30 Prophets Prophesy A Win For John Mahama in Ghana's 2024 Polls

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D. D. Dunoo

D. D. Dunoo



By D. D. Dunoo

Copyright D. D. Dunoo, 2023, 2024

Abridged edition

Smashwords Edition License Notes:

This free e-book may be copied, distributed, reposted, reprinted and shared,
provided it appears in its entirety without alteration, and the reader is not
charged to access it.

Email: authorddd@gmail.com
About the Author…………………………………………iii 15. Prophecy by Prophet Emmanuel Adjei……………15
Dedication………………………………………………..iv 16. Prophecy by Prophet Telvin Adjei Sowah…………16
Acknowledgement………………………………………....v 17 Prophecy by Prophet Kwaku Opoku Sarpong.........17
Introduction………………………………………………vi 18. Prophecy by Prophet Jimmy Alla Mensah…………18
About John Mahama……………………………………...ix 19. Prophecy by Prophet Ogyatanaa………………….19
1. Prophecy by Apostle Johnson Suleman (1)…...………..1 20. Prophecy by Prophet Gyata Ba…………………....20
2. Prophecy by Apostle Johnson Suleman (2)………….....2 21. Prophecy by Prophet Emmanuel Boakye………….21
3. Prophecy by Apostle Elijah Kofi King………………….3 22. Prophecy by Prophet Joshua Adjei………………...22
4. Prophecy by Prophet Clement Quansah Testimony…..4 23. Prophecy by Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi.……...23
5. Prophecy by Prophet Elijah A. M. Conte……………....5 24. Prophecy by Prophet Eric Asamoah………………24
6. Prophecy by Prophet Nigel Gaisie………………….....6 25. Prophecy by Prophet Kwaku Poku………………..25
7. Prophecy by Prophet Abel T. Boma…………….……...7 26. Prophecy by Prophet Samuel Forson……………...26
8. Prophecy by Prophet Abraham Lawrence Mawuko..….8 27. Prophecy by Primate Elijah Ayodele………………27
9. Prophecy by Prophet Eric O. Parsley………………….9 28. Prophecy by Prophet David Rauf………………….28
10. Prophecy by Bishop Feyi Daniels..………………….10 29. Prophecy by Apostle Jorge Ausmann….……...........29
11 Prophecy by Apostle Francis Amoako-Attah………..11 30. Prophecy by Prophet Bright Okae………………...30
12. Prophecy by Bishop Stephen Akwasi Appiah……….12 31. Prophecy by Prophet Christian Owusu Bempah….31
13. Prophecy by Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa-Yiadom…13
14. Prophecy by Prophet Isaac Anto…………………....14


D. D. Dunoo is neither a politician nor a card-bearing member of any political party. He
likes to think of himself as a citizen who is objective, fair-minded, and convinced Ghana
deserves better. Dunoo is an Evangelical theologian, a writer, and an editor, among
others. He has authored ten e-books on a variety of subjects. His articles, short stories
and poems have been featured on a multiplicity of websites, blogs, newspaper
publications, newsletters and magazines. These include Divine Purpose Magazine (USA),
The Nigeria Christian Post (Nigeria), Cape Times (South Africa), Step Magazine (Ghana),
HR Focus Magazine (Ghana), and HR Focus Africa (Ghana). Also included are MM Focus
Magazine (Ghana), Optimum Magazine (Ghana), Dalhart Texan (USA), Daily Graphic
(Ghana), Daily Guide (Ghana), and Mirror (Ghana), among others.

This groundbreaking revelatory and prophetic collection is dedicated to He who dethrones
and enthrones ‘kings’ - He who possesses absolute knowledge about the past, the present
and the future - the Almighty God - Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.
• Prophet Gyata Ba (Gyataba Kasa Prayer Ministry International,
I am profoundly grateful to the 30 prophets whose recorded prophecies
were accessed online, and subsequently transcribed (& in some cases
• Prophet Emmanuel Boakye (Holiness of Christ Zion Ministry
translated or cited text), for inclusion in this collection.You all deserve
International, Ghana)
special mention:
• Prophet Francis Amoako Attah (The Lord’s Parliament Chapel
• Apostle Johnson Suleman (Omega Fire Ministries, Nigeria)
International, Ghana)
• Bishop Feyi Daniels (iReign Christian Ministry, Nigeria)
• Prophet Joshua Adjei (Bread of Life Evangelical Ministry, Ghana)
• Prophet Clement Quansah Testimony (Wordlight Revival Centre,
• Prophet Bright Okae (Bethabara Transformation Church, Ghana)
• Prophet Eric Asamoah (Prophetic Evangelism Ministry, Ghana)
• Apostle Dr. Elijah Kofi King (Fire Nation Arena Ministries, Zambia)
• Prophet Kwaku Poku (Bethesda International Church, Ghana)
• Prophet Nigel Gaisie (Prophetic Hill Chapel, Ghana)
• Prophet Isaac Anto (Conquerors Chapel International, Ghana)
• Prophet Abraham Lawrence Mawuko (CALCOAN Ministries, Ghana)
• Prophet Emmanuel Adjei (Prayer Palace Ministries, Ghana)
• Prophet Eric O. Parsley (Living Fountain Baptist Church, Ghana)
• Prophet Elijah A. M. Conteh (Revival Power Ministries Worldwide,
• Prophet Jimmy Alla Mensah (Jimmy Alla Mensah Global Ministries,
Sierra leone)
• Prophet Abel T. Bomah (Abel T. Bomah Ministries, Nigeria)
• Prophet Dr. Ogyatanaa (Power Explosion Anointed Chapel, Ghana)
• Prophet Samuel Forson (Sword of Glory Ministries, Ghana)
• Prophet Telvin Adjei Sowah (Salvation Outreach Miracle Ministry,
• Primate Elijah Ayodele (INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Nigeria)
• Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi (Glorious Wave International Church,
• Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa-Yiardom (Opambour) (Ebenezer Miracle
Worship Centre, Ghana)
• Prophet Christian Owusu Bempah (‘Gilgal Mpaebo’)
• Prophet Kwaku Opoku Sarpong (Bishop OP) (Christ Mediation
• Prophet David Rauf (Stars of Heaven Ministries, Ghana)
International, Ghana)
• Apostle Jorge Ausmann (Christ Vision Sanctuary International, Ghana)
• Prophet Stephen Akwasi Appiah (Jesus Ohuofe) (New Life Kingdom
Chapel, Ghana)
“Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.” – Amos 3:7
I believe in the prophetic ministry, and in its relevance in contemporary times because I believe in
the Holy Scriptures. Prophets prophesying about future national and international events, and
more specifically about ‘governmental power changing hands’ is not a modern-day invention or
practice. The Bible tells of multiple instances prophets received revelatory/prophetic messages (via
dreams, visions etc.), and relayed those messages to their audiences. Some of these prophecies
relate to governance, and governmental power changing hands. Samuel the prophet and seer gave
a series of prophecies about Saul - one of which was that God had chosen him to be Israel’s first
king (1 Samuel 9:27). In the course of time, Saul became Israel’s first king just as Samuel had
prophesied (1 Samuel 10:1-25). Again, God through the prophet Samuel prophesied about David
succeeding Saul as king (1 Samuel 16:1-13). Through a long-winding series of events, David became
king, in line with Samuel’s prophecy (2 Samuel 5:1-4).
In another instance, the Prophet Ahijah (from Shiloh) prophesied about the break-up of Israel into
two kingdoms, and Jereboam becoming king over one of the kingdoms – comprising the ten tribes
of Israel (1 Kings 11:29-40).This prophecy was fulfilled in great detail (1 Kings 12:1-20).
Also, during the reign of Ben-Hadad, king of Aram, the prophet Elisha prophesied to Hazael, one vii
of the king’s trusted servants. Elisha prophesied thus: ‘The Lord has shown me that you will
become king of Aram....’ (2 Kings 8: 13b). The Scriptures reveal that only a day after this prophecy
was given, King Ben-Hadad was assassinated, and ‘Then Hazael succeeded him as king’ (2 King 8:
In yet another instance, Daniel interpreted a revelatory/prophetic message about the imminent
collapse of the Babylonian empire. That very night, the Babylonian empire was overthrown by the
Medes and Persians (Daniel 5:1-31). These Biblical examples chronicled (and scores of others not
cited here) are indicative of God’s omniscience, the extent to which whatever He reveals to His
servants the prophets about ‘power changing hands’ in nations come to pass. The Omniscient God
is the same yesterday, today and forever.
This unique piece of work foretells in unison, the outcome of Ghana’s 2024 polls from the domain
of prophetism (not mere predictions or even polling outcomes), some months (and in some
instances years) ahead of the actual conduct of the elections on December 7, 2024. It basically
encompasses texts and mostly transcripts (and in some instances translations) of prophecies
publicly delivered by 30 acclaimed prophets, most of whom have an undeniable track record of
fulfilled national and international prophecies spanning several years.

The relevant video links and text links (where appropriate) to these prophecies are provided, to
allow room for verifying and authenticating the contents herein, if in doubt. All prophecies
included in this e-book – numbering 30, point to (explicitly and/or implicitly) the triumph of John
Dramani Mahama and the NDC in Ghana’s 2024 General Elections.
It is worthy of note that keeping a record of (writing down) prophecies (including visions) was a
common practice in Bible days – large parts of the old testament for instance, constitute a record
of prophecies. It was not a practice lacking value – it was worthwhile.
Indeed, the Bible reveals that God instructed the prophet Habakkuk thus: “…‘WRITE THE VISION
The prophecies catalogued in this work, while refreshing, should not be misconstrued. This is
NOT a call to complacency but a call to absolute trust in God, a call to diligence, a
call to unity and a call to VIGILANCE to ensure that John Mahama’s victory is not
only realized but also safeguarded. Dare to be on the Lord’s side.Therein lies victory.
D. D. Dunoo
March, 2024
About John Mahama

H.E John Dramani Mahama is the elected flagbearer

(presidential candidate) of the main opposition party in Ghana –

the National Democratic Congress (NDC), for the 2024

presidential polls. He has served in multiple capacities in the

governance architecture of Ghana, including serving as

president, vice president, minister of state, deputy minister of

state, and a member of parliament (MP). He evidently brings to

the table many years of relevant experience and a wealth of

knowledge, and is undoubtedly the most experienced political

figure seeking to be elected Ghana’s next president.


“Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.”
– Amos 3:7
“For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God
as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” – 2 Peter 1:21
“God is the one who changes times and eras, who dethrones one king, only to establish another.”
– Daniel 2:21
Prophecy by Apostle Johnson Suleman (1)

“I speak in parables. But it is obvious to the wise. Last time

I was in Kenya, I spoke in parables, and everyone was reacting. But

that is the president of the country now. Something is going to

happen. Listen to me. There are people that lead you to the brink

An accurate transcription of a of the promised land, and there are some others that take you in.
prophecy delivered by Apostle
Someone is taking Ghana into the promised land.
Johnson Suleman, the founder

and General Overseer of They say the ignored shall be the honoured. That is what

Omega Fire Ministries the Lord said to me. The one who has been denied. The
International, headquartered in
one who almost got it but they took it.” – Apostle Johnson
Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria.
Suleman (During the ‘Victory 2023’ event at Accra, Ghana)
(Access video -


Prophecy by Apostle Johnson Suleman (2)

“…The Lord spoke to me about four nations – for a prophetic

word about four nations. The nation of Ghana, South Africa,

Swaziland, Nigeria. An instruction. I am going to just do this, and

then I will lead us in another prayer. The revelation I had

An accurate transcription of a 2nd concerning the nation of Ghana. When the Lord spoke to me,
prophecy delivered by Apostle
He said, “son, very soon, somebody will be coming to lead
Johnson Suleman, the founder

and General Overseer of

Ghana who has led Ghana before”. And I asked the Lord,

Omega Fire Ministries “what does that mean.” He said, “somebody who has led
International, headquartered in
before, is coming to lead again. He is coming to complete
Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria.
his second. And it will happen in Ghana”. - Apostle Johnson
(Access video -

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S Suleman (This 2nd prophecy was given during a service in Nigeria)
Prophecy by Apostle Elijah Kofi King
“I saw the angel of the Lord lifted me, and he placed me on a

tower – very, very high. And it was above everything. So where I

was standing, I was able to see the ground. I was able to see

buildings, churches, and people going about their businesses. And I

was there alone, with the angel. And all of a sudden, the angel of

An accurate transcription of a the Lord permitted one man to also come and stand there with
prophecy delivered in 2023 by
me. When I turned around and looked at the face of the man, the
Apostle Dr. Elijah Kofi King – a
man was the former president of Ghana by the name of John
seasoned prophet of God and

the General Overseer of Fire Dramani Mahama. And he was dressed in all white. And he stood
Nation Arena Ministries,
next to me. And the angel of the Lord said, ‘Elijah, in the coming
Zambia / Ghana (Access video -
election…, that man is going to win the election. And the spirit of

4xy44R8MHR0sNua) God says,“John Dramani Mahama - indeed, the coming election,

you will win the election…” - Apostle Dr. Elijah Kofi King
Prophecy by Prophet Clement Testimony 4
“…Number 1 has been a president before …So I was praying, and

my eyes opened…. The Lord took me – my spirit – he carried me.

And I saw the president now, handing over something to number

1 of that party waiting.…Then God said, “this number 1 is

coming back, and he will now change the nation around.

An accurate transcription of a He will make the nation beautiful – like Dubai. That was
prophecy, delivered by Prophet
the first prophecy that I gave that, ‘who is the next president’.
Clement Quansah Testimony –

the founder and General Number 1 of that party waiting, is who I saw became the next

Overseer of Wordlight Revival president of the nation. Very clear. So it means that the party
Centre, Ghana.
now will hand over to another party. Yes. I saw it. That is what
(Access video -

God showed me clearly. My mind was not there - I was praying

4xy44R8MHR0sNua) about something else”. – Prophet Clement Quansah Testimony

Prophecy by Prophet Elijah A. M. Conteh

“I saw a party like NDC in Ghana, celebrating an election. I don’t

know what that election is for. And I saw the date – 10th of

December, 2024 – I saw an announcement being made. 10th of

December – NDC party, whoever their flagbearer is. Let them just

pray and work well. There is light at the end of the tunnel for them.
Prophet Elijah A. M. Conteh is

the General Overseer of Revival And God will cause us all to enjoy peace across the nations of the

Power Ministries Worldwide, world. Somebody say,Amen.” - Prophet Elijah A. M. Conteh

Sierra leone. During a new year watch

night service (31/12/2023), he delivered a

prophetic word, & this has been accurately

transcribed. (Access video -



Prophecy by Prophet Nigel Gaisie

“...I said NDC will have majority in parliament. I feel like to prophesy. Can

I prophesy? John Mahama is coming back – 2024, John is coming

back. Can I prophesy? Listen. They will go back into minority. I hear the

voice of the Lord, and I am the prophet of this land. Let the old men

An accurate transcription of a
sleep and dream. We sayeth and it cometh to pass. I said Cape Coast,

prophecy, delivered by Prophet Takoradi will fall. And it fell like the timber. I said NDC will have speaker
Nigel Gaisie (access video -
of parliament. Hear me, and hear me. Sayeth the Lord, Ghana should be

y44R8MHR0sNua), one of the most

ready for hardship. But I saw into time, John Mahama is coming

popular prophets in Ghana. He is back – 2024, and he will win hands down” – Prophet Nigel Gaisie
the founder and General
(delivered on the occasion of his maiden book launch, prior to 2023)
Overseer of Prophetic Hill

Chapel, Ghana.
Prophecy by Prophet Abel T. Boma

“…If people you prophesy to, decide to work on something, it changes. I

don’t know the people they call NDC. For now, listen; prophecy changes,

if one takes [a] step, because the election of Ghana has to do with

freemason. I am seeing something called NDC – the next presidential

An accurate transcription of a
candidate from NDC, can be the next president of Ghana. So I saw a

prophecy delivered prior to 2024 by party called NDC becoming a president – somebody from that
Prophet Abel T. Boma, the
party.” – Prophet Abel T. Boma
founder and leader of Abel T.

Boma Ministries, Nigeria.

(Access video -


Prophecy by Prophet Abraham Lawrence Mawuko

“April, 2022, I had a revelation. The country Ghana will vote – will vote.

And then I saw Mahama won the elections. Write it down. Yesterday, I

told you, before this our president will come – 2015, I said it in Achimota

forest, before 2017 he came to power.” – Prophet Abraham Lawrence

An accurate transcription of a
Mawuko (Prophecy delivered on 17 April 2022, during church service at

prophecy, released by Prophet CALCOAN Ministries).

Abraham Lawrence Mawuko,

the founder and senior pastor of

CALCOAN Ministries, Ghana.

(Access video -


Prophecy by Prophet Eric O. Parsley

“2024 election is going to be the [most] bloodiest elections. But there

is somebody already sitting on the throne. He has left there. He

has gone there again. This is not Grammar. I say, I am telling you... Do

you remember? How many of you remember that I was the only prophet

Eric O. Parsley is a prophet of

in this country that told you parliamentary elections results? How many

God and the senior pastor of of you remember? Parliamentary results – it’s not gambling. You need to
Living Fountain Baptist Church,
be a prophet to know it. And I am telling you, I saw that man sitting
Ghana. His prophecy about the

winner of the 2024 presidential polls

on the throne.” – Prophet Eric O. Parsley

has been accurately transcribed.

(Access video -


Prophecy by Bishop Feyi Daniels

“The Lord took me to Ghana, and the Lord says I should say to

everyone listening to me there. I have politicians that are

submitted to me in Ghana. The Lord says I should say to you

that – 2024, power is leaving NPP to NDC. I am saying this

in clear terms. The Lord says to me that, if you have been thriving
An accurate transcription of a

prophecy delivered by Bishop Feyi on the economy of Ghana by changing another currency to Cedis
Daniels - a prophet of God,
so as to make more profit. From 2024, you will be disappointed,
teacher of the word and the
because the economy will have a rise – will have a boom. I see
senior pastor of IReign

Christian Family, headquartered power leaving NPP to NDC in Ghana. It’s a dawn of a new

in Lagos, Nigeria. (Access video -

day in Ghana, in 2024. Shout hallelujah.” – Bishop Feyi Daniels

Prophecy by Prophet Francis Amoako-Attah

“...I saw that someone has been decorated with all the

stars – with Ghana flag. And the Lord told me to watch

the person. When I looked, there was a name inscribed

on him – JDM. What is Mahama’s ‘guy name’? [Congregation

Apostle Francis Amoako-Attah chorused – JDM] JDM. And women had placed their cloths on the
is a widely acclaimed seer and
floor for him to walk on. And I asked, ‘what is this?’ And God
prophet. He is the founder and
said, ‘watch the time’. When I watched the time, it was
General Overseer of The Lord’s

Parliament Chapel 2025. 2025 - Mahama will become so popular that women
International, Ghana. Excerpts of a
will place their cloths on the floor for him to walk on.
prophecy he delivered prior to the 2020

presidential polls have been translated from There are times when it becomes difficult for Ghanaians to
Twi (Access video -
believe certain things....” – Apostle Francis Amoako-Attah

Prophecy by Prophet Stephen Akwasi Appiah

“...and so if members of the NDC are here, they should tell their

leaders, whatever it is, former president Mahama will sit on

the seat again. ‘Jesus Ohuofe’ – I have spoken. I will stop holding

church service (stop ministry) if Mahama does not sit on the seat,

because his spirit is standing close to the seat. The work he was
Bishop Stephen Akwasi Appiah

(‘Jesus Ohuofe’) is the founder doing, he did not complete it. He has to continue.” – Bishop

and General Overseer of New Stephen Akwasi Appiah

Life Kingdom Chapel, Ghana.

Excerpts of a prophecy he delivered

during a church service in 2021 has

been translated from Twi.

(Access video -


Prophecy by Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa-Yiadom

“…The Lord has given the seat to the NDC already. And so in

Ghana, the conduct of the election is merely customary

(conventional). That is why we will vote. So that we give the gavel

(sceptre) to Mahama to be sworn in again. In Ghana…. When we

finish voting, Mahama will be given the seat, even though the
Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa-
announcement of the vote count/tally is still underway. That is why
Yiadom (Opambour) is the

founder and General Overseer I often say, ‘Ababeo’ (literally means ‘you have come again’). Mr.
of Ebenezer Miracle Worship
John Mahama ‘Ababeo’.... Nothing can change what God has said
Centre, Ghana. Excerpts of a
through me. This is what I am telling you…. God has given the seat
prophecy he delivered during a live

broadcast in 2023 has been to Mr. Mahama. God says he should come back and continue the
translated from Twi. (Access video -
good works he was unable to complete while in office, and do
new good projects to help Ghana….” – Prophet Opambour
Prophecy by Prophet Isaac Anto

“....I saw a very big congregation – like a stadium.... And then the

angel said, ‘watch and see.’ All of a sudden, I saw 3 people in the

track – 3 people in the hundred meters track – contest – contest.

I saw all the contestants. I saw 2 northerners and 1 Ashanti.... I saw

an angel who had been assigned to blow the trumpet.... I saw that
Prophet Isaac Anto is a seasoned

prophet of God, with international the umbrella had taken the lead. The elephant was trying to catch
acclaim in prophetic circles. He is
up with the umbrella....
the founder and General Overseer

of Conquerors Chapel
At this very moment that I am speaking, the umbrella is leading....

International, Ghana. Excerpts of a If the umbrella strengthens its pace, it will win.... There is
prophecy he delivered during a church

service in 2023 has been transcribed.

something the elephant must do, and if it is able to do that, next
(access video -
year (2024) February, there will be a change. Right now that I am

8MHR0sNua) speaking, the umbrella is around 65%.....” – Prophet Isaac Anto

Prophecy by Prophet Emmanuel Adjei

Interviewer: But do you know our next president?

Prophet Emmanuel Adjei: Oh, yes.Yes.

Interviewer: Is it from the left or the right?

Prophet Emmanuel Adjei: It went right first, right? It went

During a radio interview session

hosted by Kwame Tanko of Angel FM

Interviewer: Yes.

– Kumasi, the founder and Prophet Emmanuel Adjei: Now, it will go left. Am I lying? With
General Overseer of Prayer
the right, we are tired.We will move to the left for a while.
Palace, Prophet Emmanuel
Interviewer: Okay.
Adjei gave a prophecy in parables.

Excerpts of that interview have been Prophet Emmanuel Adjei: We have played the ball with the
transcribed. (Access video -
left leg for a long while.We will change and play with the right leg.
That is what will happen.
Prophecy by Prophet Telvin Adjei Sowah

“I will say exactly what it is in time. And it would happen according

to how God has said it. No politician has enough money to buy

me. That is my principle. What I have seen is very clear. In [the]

2024 election, John Dramani Mahama will take over the seat of

presidency…. Two years of his presidency, things will begin to

Prophet Telvin Adjei Sowah is
change…. The third year of his presidency is when I began to see
the founder and General
the dollar begun to dive... I don’t know what he did but the
Overseer of Salvation Outreach

Miracle Ministry, Ghana. Excerpts country begun to change…. So when the NDC comes into power,
of a prophecy he delivered during an
they are supposed to remain in power for 16 years....”
interview with PENDREAM TV have
– Prophet Telvin Adjei Sowah
been transcribed. (Access video -



Prophecy by Prophet Kwaku

Opoku Sarpong
“Whether we like it or not, NDC is
coming to power…. I am saying what
[the] Holy Spirit said I should say. On
that day, we will see the prophet in
Prophet Kwaku Opoku Sarpong
Ghana who has spoken.Yes. I saw baton.
(Bishop OP) is the General
The elephant held unto the baton with
Overseer of Christ Mediation
its teeth (mouth) and proceeded to
International, Ghana. Excerpts of a
place the baton in the hands of the
prophecy he delivered during a church
service in 2023 has been ‘transcribed’

(includes a bit of translation from Twi to

…Write my prophecy and see. God has
English). revealed, and it will surely come to pass.
(Access video - This is what will happen.”
– Prophet Kwaku Opoku Sarpong
Prophecy by Prophet Jimmy Alla Mensah

“…If prayer is not aggressively mounted, for the first time ever,

there will be bloodshed in that country - on the land. Yes. My

name is Prophet Jimmy. I have spoken the mind of God,

because I see one party, the stuff that Trump did – they

are attempting to repeat it to hold onto power –

An accurate transcription of a

prophecy delivered by Prophet manipulate election results to stay in power. Amen. And

Jimmy Alla Mensah, a US-based there will be bloodshed if they insist that they won, when they
Ghanaian prophet (Founder and
know they have lost. I am talking about the ruling
senior pastor of Jimmy Alla

Mensah Global Ministries, USA), government right now – NPP government. If they lose

prior to 2024. (Access video - power, they should let go. If they want to attempt to
manipulate, there will be bloodshed in Ghana. – Prophet Jimmy Alla
Prophecy by Prophet Ogyatanaa

“God’s spirit is telling us to pray. God’s power is going to

cause a change in the year 2024. I see the NDC party

coming back with John. I see John Dramani Mahama.

Coming back with John. Let’s pray and tell God that their

coming should bring great help (advancement) to Ghana, in Jesus

Prophet Ogyatanaa is the

founder and General Overseer name. Pray. Open your mouth and pray. The Spirit spoke to

of Power Explosion Anointed me: ‘I will give him my assignment, and he will come and
Chapel, Ghana. A prophecy he
fulfil it. He will come and help my people. The year 2024 -
delivered on May 8, 2022, has been

accurately transcribed.
I have given him the crown of success. John Dramani

(Access video - Mahama – he is coming back to rule. And they will rule
this country for [a] long period’, says the spirit of God.”
– Prophet Ogyatanaa
Prophecy by Prophet Gyata Ba

“The coming election – 2024 election…. John Dramani

Mahama will come to power. What I saw - when Mahama

was coming to power, even assembly members in the

various areas - most of them would be won by the NDC.

MPs in parliament – 2024, entering 2025, NPP MPs who

Prophet Gyata Ba is the founder

and leader of Gyataba Kasa will go to parliament will be less than 100. Ghana’s saviour

Prayer Ministry International, who could have helped Ghana is Dramani Mahama. That man, he
Ghana. Excerpts of a prophecy he
carries a gifting from God - he was supposed to be not only
delivered during an interview on one

of Ghana’s leading television stations president but also a pastor. Mahama carries a special anointing

has been accurately transcribed. within him. Ghanaians have not seen this.... 2024 – Mahama and
(Access video -
NDC MPs are going to parliament.You watch and see, Ghana

will be transformed....” – Prophet Gyata Ba
Prophecy by Prophet Emmanuel Boakye

“Nelson, come. God is giving someone a gift. I see the Nelson I am

speaking about here (in church). He is not in the house. I see

Nelson here. Who is it? Nelson. Are you Nelson?” [Nelson

responds in the affirmative. The prophet proceeds.] “Nelson Hodogo?

Hodogbe. Nelson Hodogbe.” [Nelson once again responds in the

Prophet Emmanuel Boakye (Dr.

Ogyaba) is the founder and affirmative. The prophet proceeds.] “See this man. See this man.

General Overseer of Holiness of Let’s keep the record. Some time to come; this man will
Christ Zion Ministry
be a minister in Ghana under Mahama’s government.”
International, Ghana. Excerpts of

a prophecy he delivered during a – Prophet Emmanuel Boakye

church service have been accurately

transcribed. (Access video -


Prophecy by Prophet Joshua Adjei 22
“...The leading candidates are three in number. Mr. Kennedy Agyapong. Mr.

Bawumia. And Mr. Alan Cash. One among them if elected as flagbearer by

the NPP, can send the presidential polls (in 2024) into a run-off. It does not

matter that there is noise (complaints of hardship) - People are suffering. If

only he stands, he has a certain kind of favour. If it manifests, he can push

Prophet Joshua Adjei is the the elections into a run-off. He would however not be able to
founder and General Overseer
triumph over Mahama. And if he is elected, Mahama will have to work
of Bread of Life Evangelical

Ministry, Ghana. Excerpts of a hard. There is one among the remaining two (NPP presidential candidates)

prophecy he delivered during an who if elected, can be defeated by Mahama with about 56% of the votes.
interview in 2023 have been
The other one, if made the NPP flagbearer can be defeated by Mahama
translated from the Twi.

(Access video - with about 80% of the votes.” – Prophet Joshua Adjei


Prophecy by Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi 23

“The election will go to a second round (run-off). If you look at it

from the spiritual realm, by the close of the polls, the elections

would have to go a second round. Smaller parties would come on

to the scene, and the messages they will propagate will confuse

some Ghanaians: ‘forget NPP; forget NDC’. They have been in

An accurate transcription &
power before. We did not see what they were able to accomplish.
translation of a prophecy delivered

in January 2024, by Prophet

Now believe in us. Try [us].’ ….the messages of the smaller

Emmanuel Badu Kobi, the political parties will be accepted by some – floating [voters]….
founder and General Overseer
The elections, John Mahama will win. Let no one fight. He
of Glorious Wave Church
will win. Let no one fight. I am saying it again boldly…. I
International, Ghana.

(Access video - am saying what God is saying:‘John Dramani Mahama will

win.’” – Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi
Prophecy by Prophet Eric Asamoah 24
“….My name is Prophet Eric Asamoah. God has given me another

vision - about John Dramani Mahama. John Mahama will take the

seat (emerge winner in the 2024 polls). There is nothing anybody

can do about it. That is how it has been done in the spiritual

realm. That is what God has said. That is what God says. Thank you.

Prophet Eric Asamoah is the God bless you all.” – Prophet Eric Asamoah
senior pastor of Prophetic

Evangelism Ministry, Ghana. An-

election-2024-related prophecy he

delivered during a live broadcast

prior to 2024 has been translated.

(Access video -


Prophecy by Prophet Kwaku Poku 25
“....I saw that eagles – listen, and write it down. Two eagles were flying into

the skies…. One grew longer (ascending), while the other begun to drop

lower (descend). What I saw in the spirit is that, prophetically something

like a flag had fallen on the eagle that was above (ascending) – it had fallen

around its neck. When it fell around the neck of the eagle, it was the NDC

Prophet Kwaku Poku is the flag…. Prophetically, president Mahama who is ‘ex’ – who is a former
founder and General Overseer
president – whether you like it or not, God has shown me his spirit. I have
of Bethesda International

Church, Ghana. Excerpts of an- seen an eagle on Mahama. A tall eagle, with the NDC flag around its neck.

election-2024-related prophecy he And I saw spiritually, that the eagle has rested on the head of
delivered in 2023 during a live
Mahama. I saw it in a vision. Mahama will once again become
broadcast have been translated from

Twi. (Access video – president.... Whether you like it or not, Mahama will once again become

https://youtu.be/NpU3SFNay1M?si=p Ghana’s president.... – Prophet Kwaku Poku

Prophecy by Prophet Samuel Forson 26
“....If we are to hold an election today, John Mahama will win with 54%. As

things stand, he has 54%. Anything that people have planned against him will

not work. All plans to sabotage him will fail. All those who spoke against

him should apologize else they will be disgraced. Mahama is anointed by

God and anyone who touches him, goes against God.” – Prophet Samuel

Prophet Samuel Forson, the Forson

founder and leader of Sword of

Glory Chapel International,

Ghana. A presidential-elections-

related prophecy he gave during a

radio interview in 2021 has been

accurately cited. (Access text -



Prophecy by Primate Elijah Ayodele 27

“John Mahama…. If you want to win this election, start now. If you

are waiting till 2024, the election might shock you – might surprise

you. You might not find it so easy. This vice president – they are

desperate. They are ready for anything. They want to make the

election bloody. John Mahama. Start legally; start spiritually; start

An accurate transcription of a
economically; start financially... If you lose this election, you are
prophecy delivered by Primate

Elijah Oyodele, the founder and

gone forever, and it will demoralize your party forever. Take it up

head of INRI Evangelical right now…. The political war is set in Ghana, and they want to do
Spiritual Church, Nigeria, in
everything to come back. But John Mahama…. Do everything
2023. (Access video -
ready for this election. If you are slow, come on – it’s gone. Don’t

29104247737587/permalink/1340492 slow. Don’t scream.Act before it’s too late….” – Primate Elijah
Prophecy by Prophet David Rauf 28

“…And that time, I am seeing that it is not going to be a

hanging (hung) parliament. It is going to be a parliament

with majority for the ‘umbrellas’. I am prophesying because

that is what the Lord showed me…. And after that, that would be

the birthing of a woman who was sitting down without talking,

An accurate transcription of
and the Lord will put a crown on her and say, ‘Go. Lead. Take the
excerpts of a prophecy delivered by

Prophet David Rauf, the founder

lead’ ….And that will be the celebration of the first ever woman

and General Overseer of Stars president in the country Ghana. …the other ticket – the other
of Heaven Ministries, Ghana.
‘elephant’ – their nightmare will be that woman. Who will win
(Access video –
2024? ….But if you are smart, you will know who is

=saved&v=1027023325274637) winning. Because from the prophecy, you should

understand….” – Prophet David Rauf

Prophecy by Apostle Jorge Ausmann 29

“National Democratic Congress shall struggle to win the 2024

General Elections. Way out: The citizens are for them but they

keep slipping and dwindling in the spirit realms. Elections are won

by machinations and spirituality…. NDC can only win this election

by machinations and protecting their votes. THE CITIZENS ARE

Apostle Jorge Ausmann released two
FOR THEM, let no other use the same machinations and take
election-2024-related prophecies on

his Facebook page, early 2024 (Jan 1,

what is in NDC’s slippery hands.” – Apostle Jorge Ausmann

2024 / March 1, 2024). These have

been quoted in exactitude. “My prophecy still stands. NDC shall be the first party to
(Access text -
break the 8. You can insult me, but this also shall come to pass.
2024 – 2035.” – Apostle Jorge Ausmann

Prophecy by Prophet Bright Okae 30
“....The Lord took me and sent me there. And he said, ‘go and witness what

is going on in Mahama’s house. When I went, there were angels who were

engaged in a chatter…. And one of the things they said was that, ‘Mahama’s

house used to be far away.’ And they mentioned the name of a locality – in

the outskirts of Accra somewhere. ‘His house used to be far away. It has

Prophet Bright Okae is the now come to town.’ Then I asked, ‘If his house has come to town, what
founder and General Overseer
does that mean?’ He is now close to the seat to become the president of
of Bethabara Transformation

Church, Ghana. Excerpts of a Ghana…. The Lord took me to the house of a particular lady who wants

prophecy he delivered during a to become an MP.… When He took me into that house in a vision…. The
church service prior to 2024 have
Lord told me to look up towards a side of the room. When I looked, I saw
been translated from Twi.

(Access video - a wall clock. The wall clock was molded in the form of an umbrella - it was

https://youtu.be/NpU3SFNay1M?si=p a wood carving and designed in the form of an umbrella. And the Lord
told me that it is time for NDC to come....” – Prophet Bright Okae
Prophecy by Prophet Christan Owusu Bempah 31

“…While I was praying, I had a vision – I appeared in a thick

forest…. I saw trees in the forest – like teak trees. All of a sudden, I

saw someone cutting down the teak trees. He cut down all the teak

trees except for one teak tree. …I moved close to the tree that

was left standing. When I got close, I saw John Mahama’s

An accurate translation of a
name inscribed on the tree…. I inquired about the meaning
prophecy delivered in a video
of what I witnessed. The man told me that the entire forest I had
telecast by Prophet Christian

Owusu Bempah, of ‘Gilgal seen represents Ghana. And the trees that were cut down
Mpaebo’ fame He is also the
represents all persons who will be running for the presidency in
founder and leader of Evangelist
2024. ‘The tree you saw still standing is the winner’. …2024
Christian Owusu Bempah

Ministry. (Access video – election…., John Mahama will win…. I see a big victory

https://web.facebook.com/watch/?ref coming down from above for the NDC….” – Prophet Christian
Owusu Bempah
“And then the Lord answered me,

and said, ‘Write the vision and make

it plain upon tables that he who

reads it shall run with it.”

– Habakkuk 2:2
Thank you for making time
to read this captivating &
revelatory e-book. It
happens to be an abridged
version/edition of “Ghana’s
Next President Unveiled”.
For a Biblical and
theological exploration of
the subject of prophecy
(part 1), aside the compiled
prophecies (part 2), kindly
download a free copy of
this e-book online.

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