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INGLES destiny, and we are making sure this is

happening by letting you change your future

Siete amigos en el parque. Tres a la distancia, once
dos protagonistas y un tercer amigo, el que You see through your glasses.
llevará el Chronovision, algo más cerca,
contemplando consternado la escena. Reaparece Thethird con el Chronovision
puesto. Viendo a través de él. Escenas breves
Sharp - O, thou, malicious person of the de pelea y tragedia. Thethird atónito.
undergrounds, may you would like to give me
back the molecular bag of mine if you want to Thethird – Now I know what my fate beholds,
live one more day. and I’m ready to stop it.
Papel- I’ll be requiring it for the rest of the
day, a lot more than thee. Thou may be a Thethird golpea a los luchadores con una
comprehensive friend instead of another of rama grande. La cámara corta en una
my foes. transición hacia el plano del presentador.
Sharp – As thou keep thy unredeemable
posture, I may have no option but to Presentador – Isn´t it charming? Now your
challenge thou to a duel. Come here thou, group of friends is never ever tearing apart.
fool! Thethird – I love my chronovision, it helps me
and everyone around me to be my best me.
Sharp y Papel comienzan a luchar a puños. Escena del examen, no se habla en el video,
La cámara enfoca al tercero, en plegarias. por el momento, pero Thethird narra lo que
ocurre en el video.
Thethird – O my Ford, what should I do now?
My fellows are fighting and they want to end Thethird – The other day, I had an examen in a
each other over the most serious of problems. primitive school. I didn’t study at all because I
They sure will succeed, and may we face would like not to lose my time in such a trivial
doom. thing. Just as I saw the difficulty when I got
the test, (Oscar dice su dialogo de lo dificil del
El presentador comienza a hablar. Plano examen) I put my chronovision on and
mágico del presentador (pantalla verde) proceded to touch every single question, until
I was able to see me getting the highest note.
Presentador – Have you ever been in this Now I kinda rule the universe, and it’s all
situation? Are you scared of future? Are you thanks to my Chronovision.
feeling lost in your time? Wouldn’t you like to
change the future at your pleasure and get Presentador – Don´t be fooled by others over-
the life of your dreams? Then, the priced multidimensional glasses (Se muestran
Chronovision is the product you want in your otros lentes, siendo destruidos) Even for you,
future! humble family man, reality can be whatever
Using a millenary glass-molding technique you want only 4.99$ with no monkey’s pawn.
used by humans thousands of years ago, we If this isn´t enough for you, in addition, after
have created an hyperconvex glass, which you buy your Chronovision you are getting a
may help you not only to see better in the pair of rearview mirrors for you at no
conventional three dimensions like your addicional cost! Get rid of paradoxes and the
boring, typical glasses, but you’ll be taking a fear of collapsing timelines for free!
better look into the forth, temporal
dimension. (Transición a otra escena, Sharp, Papel y
As you use your Chronovision, you’ll be able Thethird, caminando y hablando a camara)
to look up to 10 years into the future of yours
and your loved things. And even better: in Thethird – Thanks to the Chronovision, I’m
Atemporal Inc. we firmly belive that you are never fearing my future again. (deja caer los
the master of your own lentes, que estaban en su frente, a sus ojos)
that other present?
Sharp – Thethird, you are about to make your
biggest decision of your at the time: eating or Presentador – With the Chronovision by your
not this lollypop. side, nothing will ever surprise you, and
nothing will ever harm you. Do you want to
Papel – That’s why we want you to know that take control of your fate?Would you like to
we’ll ever be there for you, to protect you, no archive your purpose? Call now at 666666667.
matter your weight or if you end up in Remember that with your Chronovision you
vegetative state . are getting a pair of rearview mirrors
completely free! Call now. You want this. You
Thethird es conmovido, y toma sus manos. need this.
El Chronovision muestra a todos los otros a la
distancia. Thethird en una cama, en coma.
Luego, todo en negro.

Thethird confundido.

Thethird – What? But what if, I just…

Thethird los suelta y voltea a otro lado.

Callado, mirando el suelo, vuelve a usar el

Chronovision: una paleta en el suelo y
Thethird solo, luego Todo en negro, otra vez.

Sharp – What happens?

Thethird – It must be an error

Sharp – What? What is an error?

Papel – Would you like to sit down and tell us

what did you see?

Thethird – It’s nothing. I do not fear anything

when I have the Chronovision.

Sharp – If everything is fine, then let’s move.

You’ll show us what to do with the lollypop
later, ok?

Se van (a donde sea) junto a la paleta, en el

camino Thethird contempla un árbol aún con
los lentes, y ve luz.

Transición con el presentador, Sharp y Papel

Junto a él.
Sharp - Our Chronovision guarantees us to
always take the right decision. Would I like
this or that?

Papel – Would he like to receive this car or

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