Mentorship Program 2024

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Title: Empowering Biomedical Scientists: Mentorship Program

Date and Time: March 22, 2024, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Platform: Google Meet


1. Introduction (5 minutes)
o Welcome message and introduction to the program.
o Brief overview of the objectives and agenda.
2. Keynote Address (15 minutes)
o Opening remarks by the Academic Chairperson
o Inspirational talk highlighting the importance of mentorship and sharing
experiences by the Deputy Academic Chairperson.
3. Panel Discussion: "Journeys in Biomedical Science" (1hr:30 minutes)
o Moderator introduces panelists:
 Dr. Godwin Kwakye-Nuako
 Miss Porchier
 Mr. Evans Abor
 Mr. Joseph Boamah
 Mr. Wisdom Ahlidza
 Mr. Humphrey Addy
o Panelists share insights on the following questions:
 How did they reach their current positions in the field of biomedical
 What were the main challenges they encountered along their journey?
 How has life been for them since relocating to foreign countries, if
 Why should individuals continue pursuing studies and careers in
 Topics may include career development, overcoming challenges, adapting
to new environments, and the importance of continued learning in
 Opportunity for Q&A from participants.
4. Closing Remarks (10 minutes)
o Summary of key takeaways from the event.
o Expression of gratitude to mentors, speakers, and participants for their
o Invitation to future mentorship initiatives and networking opportunities.
5. Networking Session (20 minutes)
o Informal networking opportunity for participants to connect with mentors,
speakers, and fellow associates.
o Exchange of contact information and further discussion on shared interests

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