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Writing a literature review on biomedical waste management can be a daunting task.

It requires
extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature on the topic. Gathering
relevant sources, evaluating their credibility, and organizing the information in a coherent manner
can be time-consuming and challenging.

One of the main difficulties in writing a literature review is navigating through the vast amount of
literature available on the subject. Biomedical waste management is a complex and multidisciplinary
field, encompassing aspects of environmental science, public health, policy, and regulations.
Therefore, identifying key studies, theories, and methodologies relevant to the topic requires careful
consideration and expertise.

Furthermore, synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings from various sources into a cohesive
narrative can be challenging. It requires the writer to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses
of each study, identify common themes or trends, and present a balanced overview of the existing

Another challenge in writing a literature review is maintaining objectivity and avoiding bias. It's
essential to approach the literature with an open mind, critically assessing the validity of each study
and interpreting the findings objectively. Additionally, ensuring proper citation and referencing of
sources is crucial to avoid plagiarism and uphold academic integrity.

Given the complexities involved in writing a literature review on biomedical waste management, it
may be beneficial to seek assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔.
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Biomedical waste is generated in hospitals, research institutions, health care teaching institutes,
clinics, laboratories, blood banks, animal houses and veterinary institutes. Basically all these terms
indicate the similar types of wastes even though the terms involved in regulation are defined usually
in more specific manner. TABLE 2: Segregation of bio-medical waste of ground floor. The Bio
Medical Waste scattered in and around the hospitals invites flies, insects, rodents, cats and dogs that
are responsible for the spread of communication disease like plague and rabies. Conclusion: The
study reveals that nursing students have good knowledge, positive attitude and good practice
regarding biomedical waste management. During this study, author observed that majority of the
hospitals investigated had no waste management department or plan. Also major demographic and
occupational variables were recorded and analyzed in this study. Finding reveals that (44%) i.e. 20
subjects had good practice, (38%) i.e. 17 subjects had average practice, (13%) i.e. 6 subjects had
very good practice, (2%) i.e. 1 subject had poor practice. Ajjay Kumar Gupta Waste Burning
Inceneration Waste Burning Inceneration MUSATTI Refuse disposal system incineration Refuse
disposal system incineration Shuaibu Adamu seminar presentation ppt on solid waste management
seminar presentation ppt on solid waste management Gulshan Kumar Hospital waste management
Hospital waste management Pokhara University, Pokhara, Nepal Clinical establishment act Clinical
establishment act Shambhu N Industrial waste management a case study (itc ltd. Rag pickers in the
hospital, sorting out the garbage are at a r isk of getting tetanus and HIV infections. The responses to
schedule by each participant were entered into excel sheet and data was tabulated and for statistical
analysis we calculated percentages and applied the Chi-square test wherever necessary and required.
It is cost-effective sustainable way to minimize pollution in rural areas of developing nations. Based
on the observation, the importance of training the medical students regarding bio medical waste
management is emphasized. A structured self-administered questionnaire was used for data
collection. A self administered, predesigned, pretested questionnaire was given to140 participants
and data analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 21. The management
of the biomedical waste is an important facet as delinquency of the biomedical waste management
adversely affects the environment posing various kinds of health as well as environmental hazards.
Hospital waste defined as all waste, biologic or non-biologic that is discarded and not intended for
further use. Download Free PDF View PDF Management of Biomedical Waste: A Review Harender
Singh Lots of the problem can be fenced if the Biomedical waste management is properly executed.
This paper will sensitize the reader about the impacts of improper waste management. The Hospital
managements were asked to impart proper training to the staff on these issues. But these toxicity and
infectivity can be dangerous when not properly contained and disposed of. Hazards associated with
poor biomedical waste management and shortcomings in the existing system were identified. OECD
Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. This study also focused
on the problems associated with Biomedical waste. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Inadequate
management of biomedical waste can be associated with risks to healthcare workers, patients,
communities and their environment. Data were analyzed using Chi-square, Fischer-exact, one-way
ANOVA and Post Hoc (Tukey) Tests. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader
engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. The recycling of disposable syringes, needles, IV sets and
other article like glass bottles without proper sterilization are responsible for Hepatitis, HIV, and
other viral diseases.
Appropriate training programs should be designed for the undergraduate medical and nursing
students focussing on BMW management practises. Hence, this study was undertaken to assess the
knowledge and practices of health care professionals regarding biomedical waste management. Issuu
turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. OECD
Environment OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su.
Download Free PDF View PDF Knowledge, attitude and practices towards biomedical waste
management among health care professionals, private practitioners and post graduate students in
Davangere City, Karnataka, India Scholar Science Journals Introduction: Hospitals are the centers of
cure and also of infectious waste generation. Bio-medical waste is generated mainly by health care
establishments. The responses to schedule by each participant were entered into excel sheet and data
was tabulated and for statistical analysis we calculated percentages and applied the Chi-square test
wherever necessary and required. Download Free PDF View PDF Management of Biomedical
Waste: A Review Harender Singh Lots of the problem can be fenced if the Biomedical waste
management is properly executed. AWARENESS ON SOUND POLLUTION AND REMEDIAL
tank, septictank, septic tank biofil, biotech septic tank Septic tank, septictank, septic tank biofil,
biotech septic tank Monitoring Framework of the GBF, SBSTTA 26. Proper management of the
waste generated in the healthcare facilities needed to carried out in accordance with the BMWM
Rules, 2016. It’s safe and proper disposal is extremely important. This questionnaire was obtained
from the World Health Organization (WHO), with the aim of assessing the processing systems for
biomedical waste disposal. The use of disposable items has reduced the rate of infection but at the
same time has increased the volume of the waste which needs to be disposed properly. OECD Global
Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. OECD Global Forum on the
Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. General waste: Largely composed of
domestic or household type waste. However, high cost of services provided by biomedical waste
management players. Rules, 1998, “Bio-medical waste is any type of waste. The Chairman stressed
that all the private and Government hospitals need to strictly follow Bio Medical Waste Rules, 2016
in its true spirit. The waste generation rates depend on several factors such as established waste
management methods, type of health-care establishment, hospital specializations, proportion of
reusable items employed in health care and proportion of patients treated on a day-care basis.
Biomedical waste management is one of the biggest challenges of the present day times. This system
is suitable for wet sterilization of medical instruments in remote and rural areas of developing
countries. This review discusses about various types of waste, its hazards and management. Rag
pickers in the hospital, sorting out the garbage are at a r isk of getting tetanus and HIV infections.
Since it is hazardous in nature its safe and proper disposal is extremely important. The inadequate
knowledge about the proper handling of biomedical waste can be dangerous to the health of
common man as well as of health care personnel. The infectious biomedical wastes are termed as
hospital wastes and are considered to be potentially hazardous in nature. This study aim to examine
data on the hospital waste generated, collection system, process or form of treatment, transportation
and disposal system. The research was conducted to find proper management of Bio medical waste.
TABLE 2: Segregation of bio-medical waste of ground floor.
Descriptive tests and Chi square tests were used to perform the statistical analysis. Knowledge score
as satisfactory was highest among doctors (86%), followed by nursing staff (70%) and lab
technicians (46%). This is a review paper which is prepared from the surveys of various research
papers on improper biomedical waste. Download Free PDF View PDF IP innovative publication pvt.
Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions.
Results: Only 18.9% of the participants knew the approximate proportion of hazardous waste among
total waste generated from a health care facility. Information regarding generation, segregation,
transportation, and disposal of biomedical wastes is provided and discussed. It becomes primary
responsibility of Health administrators to manage hospital waste in most safe and eco-friendly
manner. During study it was observed that waste is not collected at regular interval. Numerous
factors such as type of hospital, specialization, proportion of reusable items, and waste management
plan were investigated in waste generation assessment in India specially in Delhi. Methods: A cross
sectional study was done on 249 students by administering a structured questionnaire. The waste
generation rates depend on several factors such as established waste management methods, type of
health-care establishment, hospital specializations, proportion of reusable items employed in health
care and proportion of patients treated on a day-care basis. They should have proper and sufficient
knowledge on BMW management. As per Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling). Safe
handling of bio-medical waste continues to be a matter of serious concern for health authorities in
India. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few
seconds to upgrade your browser. Thousands of tones of biomedical waste originating from
hospitals, nursing homes and clinics in the form of cotton swabs and bandages infected with blood,
IV fluid bags, needles, catheters, human tissues, body parts etc which continue to be dumped in
open garbage bins on the roads in most parts of the country. Pre-designed, pre-tested, structured
questionnaires were used.Results: The majorities of participants were mal. The objective of study was
to classify the characteristics of waste and create the implementation structures, different methods
are used for the disposal of bio medical waste. The management of the biomedical waste is an
important facet as delinquency of the biomedical waste management adversely affects the
environment posing various kinds of health as well as environmental hazards. A major problem
related to current Bio-Medical waste management in several hospitals is that the implementation of
Bio-Waste regulation is disappointing as some hospitals are disposing of waste in a haphazard,
improper and indiscriminate manner. The research was conducted to find proper management of Bio
medical waste. Septic tank, septictank, septic tank biofil, biotech septic tank Septic tank, septictank,
septic tank biofil, biotech septic tank OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and
Polyfluoroalkyl Su. OECD Environment OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per-
and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Various communicable diseases, which spread through water, sweat, blood,
body fluids and contaminated organs, are important to be prevented. OECD Environment Revisions
to the Enforcement Rules of the Climate Change Response Act Revisions to the Enforcement Rules
of the Climate Change Response Act ccappr OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and
Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Practices of students regarding BMW management were relatively poor. Sharps:
Physically hazardous biomedical waste like needles, broken glass, saws, nail, blades, and scalpels.
Inadequate management of biomedical waste can be associated with risks to healthcare workers,
patients, communities and their environment.
This review discusses about various types of waste, its hazards and management. TABLE 4:
Segregation of bio-medical waste of first floor. Biomedical waste may be primarily classified as
Hazardous and Non Hazardous wastes. Material and Method: more than 100 health care workers
participated in this study. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire with
closed-ended questions. The responses to schedule by each participant were entered into excel sheet
and data was tabulated and for statistical analysis we calculated percentages and applied the Chi-
square test wherever necessary and required. The Medical Superintendents apprised the Board about
certain constraints including technical knowhow, lack of training and utilization of staff in COVID
epidemic. They were also directed to implement the Bar Coding so that proper real time tracking of
the Bio medical waste collection, transport and disposal is ensured. A cross-sectional study was
conducted in five hospitals (2 private and 3 governments) Children hospital, Sheikh Zayed hospital,
Shaukat Khanum hospital, Mian Munshi hospital, Shalamar hospital of Lahore in July 2010. The
method of data collection was questionnaire, rating scale and observation. Bio- medical waste is
generated from health care establishments and also some small sources as blood banks, laboratories
and research institutes. The management of Bio-medical waste is still infant all across the world.
Safe handling of bio-medical waste continues to be a matter of serious concern for health authorities
in India. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad. Surgical department
showed high rates of waste generation per day. April-June 2011, Vol. 33, No. 2 ISSN 0971-0973
Page 5. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Solution
l ies in the proper training of the hospital staff to segregate the waste and by training the municipal
staff regarding the disposal of such waste. Proper management of the waste generated in the
healthcare facilities needed to carried out in accordance with the BMWM Rules, 2016. Further, the
hospital staffs are at high risk of being infected by these biomedical wastes, therefore, the
occupational health and safety can be recommended to be a component of biomedical management
plans with qualified personnel in Hospitals. He suggested need for education as to the hazards
associated with improper waste disposal. Zekieni R. Yelebe1, Revelation J. Sanitary workers were
highly ignorant regarding BMW management. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated
to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Purpose of study was to highlight certain aspects of hospital waste
management status. Sharps: Physically hazardous biomedical waste like needles, broken glass, saws,
nail, blades, and scalpels. The disposal option is open dump and burial in secured landfill which is
safe and environmental friendly. The research was conducted to find proper management of Bio
medical waste. It consists of Bio-medical waste as well as chemical waste with a portion of solid
waste. Category No. 4 Waste sharps hypodermic needles, syringes, scalpels. There was a statistically
significant difference in the knowledge about various aspects of BMW management between the two
groups of students.
They should have proper and sufficient knowledge on BMW management. To achieve this all the
health personnel as required to undergo continuing training programme on biomedical waste
management and are encouraged to follow best management practices while disposing. Since it is
hazardous in nature its safe and proper disposal is extremely important. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. It includes
cultures and stocks of infectious agents from laboratories, waste from surgery, waste originating
from infectious patients. TABLE 4: Segregation of bio-medical waste of first floor. The studies were
carried out for a three month i.e. from January 2012 to March 2012. This review explains the hospital
waste management and the environmental problem in India. Inorder to improve biomedical waste
management, it is important to understand and evaluate the current practices in biomedical waste
management, to identify the gaps and to address them. Hospitals and other healthcare establishments
have been rendering services to the society by providing healthcare facilities to the people. The bio-
medical wastes generated from health care units depend upon a number of factors such as waste
management methods, type of health care units, occupancy of healthcare units, specialization of
healthcare units, ratio of reusable items in use, availability of infrastructure and resources etc.
Interpretation and Conclusion: Biomedical waste management practices were poor. Generally
classified as health care general waste and health care risk waste. Various methods of segregation of
bio-medical wastes are surveyed and found the effective result like proper segregation with need for
raising awareness about medical waste and its related issues. OECD Environment OECD Global
Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. All health personnel are
expected to have proper knowledge, practice and capacity to guide others for waste collection and
management and proper handling techniques. Finding reveals that (44%) i.e. 20 subjects had good
practice, (38%) i.e. 17 subjects had average practice, (13%) i.e. 6 subjects had very good practice,
(2%) i.e. 1 subject had poor practice. Bio-medical waste is generated mainly by health care
establishments. Decreasing order of attitude was postgraduates, interns and laboratory technicians
with same score, followed by nurses and sanitary staffs. OECD Global Forum on the Environment
dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. It consists of Bio-medical waste as well as chemical waste with a
portion of solid waste. The students had an overall positive attitude towards BMW management but
the difference was not significant between the groups. It is cost-effective sustainable way to
minimize pollution in rural areas of developing nations. He said that mixing of Bio Medical Waste
with the normal Municipal Solid Waste is hazardous and against the norms of BMWM rules. This
paper will sensitize the reader about the impacts of improper waste management. Hospital waste
defined as all waste, biologic or non-biologic that is discarded and not intended for further use.
Evidence exists that compliance with Universal Precautions reduces the risk of infections and
protects healthcare practitioners. The preference of which pertains to the category and characteristics
of Bio medical waste.
It’s safe and proper disposal is extremely important. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
INDIA Dr Jaspal Singh Biomedical waste has become a serious health hazard in many countries
including India. It’s safe and proper disposal is extremely important. Teams Enable groups of users to
work together to streamline your digital publishing. Thus two CHCs and four PHCs were selected
for the study. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su.
Category No. 8 Liquid Waste Generated from any of the infected areas. OECD Global Forum on the
Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Materials and Methods: This study included
150 HCWs from five groups (postgraduates, interns, nurses, technicians and sanitary staffs), each
group comprising of 30 individuals. It’s safe and proper disposal is extremely important. As in many
developing countries the generation of biomedical waste has increased significantly over the last few
decades, management of this kind of waste continues to be a major challenge. But these toxicity and
infectivity can be dangerous when not properly contained and disposed of. Methods: A cross
sectional study was done on 249 students by administering a structured questionnaire. This review
article discusses the collection situation, treatment and disposal of biomedical waste and its various
types Hospital are one of the complex institutions which are frequently visited by people from every
standard of life without any distinction between age, sex, race and religion. OECD Global Forum on
the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. The Medical Superintendents were
apprised about the legal position and the provisions under the Bio Medical Waste Management
Rules. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Hazards
associated with poor biomedical waste management and shortcomings in the existing system were
identified. So a continuing medical education program on BMW management should be conducted
on yearly basis to train and update newly appointed as well as existing HCWs. The use of disposable
items has reduced the rate of infection but at the same time has increased the volume of the waste
which needs to be disposed properly. Instructions were also given to strictly follow the directions of
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and NGT in handling the COVID Waste. OECD
Environment OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su.
Also major demographic and occupational variables were recorded and analyzed in this study. The
study includes assessment of the prevalent waste management system, practices (storage, collection,
disposal) and its compliance with the standards prescribed in the Biomedical Waste Management
Rules (2016). It consists of Bio-medical waste as well as chemical waste with a portion of solid
waste. Evidence exists that compliance with Universal Precautions reduces the risk of infections and
protects healthcare practitioners. These include: infectious as well as infective; medical and
biomedical; hazardous and red bag; contaminated; infectious medical wastes; along with regulated
wastes in the medical profession. Results: Majority (80%) of the medical students were aware of the
BMW rules whereas only 40% of the nursing students were aware of these rules. It was seen that
though 91.70% of the participants were aware of the BMW generation and legislation however over
60% still unaware regarding the correct color were coding system. About 13.6% of participants were
not vaccinated for HBV infection and only 65.9% of the study subjects were correctly able to
identify the symbol for biohazard. The infectious biomedical wastes are termed as hospital wastes
and are considered to be potentially hazardous in nature.

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