Perforation of Fragment Simulating Projectiles Into Goat Skin and Muscle

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Perforation of fragment simulating projectiles into goat skin and muscle

Article in Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps · June 2013

DOI: 10.1136/jramc-2013-000065 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

John Breeze Gregory James

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Cranfield University


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Original paper

Perforation of fragment simulating projectiles

into goat skin and muscle
Johno Breeze,1,2 G R James,2 A E Hepper2
Academic Department of ABSTRACT
Military Surgery and Trauma, Introduction Ballistic gelatin is the most common tissue Key messages
Royal Centre for Defence
Medicine, Royal Centre for
simulant used to reproduce the penetration of projectiles
Defence Medicine, Birmingham into muscle but published data to support its use are pri-
▸ Physical models remain an essential tool in
Research Park, Birmingham, marily based on bullets, despite explosive fragments being
UK predicting the effects of ballistic injury.
the most common cause of injury to soldiers on current
Department of Injury ▸ Ballistic gelatin is the most common tissue
operational deployments. Published ballistic tests using
Modelling, Dstl Porton Down, simulant used to reproduce the penetration of
Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK animal and artificial skin and muscle tissue surrogates also
projectiles into muscle.
lack standardisation in methodology such that limited com-
Correspondence to
▸ Published data validating gelatin are primarily
parisons with that of human tissues can currently be made.
Major John Breeze, Academic based on bullets, despite explosive fragments
Method Three masses of cylindrical NATO standardised
Department of Military Surgery being the most common cause of injury to
and Trauma, Royal Centre fragment simulating projectiles (FSPs) were fired at 20% bal-
soldiers on current operational deployments.
for Defence Medicine, listic gelatin and the hind thighs of a killed goat. Threshold
▸ Existing data testing fragment simulating
Birmingham Research Park, (Vth) and V50 velocities required for skin perforation and
Birmingham B15 2SQ, UK; projectiles (FSPs) into animal tissue and
depth of penetration (DoP) into muscle were compared with simulants are of limited value due to poor
gelatin. The intercept and gradient of the linear regression
descriptions of methodology and lack
Received 11 March 2013 lines for DoP versus velocity were compared between gelatin
Accepted 12 March 2013 and goat with significance defined as p<0.05.
▸ The retardation of a NATO standardised cylindrical
Results V50 goat skin perforation velocities for the 0.16,
1.10 g FSP into goat muscle was shown to be
0.49 and 1.10 g FSPs were 121.1, 103.7 and 97.8 m/s,
accurately reproduced by 20% gelatin.
respectively. There was a significant difference in the V50
▸ A skin simulant will be required to accurately
required to perforate the gelatin surface compared with goat
predict retardation of cylindrical FSPs less than
skin for the 0.16 and 0.49 g FSPs but not the 1.10 g. There
1.10 g.
was no statistical difference in the gradients for DoP versus
velocity between animal and gelatin for either the 0.16 or
1.10 g FSPs.
Discussion This study has produced data for skin perfor- quantify. Analysis of fragments produced by common
ation velocities and generated algorithms describing velocity explosive weaponry in conjunction with those frag-
versus predicted DoP into muscle for three standardised pro- ments removed from injured service personnel will
jectiles, which will be used to improve the fidelity of future give some indication of representative fragments.
injury models. 20% gelatin was demonstrated to accurately In an attempt to standardise ballistic fragment testing
reproduce the retardation of the 1.10 g FSPs into goat between countries, a North Atlantic Treaty
muscle but the addition of a skin simulant will be required Organization (NATO) Standardising Agreement
to accurately predict DoP for FSPs less than 1.10 g. (STANAG) was published in 2003 describing reprodu-
cible fragment simulating projectiles (FSPs) of fixed
dimensions, masses and shapes.4 Most previous experi-
ments using FSPs have used spheres5 due to their
INTRODUCTION greater reproducibility despite the recognition that
Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) remain the most cylinders are generally more representative of IEDs.2 6 7
common cause of injury to UK service personnel in Our knowledge of the resistance of human tissues
the current military environment;1 however, the to explosive fragments is based upon tests on post-
majority of research into the penetration of human mortem human subject (PMHS), animal and physical
tissues by ballistic projectiles has focused on bullets.2 3 models. PMHS literature has focused more on the
Fragments from IEDs are more commonly irregular ballistic properties of skin rather than muscle.
in shape, increasing their drag coefficient in air in However, the age range of PMHS is typically older
comparison with more regularly shaped missiles such than the population of interest when developing
as spheres.2 Therefore, although the initial velocities Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (usually healthy
of such fragments are usually in the region of 1000– young men). Multiple authors5 8–10 have published
1500 m/s, it is believed that most injuries are from equations based on PMHS studies to predict the vel-
fragments with velocities of less than 500 m/s at the ocity required for differing sizes of bullets and air rifle
time of impact.4 pellets to penetrate and perforate skin. These equa-
Physical models remain an essential tool in predict- tions differ from one another primarily because they
To cite: Breeze J, ing the effects of ballistic injury and enable compari- are based on a very small data set and use different
James GR, Hepper AE. J R sons of potential mitigative systems to be made. methods to determine skin perforation. Some papers
Army Med Corps However, the shapes, sizes and consistency of frag- use threshold velocity (Vth) (the minimum velocity in
2013;159:84–89. ments produced in explosions are not always easy to that experiment which resulted in skin perforation)

84 Breeze J, et al. J R Army Med Corps 2013;159:84–89. doi:10.1136/jramc-2013-000065

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Original paper

particularly in the modelling of human skin. The choice of

animal appears to have been limited to that of goats, pigs and
dogs.5 Dogs are believed to be a poor substitute in modelling
Figure 1 Mattoo’s suggested empirical relationship8 relating Vth ballistic trauma in humans3 and the few published results in the
(threshold velocity, m/s) for skin perforation versus projectile sectional literature lack conformity due to the great variation in skin
density (S=mass over presented area, g/cm2). properties between breeds.15 Porcine muscle is believed to be a
good analogy of human muscle for ballistic testing;5 13 16
however, the published evidence consists of a single paper,4
which showed good correlation between pig muscle and 20%
whereas other papers use V50 velocity (the velocity at which 50% gelatin at higher velocities but poor correlation at lower ones
of projectiles perforate skin). Other inconsistencies include a lack (<500 m/s). Pig skin is coarser and thicker than human skin,17
of description of what is actually meant by skin perforation as well reflecting significantly different biomechanical properties, espe-
as inadequate descriptions of the dimensions and masses of the cially in terms of elasticity and tensile strength due to the
projectiles used. For example, in the UK skin ‘perforation’ means greater density of collagen fibres;17 it is therefore accepted to be
that the projectile has passed through all layers of skin, but the a poor substitute for human skin in terms of ballistic testing.5 18
term ‘penetration’ is used to describe this in the USA. Sectional Goat skin has been the most traditional animal surrogate for
density (the mass over cross sectional area) of the projectile is a way modelling the penetrating effects of ballistic impacts into human
of standardising projectile characteristics; it has been shown to be a skin10 19 20 due to perceived similarities in biomechanical prop-
good predictor for skin perforation and is believed to account for erties.5 10 20 21 Goat skin has the same three layers as human
all projectile geometries, sizes and densities.8 11 Jussila et al11 felt skin, namely epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue22 23 and
that Mattoo’s8 suggested empirical relationship between Vth for also varies in thickness in different body areas, being deepest on
skin perforation versus projectile sectional density (Figure 1) was the dorsal aspects.24 The thigh is the body area that has trad-
the best fit for the limited existing evidence. itionally been used for ballistic penetration testing, most likely
Artificial substitutes for skin and muscle have been sought to because it represents a large surface area to increase the number
allow greater reproducibility between testing and to alleviate the of available shots and has a large proportion of muscle. The
need for PMHS and animal testing. Gelatin is generally accepted thickness of human thigh skin has been described as being
as a good substitute for modelling animal muscle.5 12–14 In turn, between 1.5 and 1.9 mm,25 26 thinner than the 3–4 mm
it is widely accepted that animal muscle is a good analogy for described in ballistic experiments on goats.10 20 However, the
human muscle, despite no direct comparisons ever having been measurements on goat skin used that separated from the under-
published in the open literature.2 5 Although missile tracks in lying muscle and therefore it is unclear if these measurements
gelatin blocks are not direct indicators of the amount of tissue represent true thickness in vivo.
damaged by penetrating projectiles, gelatin does simulate the A systematic literature review including MEDLINE, Google
average tissue response in terms of projectile penetration depth Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science prior to the start of our
and relating temporary cavity volume to energy deposition.4 experimentation found two pertinent papers in peer-reviewed
Despite considerable research,11 no practical artificial skin simu- journals10 21 and three open-access reports20 27 28 (Table 1) per-
lant has been found, generally relating to the difficulties in the taining to ballistic penetration of goat skin and/or muscle. In
consistent reproducible production of the proposed materials.5 addition, a single historical document was also identified in the
Due to the scarcity of appropriate PMHS in conjunction with newly available declassified documents in the archives of our
limitations in the ballistic properties of artificial substitutes, institution.29 Existing published ballistic experimentation using
there has been an intermittent need for animal surrogates, goats usually pertain to the surgical management of ballistic

Table 1 Previous published ballistic testing using goats

Lead author and
year of
publication Surrogate Projectile Pertinent results to our study Notes
Hall 1937 Goat skin with underlying Two 0.14 g metal DoP through skin and muscle was 52 and Composition of metal not stated. Shape not
muscle fragments 55 mm at 610 m/s stated. Skin penetration threshold not stated
Krauss 196028 Goat skin with underlying 18 g spheres Skin remained intact at 45.7 m/s but was Composition and dimensions of spheres
muscle broken at 66.4 m/s unknown. Unclear if penetration or perforation
Light 196321 Goat skin with underlying Steel spheres of masses 0.49 g sphere penetrated 190–400 mm Analysed DoP for muscle only. Did not measure
muscle 0.44, 1.04, 3.59 and muscle at 488–1024 m/s. 1.04 g sphere skin penetration. Did not state which body area
5.49 g penetrated 180–600 mm muscle at 524– each shot fired at but mostly at chest
1005 m/s
Kokinakis 196520 Isolated goat skin Steel cubes of 0.14 and Threshold velocity for skin penetration/ Unclear if perforation or penetration. No DoP
1.06 g, and a steel perforation was 94.5 m/s for 0.14 g cube and into goat muscle stated. Unclear if velocity
sphere of 0.06 g 62.8 m/s for 1.06 g cube measured was V50
Sperrazza 196810 Isolated goat skin of Steel spheres of masses Threshold velocity for skin perforation was Measured skin perforation (using V50) No DoP
average thickness 3 mm 1.0, 2.0 and 10.0 g 60 m/s for 1.0 g steel sphere into muscle measured. Proposed equation to
predict skin penetration
Lewis 197827 Isolated goat skin (average 0.26, 1.0, 4.1 g steel Threshold velocity for skin perforation was Measured skin perforation (using V50). No DoP
thickness 4 mm) lying on cubes and 0.06 g steel 62.7 m/s for 1.0 g cube into muscle measured
ballistic gelatin sphere
DoP, depth of penetration.

Breeze J, et al. J R Army Med Corps 2013;159:84–89. doi:10.1136/jramc-2013-000065 85

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injury3 and no histopathological data exist regarding its suitabil- The animal or gelatin blocks were placed in front of a firing
ity in terms retardation of projectiles. These papers demon- rig, with a 5 m distance between the end of the barrel and the
strated a lack of conformity in definitions of penetration, target. FSPs were fired from a Pressure Housing weapon system,
methodology and projectile description such that clear compari- with a separate smooth bore barrel for each different diameter
sons cannot be made between one another or PMHS data. The projectile. The projectiles were propelled using rechargeable
aim of this study was to determine the velocity of skin perfor- 37 mm compressed air cartridges, using pressures of 3–20 MPa.
ation and depth of penetration (DoP) into muscle of three inter- Velocity was measured using solid state velocity equipment with
nationally standardised FSPs into intact goat thighs using a a 1 m separation between the velocity heads. The V50
clearly described methodology. (the velocity at which 50% of projectiles perforate skin) was
determined to represent the most mathematically accurate and
reproducible method of describing perforation and allowed
METHOD comparison with results by Sperrazza and Kokinakis10 and
Three masses of FSP (0.16, 0.49 and 1.10 g) were chosen in Lewis et al.27 The Dstl Critical Perforation Analysis tool is a
accordance with the NATO STANAG.15 The 0.16 and 0.49 g graphical user interface based on the statistical software package
FSPs were standard cylinders and the 1.1 g a chisel-nosed cylin- ‘R’.33 This software uses probit analysis to calculate both a V50
der (Figure 2). The chisel-nosed cylindrical 1.10 g FSP has been velocity and a 95% CI for that V50 velocity. It also was used
the standard projectile for the appraisal of body armour and during the trial to show when the 95% CI was sufficiently small
helmets to date.2 10 20 21 30 The 0.16 g FSP was the closest size to give an accurate and reliable result, at which point the testing
to that used by Bowyer and colleagues,4 Kokinakis and with that fragment was stopped. Perforation was determined by
Sperrazza20 and Sperrazza and Kokinakis10 and is believed to be a military surgeon and was defined as an FSP that traversed
representative of the most common size of preformed fragment- through all the three layers of skin (epidermis, dermis, subcuta-
ing munition.10 20 31 32 A third fragment size was chosen half neous tissue), but did not cause underlying muscle damage.
way between the two (0.49 g) on the STANAG sizing and was Non-perforation was classed as anything less than full perfor-
similar to the 0.54 g chosen by Jussila et al11 and 0.44 g used ation of the skin such as the FSP bouncing off skin or penetrat-
by Light.21 ing a partial thickness of skin without breaking the posterior
Gelatin was prepared using the following standardised surface of the skin. Although statistically weaker, the Vth (the
method used throughout our institution. Type A ballistic grade minimum velocity in which perforation occurred) was also cal-
(250 bloom, 20% by mass) dry gelatin powder was mixed with culated to allow comparison with Mattoo’s paper.8
distilled water at 70°C±5°C. The water was stirred while the Shots were fired at the lateral thigh surface of all four limbs
gelatin flakes were added slowly. When all the gelatin was and filmed using high-speed video to ascertain if tumbling of
added, it was stirred for an additional 5 min. It was then the FSP occurred prior to impact. Due to the front legs being
covered and allowed to stand for 5 min. After this, it was stirred smaller than the rear, less shots were fired into the former
once more for 5 min, and then allowed to stand for a further (approximately 7–10 shots in each leg) than the latter (approxi-
45 min. Any excess foam that had formed on the surface of the mately 10–15 shots in each leg). A laser targeting device
gelatin was scraped off and the liquid gelatin decanted into attached to the rifle barrel enabled accurate shot placement to
moulds. Following cooling to 20°C, the gelatin block was within approximately 5 mm, aiming for a minimum distance of
removed from the mould (dimensions 45 cm×20 cm×20 cm) 20 mm between skin impact locations at velocities unlikely to
and stored at a temperature of 10°C±2°C for 8–12 h. perforate skin in an attempt to maximise the number of shots
The goat used was a 4-year-old Saanen breed (Capra hircus) but limit damage to adjacent skin. For those shots at higher vel-
weighing approximately 60 kg. Ethical approval had been ocities, a minimum of 40 mm between entry wounds was
obtained from the Ministry of Defence Research and Ethics attempted to prevent overlapping of the wound tracts. All shots
Committee. The animal was killed humanely using a Schedule 1 were fired at the posterior aspect of the leg and skin depth
method and had its hind legs clipped to remove any hair in (surface of skin to surface of muscle) was measured with calli-
accordance with previous experiments.9 Ballistic testing started pers at four points on each leg (superior, inferior, medial and
within 15 min of the animal being killed. Each leg was elevated lateral).
in turn using rope until the leg was taut (but not tight) and DoP for each FSP perforating into muscle was determined
shots aimed at the thigh to provide comparisons with previous using a metal rod with graduated measurements. There was
experiments.10 some concern that this technique might not be accurate for the

Figure 2 A 1.10 g chisel-nosed

cylindrical fragment simulating
projectile: dimensions derived from
those specified in the NATO
Standardising Agreement.15

86 Breeze J, et al. J R Army Med Corps 2013;159:84–89. doi:10.1136/jramc-2013-000065

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Table 2 Skin perforation velocities in relation to dimensions and masses of fragment simulating projectiles
S (mass over presented Predicted Vth (m/s)
Mass (g) Diameter (mm) Length (mm) Flat width (mm) Presented area (cm2) area g/cm2) V50 (m/s) + 95% CI Vth (m/s) using Mattoo equation

0.16 2.7 3.7 NA 0.057 2.79 121.1 (7.6) 101.7 109.4

0.49 4 4.8 NA 0.126 3.89 103.7 (21.1) 66.0 94
1.1 5.4 6.4 2.5 0.229 4.8 97.8 (10.8) 76.0 83.4
S, sectional density; Vth, threshold velocity.

deeper penetrations where it was difficult to feel the rear DISCUSSION

surface of the FSP. In these cases, the metal rod was left in situ The aim of this study was to ascertain values for skin perfor-
and a plain radiograph taken to ensure that the rod was touch- ation velocity and DoP into muscle using a goat model as a sur-
ing the FSP; should it be incorrect, the rod length could be rogate for humans using standardised variables and a precise
adjusted. DoP versus velocity was plotted for each size of FSP methodology. These results could not be ascertained from any
into goat tissue using Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 (Redmond, of the previous published studies using goats due to a lack of
Washington, USA) and the gradient and intercept of the line of standardisation in methodology. This study has produced clear
best fit compared with that of gelatin using a Student t test with data for skin perforation velocities and generated algorithms
a significance of <0.05. Mean DoP for shots into the left legs describing velocity versus predicted DoP into muscle for three
were compared with those into the right. standardised projectiles which will be used to improve the fidel-
ity of future injury models.
There was a significant difference in the V50 required to per-
RESULTS forate skin compared with the surface of the gelatin block for
Skin thickness was between 3.0 and 3.5 mm (mean 3.2). A total the 0.16 and 0.49 g FSPs, reflecting the importance of skin in
of 77 shots were fired using three sizes of FSPs. Values for V50 retarding these lighter missiles at low velocities. Skin retardation
and Vth are demonstrated in Table 2. The Vth for each FSP was by goat skin was less than found in comparable pig testing,4
lower than that predicted by the empirical equation suggested confirming their biomechanical differences. There was no sig-
by Mattoo8 (Figure 3). nificant difference in either the intercept or the gradients for
Graphical representation of a linear correlation for the results V50 versus DoP between animal and gelatin for the 1.10 g FSP,
of DoP versus V50 between goat skin and muscle and 20% bal- demonstrating that 20% gelatin is an excellent tissue simulant
listic gelatin is demonstrated in Figures 4–6. There was no sig- for goat muscle for this particular FSP. Due to the significant
nificant difference in the gradients of the regression lines retardation of the 0.16 and 0.49 g FSPs by skin, it is not pos-
between the gelatin and animal data for both the 0.16 g sible to comment on the gradient of the line of best fit between
( p=0.14) and 1.10 g FSPs ( p=0.93). Although there was close DoP and V50 to determine if 20% gelatin is a good tissue simu-
correlation between the gradients of the regression lines for the lant for goat muscle for these FSPs. Ideally this experiment
0.49 g FSP, the gradients were significantly different ( p<0.001). would be repeated with firings of these two FSPs into goat
There was no significant difference in the intercept of the muscle with the skin removed, as well as 20% gelatin with a
regression lines between the gelatin and animal data for the validated skin simulant. Such a simulant is also essential for the
1.10 g FSP ( p=0.76). There was a significant difference for testing of the skin perforation of low density and non-metallic
the intercept in both cases. No tumbling of FSPs was seen when fragments, the likes of which can be produced by buried explo-
the high-speed videos of gelatin penetration were reviewed. sive devices.34 Existing skin simulants lack standardisation in
There was no statistical difference ( p<0.05) in DoP measured materials used and availability and we would recommend
for shots into the left legs (mean 52 mm) compared with the further research into their development.
right (mean 56 mm). The Vth required for skin perforation for all three fragment
sizes in our study were less than that predicted by Mattoo’s

Figure 3 Radiographs of metal markers inserted into wound tracks Figure 4 Skin perforation threshold velocity (Vth) versus sectional
used to increase the confidence in accurately predicting depth of density (g/cm2) for three standardised fragment simulating projectiles
penetration of fragment simulating projectiles (FSPs); note FSPs lodged as determined by our experiment, compared with the empirical line of
under contralateral skin surface. best fit derived from Mattoo’s 8 prediction.

Breeze J, et al. J R Army Med Corps 2013;159:84–89. doi:10.1136/jramc-2013-000065 87

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Figure 5 Linear correlation of values relating depth of penetration to

V50 velocity for 0.16 g cylindrical fragment simulating projectile fired Figure 7 Linear correlation of values relating depth of penetration to
into both 20% gelatin and goat skin and muscle. V50 velocity for 1.10 g chisel-nosed cylindrical fragment simulating
projectile fired into both 20% gelatin and goat skin and muscle.

equation8 based on PMHS skin. Although this may represent a

Plain radiographs demonstrated that the fragments lay directly
significant difference between goat and human skin, we believe
beneath the contralateral skin surface (Figure 7) in an identical
that it more likely reflects that Vth is a statistically poor measure-
manner to that often found at human postmortems.14 The
ment that is subject to high variability. Only a single unrepresen-
importance of skin in the retardation of lighter FSPs, especially
tative low velocity shot is required to skew the data unlike the
at lower velocities, means that it could be theorised that areas of
V50 which represents the velocity at which 50% of fragments
the body with thicker skin may potentially be more protected
perforate and which can also be ascribed a confidence limit. V50
against ballistic fragments and future work is required to quan-
measurements were also different from other experiments that
tify this effect.
used the same measurement and not Vth. The V50 for skin pene-
Significant gaps in our knowledge of the ballistic penetration
tration for a 1.10 g fragment was 97.8 m/s, much higher than
of skin and muscle to explosive fragmentation still exist. A lack
the 60 and 62.7 m/s found by Sperrazza and Kokinakis10 and
of comparable methodology between papers and limitations in
Lewis et al27 respectively who used 1.0 g fragments. We believe
variables highlight the importance of undertaking further
this reflects that both of their studies used isolated goat skin,
research. Although extensive research has been undertaken in
which is unlikely to be representative of human skin penetration
the characterisation of the mechanical properties of living
due to the lack of support provided by the muscle layer beneath
human tissues, very little research has been undertaken to char-
it.5 11 We would recommend that future studies of skin perfor-
acterise that of PMHS tissues.35 Existing PMHS papers have not
ation should also determine the value of V50 instead of Vth,
stated in what manner the tissue was preserved, but it would be
with consideration of calculating the V01 (the velocity at which
highly likely that storage was in formalin, which causes cross-
only 1% of fragments perforated) should a high confidence of
linkages in tissue proteins making tissues stiffer and less
non-perforation be required.
elastic.35 36 Future research is therefore required to quantify the
Skin thickness in our study ranged from 3.0 to 3.5 mm,
differences in the mechanical properties between living human
similar to the 3–4 mm described in previous ballistic goat skin
skin and PMHS skin to predict how they may behave differently
studies.10 20 Skin was shown to be the main component in the
when ballistic fragments are fired into them. If significant differ-
resistance of tissues to projectile penetration, and once skin was
ences are found then it would suggest that existing PMHS data
perforated it travelled very easily through muscle. Many FSPs
may be flawed and that repeating these experiments with newer
had enough residual velocity following skin entry to traverse the
methods of preserving PMHS skin such as fresh-frozen
whole thickness of muscle but not enough to exit through skin.
storage35 is indicated. It has been suggested that hot and wet
skin, as experienced by service personnel currently deployed to
Afghanistan, is more susceptible to penetration.37 These results
have never been quantified by ballistic testing and future testing
is required to determine how skin temperature and moisture
content affect the perforation velocity for skin of explosive frag-
ments. Finally, the steel cylinder is generally considered the
most representative shape of randomly produced explosive frag-
ments.2 6 7 This is based upon collection of fragments produced
by explosive devices in Arena trials and those found embedded
in PPE. Further research is required to produce a broader
sample of fragments to either justify the use of the cylinder or
determine a more representative shape. This will require accur-
ate characterisation of fragments removed from injured service-
men as well as those visualised with radiology.
Contributors Design: JB and GRJ; Literature review: JB and GRJ; and Manuscript
preparation: JB, GRJ and AEH.
Figure 6 Linear correlation of values relating depth of penetration to
V50 velocity for 0.49 g cylindrical fragment simulating projectile fired Competing interests None.
into both 20% gelatin and goat skin and muscle. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

88 Breeze J, et al. J R Army Med Corps 2013;159:84–89. doi:10.1136/jramc-2013-000065

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Perforation of fragment simulating

projectiles into goat skin and muscle
Johno Breeze, G R James and A E Hepper

J R Army Med Corps 2013 159: 84-89

doi: 10.1136/jramc-2013-000065

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