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Name : Amriani Basri

Nim : 2161201132

Task 2

I. The Aspect in English

1. Make a short conversation consist of the aspect of general time, aspect

of action and action of fact.
Aspect of general
A : when do you go to college? time
B : I'm going to college tomorrow

A :when do you buy crab? Aspect of action

B : I bought crabs last Monday

A :when do you wash clothes?

B : I already washed the clothes five hours ago

II. Past Tense Category

1. Write the simple past form of the give verbs.

Verb Past Verb

Start Started
go Goed
see Seed
stand Standed
arrive Arrived
win Wined
have Haved
make Maked
feel Feeled
ask Asked
leave Leaved
write Writed
eat Eated
bring Bringed
bring Bringed
take Taked
open Opened
teach Teached
wear Weared
sing Singed
stand Standed
decide Decided
ask Asked

3. Write simple past tense questions using the italicized words did, was or

1. he/study Did he study yesterday?

2. he/sick was he sick yesterday?
3. she/sad ……………………….
4.they/cat ……………………….
5.they/hungry ……………………….
6. you/go ……………………….
7. she/understand ………………………..
8. he/forget ……………………….

4. Complete the sentence by using the past tense verb below.

Call hold sell swim

Fight jump shake watch
Freeze ride stay think

1. Paul shook the soft drink so hard that it sprayed all over his clothes.

2. Carol didn’t want to go on vacation with us, so she …………. Home

alone all week.

3. Since I hurt my knee, I can’t go jogging. Yesterday, I ……… in the pool

for an hour instead.

4. I was terrified just standing over the pool on high diving board.
Finally, I took a deep breath, held my nose, and ……… into the water.

5. The climber, who was fearful of falling …………. The rope tightly in
both hands.

6. Johnny pushed Alan down on the floor, and the two boys ……….. for a
few minutes . Neither boy was hurt.

7. Before Louise started her own company , she ………. Chemistry at the

8. It was extremely cold last night, and the water we put out of for the car
….. solid,

9. Before I made my decision , I ………… about it for a long time, long


10. Carlos ………….. your house three times to ask you to go to the movie
with us, but there was no answer, so we went without you.

11. My car wouldn’t start this morning, so I …………… my bicycle to


12. I needed money to pay my tuition at the University, so I ……… my

motorcycle to my cousin.

II. Present Tense Category

1. Review the basic forms of the present tense category by completing the
sentence with the correct of the verb ‘speak’.

Part I : Statement Forms

a. I (speak) am speaking English right now.

b. They (speak) …………… English right now.
c. She (speak) ………….... English right now.
d. You (speak) …………… English right now.
e. He (speak) …………… English right now.

Part II : Negative Forms

a. I (speak not) am not speaking English right now.
b. They (speak,not) ……………….. English tight now.
c. She (speak,not) ……………….. English right now.
d. You (speak, not ……………….. English right now.
e. He (speak,not) ……………….. English right now.

Part III : Questions Forms

a. (you,speak) are you speaking English right now.
b. (he,speak) ………………… English right now.
c. (they,speak) ………………… English right now.
d. (we, speak) ………………… English right now.
e. (she ,speak) ………………… English right now.

2. Complete the following present sentence with does,do, am, is, are, or Ø
(tidak ada sama sekali).

A : What ….. that? What ………... you looking at?

B : It ……. is very rare and valuable book.
A : …….. it yours?
B : No. It …… not belong to me. It ……... belongs to my cousin.
He ……. collects old books?
A : That …….. an interesting hobby. …… you collector, too?
……. Do you collect old books.
B : I …… have the interest but not the money.
Rare old books …. expensive to collect. I ….. becoming interested in
stamps, though. Stamps …… not as expensive as rare books.
I ….. want to collect stamps from th 1800s.
A : I ……. thinkin about collecting stamps, too.
…… you want to get together sometime and talk about it.
B : Yes, let’s do that.

3. Write –s/-es in the blanks where necessary. If the verb does not need –s/-
es, use Ø.
Change –y to –i if necessary.

a. Alan like (s/likes) to play soccer.

b. My son watch (es/watches) too much TV.
c. Monkeys climb Ø trees.
d. Do …….. you like ……. to climb trees.
e. Do …….. Paul like ……. to cook.
f. Paula like ……. to dance.
g. Mike wash …… his own clothes.
h. Yuki go ……. to school at seven.
i. Tina get …… her work done on time.
j. Tina and Pat get…… their work done.
k. Do …… Bill get …… his work done.
l. Ahmed carry …… a briefcase to work.
m. Janet play …… tennis every day.

4. Choose the right answer to complete the sentences below in a form of
present perfect tense and present perfect continuous.

1. My brother _________ injured yet.

haven’t being
haven’t been
hasn’t been

2. It ________ so cold since September.

haven’t being
hasn’t been
haven’t been

3. I _________ to Kenya.
haven’t being
haven’t been
hasn’t been

4. They __________ there.

have never be
has never been
have never been

5. We _________ to Japan.
haven’t been
hasn’t been
haven’t being

6. Emily _________ here since two days ago.

haven’t been
hasn’t been
haven’t being

7. The weather _________ nice lately.

have never been
has never be
has never been

8. The doctor __________ here yet.

haven’t being
hasn’t been
haven’t been

9. They _________ in pain before.

has never been
have never been
have never be

10. The children _________ back yet.

haven’t been
hasn’t been
haven’t being

11. The baby is crying. She ________________ for almost ten minutes. I
wonder what’s wrong.
has cried
has been cried
has been crying

12. I _____________ four letters so far this week

have been getting
have got
have been got

13. It’s eleven P.M. I _________________ for two hours and probably
won’t finish until midnight.
have studied
have been studied
have been studying

14. Andrew is talking on the phone. He _________________ on the

phone for over a half an hour. He should hang up soon. Long distance is
has been talking
has talked
has been talked

15. He has not finished his homework because he ______________

television for the last two hours.
has been watching
has watched
has been watched

16. The telephone _________________ four times in the last hour, and
each time it has been for my roommate.
has been ringing
has rung
has been rung

17. He ______________ at the same store for fifteen years

has been working
has been worked
has worked

18. I _________________ them three times, but I still haven’t received a

have been written
have written
have been writing

19. What _________________ ? You are covered in mud.

have you done
have you been doing
have you been done

20. Have we got any plasters? I ________________ vegetables for dinner

and I ___________ my finger.
have been chopping - have cut
have been chopping - have been cutting
have chopped - have cut

III. Future Tense Category

1. Complete the sentences below.

Be going to will
I am going to leave. I will leave
You leave. You leave.
Mrs.Rose leave. He leave.
We leave. We leave.
Our parents leave. They leave.
The boy (not) leave. They (not) leave.
Ann (not) leave. She (not) leave.
I (not) leave. I (not) leave.

2. Complete the sentence by using a pronoun + a form of be going to.

a. I ate lunch with Alan today, and I am going to eat lunch with him
tomorrow too.

b. Jason wasn’t in class today, and he isn’t going to be in class tomorrow


c. The students took a quiz yesterday , and ………………… another quiz


d. Margaret walked to school this morning, and ………….. to school

tomorrow morning too.

e. It isn’t raining today, and according to the weather report ………….

tomorrow either.

f. We’re in class today, and …………….. to school tomorrow.

g. You didn’t hitchhike to school today, and …………. to school tomorrow

h. I didn’t get married last year, and …………….. married this year.

i. Peter didn’t wear a clean shirt today, and ……….. a clean one tomorrow

3. Find the right answer to complete simple future tense Interogatif !

1. Will they ________ the books tomorrow?


2. Will he _________ a letter tomorrow?


3. Will your mother __________ a birthday cake next week?


4. Will he _______ a nice boy?


5. Will the children _________ home tomorrow?



6. Will your sister ________ new clothes?


7. Will they ________ these umbrellas tomrrow?


8. Will you ________ English tomorrow?


9. Will he _______ you his story?


10. Will your mother ________ your lunch tomorrow?


Good Luck on your work!


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