Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder A Literature Review

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Title: Unraveling the Complexity: Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder - A

Literature Review

Navigating the intricate landscape of gastrointestinal symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
presents a formidable challenge for researchers and practitioners alike. As the prevalence of ASD
continues to rise, understanding the relationship between gastrointestinal issues and ASD has
become increasingly paramount.

Embarking on a literature review to unravel this intricate correlation demands meticulous attention to
detail, exhaustive research, and an astute analysis of diverse perspectives. The synthesis of empirical
studies, clinical trials, and theoretical frameworks is essential to comprehensively comprehend the
multifaceted nature of gastrointestinal symptoms in ASD.

The journey through literature delves into various facets, including but not limited to, the prevalence
of gastrointestinal symptoms among individuals with ASD, the potential etiological factors
contributing to such manifestations, and the impact of gastrointestinal issues on the overall well-
being and quality of life of individuals on the spectrum.

However, traversing this terrain is not without its hurdles. The literature landscape is vast and often
convoluted, with studies yielding disparate findings and theories posing intricate puzzles. Navigating
through the maze of conflicting evidence, methodological limitations, and theoretical conjectures
requires a discerning eye and a critical mind.

Amidst this complexity, discerning individuals seek reliable assistance to navigate the labyrinth of
literature. In such endeavors, turning to trusted resources becomes imperative. ⇒ ⇔
stands as a beacon of support for those embarking on the arduous journey of literature review. With
a team of experienced professionals well-versed in the nuances of academic inquiry, ⇒ ⇔ offers invaluable assistance in synthesizing and analyzing literature with precision
and clarity.

For those delving into the realm of gastrointestinal symptoms in ASD, ⇒ ⇔ provides
a reliable ally, guiding individuals through the intricate terrain of academic literature with expertise
and proficiency. In the pursuit of understanding and elucidating the complexities of ASD and its
associated gastrointestinal manifestations, ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a trusted companion,
facilitating the journey towards knowledge and enlightenment.

Unlock the mysteries of gastrointestinal symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder with confidence
and clarity, with the unwavering support of ⇒ ⇔.
Altered melatonin production appears to be feature of children with ASD, including below average
physiological levels of melatonin or its metabolites and abnormal coupling of melatonin with the
circadian rhythm ( 107 ). They concluded that associated behaviors may be useful to identify GIS in
nonverbal children and that they may help develop objective measures to identify GIS in those who
are nonverbal. 3.6. GIS and Challenging Behavior Challenging behavior can be prevalent in children
with ASD. Specifically, higher levels of externalizing and self-injurious behavior were both
associated with having a lower nonverbal IQ. Chaidez et al. ( 133 ) suggested that there is a strong
and significant relationship between GI symptoms and increased instances of irritability, social
withdrawal and hyperactivity. Most interestingly and importantly, there was a strong correlation of
gastrointestinal symptoms with autism severity. Psychiatric disorders in children with autism
spectrum disorders: prevalence, comorbidity, and associated factors in a population-derived sample.
We concentrated on bacterial taxa excluding excluded citations regarding viruses and archaea. The
over-expressions of the genes are suggestive of either a higher integrity of the BBB in autistic
children or a compensatory mechanism to uphold the integrity of the BBB. In conclusion, the picky
eating habit observed in autistic children might be a contributing factor to ASD. Melatonin inhibits
alcohol-induced increases in duodenal mucosal permeability in rats in vivo. FMT could potentially be
problematic, as donors could transfer opportunistic pathogens or infections to recipients. Prevalence
rates for GI concerns in ASD vary considerably depending on sample characteristics and
methodological approach ( 16 ). Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive
Radiotherap. Features of the broader autism phenotype in people with epilepsy support shared
mechanisms between epilepsy and autism spectrum disorder. Note that from the first issue of 2016,
this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. Leader G, Abberton C, Cunningham S,
Gilmartin K, Grudzien M, Higgins E, Joshi L, Whelan S, Mannion A. These metabolites indicated an
altered phenylalanine metabolism in ASD. Gastrointestinal 86 symptoms in autism spectrum
disorder: a meta-analysis. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation (1999). This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
Child Care Health Dev. 2010;36(3):437-443. PubMed Google Scholar Crossref 5. Chandler. The
latter facilitates informants to report stool consistency. However, there has been limited evidence to
suggest a significant association between presence or frequency of GI symptoms and ASD symptom
severity over and above those without significant GI complaints ( 127, 130, 134, 135 ), although
there is some evidence for associations with language impairment ( 136 ). Heightened LPS levels in
autistic individuals correlated with elevated IL-6 levels, another pro-inflammatory cytokine. DB
provided expertise on ASD and GI disorders in ASD. This review article demonstrated significant
changes in microbial composition of autistic population. The field lacked rigorous clinical research
verifying the association, however, according to a much-cited 2010 report published in Pediatrics 2.
Behaviours AND the potty problems are both the result of the autism, which is a neurological issue.
Possible networks of disturbances may then be mapped out to determine potential subgroups of
individuals with ASD classified by patterns of abnormal biological profiles. Work-role of Radiation
Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap.
Sleep disturbances and correlates of children with autism spectrum disorders. This amino acid is also
an excitatory neurotransmitter. Effect of social familiarity on salivary cortisol and self-reports of
social anxiety and stress in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders. The prevalence
of sleep problems and the increased likelihood of sleep problems in children with GIS has
implications for the children and their caregivers. Mol Psychiatry. 2010;15(7):676-680. PubMed
Google Scholar Crossref 14. Lord. Principles and clinical implications of the brain-gut-enteric
microbiota axis. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023:
Spotlight. Longitudinal Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Children With Autistic Disorder, Asperger
Syndrome, and PDD-NOS vs Children With Typical Development eTable 8. It may be inactive for
several months until favourable conditions allow its growth. While a number of reports have
suggested common neuropathology in children with ASD and epilepsy ( 64 ), the vast majority of
evidence suggests that epilepsy is not causal to the development of ASD, although the notable
exception may be in the case of infants with an epileptic encephalopathy (see section Prevalence). As
discussed earlier, estimates of prevalence span a wide range among published studies on GI function
in ASD, likely due to methodological differences between them ( 16 ). Characteristics of Children
With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Typical Development, and Developmental Delay a View Large
Download Table 3. Gastrointestinal dysfunctions as a risk factor for sleep disorders in children with
idiopathic autism spectrum disorder: a retrospective cohort study. Although the prevalence of GIS
was higher in participants with ASD than those without, this difference was not significant. This
implies that the neurobiological mechanisms underpinning common associations between epilepsy
and ASD may be derived from these subgroups within ASD. Several studies have reported the
number of GIS types experienced by individual children with ASD. Prevalence of chronic
gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism and autistic spectrum disorders. Elevated and
decreased metabolites in the urinary profiles of ASD children. While alternative treatments, such as
diets (e.g., ketogenic, modified Atkin's or gluten and casein free), have shown some efficacy for
treating epilepsy, their suitability and safety for individuals with ASD require further study. IL-17
and IL-22 together inhibited the overgrowth of Candida spp, however in autistic population, the
altered diversity of microbial community favoured the growth of Candida spp. Functional impact of
global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders. The protocol was approved by the
Health Sciences Institutional Review Board at the University of Missouri. Treatment of children with
both epilepsy and ASD is based on guidelines aimed at treating childhood epilepsy with anti-
epileptic drugs (AEDs), chosen based on seizure type and response to medication. Previous Article in
Journal An Update on Interleukin-9: From Its Cellular Source and Signal Transduction to Its Role in
Immunopathogenesis. A consideration of the overlap between medical conditions and ASD may aid
in defining biological subtypes within ASD and in the development of specific targeted
interventions. It was suggested to be due in part by probiotic use (as the children with autism taking
probiotics had the greatest lowest SCFA values), as well as lower intake of fiber, and other reasons.
Biol Psychiatry. 1997;41(6):753-755. PubMed Google Scholar Crossref 39. Chandana. Autistic
children were found to excrete significantly more N -methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide, N -methyl
nicotinic acid, and N -methyl nicotinamide in their urine. The only criteria for admission to the
program are: (1) diagnosis of an ASD (all ages); (2) referral by a physician in the public sector; and
(3) residing in the Community of Madrid (thus serving a population of 6,000,000). The current DSM
IV category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders includes several more severe forms of child
Fulceri F, Morelli M, Santocchi E, Cena H, Del Bianco T, Narzisi A, et al. The CBCL is a parent-
report measure assessing behavioral and emotional symptoms in children. Prosperi M, Santocchi E,
Balboni G, Narzisi A, Bozza M, Fulceri F, et al. One speculation is that these autoantibodies may
signal presence of heightened inflammatory processes or an autoimmune component that could
decrease the integrity of the mucosal barrier, or even reflect a downstream effect of previous mucosal
infection ( 123 ). It was suggested to be due in part by probiotic use (as the children with autism
taking probiotics had the greatest lowest SCFA values), as well as lower intake of fiber, and other
reasons. This follow-up study was conducted two years after the initial research took place in 2013.
Increased frequency of the extended or ancestral haplotype B44-SC30-DR4 in autism. These
metabolites indicated an altered phenylalanine metabolism in ASD. The decrease of 3-(3-
hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropionic acid, 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid and 3-hydroxyhippuric acid
after treatment suggests that these metabolites are mostly produced by Clostridia spp and other
overgrown populations in an altered phenylalanine metabolism. Session plan. The curious incident of
the dog in the night time. Report Back from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023:
Spotlight. Then, to evaluate the relationship between internalizing symptoms and externalizing
problem behaviors for children with certain GI symptoms, we performed separate logistic regressions
with the four GI symptoms as outcome variables for each age group. Amr Nadim, MD Ass. Prof. of
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ain Shams faculty of Medicine. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials
Processing (JMMP). They also reported a relationship between thyroid disorders and GIS. In the GI
tract, serotonin controls motility, pain perception and GI secretion. Alterations in specific sleep
stages may also be associated with different ASD phenotypes; prolonged REM latency has been
associated with regression ( 97 ). Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine
(JOHBM). Result remained significant in the multivariate analysis when OR was adjusted for age,
sex, and sleep problems; and also when OR for sleep problems when covariated by age, sex, and
intellectual disability. A metabolite, which was found in significantly higher levels in the serum of
MIA mice is 4-ethylphenylsulfate, which is chemically similar to p -cresol and is produced by
Clostridia spp. Last, participants included in this study were selected based on having at least one GI
symptom, so the results may not be representative of the general population of those with ASD.
Maternal autoimmune diseases and the risk of autism spectrum disorders in offspring: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. ASD and epilepsy co-occur in approximately 30% of individuals with
either condition ( 26 ). GI, Gastrointestinal; NGI, Non-Gastrointestinal. TABLE 1. The
administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in mice, on the other hand, reduced corticosterone levels
and thereby positively influenced anxiety and depression. Those with epilepsy also received an ASD
diagnosis later than those who were not diagnosed with epilepsy. Normally, Candida cannot grow in
the healthy microbial environment due to the competition for space and nutrients and suppression by
commensal bacteria. The Autistic Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and Autism Diagnostic
Observation Schedule-Generic ADOS-G were used to support the diagnosis when clinicians deemed
it necessary. Duplication of the 15q11-q13 region: clinical and genetic study of 30 new cases.
Reduced incidence of Prevotella and other fermenters in intestinal microflora of autistic children.

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