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John Ronniel F.

Creative non-Fiction


“Ronniel” That’s the name my parents gave me. They combined their nicknames “Ron”

and “Nie” and add “L” that stands for love. So ironic that only few years after I was born, they

decided to partways. By the way my full name John Ronniel Flores Basilan. Born on October, 9,

2001, in Fabella hospital in Manila. My zodiac sign is Libra, they say Libras are quiet indecisive,

I find it hard to make a decision, especially when choosing between things.

I love music, I can’t live without music. I listen to music everytime. I also love to

dance, I’m not that good of a dancer but I can say that I’m passionate in doing it. I enjoy it and

that what’s matter. I also love to read books. When I have a free time, I use it to read a book and I

always reflect afterwards. I like kind people no matter what your personality is, as long as you’re

a morally good person, we’re good. I don’t like people with no self awareness, people that can’t

notice their actions and not aware of their own wrong doings. People like that don’t recognize

whats wrong with them, will not solve their problem and can’t have a character development.

I started studying at a very young age of three at our Barangay hall. Nursery at four and

kinder at five years old. Finished my elementary studies, at LIbtong Elementary School, at

Meycauayan, Bulacan. Then went to Manila, to study at F.G. Calderon Integrated Scchool which

didn’t go well for me. I stopped my studies because of family problems. I try again at the same

school, the school year after that but still stopped. I tried for the third time but again it didn’t

work. After that I woek at different factories. After three years of working, I have realized that its

hard if you don’t have a diploma. So I decided to go back to studying at Alternative Learning
John Ronniel F. Basilan
Creative non-Fiction

System, I finished that and graduated. But it took them almost two years to release our papers, so

I decided to work while waiting. After I got my papers, I enrolled to grade 11, but didn’t work

because online class is not for me. The year after that I enrolled myself to F.G. Calderon

Integrated School and currently in grade 12.

There are so many important and interesting events that happened to me during my life

but My favorite one and I think the worth to mention, is when I realized that I need to go back to

school. Because right at that moment, I have realized that life is not as easy as I think before. I

wake up to the reality, that in the country that I’m living in, its so hard for someone like me,

who’s underprivilege to make a living, to survive, what more to enjoy life. So I said to myself

right at that moment that I’ll finish my studies no matter how hard it is.

After I graduate Senior High School, I will try to work as a part timer. I will still

continue my studies and will take a Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Social Studies. I

will work to be able to support my studies. I also want to try business, cause it’s much better than

working a part time job, because you hold your time and you are your own boss. I don’t have any

concrete plan right now after I finish my degree, but ofcourse it’s sure that I will take licensure

examination and teach after that. No matter how hard it will be, I will make sure to finish my

studies. I’m willing to work multiple jobs while studying. Regardless of the circumstances and

hardships I encounter. I know I can survive and successfully achieve my goals and dreams. I will

do everything in my power to complete my studies. I’m convinced that education is the key to

my success and the foundation for my future accomplishments.

John Ronniel F. Basilan
Creative non-Fiction

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