of

7. What are the effects of global warming on marine life?

There are a lot of horrible effects of global warming when it comes to marine life. One big issue
is the rising ocean temperatures. Lots of coral reefs have died because the ocean is too hot. Plus,
the rising temperatures lead to acidification, which kills a lot of sea life. That affects all kinds of
species because it decreases their food supply and throws the ecosystem out of balance. It’s a
true shame.

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Topic: Companies

Part 2: Describe a company that employs a lot of people

You should say:
• What it does
• How many people it employs
• What kind of people work there
• How you feel about it

The company I’d like to talk about is ByteDance. It’s the parent company that developed TikTok,
which is a trendy video-sharing social network in our country.

About two weeks ago, one of my friends forwarded a news report about Chinese enterprises to
his WeChat moments. It said that ByteDance has almost more employees than Alibaba, the most
famous E-commerce company. Even their HR team has more than 2000 workers and the total
number of employees is over 10 thousand.

I think they keep hiring because they're trying to expand their business at a very fast pace. For
example, Tiktok is not just a video-sharing platform. Not long ago, I watched a video about an 80-
year-old lady doing paper-cutting art on TikTok. The senior lady’s paper-cutting artworks are
amazing. She cuts paper into comics that tell traditional Chinese stories. She even bound them
into a book form, which is very creative. Just at the bottom of the screen, you can see a link that
leads you to a shopping page where you can actually buy merch made by this lady. You can also
pay for a paper-cutting course that she hosts. So the app has dipped its toe into online shopping,
online education and many other services on the internet.

As far as I know, ByteDance is also recruiting and setting up branches in other countries, and their
apps, especially Tiktok, are very popular in foreign countries. I really admire that they never rest
on their laurels, but instead, keep innovating new products.

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Part 3:

1. Should big companies be punished more seriously if they break the law?

Yes, I think so. Big companies have a lot more responsibility. They also have a huge influence on
the public and the environment. So if they do things that jeopardize either their customers or
their surroundings, they need to be held accountable. Plus, we can be stricter with big companies
because they have so much power. They also have a ton of money at their disposal, so they can
handle paving bigger fines.

2. Should big companies donate more to charities?

Yes, it would be great if big companies donated to more charities. Most of them are multi-billion
dollars corporations, so they really have no excuse for not helping out where they can.
Sometimes companies just say they support different charities, but they don’t put their money
where their mouth is. I think that type of approach is really shallow. It’s much better for
companies to actually make big donations.

3. What are the good things about working for a big company?

Well, one good thing about working for a big company is the benefits. Big companies can afford
to give their employees a fair salary, as well as health benefits. They can even give you paid
vacation days. Another nice thing is that big companies usually have good connections with other
companies. Depending on where your position is, you can sometimes get good discounts at
stores that are associated with the company you work for.

4. What are the differences between big companies and small companies?

Big companies are usually profit-oriented. I mean, all companies want to make money. They need
to in order to keep afloat. But big companies tend to be more driven by consumers. Their focus
isn’t always on providing the best service, but rather getting the most amount of money. Small
companies are more focused on customer service since customer relations is really what makes
or breaks them. So you’re more likely to have a nicer, friendlier interaction when dealing with a
small company.

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5. Is it easy for young people to find jobs nowadays?

Well, it can be a challenge for young people to find jobs nowadays. The economy has gone
through a lot of tough changes, and I think that’s made it difficult for young people to establish
their careers. It can be really hard to find a well-paying job, let alone one that you’re passionate
about. So I don’t think it’s a walk in the park to find good employment nowadays.

6. Which is more important to people who are looking for jobs, personal interest or salary?

I suppose that salary is usually more important. I don’t want to say that money talks, but it
certainly affects people’s career choices. Even if someone is comfortable financially, saving up
might be the most important thing to them, so they’ll choose a high salary over their passion.
Some might need a high salary just to get by, so they focus on that out of necessity. Of course,
there are people who care more about being fulfilled by their jobs, so they choose something
they’re interested in. But I think that kind of person is rare life is inseparable from money. So I
don’t think everyone has the privilege of choosing passion over salary.

7. Why do some people choose to find a job right after high school? Is it easier to get a job after
high school or after college?

It seems to me that some people choose to find a job right after high school because they’re not
interested in going to college or university. There are lots of jobs that don’t require a
postsecondary degree. So someone might want to do that instead of continuing with school. I
think it’s easier to get a job after college though because having a degree gives you more options.
It typically allows you to have a more developed career.

8. Do all good jobs pay well?

No, unfortunately not every good job has good pay. If you work for a non-profit organization,
you’re probably contributing to a great cause. But since it’s literally not based around profit,
chances are that the company won’t be giving you a big paycheck. Besides, in China, public
servants and teachers are not high-paying jobs, even though they are respected professions.
Those kinds of jobs are ideal for many because of their stable salary and good pension, but you
can't expect to make a lot of money from careers ill the public service sector.

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9. Why do some people like to start a business instead of working for a company?

I guess it’s because some people are really self-motivated and want to do their own thing. They
want to be their own boss rather than answering to someone else. I think that requires a lot of
drive and ambition, but it’s definitely not impossible. I respect people who know what they want
and do what they can to make their dreams come true. You definitely have a lot more freedom
when you have your own business.

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Topic: Buildings

Part 2: Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike

You should say:
• Where it is
• What it is used for
• What it looks like
• And explain why you like or dislike it

Well, there are tons of tall buildings in the city where I live. Speaking of a building I hate, I do
have an answer; it’s a high-rise building across the street from the residential building where my
home is.

It’s an all-glass commercial building about 30 to 40 stories tall. It was just built two years ago. At
the very beginning, I was actually happy and enjoyed seeing it because the shiny exterior is really
pleasing to the eye. But after a short while, I found a serious problem caused by it. It turns out
that on every sunny day, when the sun sets west in the afternoon, some of the glass from the
building reflects the sunlight right into my apartment. Imagine having a spotlight shooting a glare
onto your home. I have to draw the curtains when that happens in the afternoon because the
glaring light nearly blinds me and heats up the room, but I shouldn’t have to deal with this at all.

I tried to contact the property management of this building, but they refuse to admit the
problem. Instead, they shift the blame by saying that they weren’t in charge of the construction
or the design. I’m so pissed off but there’s nothing I can do, which is why I started to hate the
building. I bet if someone else was in my situation, they would have been driven crazy by it the
same as me.

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Part 3:

1. What are the disadvantages of living in tall buildings?

The first one that comes to mind is having to take the elevator or the stairs all the time. When
you live at ground level, you can just walk into your house. But in tall buildings, there’s always an
extra step you have to take. That also makes it really hard to move big objects, like couches or
chairs, into your apartment. When you live in a tall building, you also don’t have a nice backyard
or much private space.

2. Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future?

Yes, I think there are going to be a lot of tall buildings in the future. Cities are already getting
pretty crowded, so the most practical option is to construct tall buildings. They fit way more
people and take up less space than houses do. However, that might mean that housing gets
increasingly pricey. I really hope we can find alternatives, but right now, apartments make the
most sense to address housing needs in major cities.

3. Why aren’t there many tall buildings in the countryside?

I think it’s because tall buildings are really more designed for urban spaces, in the countryside,
you have room to spread out and build more individual houses rather than apartment complexes.
Plus, people go to the countryside to enjoy the views. Those views wouldn’t be so great if there
were a ton of tall buildings in the way. You don’t get a nice, natural skyline when you have a
bunch of tall buildings.

4. Why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays?

I suppose that it’s partly because of the convenience. It’s fine that living in a tall building means
you don’t get a backyard or a ton of space. But some people prefer that, because it means they
don’t have to worry about upkeep or maintenance. For example, they don’t have to shovel the
yard in the winter, which is nice. Buying an apartment can also be cheaper and more accessible
than paying for a house. Plus, tall buildings always give you a great view.

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5. Some people live in houses they design by themselves, what do you think about it?

Well, it’s really cool that people can design their own houses. It gives them all the control over
their house, which is perfect because they’re the ones who are going to enjoy it for a long time.
So it’s important that they can design it to be exactly what they need. There are probably some
cases where people should’ve hired a professional to check their design over before committing
to it. But I think that it’s awesome for the most part.

6. Does climate affect building design?

Yes, definitely. I suppose that the climate plays a big role in how a building is designed. If a
building is being constructed in a really hot and sunny place, you might not want to have glass on
the exterior because it’ll let all the heat come in and it’ll be way too reflective. It might end up
being a total eyesore. So you need to think about the environment that the building is going to
be in while designing it.

7. Is it difficult to be an architect?

Yes, I would say that being an architect is difficult. I mean, you aren’t just doodling what you think
a cool building would look like. You have to know enough about design and engineering to create
a realistic plan for the building. In most cases, it not only has to be functional, but it has to look
pleasing to the eye as well. It’s really hard to strike that balance.

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Topic: Sharing

Part 2: Describe a time when you shared something with others (or another person)
You should say:
• What you shared
• Who you shared it with
• Why you shared it
• And explain how you felt about sharing it

I'd like to talk about a time when I shared food with my friends. During the Labor Day holidays in
September, there was a flower exhibition of tulips held at a flower farm around my
neighbourhood. I had never been to a flower farm before. So on a sunny day, I went there with
four of my friends for a tour.

On our way back home, we came across a snack market that was packed with people. It seemed
there were all kinds of authentic foods and snacks. Since we were starving, we dropped by the
market and decided to try some food there.

We're all foodies, so we were eager to try every stall. But it was late, and we didn’t have much
time to tour around the street. So we decided to split up and each of us went to buy a few kinds
of food that we like. Then we gathered together to share the food and snacks. It turned out to
be a great idea. We tried almost all the signature foods on that street in less than half an hour.
Everything there tasted heavenly. The baked potatoes I bought were especially good and we ate
all of them.

Anyway, I really had a blast that night. I love the feeling of having food with others. It gives me
extra happiness when I share the food I like with others and see them enjoy it. I guess that's why
sharing always brings happiness.

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Part 3:

1. Do people in your country like to share things with others?

There is a saying that: “Sharing is caring”. Vietnamese people believe that sharing would enhance
long-lasting relationships with other people. The enjoyment and endearing feeling of some
milestones in our lives will be more valuable and memorable when we experience them with
somebody by our side.

2. What are the consequences if children don’t like to share?

I think that if children don’t like sharing, they might turn out to be really selfish and entitled. They
might glow up to think that everything belongs to them and they don’t need to consider other
people. Honestly, that sounds like a pretty bad turnout. So I think that children should learn about
how important sharing is. They should be able to support others and be willing to share things
with them.

3. How do you feel about sharing accommodation with others on campus?

I shared accommodation with others on campus throughout my four years of university, and
although there were some problems, I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Sharing accommodation saves you money, and it ensures that someone is always around to talk
or just hang out. There can be problems, especially if you and your roommate don’t get along,
but overall it can be a really great experience. Honestly, staying in a student apartment where
we each have our own rooms would be great. It’s important for people to have some private

4. How could parents and teachers teach young children to share?

I think they should teach young children how to share by explaining the importance of sharing.
They should explain that it’s about respecting and including others. They can also demonstrate
how to share through everyday examples. For instance, a parent could share some food with
their spouse. Or a teacher could share a school toy with the class. Another good way would be

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positive reinforcement. When they see a child sharing, they should give them lots of
encouragement and praise.

5. Do you like to share?

Ill general, I do like to share. I have siblings, so I’ve pretty much had to share all my life. It’s made
sharing second nature. So I like sharing clothes and books with my friends. I basically offer
anything I think they’ll enjoy. I think sharing is a great way to show someone that you care about
them, and also to avoid buying something that you only need to use once.

6. What are the things children usually don’t like to share?

Children usually don’t like sharing their toys. For most kids, their toys are their most prized
possessions. Giving away a toy, even if it’s just to share for a little bit, can be very stressful for
them. They don’t want to risk the toy getting damaged or lost. So they usually hang on to their
toys and refuse to share them with other kids. I think it makes sense, but it’s still good to
encourage them to share.

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team?

One advantage is that you have a lot of people to bounce ideas off of. If you’re stuck on a
challenge, you can lean on your team members to find the solution. It not only teaches you how
to socialize better, but it teaches you how to cooperate and collaborate with others. A
disadvantage is that a group of people will often disagree on how to approach something, so
there might be some tension when trying to find the best path forward.

8. Would people have conflicts with roommates who share the dorm with them? Do they need
to make dorm rules?

Yeah, I think it’s fairly common for people to have conflicts with their roommates. Even if they
get along well, sometimes a situation will come up that causes some type of disagreement. So I
suppose that having a set of ground rules can really help when those situations happen. It makes
sure that the roommates have clear communication about their expectations and can prevent
misunderstandings or more serious conflicts in the future.

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9. What are the things people usually don’t share?

People usually don’t share things that they use for hygiene. For example, you wouldn’t want to
share your toothbrush with someone, even if they were a close friend. You probably wouldn’t
share bath towels either. People also hesitate to share expensive personal items, like computers
or cell phones. Since they cost a lot of money, you don’t want to lend them to people in case they
get lost or damaged.

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Topic: Local news

Part 2: Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in

You should say:
• What it was about
• Where you saw/heard it
• Who was involved
• And explain why people were interested in it

I’m going to talk about a piece of news I got from my friend. He forwarded the news to Wechat
moments about two weeks ago. It was an announcement posted by the city about building a new
bicycle lane. Since I have a great liking for cycling, I read the article really carefully.

It said that the new bike lane would be built in the newly developed Fuxin district. Actually, since
I have a friend who moved to the district last year. I’ve visited him and toured the area several
times. It’s about an hour’s drive from my home. It has a really good location because it’s next to
a beautiful river in our city, and there are many terrific attractions nearby.

Anyway, the long bike path will be built alongside the beautiful liver. According to the news
report, the building of it will be completed next spring. I think this is terrific news for all of the
residents in our city. Just thinking about it, you can breathe in fresh air and enjoy the sparkling
sun on the water while riding, which would be fantastic. And when you get tired, you can just sit
on the lawn nearby and enjoy soaking up the sun. It’ll definitely be an excellent place to kick back
and relax.

I read the comments under the news and everyone was happy about it. Apparently, we’re all
looking forward to seeing our city become more people-friendly.

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Part 3:

1. Do people read newspapers where you live?

Yes, a lot of people still read the newspaper where I live. It might seem a little bit old-fashioned,
depending on your age, but I think it’s kind of sweet. And newspapers are sometimes more
reliable than other media sources, especially online ones. Plus, I live in a small city. So there are
lots of human-interest stories. I think it’s nice to read articles about the community you’re a part

2. Do people prefer local or international news?

I suppose that lots of people prefer local news. I mean, there are definitely people who care
about international issues and want to know what’s going on in other countries. But as far as I’ve
seen, a lot of people prefer local news because it affects them more directly. They’re invested in
their community, so they want to know what’s going on around them. I think that’s a pretty valid

3. Do you think it’s important to have a national identity?

Well, yes and no. On the one hand, it’s really important to have a national identity because it can
help unite a country. People can have all kinds of political perspectives, beliefs, and cultural
backgrounds within a single country. So if there’s some way for them to feel connected to their
community by sharing a national identity, that can make them closer to each other. But I also
don’t think it’s super important because people should be able to have differences without
having to conform to one identity.

4. How can people develop their national identity?

I suppose that people can develop their national identity by focusing on their country’s culture.
They can take part in different traditional customs and try to contribute to their national identity
in that way. Plus, people can try to determine what values are important to their country. They
can do that by being involved in local and national political movements. It’s important to try to
be an active and involved citizen.

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5. How do people get news now, from newspapers or the Internet? Who still reads newspapers?

I think most people get news from the internet. It’s just so much faster and more accessible. You
don’t always need a subscription to pay either. So that makes it a lot easier for people. But there
are still some people who read newspapers. It’s usually the older generation. They’re more used
to newspapers because they’re more old-fashioned. I personally think that a combination of
newspapers and the internet makes for reliable news.

6. Do people nowadays have more sense of community than people in the past?

I don’t really think so. It seems to me that nowadays people have less sense of community. For
one, generally speaking, people move more frequently than in the past. Sometimes your
neighbors are just tenants living there for a short period, or you rent an apartment temporarily
for work or school. So it’s pretty common that we are less likely to interact with neighbors, which
reduces people’s community attachment. Plus, people are more disconnected from each other
because they can get too focused on online stuff and they forget to prioritize in-person

7. Are there more people willing to be volunteers for the community now?

Well, I think a lot of people are actually self-involved and don’t take the time to volunteer in their
community. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also a side effect of people getting busier and busier. They
get so wrapped up in work or school that they don’t have time to focus on much else. But some
people just don’t volunteer because they assume someone else will do it. Volunteering isn’t as
big of a priority as it used to be.

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Topic: Success

Part 2: Describe a time when you tried to do something but was not very successful
You should say:
• When it was
• What you tried
• Why it was not very successful
• And how you felt about it

I’d like to talk about a time when I tiled to assemble a computer. About a year ago, when I was
playing a computer game, the monitor went black all of a sudden.

I called my uncle for help. He knows digital devices like the back of his hand. After he checked
out the computer thoroughly, he found that most of my computer parts were pretty old, which
caused the blackout. He said he would come over that weekend to help me build my new
computer. But I decided to try my hand at it. After all, there are tons of tutorials on the internet,
so I thought it would be easy to learn.

My uncle helped me buy lots of parts from a local computer market that day and I started doing
it by myself. I found an online video that teaches rookies how to build a computer. And I tried to
install the new parts one by one according to the tutorial. But it turned out that it was way more
complicated than I thought. There were lots of lines and cables that I had no idea where to
connect. I spent the whole night trying to do it again and again but still couldn’t figure out how
to do it right.

Finally, I gave up and put all my hopes in my uncle. He actually just took half an hour to get it
done. I was grateful to him and also realized that everybody has their own strengths and
weaknesses. If it’s something I’m not good at, I should leave it to a specialist.

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Part 3:

1. What’s your definition of success?

It seems to me that success is about finding fulfillment. That could be in any area of your life.
Most people focus on success in the workplace, like having a really great career. And that might
be the way that a lot of people find fulfillment, but I think success can go deeper than that.
Success can also be about having healthy relationships and helping out others in your community.
Success shouldn’t just be about you.

2. What things do children try to succeed in?

Children mostly try to succeed in school and sports. Those are two areas of their life that tend to
encourage competition. A lot of children work hard in school because they’re conscious of how
their peers are performing. But beyond competing, they also want to do well with their studies
because it affects what kind of paths they can take. They also like succeeding in sports because
it’s a great activity for them to take part in and it can make them more popular.

3. Which do you think is more important for people to become successful? Hard work or

I think hard work is more important. Opportunities are great because they can help you with your
career goals. But if you get an opportunity without having a good work ethic, you’re going to
waste it. You need to work hard whether or not you have a lot of opportunities come your way.
That way, when you eventually do get a foot in the door, you’ll be able to back it up with good

4. Do you think people will be happy if they don’t have any goals to achieve?

A: Yes, I suppose that people can be happy without goals. It all depends on their personality.
Some people are very easy-going and spontaneous, so they do not have any specific goals that
they are dying to achieve. As a result, they are content to just see where life takes them and make
the most out of every moment. Contrastingly, some people feel untethered or confused if they
do not have a goal, and so they try to find one.

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B: No, I don’t think so. Some people might feel more relaxed if they don’t have any goals to
achieve. But I think that over time, they’ll become unsatisfied with their lives because they have
nothing to work towards. It’s important to set goals for yourself because it gives you direction in
life. You don’t always have to achieve every goal you set, but it’s important to set goals anyways.

5. Which is more important, talent or hard work?

It seems to me that hard work is more important. Of course, it’s ideal to have both. But I think
that you could be really talented but still fail if you don’t work hard enough. It’s not enough to
be good at something. You have to be dedicated to the task, or else you won’t be able to pull
through. You can’t depend on talent alone. Having a good work ethic will do more for you than
pure talent will.

6. Does hard work guarantee success?

No, I don’t think hard work guarantees success. Honestly, success depends on a lot of factors.
Not all of them are in your control, which is a hard thing to accept. Sometimes, success comes
down to a matter of luck and circumstances lining up. That doesn’t always happen for you, no
matter how hard you might work towards a goal. Hard work definitely helps you in the long run

7. When should people stick to some goals and when should they give up on them?

I suppose that people should stick to a goal if it’s important to their ultimate happiness. If finding
a significant other is really important to you, then you should pursue that, even if it gets hard.
However, you should give up on a goal when it becomes harmful to you, or if you realize that you
want something else instead. You shouldn’t just pursue something because other people want
you to do it.

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Topic: Help

Part 2: Describe a time when you helped a friend

You should say:
• When it was
• How you helped him/her
• Why you helped him/her
• And how you felt about it

I’d like to talk about how I helped my friend lose weight. If memory serves correctly, it happened
about half a year ago. At the time, my friend Lisa was upset about failing to lose weight. She
knows that I managed to lose 10 kilograms in two months. So she asked me for help.

I sent my diet plan and recipes to Lisa, the ones that worked like a charm on me. The diet plan
contains meat, and Lisa was really satisfied with that since she could still enjoy meat dining the
diet. Plus, I told Lisa that the key to losing weight is finding a companion who wants to go through
the workout and diet every day with her. I suggested that she could find someone in her social
circle with the same goal as her and form a team to encourage and support each other.

Lisa was totally on board with what I said. So she started a fitness team with three friends of hers.
Of course, they all used my diet plan and recipes. I remember Lisa lost 5 kilograms in a month,
and every member of the team lost weight more or less.

To express her gratitude for my help, Lisa treated me to a good dinner a month later. And she
happily told me that she shared my method with others who want to keep fit. It gave me a sense
of achievement to know that what I said was so helpful.

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Part 3:

1. How do people usually help each other?

I think that people usually help each other with small, everyday challenges. If your neighbor
needs an ingredient for a recipe or a tool for a minor repair, you can often lend it to them without
thinking twice. People might also help strangers. If they notice that they’re struggling to reach
something in the aisle of a grocery store, they can take a second and help out. I think all those
little things are helpful.

2. How is online help different from real-life help?

Online help is a bit more limited in terms of what it can accomplish. A lot of it is customer service.
If you have an issue with an online purchase or even an in-store one, you can often go to that
company’s website to find the right resources. So in that sense, online help can be something
you find yourself. You don’t always have a face-to-face connection with another person.

3. Should school be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate?

I don’t think they should bear the bulk of the responsibility to teach students cooperation. But I
do think they play a big part in that process. For example, teachers can implement opportunities
for cooperating into their lesson plans. They can assign group projects that require students to
work well together, in that way, they can help students practice cooperation while showing them
how important it is to work as a team.

4. What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?

A lot of it boils down to what you’re comfortable with accepting. For example, when people are
having a hard time with their love life, they’re more likely to turn to their friends for emotional
support and advice. It can be pretty awkward asking for dating advice from your parents. But
when people are in need of financial support, they’ll probably ask their parents. It can be equally
awkward to ask your friends for money, even if it’s just a loan.

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5. What abilities or traits are important to teamwork?

I suppose that to have effective teamwork, everyone needs to be cooperative and patient with
each other. It can be difficult for a group of people to work together, but if they’re calm and keep
their cool, they’ll be able to handle challenges as a team. Everyone has to work together and
avoid doing things their own way. They need to be open and good at communication to make it

6. What are the traits of people who like to help others?

It seems to me that people who like to help others are generally kind and sociable. They aren’t
afraid to put themselves on the line as long as it’ll help someone else. That usually means that
they care more about other people than themselves. So they aren’t selfish or Hide. They’re very
considerate and always look for ways to be of assistance. I think that those traits are hard to
come by, but they’re very admirable.

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Topic: Quiet place

Part 2: Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

You should say:
• How you knew it
• How often you go there
• What you do there
• And explain why you like the place

Speaking of a quiet place, the first one that comes to mind is definitely a giant park which is
located in the newly developed Fuxin district of my hometown.

Since I have a friend who moved to the district last year, I’ve visited him and toured this park
several times. Actually, there haven’t been many residents moving into the new housing
developments. So every time I visited there, there were only a handful of people in the park.

The park has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. It is enormous
and there are lots of beautiful sculptures made of all kinds of plants. You can just have a walk and
appreciate the nice sculptures peacefully or sit by the lake and clear your mind There won’t be
anyone to disturb you. What’s more, there’s a long bike path that has been built alongside the
beautiful lake. I went biking there several times with my friend. Since the lanes were so empty,
you could speed up as much as you like. When we got tired, we loved to sit on the lawn nearby
and enjoyed soaking up the sun. There was no traffic or construction noise. You could kick back
and relax like you were in your own backyard.

You know, now it’s hard to seek out some silence in urban areas. So I really enjoy spending time
at the park. It’s great to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

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Part 3:

1. Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

Yeah, I think it can be challenging to find quiet places in cities. Urban areas are usually pretty
crowded, and there’s always a lot going on. In the downtown core, you’d be hard-pressed to find
somewhere to hear your own thoughts. But some cities have natural spaces built into their
design. New York City’s Central Park is one of the most obvious examples. So it’s possible to find
quiet places if you know where to look.

2. Why is it quieter in the countryside?

The first reason is that there are fewer people in the countryside. You don’t tend to have big,
noisy crowds in rural areas. You also don’t have the sounds of traffic or construction. After all, no
one’s trying to build a big apartment complex in the countryside, so you don’t have to hear
construction crews like you do in the city. When you’re far from the hustle and bustle of a city,
most of the sounds you hear are just wildlife in their natural habitats.

3. Why do people go to a quiet place?

I think they go to quiet places to relax. If you spend too much tune in noisy and overwhelming
places, you can get stressed out really easily. So I think that it’s nice to escape somewhere quiet
and peaceful, even if it’s just a park in the city, in quiet places, you can hear your own thoughts
and just relax. That helps you from getting too overwhelmed with your work or studies.

4. Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

Yes, I do think if retired seniors had the choice, tons of them would choose to live somewhere
quiet and peaceful, like in the countryside or the suburbs. As far as I know, most old people are
way more sensitive to noise and other kinds of disturbances, and some of them even have trouble
sleeping. So I think that a lot of them gravitate toward more peaceful places where they won’t
be disturbed as much.

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5. Could you give some examples of quiet places?

When I think of quiet places, I think of public libraries first. A library is a great place to enjoy some
peace and quiet. Everyone there is focused on quiet activities like reading. Besides, some shops
for people to relax can be peaceful as well, like coffee shops and tea houses. Even though there
might be some relaxing background music and low-volume conversation, people can still have a
sense of quietness and peacefulness at those places.

6. Why do some people like to do their homework while listening to music?

I suppose that music can help people focus on their homework better. Even though it sounds like
it could be distracting, music actually makes you tune out all the other distractions in your
environment. Some people get encouraged by listening to upbeat music. That makes them more
eager to finish their task, which is important when it comes to doing homework on time. A lot of
studies have shown that classical music can also help you remember things better, so that helps
with studying.

7. What are the differences between quiet places now and quiet places in the past?

In the past, there were definitely a lot of quiet places. Those places were easier to find because
cities were generally less crowded. Instead of having to find a really secluded area, you could
probably just hang out in a public park. It would be quieter because there weren’t as many people
around. Nowadays, you might have to go to a library to find some peace and quiet because there
are people everywhere and most places in cities don’t restrict people from talking or making

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Topic: Difficult problem

Part 2: Describe a difficult thing/problem /challenge that you did well

You should say:
• What it was
• How you did/completed it
• Why (or how) it was difficult
• And explain how you felt after you did/completed it.

I’d like to talk about my experience of taking the National Judicial examination last September.
It’s one of the most difficult qualification exams in China as the pass rate is only about 10% every
year. Plus, since the exam covers many different laws in China, I had to read and study tons of
law books and memorize countless legal clauses, which stressed me out during the preparation

But I had to pull myself together and take the exam until I passed, or I wouldn’t have a job in the
legal industry. So I spent about half a year preparing for it. I took lots of online classes and studied
law day in and day out. I literally dreamed about legal cases several times. To be honest, I didn’t
even know I had that kind of grit before I started preparing for the exam.

Anyway, after I finished the exam, I waited about two months to get the result. That was the
most anxious and stressful period of time I’ve ever had in my life. Fortunately, it tinned out that
I passed the exam and by a lot! I was over the moon and burst into tears seeing my good score. I
really felt like all my effort paid off at that moment. You know, I'm finally qualified to be a lawyer!

So it seems that some difficult things might not be as hard as they seem. You won’t know the
result until you really try it, and if you work hard enough, your effort will pay off.

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Part 3:

1. What do children usually find difficult to do?

Children usually find it difficult to concentrate. They have a ton of energy. So they’d rather run
around and play with their friends than focus on their homework. They might even have trouble
listening in class when they’re surrounded by their friends. It’s tempting to just talk amongst
themselves instead of listening to the teacher. It can also be hard for children to master some
social skills, like sharing and communicating.

2. How do kids solve problems?

Kids often solve problems by turning to their parents for advice. If they’re stuck on a math
problem in their homework, they might ask their parents to walk them through it. Or they might
even ask the teacher for more guidance in math class. When it comes to more complex problems,
like issues in their friendships, they might work out the problem among themselves. That helps
them develop more independence. Generally speaking, it is a good idea for children to try to
solve problems on their own because that is how they can develop more resilience and

3. How can parents guide or help their children to do things that seem difficult?

Parents can help children by providing encouragement and modeling the things that they want
their children to do. So, for example, if a child is learning to tie their shoes, parents can help them
by first showing them how to do it, then guiding them to do it on their own. Parents can also help
by showing their kids a clear step-by-step process to make the task simpler.

4. Should children face difficult problems or challenges all by themselves?

I think it is important for children to face some problems on their own so that they develop more
confidence. For example, if they get into an argument with their friend, they should try to talk it
out so they can learn to be more independent. But whenever they are faced with a very difficult
or confusing problem they should probably go to an adult for help. Serious problems like bullying
or abuse should always be dealt with by a responsible adult.

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5. Is confidence important?

Yes, I would say that confidence is important in every aspect of daily life, in order to be successful
and to take risks in life, people need to have enough confidence in themselves first. This is true
in school, work, or social environments. That being said, there is always a risk of people
developing overconfidence, which would be a problem if they start to think that they can never
do anything wrong.

6. What jobs require confidence?

I suppose that every job requires confidence, although some require more confidence than
others. Jobs, where you have to lead a team of people, require the most confidence because you
need to convince your team that you are the right person to take control. You also have to be
confident if you’re a performer of any kind. For example, singers and actors need to be
comfortable performing in front of other people, which requires a lot of confidence.

7. Is overconfidence good?

Overconfidence is usually a bad thing. People who are overconfident might try to do things that
they are not actually qualified or prepared to do. An overconfident driver, for example, is more
likely to get into a car accident. An overconfident student might not study as hard as they should
for an exam. Overconfidence can lead to arrogance and rudeness, so it is important to be
confident, but not too confident.

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Topic: Pride

Part 2: Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member

You should say:
• When it happened
• Who the person is
• What the person did
• And explain why you felt proud of him/her

I’d like to talk about the time my sister passed the National Judicial Examination. I’m so proud of
her because I know it’s one of the most difficult qualification exams in China as the pass rate is
only about 10% every year. Plus, since the exam covers many different laws in China, the
candidates need to read and study tons of law books and memorize countless legal clauses.

But my sister didn’t fear the difficulty and was really committed to preparing for the exam. She
spent about half a year preparing for it. During those six months, she studied law day in and day
out. She told me that she even dreamed about legal cases several times. To be honest, I would
not have that kind of grit if I were her.

Anyway, after she finished the exam, she waited about two months to get the result. That was
the most anxious and stressful period of her life I’ve ever seen. Fortunately, it turned out that
she passed the exam and by a lot! I was by her side when she checked the result, and I was over
the moon and burst into tears seeing her pass the exam. You know, my sister is finally qualified
to be a lawyer!

Actually, our whole family is very proud of her. We prepared a great gift for her to celebrate the
big occasion. We were glad that all her efforts paid off. And I believe she will become an amazing
lawyer in the near future.

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Part 3:

1. When would parents feel proud of their children?

Parents would feel proud of their children after any kind of accomplishment, big or small. If a
child learns a new word, takes their first steps, learns to ride a bike, or learns to drive a car,
parents would be proud. Major life events such as weddings and graduations also make parents
very proud. Overall, parents are proud when their children are living a life that makes them happy
and fulfilled.

2. Should parents reward children? Why and how?

Yes, I think parents should reward children when they accomplish something. Parents can reward
children for academic accomplishments like receiving a good grade on a report card, or for
personal accomplishments like doing something nice for someone else, or donating to a charity.
If parents want to install good values in then children, offering rewards can be a good way to
reinforce good behaviour. That being said, parents should be wary of giving too many rewards;
it is better if children do good things because they want to, not because they expect a reward.

3. Do Chinese parents reward their children?

Actually, most Chinese parents don’t reward their children that often. They don’t want them to
depend on rewards to learn or do their work. Instead, they want their kids to be more
competitive. If you reward a kid every time, they do something right, they might just do things to
get a reward and not because they see the value of their work. So for the most part, Chinese
parents don’t tend to praise or reward their kids very often.

4. Is it good to reward children too often? Why?

No, I think rewarding children too often would be a major problem. Children need to develop
intrinsic motivation, but frequent rewards encourage extrinsic motivation. Children should want
to be successful in their life because it brings them a sense of pride and purpose. These feelings
should be reward enough on their own. However, sometimes children deserve a reward if they

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have accomplished something major. Parents just need to be careful about how often they give

5. On what occasions would adults be proud of themselves?

Adults might be proud of themselves for a number of different reasons. They may take pride in a
new accomplishment or promotion at work that they have been working hard towards. They also
tend to be proud of themselves for personal milestones, like getting married or getting a new
apartment. Finally, many adults take pride in their children and consider their children’s
successes as their own.

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Topic: Moving

Part 2: Describe a time when you moved to a new home/school

You should say:
• When you moved
• Where you moved
• Why you moved
• And how you felt about it.

Actually, I just moved to a new apartment not long ago. This summer holiday, I found a part-time
job that I can do for a long time. But I had to move out of the student residence because the
building was closed during the summer holidays.

So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Eventually, I decided to rent a newly
renovated apartment, which has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our
city. The drawback is its distance from my workplace. I have to take a bus for 40 minutes to
commute there. But to enjoy a better lifestyle, I signed the lease for the apartment.

Anyway, after deciding the move-out date, I asked three good friends to give me a hand packing
up my stuff. I even called a moving company for a van. We spent a whole day moving everything
into my new apartment. We were all worn out after the fact. I treated all my friends to a nice
meal at a restaurant nearby.

And then I had a fresh start! I got to decorate the home in the way I wanted and I also began to
pay all the utilities myself. It’s really new and different for me. Although I have to get up really
early every morning for work, I have fun biking along the lakeshore every night, which helps me
blow off some steam. So basically, I’ll! really satisfied with my new life.

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Part 3:

1. Why do people move to a new home?

People move to a new home for many different reasons. The most common reason is that they
need more space because they have a new addition to the family, whether it be a pet or a child.
It can be hard to have multiple kids and pets in a small house. People may also move to a new
home if they have to move to a new city for work. Some people who live in a city might choose
to move to the country because they want more outdoor space.

2. What problems will people face after moving to a new place?

People can face many problems after moving to a new place; they might need to do repairs, or
they might realize that there is a problem with the new neighbours. It is important for people to
do a lot of research and complete a house inspection before moving to avoid as many problems
as possible. People might also realize that things might be more expensive in a new city, especially
rent and utilities. People might have to readjust their budget or spend their money differently.

3. How do people solve these problems?

If people are struggling to adjust to the new neighborhood, it’s helpful to befriend the people
who live close by. In general, it’s always beneficial to be on good terms with your neighbors. If
you’re new to the area, your neighbors are often the people who can give you good advice when
it comes to finding the best restaurants and essential places like hospitals and grocery stores.
Dealing with new expenses can be handled by rearranging your budget or saving up beforehand.

4. Is it good to move to a new place frequently? Why?

I don’t think that it is a good idea to move to a new place often because it is very stressful, time-
consuming, and expensive. Moving requires a lot of research and preparation, so it can be very
time-consuming especially if you are also working full time. Moving is also very expensive; if you
are renting, you need to pay at least two months of rent upfront, and if you are buying you need
to provide a down payment. It is better to move less often.

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Topic: Advice

Part 2: Describe a time you gave advice to others.

You should say:
• Who you gave the advice to
• What advice you gave
• Why they needed your advice (whether they took your advice)
• And explain how useful the advice was (/the result).

The first one that comes to mind is the suggestion I gave to my friend Lisa. If memory serves
correctly, it happened about half a year ago. At the time, Lisa was upset about failing to lose
weight, so I shared the method I used to drop some weight and suggested that she try it out.

I told her that the key to losing weight is finding a companion who wants to go through the
workout and diet every day with her. I actually managed to lose 10 kilograms with this trick. So I
suggested that if she could find anyone in her social circle with the same goal as her and form a
team to encourage and support each other, then she mi gilt have half a chance to lose weight.

My words seemed to inspire her and she was totally on board with what I said. So she started a
fitness team with three friends of hers. Lisa said they always went to the gym together and
cheered each other up when they were tired or hungry. It really worked like a charm; Lisa lost 5
kilograms in a month, and every member of the team lost weight more or less.

To express her gratitude for my suggestions, Lisa treated me to a good dinner a month later. And
she happily told me that she shared my method with others who want to keep fit. It gave me a
sense of achievement to know that my suggestion was so helpful and really worked.

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Part 3:

1. Should people prepare before giving advice?

Well, it depends on the situation; sometimes people will ask you for advice out of the blue, and
you won’t have time to prepare an answer. Other times, you may know that you are going to be
giving someone advice and in that case, you can prepare beforehand. This is especially true if
giving advice is part of your job, such as if you are a teacher, mentor, or therapist, in those cases,
you have to prepare because your advice might have a huge impact on advice seekers’ lives.

2. Is it good to ask for advice from strangers online?

I don’t think it is ever a good idea to ask for advice from strangers online. And children or
teenagers should especially be cautious about seeking advice online because they can't tell
whether the strangers are helping them or steering them wrong. Plus, people online are not
always who they say they are. It can be very dangerous to share a lot of personal information
online with someone you don’t know, so for that reason I would advise not contacting strangers
online for anything.

3. What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?

I think that people who give advice to others have a few specific personality traits, including
empathy and patience. These people are very empathetic and understanding because they can
relate to a problem that their clients might be going through and give relevant advice. As in, they
can stand in their client's shoes and understand their situation as much as possible, so they can
come up with the best advice based on each individual situation. Plus, they need to be patient
because sometimes people coming to get advice might be in an agitated or confused state of

4. What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?

If you hear a lot of advice, you might become even more confused than before you asked them.
If you ask for advice from more than two people and they all have different opinions about what
you should do, that can be very frustrating and not helpful. It’s normal that everyone has their

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own perspective. They might give you opposite advice but all make sense, in that case, you would
probably be of two minds and can’t decide what to do next. So it might be better to ask just one
trusted friend. They can always give you all the advice you need.

5. What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

I think that in general, parents want their children to succeed and be happy. So they give them
advice that will help with that. For instance, if children are facing a problem, parents will
encourage them to work through it and not give up. Or they might tell their children to see the
blight side of the problem and not just complain about it. Everyone wants their kid to do well, so
they give them the best advice they can.

6. What advice do parents often give to teenagers about making friends?

Usually, parents encourage teenagers to be active when it comes to making friends. It’s easier to
get others to accept you when you start the conversation first. We can often see that outgoing
and extroverted people have more friends than people who are shy and don’t like talking with
others actively. A lot of parents also tell teenagers not to give in to peer pressure. Sometimes
when you make friends, you might be tempted to follow along with the crowd. But it’s best to
stick to your guns and avoid doing anything stupid.

7. Should parents get involved in their children’s friendships?

I don’t think parents should take action with their children’s friendships, even if they have a falling
out with their friends. Actually, it’s natural for children to fall out and make friends again. If
parents help too much, they might make the situation even worse. They can just teach their
children what qualities a good friend should have and let them choose who to be friends with.

8. How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients); What
personal qualities should experts have?

I find that in general, experts are very calm and helpful when they give advice. They make sure
to give their client all the right information. And if needed, they can explain it more than once so
their client gets the frill picture. So to be an expert in something, you should be patient and

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hardworking. You can’t just give up at the first sign of trouble. Otherwise, you won’t do very well
in your field.

9. Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?

I suppose that in general, parents’ advice is more helpful than advice from friends. Even though
your friends might know you even better than your parents do, your parents have way more
experience. They’ve been alive way longer than you or your friends. So it’s best to take advice
from the wise. Your friends might end up leading you astray, even if they don’t mean to. I always
listen to my parents before my friends.

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Topic: Skills

Part 2: Describe a difficult skill that you would like to learn

You should say:
• When you knew it
• How you would leant it
• Where you can learn it
• And explain why it is difficult

One difficult skill I’m very interested in is computer assembly. I think it would be cool to learn it.

About a year ago, when I was playing a computer game, the monitor went black all of a sudden.
I called my uncle for help. He knows digital devices like the back of his hand. After he checked
out the computer thoroughly, he found that most of my computer parts were pretty old, which
caused the blackout. I thought that it would cost me an arm and a leg to buy a new one, but my
uncle said he would help me build my new computer.

I was light by his side as he went through the process of assembling it. Honestly, it was way more
complicated than I thought. There were lots of lines and cables that I had no idea where to
connect. But my uncle only took half an hour to get it done. And the new computer runs way
faster than the old one.

He taught me that a great advantage of this skill is that it allows you to personalize the computer
in the way you want, which really fascinates me. So I'm really looking forward to learning tills
skill. I actually watched an online video that teaches rookies how to build a computer, but I still
couldn’t figure out how to do it right. So I asked my uncle for help, and he agreed that when my
computer needs an upgrade again, he will be there and teach me step by step.

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Part 3:

1. What skills do students /young people need to learn?

I think that students (young people) need to leant time management and organizational skills.
When they’re in school, they have to juggle lots of different assignments and other
responsibilities, in order to stay on top of their tasks, they need to know how to spend their time
wisely so they don’t get too overwhelmed. They should also learn communication skills. They
need to learn how to communicate well with not only their peers but their teachers and bosses
as well. Being an effective communicator is one of the best qualities you can have, especially
when it comes to the workforce.

2. Do you think parents nowadays really care about helping their children learn those skills?

Yes, most parents are invested in helping their children gain those skills. They want their kids to
succeed, and they know that it’ll take more than luck and goodwill for them to do well in life. So
I think that parents are trying to teach their kids how to develop these strengths, or at the very
least they’re showing them the right resources to get there. It’s very important to them that their
kids can acquire these important skills.

3. Is it hard for students to learn skills?

I don’t think it’s too hard for students to learn skills. Some people might struggle with skills they
aren’t naturally inclined towards. For example, if someone is shy and reserved, they might find it
hard to build up their communication skills. But I suppose that as a student, you have access to
lots of resources and educators who can help you develop those skills. A student’s job is to learn,
and they can do that by being open-minded and willing to put in the hard work.

4. Is it hard for old people to learn new skills?

Yes, I suppose that it can be hard for old people to learn new skills. Some of them might feel too
set in their ways to pick up additional skills. For example, some old people are wary of computers
and don’t want to learn any computer skills. But I think that if they can stay open-minded and
willing to learn, they’ll be able to pick up new skills and benefit from them.

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5. Is a good teacher very important for students learning experience? Why?

Yes, I would say that having a good teacher is crucial to having a good learning experience. They
can make or break a student’s experience of a class. Without a good teacher, students will feel
confused and possibly overwhelmed by all the things they have to learn. They might walk away
thinking that learning is just a painful and difficult process. A good teacher is there to guide
students and make the learning experience a positive one.

6. Which way is faster for people to learn new skills, from books or from life?

I suppose that it is faster to learn a new skill in a real-life situation than from a book. Books can
be very useful to review a new skill, but real life is the best way to learn. You can read all about
sewing, but you will not be able to sew until you actually try. Then, once you have learned a new
skill, the best way to become an expert is to practice. Reading can only get you so far.

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Topic: Learning

Part 2: Describe something interesting that you want to learn more about
You should say:
• What it is
• How you got to interested in it
• What the benefits you can get from it
• And explain why you want to learn more about it.

Speaking of something interesting that I really want to learn more about, the first one that comes
to mind is computer assembly. I think it would be cool to learn it.

About a year ago, when I was playing a computer game, the monitor went black all of a sudden.
I called my uncle for help. He knows digital devices like the back of his hand. After he checked
out the computer thoroughly, he found that most of my computer parts were pretty old, which
caused the blackout. I thought that it would cost me an arm and a leg to buy a new one, but my
uncle said he would help me build my new computer.

I was right by his side as he went through the process of assembling it. Honestly, it was way more
complicated than I thought. But my uncle only took half an hour to get it done. And the new
computer runs way faster than the old one.

He taught me that a great advantage of this skill is that it allows you to personalize the computer
in the way you want, which really fascinates me. So I'm really looking forward to learning this
skill. I actually watched an online video that teaches rookies how to build a computer, but I still
couldn’t figure out how to do it right. So I asked my uncle for help, and he agreed that when my
computer needs an upgrade again, he will be there and teach me step by step.

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Part 3:

1. Do you think learning new things is important?

Yes, learning new things is really important. If we stop trying to learn, we’ll become limited in our
knowledge and we might become confined to a narrow point of view. It’s good to branch out and
expand our horizons every now and then, even if it’s something as simple as learning how to play
a new sport or learning about different cuisine. I just learned how to kayak, which is something I
never thought I’d enjoy, but it turned out to be a really fun and memorable experience.

2. Who needs to learn new things?

It seems to me that young people usually need to learn new things, in general, old people have
accumulated a whole wealth of knowledge and experiences. But young people are still having
formative experiences and discovering the world around them. So it’s important for them to seek
out knowledge from lots of different sources. They should be curious about the world and want
to learn more about their history and what lies in store for the future.

3. Where can old people learn new things?

I think old people can learn new things from public places, like libraries or museums. I know that
a lot of people learn when there are new exhibits at museums in particular. You can pick up a lot
of interesting facts about other cultures. Old people can also borrow books from libraries that
will teach them about new subjects. Alternatively, they can learn everyday things from friends or
family. Some old people learn how to handle new technology by asking their younger relatives.

4. Should government spend more money to help people learn new things?

Yes, the government should definitely invest more money in helping people learn new things.
They can establish more trade schools that offer free training programs to the public. This is a
good way to generate more skilled workers. And generally speaking, if a country's population is
more educated, it is more productive overall, which means a stronger economy and more tax
revenue for the government. So more investment in public education is definitely a gateway to a
better country.

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5. Do you think retired people/80 years old people should learn new things?

Yes, I think that there’s always room for people to learn new things, no matter what their age is.
When it comes to people who are retired or over 80, they can keep their minds sharp by picking
up new information. They might choose to learn about countries they’ve never visited or facts
about ancient history. I suppose that’ll help them spend their time in a fun and engaging way.

6. Is it difficult for adults to learn new things?

Well, yes, sometimes it can be hard for adults to learn new things. Adults have a lot of
responsibilities to deal with. They usually have to juggle a full-time job with parenting or looking
after other people, not to mention the duties of running a household. So the hardest thing can
be finding the time to learn new things. But it can also be difficult to focus on learning something
new when they’re so stressed with other things.

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Topic: Famous

Part 2: Describe a famous person that you are interested in/ you like.
You should say:
• Who this person is
• How you know about this person
• How this person became famous
• And explain why you like this person.

Speaking of my favorite celebrities, I’d like to talk about an American singer-songwriter named
Bea Miller. I think she's a very talented girl with an interesting soul.

About two years ago, one of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at a New
Year’s party that my class held. I really took a liking to that song and looked it up online right
away. Then I found the original singer of it, Bea Miller. She’s only in her twenties and definitely
has great potential with her pop-rock career.

Bea is a very talented young lady. Her music is very diverse. I mean, every song she writes is
unique but also catchy. I really admire her talent for music writing. Plus, I like her personality. Her
character is way different from what she shows on stage. If you didn't know her, you'd think she
was a quiet and cool person. But she’s actually hilarious. You won’t find other celebs who post
selfies of their big nostrils on social media. But she does it all the time! Sometimes she posts
photos of herself making faces with a funny line or a bad joke. It cracks me up every time!

So I feel like she’s very down-to-earth. When she interacts with her fans it’s like she’s the girl next
door, which really appeals to me. So now I’m a die-hard fan of hers. I believe that with her talent
and interesting personality, she will go a long way in the entertainment industry.

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Part 3:

1. What kinds of people are famous in your country?

There are a lot of famous singers and actors. People love keeping up with those kinds of
celebrities because they feel like they know them. When you listen to a song or watch a movie,
you feel like you get a sense of the performer’s personality. So it’s really easy to become invested
in their lives. Singers and actors are famous because people get obsessed with them and want to
know everything about them.

2. Why do people care about the private lives of celebrities?

I think it’s because a lot of people have the desire to peek into other people's lives. It’s not cool
to pry into the private life of people around you, but some people think it’s an open season when
it comes to celebrities. After all, there’s a whole industry based around celebrities that just fuels
gossip. I don’t think it’s healthy, but people definitely care. Besides, everyone is starstruck to
some extent. So it’s really easy to become invested in the personal lives of the celebrities they’re
fond of.

3. Are international celebrities important to a country?

I suppose that to a degree, international celebrities are important to a country. They definitely
shouldn’t be valued more than government officials or people who do official work for a country,
but they bring attention to their country and they can be representatives for their culture. Some
people might not know a lot about a country, but when they see a celebrity from that country
that they like, they might be inclined to learn more about it.

4. Would people in the past become famous for doing good deeds? How about now?

I don’t think that people got famous for doing good things in the past. For one, there just wasn’t
as much media attention. People could do good deeds every day but it wouldn’t go viral as it does
now. Nowadays, if someone catches something wholesome on camera, they can share it on social
media and it might get millions of views. People can become famous for simply helping someone
out when their good deed is posted online.

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5. What kind of person becomes a star? Can you be a star by making videos?

I think that nowadays, social media is so accessible that basically anyone can be famous. All it
takes is a bit of luck to post it at the right time. Lots of average people get their fifteen minutes
of fame by posting a video that happens to go viral. Sometimes they manage to stay famous if
they keep making similar videos, like people who do crazy stunts and post them online. But it’s
hard to hold onto fame that way.

6. Why do people want to be famous? Do you want to be a celebrity?

It seems to me that people want to be famous because they really love attention, to be honest.
When you’re a celebrity, everyone is obsessed with you. But I don’t think that people realize how
stressful it is to be constantly observed and talked about. That’s why I would never want to be a
celebrity. I want to have my privacy and not worry about people taking pictures of me whenever
I go out in public. I would hate for everyone to be tracking my every move.

7. What are the pros and cons of being a celebrity?

One big pro is that you get access to really cool things. You get the VIP treatment wherever you
go, and you can go to exclusive events in designer clothes. You obviously get a lot of money as
well, so you can afford whatever your heart desires. But a big downside is that you basically have
no privacy. You get photographed wherever you go and people speculate about your private life
all the time.

8. What are the disadvantages of being a child star?

Well, being a child star can be really bad for your psyche. When you make the most money in
your family, you take on a lot of pressure to keep your family supported. You might also have
greedy relatives who try to take advantage of you. Plus, if a kid always gets what they want, they’ll
probably grow up to be vain and spoiled. If they ever stop being famous, they might not be able
to adjust to the routine of a normal life.

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9. What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past?

I think famous people today may have more rights than they used to in the past. I’ve watched a
few documentaries about actors and actresses in the past and how poorly the industry treated
them. Some actors had no right over their own bodies; if they gained weight they would be fired.
Some actresses weren’t allowed to have children until their contract was finished. I’m sure it is
still tough to be an actor but I feel like actors have more lights and are treated better than they
were in the past.

10. Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?

I think it depends on the person. Some people are extremely talented and deserve the fame they
have acquired but others simply got lucky when they became famous. There are actors everyone
knows, like Tom Cruise, who is not necessarily a good actor but is able to play a consistent
character in his movie franchises. He gets tons of movie roles because he is well-known but a lot
of audiences don’t think his acting is good. Some actors are definitely better than others.

11. Do you think the media are putting too much attention on famous people?

Yes, I do think the media puts too much attention on famous people. At the end of the day, these
people are humans just like everyone else and don’t need their whole lives being broadcast for
the entire world to see. And the new media, especially social media, is often swamped with gossip
and even scandals involving celebrities, which is a bad trend. I’d rather the media focus more on
real issues in our society.

12. Do you think talent is important for fame?

Yes, talent is definitely essential for people to become famous and successful. Some people
manage to get famous online without any talent, but their fame rarely lasts long. For someone
to have long-lasting fame, they need to be talented in their field. As far as I know, the singers and
actors who can keep being household names are all productive by creating more good artworks.
And you need incomparable talent for that. Talent will ensure that they continue to get offered
work, whether it be roles in movies, record deals, or athletic contracts.

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13. What do you think about celebrities making so much money?

I think it is ridiculous that celebrities make big bucks when so many people in the world are
suffering from poverty and hunger. Some celebrities do donate to humanitarian causes, which is
good of them, but I see no reason why they should be paid such a large amount in the first place.
I don’t think they contribute to society a lot more than people like scientists and doctors. And
even though they have business value that’s equivalent to the amount of money they make, we
shouldn’t glorify it. Otherwise, what does that say about those of us working full-time jobs for
five-figure salaries?

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