GreyhawkRebootedFinal 36

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Greyhawk Rebooted - 576CY

abandoning that of the hated Suel. and they began raising a number of city-
states of their own from the jungles of
Other Flan tribes continued on and those lands. Through centuries of warfare,
founded other lands. The Flan of they built an empire eventually covering
Haradaragh found that their presence in nearly half of Hepmonaland.
the Lortmils was left unchallenged by the
olves for a simple reason—the existence Little is known even now of what
of the euroz and jebli of the central peaks. civilizations they built in that tropical
The humans had nearly a century of realm, but a handful of facts have been
relative peace in which to build their great established, and reasonable guesses can
capital. It was around this time that other be made to fill in some of the blank spaces.
Flan nations began forming including
Gyreff, Itar, Nursia, Ahlissa and others. Many wall paintings and miniature
dioramas in the ruins of Tamoachan
Although no written descriptions of the indicate that long ago the Olman fought a
city of Haradaragh have survived, there long series of wars with the Touv . Though
are cryptic fragments of songs still sung the paintings of course place the Olman in
among those of Geoff, Sterich and the a superior position in every battle, there
County of Ulek who count themselves of are numerous clues that the Olman were
Flan descent. These tell of the spectacular in fact losing most of these wars and were
visions of sunrise in the high plateaus of often in a general state of retreat or siege.
the mountains, the great wide boulevards
and plazas of the city, the many-stepped The origins of these wars are unknown,
pyramids devoted to the Sun-God, the though there is some evidence that the
agricultural terraces of the slopes, the Olman Empire of this time was dominated
labyrinthine walls protecting the city, and by the cult of Mazotz which did have
the tremendous wealth brought from the a marked propensity for mass human
mines below. The more tragic lyrics sing of sacrifice in times of societal crisis, often
the last days of the city, when the mines involving thousands of prisoners or slaves
boiled forth with rampaging humanoids at once, and this habit may have enraged
and undead horrors slaughtered and its neighboring states in Hepmonaland.
ravaged all who would stand against The Olman never mastered ironworking
them. in any form, using bronze instead, and
rarely engraved metals, preferring to paint
or carve stone and wood.
Olman Migrations
The Olman of the southern Suel Basin
were the next tribe to break out, following
in the path of the Flan and avoiding conflict
with them and the native humanoids and
olves as much as possible. They eventually
forged their way into the tropical jungles
of Hepmonaland by way of the Tilvanot
Peninsula where they were quickly
enslaved by the Lizardfolk and Yuan-Ti of
the Torhoon Empire. After some time they
managed to regain their freedom with the
aid of the renegade Yuan-Ti god Kulkatlan

36 Greyhawk Rebooted 576CY is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan WotC Content Policy.

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