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Microphone Mute Setting

by YVC-1000 Configurator

A YVC-1000 with firmware Ver.3.00 or later synchronizes the device microphone mute with the USB output mute.
To set the YVC-1000 microphone mute to operate like with firmware Ver.2.09 to 2.11, use the YVC-1000 Configurator (Ver.1.09 or
later) to disable the microphone mute synchronizing setting function. The setting method is described below.

1. In the “YVC-1000 Configurator”, select the “USB” tab.

2. From the “MICROPHONE MUTE” drop-down list, select “NO SYNC”.

• For details about how to use the YVC-1000 Configurator, please refer to the User’s Manual.
• The initial setting value for “MICROPHONE MUTE” in YVC-1000 Configurator (Ver.1.09 or later) is “SYNC WITH PCs”.
• For details about the microphone mutes, refer to the YVC-1000 Block Diagram.
• The microphone mute synchronization setting function can be used only when a YVC-1000 with firmware Ver.3.00 or later is connected to a PC. It
cannot be used with a YVC-1000 with firmware earlier than Ver.3.00, or with a YVC-1000MS (the “MICROPHONE MUTE” item is not displayed in
“YVC-1000 Configurator”).

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