JR in Romantic Era .Edited

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In the Romantic era's gentle sway,

Rizal's spirit danced in moonlit play.

With quill in hand and passion ablaze,

He penned verses that echoed for days.

Through jasmine-scented nights, he'd roam,

Capturing in words his homeland's home.

In each stanza, he wove a tale,

Of a nation's struggle, never to fail.

In Maria Clara's tender embrace,

He found the strength to stand in grace.

Her beauty mirrored a nation's pride,

In her love, he found the courage to stride.

In the whispers of palm trees and distant shore,

He heard the cries of those oppressed no more.

With every line, he etched a dream,

Of a land where justice reigns supreme.

So let us honor Rizal's art,

A poet's revolution, a patriot's heart.

In the Romantic era's tender embrace,

His words still echo, leaving a trace.

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