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Submitted By,


M.Com 2nd year(Sem 4th)

Under Guidance

Prof. Dr.D.M.Khandare

Submitted To,

School of Commerce And Management Science

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathawada University, Nanded

Dnyanteerth, Vishnupuri Nanded-431606


This to be certify that Studying in Anil Kashinathrao Kanjaljar

“M. Com II Year ” has satisfactorily submitted project report on
“Reading habits of the Student in S.R.T.M.U.N” Under the guidance
of Prof. Dr. D.M.Khandare, to the School Of Commerce &
Management Sciences Department of Swami Ramanand Teerth
Marathwada University, Nanded, During the academic year 2021-

(Director) Project Guide

Dr. Madhuri Deshpande Prof.Dr.D.M.Khandare

Date : / / 2023

Place : Nanded


I express my sincere thanks to my honorable Guide Dr. D. M.

Khandare Sir, For this valuable guidance in specialization project
report on the topic “Reading Habits of Student in S.R.T.M.U.N”.

Dr. D. M. Khandare not only directed but also motivated to work

honestly. I am very grateful for his valuable guidance, timely advice
and which has been important source of inspiration while working on
the project.

I extend my vote of of thanks to Dr. Madhuri Deshpande (Director),

School Of Commerce And Management Science, directions. Swami
Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded for his valuable

Anil Kashinathrao Kanjalakar

Place: Nanded
(M.COM II Year)


I, hereby declare that the project titled “Reading habits of the

Students of S.R.T.M.U Nanded carried out by me under guidance &
supervision Dr. D. M. Khandare Sir School of Commerce and
Management Science, Under Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
University Nanded is an original and benefited work & is not submitted
earlier for the award of any degree or diploma either in part or in full
this or any other University.

Anil Kashinathrao Kanjalkar

(M.Com II Year)

Table of Content

Sr.No. Content Page

1. Certificate 2

2. Acknowledgement 3

3. Declaration 4

4. Chapter 1: Introduction 6

5. Chapter 2: Literature Review 10

6. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 14

7. Chapter 4: Data Analysis 19

8. Chapter 5: 38

5.1Findings 38

5.2Suggestion 39

5.3Conclusion 40

Questionnaire 41

Bibliography 45



In the world of today, where change is inevitable, just as it is in every area, rapid change is being
experienced in information, information resources, and access to information. It is a fact that a
person, who keeps their knowledge up-to-date, and not a person, who is just knowledgeable, shall
adapt easily to this change and be successful in every field. When it is considered that a significant
proportion of acquired knowledge is acquired through reading, the importance of reading in
adapting to this changing age can be better understood. Reading, which has been defined as “the
process of the brain evaluating and making sense of signs and symbols perceived through the
eyes” is a complex process that consists of various stages of development. Above all, it is a
process of perceiving where symbols are recognized .

Having reading become a habit and sustaining it throughout life is among the basic
objectives of education A habit is a characteristic behavioral pattern that is learnt and reinforced
in a manner realized in every case automatically. Habits enter our lives at a slow pace and become
established after a certain period. If habits are not quitted, in time they become needs . When
reading, which is the basic manner of acquiring information, is transformed into a habit, another
notion called “reading habit” comes into being. The habit of reading is the act of reading being
carried out throughout life in a constant, regular and critical manner as a result of it being
perceived by the individual as a need and source of pleasure .

The habit of reading is the basis of lifelong learning. For the purpose of the individual being
someone that learns throughout his/her life, it is necessary for the act of reading to be conducted
regularly throughout life (Odabaş, Odabaş & Polat, 2008). The university period, which is the
most intense stage of formal education, is a period when young people carry out the act of reading
the most frequently and necessarily. In terms of the conditions it creates, this period is an
advantageous period for the acquisition of enjoying, awareness and consciousness in reading.

University youth is the youth group consisting of people aged between 17-25, who are receiving
education at the final stage of formal education, are inquisitive and have acquired a scientific
mentality, have created a unique youth culture, and are going to be leaders of society. The fact
that they are knowledgeable, administrator and decision maker candidates of the future, is the
most important characteristic that makes university youth distinct from other youth groups . The
quality of the interest in reading and habit of reading of teacher candidates among university
students is of critical significance in terms of them being examples for children and young people.
Studies indicate that with a proportion of 70.7%, teachers are the ones who influence children the
most in acquiring the habit of reading. Similarly with a rate of 33.0%, teachers are the ones who
give their first books to students .

Teachers continue to be models even after they have acquired children with the habit of reading.
As it can be observed, as it is in all areas of education, in this area it is also teachers who have
the role of being a model, laying foundations, and formalizing the new generation. Another
department among university students where reading habits are perceived to be important is
history. This is because history is a branch of science where reading is of particular importance.
Students studying history are expected to improve themselves as individuals that explore,
interpret, question and can think critically.

Therefore, reading habits become crucial in students acquiring and developing these skills. In the
world of today, where knowledge is rapidly increasing and science and technology have caused
changes in human life to be necessary, it can be observed that it has become compulsory for
humans to continually improve themselves in both their professional and social lives. In our age,
where education and ”lifelong learning” have become a must for professional and career
development after formal education and especially adapting to change, it is expected that
university students have the habit of reading, which is among the criteria of social and individual
development, at a high level. Thus, the determination of reading habits of teacher candidates and
persons receiving education in the field of history, among university students, in areas they need
and improving themselves throughout their lives has been considered to be important.

Reading is a very good habit that one needs to develop in life. Good books can inform you, enlighten
you and lead you in the right direction. There is no better companion than a good book. Reading is
important because it is good for your overall well-being. Once you start reading, you experience a

whole new world. When you start loving the habit of reading you eventually get addicted to it.
Reading develops language skills and vocabulary. Reading books is also a way to relax and reduce
stress. It is important to read a good book at least for a few minutes each day to stretch the brain
muscles for healthy functioning.

Statement of Problem

From the past to the present day, there have been distinctive reasons for poor reading habit among
Senior High School Students. The preliminary observation by the researchers revealed that
students have low enthusiasm towards reading and the majority of these students do not know
how to read, and thus, they are faced with reading challenges amid examination periods. The
majority of parents, guardians, and teachers complain about the rate of the poor reading habit of
students today and this notion was buttressed by the official report of the West African
Examinations Council (WAEC, 2008). The net outcome of students’ failure to read properly is
the poor performance of most students in final examinations. From the above, it may be the case
that one of the key issues standing up to students these days is not their failure to read but rather
their total absence of enthusiasm for reading. From the affirmation above, the study was carried
out to investigate the reading habit among students and the effect on their academic performance
in senior high schools, specifically among students of Eastbank Senior High School.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research study is to examine the effects of reading habit on the academic
performance of students in private senior high schools with specific reference to Eastbank Senior
High School in Ghana in the Greater Accra Region.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

a) To examine the influence of reading habits among students

b) To find out the importance of reading to students

c) To assess the type of materials students read when they visit the library d) To find out time
spent in reading by students 4

e) To discover the effect of reading habits on students’ performance

f) To ascertain factors hindering reading among students

Research Questions

a) What influence reading habits among students?

b) What is the importance of reading?

c) What type of materials do you read when visiting the library?

d) What time do you spend in reading?

e) What is the effect of reading on academic performance?

f) What are the factors hindering reading among students?


Reading is the core element in the learning process. Reading habits and attitudes towards reading
is one

of the primary concerns in the field of education. Researchers report a pattern of low reading habits
and attitudes

among university students. This paper aims to review the latest literature on reading habits and
attitudes among

university students. The scope of this literature review was extracted from journal articles and
electronic media on

the subject of reading habits and attitudes.


From the journal “Reading Habit and Attitude among Malaysian Polytechnic Students”
(Annamalai & Muniandy, 2013), the definition of reading has undergone through many
improvements. In the past, reading was meant to interpret visual information of any given codes
or system (Lone, 2011). However, after that, reading became more complex and involved the
understanding process of a whole text composed of written signs (Fisher, 2004). Reading has come
to hold the most significant place in educationas a means of communication in a highly literate
society (Chettri & Rout, 2013). Reading is important for the students in general to cope with new
knowledge in a changing world. Reading is important for education and…show more content…

In all learningsituations to succeed in school, the students must learn to read well. When the
students obtain the reading skill, they can understand most materials that provided by the teachers
and achieved the goals set by the teachers. (Joseph, 2013). From the study said that many students
in the primary schools do not read as efficiently as they should due to the students’ reading habits
and attitudes. Besides that, the students do not read well because of the language background,
lack of adults’ readers as models and growing distractions from electronic and social media
(Joseph, 2013). A study by Pandian (1997) on the reading habits of students in Malaysia reported
as 80.1% were reluctant readers of English language materials. The study by Mohd Yasin et al
(2010), statistical data from the National Literacy Survey conducted by the National Library of
Malaysia revealed that Malaysia read at average of two pages a year in 1982 and progressed to
two books a year in 1996. (Annamalai & Muniandy, 2013) These two studies had supports and
justify each another to prove that the students lack of the reading…show more content…
The school was chosen because it contains various types of students’ proficiency level. The
selected teachers who taught English in Standard 5 were chosen to be the main sample. The
teacher selected was experienced in teaching English language and have experienced in
Other than that, the students were selected to answer the questionnaire related to their feedback
and opinion on the lesson given by the teacher. The students are from different background and
different levels of proficiency.

the journal “Reading Habit and Attitude among Malaysian Polytechnic Students” (Annamalai &
Muniandy, 2013), the definition of reading has undergone through many improvements. In the
past, reading was meant to interpret visual information of any given codes or system (Lone, 2011).

However, after that, reading became more complex and involved the understanding process of a
whole text composed of written signs (Fisher, 2004). Reading has come to hold the most
significant place in education as a means of communication in a highly literate society (Chettri &
Rout, 2013).

Reading is important for the students in general to cope with new knowledge in a changing world.
Reading is important for education and…show more content…
In all learning situations to succeed in school, the students must learn to read well. When the
students obtain the reading skill, they can understand most materials that provided by the teachers
and achieved the goals set by the teachers. (Joseph, 2013).

From the study said that many students in the primary schools do not read as efficiently as they
should due to the students’ reading habits and attitudes. Besides that, the students do not read well
because of the language background, lack of adults’ readers as models and growing distractions
from electronic and social media (Joseph, 2013).

A study by Pandian (1997) on the reading habits of students in Malaysia reported as 80.1% were
reluctant readers of English language materials. The study by Mohd Yasin et al (2010), statistical
data from the National Literacy Survey conducted by the National Library of Malaysia revealed
that Malaysia read at average of two pages a year in 1982 and progressed to two books a year in
1996. (Annamalai & Muniandy, 2013) These two studies had supports and justify each another
to prove that the students lack of the reading…show more content…
The school was chosen because it contains various types of students’ proficiency level. The
selected teachers who taught English in Standard 5 were chosen to be the main sample. The
teacher selected was experienced in teaching English language and have experienced in
education field.


This survey will be carried out in selected urban primary school. The main aim of this study was
to find out the students’ reading attitude and habit in terms in reading English language. The
Standard 5 students and five English teachers from the selected school who will participate in
this survey will be asked to respond to the items.
This is a quantitative study which conducted through a survey method that involved
questionnaire to get the response from the teachers and students regarding cultivate reading
habits among the primary school students. The focus is to find out the students’ reading attitude
and habit in terms in reading English language.

Importance of Reading to Students

Kurtus (2002) opines that reading habit is a fundamental practice that can leave a positive effect
on all age groups. The study stressed further that the acquisition of knowledge through reading is
a decent approach, however, it must be productive information, it must encourage a man to get on
in a profession, pass an examination, be great at decision, or get hold of a status for learning.
Guthrie, Benneth, and McGough, (2007) expressed that reading is the demonstration of getting
importance from printed or composed words, which is the reason for learning and one of the key
ingredients in regular daily existence. Issa, Aliyu, Akangbe, & Adedeji (2012) expressed that
reading is generally connected with books as just the composed words give a total picture of the
demonstration of reading. It implies that through reading, the individual can fabricate or settle 6
things, appreciate stories, find what others accept and create thoughtful convictions of their own.
Subsequently, reading gives the way to all types of data vital to our everyday survival and
development. As indicated by Ilegogie (2005) reading helps in the advancement of one's
communication skills and insightfulness. Advancement through reading is more advanced
inducing, enduring, compelling and helpful to humankind when held in the reading society.
According to Muogilim, (2000) “reading opens door to the accumulated knowledge of centuries
which helps to enrich, illuminate the minds, and widen the mental and spiritual horizon of the
reader because the continuous reading of material will serve as a means of strengthening the
development of reading”. Sesnan (2003) cited in Mesfin (2008) stressed the significance of reading
as one of the fundamental skills which everybody acknowledges is a basic tool for survival in the
present day world. Akinbola (2007) observed that the significance of reading cannot be ignored.
Reading is important to literacy and it is an emancipatory apparatus that frees one from ignorance,
academic infection, destitution and frustration. Tella and Akande (2007) express that reading is a
vital part of life which is not just about pleasure yet a need; the fundamental device of training.
Reading is key for each and each person so as to manage new and developing learning in the
evolving universe of technological advances.

Types of Materials Students Read.

As indicated by Littlefield (2006) reading is mostly carried out on paper with ink: a book,
magazine, daily paper, pamphlet, or notebook. Aside from these, different sorts of reading
materials for scholarly reasons are journals, textbooks, encyclopedia, dictionaries, diaries,
course readings, and handbooks. For voluntary reading, students can patronage materials
like books, fictions, comic books and daily papers.

CHAPTER 3: Research methodology


3.1 Primary data:

The population is SRTMUN and the sample is taken as school of commerce and management
science. Sample size 100 students, contain various department of S.R.T.M.U Nanded year.

The survey model has been utilized in the study. In the survey model, an existing circumstance
is aimed to be described as it is and no effort is made in any manner to change, or influence it.

There are a total of 100 students in the study group of Swami ramanand teerth Marathwada
University Nanded.

21)What is your favorite 3.2 Data Collection :

Tool As a data collection tool in this study, a questionnaire developed by researchers through a
review of the related literature has been used. There were questions in the questionnaire oriented
at determining the personal details and reading reading habits of students. A preliminary trial of
the questionnaire has been performed prior to implementing the questionnaire to the students in
the study group. In this process, the questionnaire form has been applied to 100 students attending
the various department .

And observation method is used while data collecion.

The data is collected through Google form( use of technology).

3.3 Sampling Method:

I have used Non probability method for data collection and under than I have taken convience
sampling. Under this I prepared a simple questionaire to collect the information.

3.4 Data collection Method:

Data collectionis done basically in 2 ways , observation method , and questionery and in the
context of my project study.I have selected questionery method for collecting the data.

3.5 Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Data analysis is based on the data collected by the questionery . From the collected data findings
are extracted.the data is tabulated in pie chart.

3.6 Objectives:
1. To study the preferred time of reading.
2. To study the favourite reading time of the student.
3. To study the barriers in reading.
4. To understand the duration of reading on the students community.
5. To study the types of books the student use to read


H0: Students read the book, as they think it will help them in their life.

H1: Students do not read the books ,as they think it will not help them in their life

Research strategy

Research strategy will be a general plan of how researcher will go about answering the research
questions that has been set by researcher. It will contain clear objectives, derived from research
questions specify the sources from which researcher intend to collect data and consider the
constraints that researcher will inevitably have such as access to data, time, location and money,
ethical issues (Thorn hill et. al., 2003). Based on the conditions 1) form of research question 2)
requires control over be havioral events and 3) focus on contemporary events five research
strategies were identified in social science. These are – experiments, surveys, archival analysis,
histories and case studies (see table 4). Most important condition for selecting research strategy is
to identify the type of research question being asked. “Who”, “What”, “Where”, “How” and
“Why” are the categorization scheme for the types of research questions. Two possibilities need
to investigate by asking the “What” question. First, some types of what questions are justifiable
for conducting an exploratory study and the goal is to develop pertinent hypotheses and
propositions for further inquiry. Any of the five research strategies can be used in that situation-

exploratory survey, exploratory experiment, or an exploratory case study. The second type of what
question is actually form a “how

Many” or “how much” line of inquiry and the outcomes from a particular situation.


The survey strategy is popular and common strategy in business research that is usually associated
with the deductive approach. Survey allows the collection of large amount of data from a sizeable
population in a highly economical way. Questionnaire, structured observation and structures
interviews are often falls into this

Strategy (Thorn hill et. al., 2003). In this study a survey has been done.

Sample Selection

The basic idea of sampling is that by selecting some of the elements in a population, researcher
may draw conclusions about the entire population. There are several compelling reasons for
sampling, including: lower cost, greater accuracy of result, greater speed of data collection and
availability of population selection (Cooper & Schindler 2003).

Selecting the sampling Method

Selection of the sampling method to use in a study depends on a number of related theoretical and
practical issues. These include considering the nature of the study, the objectives of the study and
the time and budget available. Traditional sampling method can be divided into two categories:
probability and non- probability sampling (Samuel et. al., 2003).

Probability sampling is most commonly associated with survey-based research where researcher
needs to make inferences from the sample about a population to answer the research questions or
to meet research objectives (Saunders et. al., 2003).

In probability sampling, sampling elements are selected randomly and the probability of being
selected is determined ahead of time by the researcher. If done properly, probability sampling
ensures that the sample is representative (Hair et. al., 2003)

Non-probability sampling provides a range of alternative techniques based on researcher

subjective judgment (Saunders et. al., 2003). In non-probability sampling the selection of elements
for the sample is not necessarily made with the aim of being statistically representative of the
population. Rather the researcher uses the subjective methods such as personal experience,

convenience, expert judgment and so on to select the elements in the sample. As a result the
probability of any element of the population being chosen is not known

(Samuel et. al. 2003). According to Samuel ET. al., 2003 most non-probability sampling methods
are: Convenience sampling Convenience sampling involves select sample members who can
provide required information and who are more available to participate in the study. Convenience
samples enable the researcher to complete a large number of interviews cost effectively and
quickly but they suffer from selection bias because of difference of target population (Hair et. al.,
2003). Judgment sampling Researcher’s judgment is used to select sample element and it involves
for a specific purpose. Group of people who have knowledge about particular problem they can
be selected as sample element. Sometimes it referred as a purposive sample because it involves a
specific purpose. Judgment sampling is more convenience and low cost involvement. (Hair et. al.,

Data Collection

There are two major approaches to gathering information about a situation, person, problem or
phenomenon. Sometimes, information required is already available and only need to be extracted.
However there are times when the information must be collected. Based upon these broad
approaches to information gathering data are categorized as: Secondary data and Primary data.
Secondary data are collected from secondary sources such as govt. publications, personal records,
census ( Ranjit Kumar 1996) and primary data are collected through: observation, interviews
and/or questionnaires (Hair et. al., 2003). According to Creswell (2003) data collection procedure
in qualitative research involve four basic types: Observations, Interviews, documents and audio-
visual materials. In this study quantitative survey is used as data collection method. Since the aim
of the study is classifying service quality dimensions in online purchasing from the customers’
point of view, the main focus thus is customer. A questionnaire was prepared to get idea about the
customer’s experiences in online shopping. The questionnaire divided into three parts and
published on; which is an Iranian online club. About 500 persons out of 6000
users replied. A survey is a procedure used to collect primary data from individuals. The data
sought can range from beliefs, opinions, attitudes and lifestyles to general background information
on individuals such as gender, age, education and income as well as company characteristics like
revenue and number of employees. Surveys are used when the research involves collecting
information from a large sample of individuals (Samuel et. al., 2003). The questionnaire was
developed based on research question and frame of reference. The logical structure of
questionnaire followed the order of service quality dimension in the frame of reference. For
understanding the importance and satisfaction of each service quality dimension a 5-scale was
used (1=very unsatisfied, 3= neutral, 5= very satisfied). Once came up with the first draft of
questionnaire, ten questionnaires were handed out to the students of TMU and they were asked
whether the questions mad sense to them and were they easy to understand. After refining
questions, the well improved questionnaire was develop


Table 1: Do they like to read

Sr. no. like to read No. of student (%)

1 Yes 96.40%

2 No 3.60%

3 Total 100
Source of survey

From above table it is seen that 96.4% student like to read books and 3.6% do not like to rea the
books. From the above the table it is seen that out of total 100 student 76 % are female and 24%
are male

Table 2: How often do you read

Sr. no. How often do you read No. of students

1 Everyday 57%

2 Sometimes 45%

3 rarely 13%
4 Not clear 5%
Source of survey

From the above table it is seen that out of 100 student 57% read everyday and 45% read
sometimes and 13% read rerely and 5% are not clear about this.

Table 3: Frequency of visiting of library Frequency No. of student (%)

1 Daily 28%

2 Sometimes 63%

3 Never 9%

4 total 100%
Source: Survey

From above table it is seen that out of total 100 student 28% visit library daily., 63% visit
sometimes and 9% do not visit library.

Table 4: Opportunity to read in college Frequency No. of student (%)

1 Sometimes 41%

2 All the times 45%

3 rarely 14%

From the above table it is seen that 41% student get opportunity sometimes to read in college
and 45 % students get all the times and 14% student rarely get opportunity to read in college.

Table 5: favourite place to read Place No. of student (%)

1 Library 38%

2 Home 51%

3 College 11%
4 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table that, Out of 100 students 38% like to read in library and 51% like to read at
home and 11% like to read at college.

Table 6: How do students like to read

Sr. no. how do you like to read No. of student (%)

1 alone 75.80%

2 group 24.20%

3 Total 100%
Source of the survey

Above table table shows that, 75.8% like to read alone and remaining 24.2% like to read in
group. It means that students like to read alone, they feel that reading in groups leads
dosturbance which affect reading.

Table 7: Student prefere time to read Time to prefere read No. of student (%)

1 morning 37%
2 Afternoon 30%
3 Evening 14%

4 Night 19%
5 total 100%
Source: survey From the above table, Out of total student 37% like to read at morning,
30% like to read at afternoon, 14% r ead at evening, 19%

Table 8: How much do student like to read Like to read No. of student (%)
1 40 35%
2 30 24%
3 20 21%
4 10 14%
5 0 6%
6 Total 100%

Table 9: Students habits of reading reading habits No. of student (%)

1 Excellent 26%

2 Very good 49%

3 good 25%

4 total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table, it is seen that 26% students thinks that their reading habits is excellent and
49% thinks very good and 25% thonks it is good.

Table 10: Types of reading material students like What students do like to read No. of student (%)
1 Novels 25%
2 Magazines 36..4%
3 News papers 13%
4 others 25%
5 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table,Out of total students 25% like to read Novels, 36.4% like to read
Magazines, 13% like to read news paper and remaining 25% lile to read other things.

Table 11: Do students like to share

Sr. no. Like to share No. of student (%)

1 Yes 84.80%

2 No 15.20%

3 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table, Out of total 100 students 84.8% student like to share their information
what they read and remaining 15.2% do not like to share.

Table 12: Which language do student prefer

Sr. no. Language No. of student (%)

1 Marathi 40%

2 English 47%

3 Hindi 9%

4 Others 4%

5 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table it is seen that 40% students read marathi, 47% read english ,9% read in
hindi and 4% read in other language.

Table 13: Barriers for reading
Sr. no. Barriers No. of student (%)
1 TV 20%
2 Social media 63%
3 Friends 17%
4 total 100%
Source: survey

Out of Total student it is seen that 20% thinks TV is a barrier for them and 63% thinks Social
media is barrier for them and 17% thinks friends are barrier for them.

Table 14: How many hours do student read
Sr. no. Hours per day No. of student (%)
1 Less than 1 hour 18%
2 1 to 2 hour 48%
3 2 to 3 hour 27%
4 more than 3 hour 7%
5 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table Out of 100 students 18% read less than 1 hour, 48% read 1 to 2 hour, 27%
read 2 to 3 hour and 7% read more than 3 hours.

Table 15: Does students like to read in their own time
Sr. no. read in their own time No. of student (%)
1 40 35%
2 30 26%
3 20 14%
4 10 13%
5 0 6%
6 total 100%

Table 16: Do they finish their book
Sr. no. Finish their book No. of student (%)
1 Yes 74.70%
2 No 25.30%
3 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table Out of total students 74.75 finish their book and 25.3% do not read their

Table 17: Do they read multiple books?

Sr. no. Read multiple books No. of student (%)

1 Yes 63.60%
2 No 36.40%
3 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table out of total students 63.6 read multiple books. And 36.4 % do not read
multiple books.

Table 18: What types books students read? Types of books No. of student (%)
1 Spiritual 16%
2 story 27%
3 Political 13%
4 History 20%
5 love story 19%
6 Wealth 4%

Out of 100 students, 16% read spiritual books, 27% read story books and 13% read political
books and 20% read history books and 19% like love story books and only 4% like wealth

Table 19: Do students like to read soft copies?
Sr. no. Like to read soft copies No. of student (%)
1 Yes 74.00%
2 No 26.00%
3 Total 100%
Source: survey

From the above table out of 100% students 74% like to read soft copies and 26% like to read
hard copies.

Chapter 5: Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion

1. Findings :

1. Research shows that, 96.4% student like to read books and 3.6% do not like to read the
2. Research indicates that, 57% students read everyday and 45% read sometimes and 13%
read rerely and 5% are not clear about this.
3. Research highlighted that, 28% students visit library daily., 63% visit sometimes and 9%
do not visit library
4. Research highlighted that, 41% student get opportunity sometimes to read in college
and 45 % students get all the times and 14% student rarely get opportunity to read in
5. Research shows that, 38% like to read in library and 51% like to read at home and 11%
like to read at college.
6. Research indicates that, 37% like to read at morning, 30% like to read at afternoon, 14%
read at evening, 19% .
7. Research shows that 26% students thinks that their reading habits is excellent and 49%
thinks very good and 25% thonks it is good.
8. Research highlighted that 25% like to read Novels, 36.4% like to read Magazines, 13%
like to read news paper and remaining 25% lile to read other things.
9. Research highlighted that, 40% students read marathi, 47% read english ,9% read in
hindi and 4% read in other language.
10. Research shows that, 20% thinks TV is a barrier for them and 63% thinks Social media
is barrier for them and 17% thinks friends are barrier for them.

Out of total students 74.75 finish their book and 25.3% do not read their books.

11. Research highlighted that, 16% read spiritual books, 27% read story books and 13% read
political books and 20% read history books and 19% like love story books and only 4%
like wealth books.

Out of 100% students 74% like to read soft copies and 26% like to read hard copies.

2. Suggestions

1. The following are some of the areas where further intensive research is suggested.
2. It is suggested that students who does not visit library needs to visit library because,
they will find various types of books to read which leads to increase their knowledge.
3. It is suggested that all students should use library to read to diversify their knowledge.
4. It is suggested that all students should start reading in English. because English
language is the need of to days world.
5. It is suggested that let them read as per their interest.
6. It is suggested that find reading moments in everyday life .
7. Habit of reading books plays very important role in every student’s life.

3. Conclusion:
The Reading habit is very much essential for the secondary school students because it equips the
students with necessary knowledge and understanding not only for building their own life but
also for contributing positively to the socio-economic development of the nation. The promotion
of the reading habit of the secondary school students and turning them into lifelong learners are
quite important for building a knowledgeable society. It is understood from the study that the
majority of the secondary school students are readers and they read books, magazines and
newspaper for their leisure, recreation and overall development of the personality. On an average
224 the secondary school students spend 1-2 hours daily for reading other than their classroom
textbooks. The students prefer to read in the early morning and home is the most convenient place
for reading. The most preferred language for reading is English and the school library is the main
source for getting books for reading. The majority of the students prefer to read both fiction and
non-fiction and among the works of fiction the students prefer to read Adventurous stories and
among the works of non-fiction, the students prefer to read books on general knowledge. The
sports magazines are the most popular among the students and they preferred to read sports news
from the newspapers. The secondary school students have favourable and positive attitude
towards the reading habit and majority of the respondents agreed that the reading habit helps them
to improve communication skills and vocabulary and become more knowledgeable and improve
overall personality. The major motivation for general reading of the secondary school students is
to face any entrance examination easily by improving the knowledge and communication skills.


Reading habits of the students in S.R.T.M.University, Nanded

Declaration: I Anil kashinatharao Kanjalkar hereby declare that the given

information provided be you will be use only for my educational purpose.

What is your name ?

1)Which degree you are pursuing? 1st year 2nd year

MBA 1st year

MBA 2nd year


Female Male

3)Email address

4) Do you like to read?


5)How often do you read?




Not clear

6)How frequently do you visit library?

Daily sometimes

7)Do you get opportunity to read in college?


All the times Rarely

8)Which is your favorite place to read?




9)How do you like to read?



10)Which time do you prefer to read?



Evening Night

11)How much do you like reading?

What do you think about your reading habits ?


Very good Good

12)What do you like to read?





13)Do you like to talk to your friends about what you read?



14)In which language do you prefer reading?





15)What are the barriers for reading?


Social media Friends

16)How many hours do you read per day?

Less than 1 hour

1 to 2 hours 2 to 3
hours more than 3

17)How much do you like to read in your own time?

18)Do you finish your book which you have started?

yes No

19)Do you read multiple books at at a time?

Yes No

20)What types of books do you read?





Love story


22)Do you like reading soft copies?



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