3ro CFR PF 2

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Tercer Año Alumno:...................................

Inglés Técnico
Periodo Familiar 2

1) Leer acerca de la rutina de Patrick Nelson y completar con los siguientes

verbos: PLAY - HAVE(3) - DO - GET - GO(3)- WATCH - EAT -TAKE -DRINK -READ

I'm Patrick Nelson and this is my daily routine. I _____ up at 7AM. I go to the
bathroom and I _____ a shower. Then I _____ breakfast in the kitchen. I ____
cereal with fruit and _____ coffee.
I _____ to school by bus at 7:45 AM. School starts at 8:20. I _____ lunch in the
school canteen with my best friends, David and Emma, at 12:45.
School finishes at 3:30 and I _______ home. At home I have a snack and I ______
computer games. Then I ______ my homework in my bedroom. My grandmother
prepares dinner.
At 7 PM my parents are at home and we ______ dinner together. After dinner, I
______ TV with my parents and my grandmother ______ his book. I _______ to
bed at 10 PM.

2) ¿Son estas oraciones verdaderas o falsas? corrija y reescriba las oraciones

a) | Patrick gets up at 7AM
b) | He eats cereal with milk.
c) | School starts at 7:45
d) | Patrick has lunch at 12.45.
e) | Patrick plays games after school.
f) | His grandmother watches TV in the evening.

3) Una las siguientes preguntas con su respuesta correcta:

1.What time does Patrick get up? a.He has cereal with fruit and milk.
2.Does he have a shower? b.He does his homework in his bedroom.
3.What does he have for breakfast? c.Yes, He does.
4.How does he go to school? d.He gets up at seven o'clock.
5.Where does he do his homework? e.He watches TV after dinner.
6.When does he watch TV? f.He goes to school by bus.

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