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{eilq}a ceR' Vasantdada Sugar Institute :

Final Examination
Course : Sugar Technology Semester-fl
Subject: Evaporation Marks: 1OO

Date: 0610612018
Time: 1O.OO am to 1.O0 pm

Note: Question No.1 is compulsory and answer any four questions out of the
A11 questions carry equal marks.

Q.![o.l (a] Fil! in the blanks

i) Clear juice obtained from clarilier contains about ------% water and -----
7o dissolved solids.

iil The temperature at which a given material changes from liquid phase to
gaseous phase at atmospheric pressure is ca1led

iii) Totalheat= -+--------

lv) The most cornmon method of cleaning of evaporator heating surface is to
boil ----------:----- solution.
v) Lower limit of temperature of syrup in evaporator is ........
vi) The height of the cylindrical portion of Robert t5rpe vessel should be
at least ... ... times the height of tubes of calandria.
vii) -- is the equipment used for condensing the vapour and
creating vacuum in the last body of evaporator set.
viii) When clarifier is being filled after starting the sugarcane crushing,
evaporator -------- boiling to be done.

(b) Write short answers for the following

i) tire objective ol evaporation
ii) Mention any two reasons for conducting water boiling of evaporator

iiii) Mention the names of any two method.s of external removal of scale.
iv) If the temperature of.the vapour used for heating the calandria is 100
oC and temperature of the juice boiling in the vessel is 85 oC. find out
the temperature of condensate leaving th calandria.
v) If a quantity of 2 MT/hr vapour is drawn from Ii body of a quadruple
effect evaporator, calculate the steam saving.
Q.No.2 a) Mention the Riliieux principles,

b) calculate the absolute pressure, temperature and latent heat of

individual bodies of a quadruple set of evaporator working with ar'
9x$us! steam pressure of o.z kg/crp and 635 mm Hg vacuum in the
last body of evaporator.

Q.No.3 Draw a neat sketch of Robert type body of evaporator and label the
diagram. Also describe the components.

Q.No.4 a) calculate the quantity of water to be evaporated per hour in the

Evaporator for the given data.
i) Cane crushed 3500 Tons
ii) C.J.oh cane 100
iii) Brix % C.J. 13
ivi Bdx% syrrp 65
b) Write different types of condensate extraction from evaporator vessel
working under pressure and vacuum.

Q.No.5 write the systematic procedure of attending general cleaning during

sugarcane crushing season.

Q.No.6 a) Write the fa-ctorsthat contribute tc scaJe formation (interior scale) over
evaporator heating surface.
b) write different methods of external scare removal.
c) Write the general composition of scale in different bodies of a
quadruple set of evaporator.

Q.No.7 Write short notes on ary four of the following

i) with a neat diagram explain centrifugal ty-pe condenser.
ii) Explain various steps for starting of evaporator set when crushino
season commence.
iii) Raising film evaporator.
iv) Juice distribution a-rrangement in Falling Film Evaporator.
v) Reasons for low brix syrup in evaporators.


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