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Assignment 9

2. Complete the table with the highlighted comparative and superlative forms from the quotes.
a. Happier
b. The happiest
c. The happiest
d. More happy
e. The most happy
f. More happily
4. Think of a person you know and put their most important and interesting life events in order on
the timeline. Use expressions with get and any other events you like.
Be born — Got accepted into college — Graduated from college — Get a job — Get engaged
— Get married —Have children.
6. Complete the text with the time linkers in the box. Use each linker once.
a. To begin with, I hated getting into the water at the swimming pool.
b. Then, I found it easier to get into the water after taking a shower.
c. After that, I started with very easy exercises like putting my head underwater.
d. After a while, I found it easy to put my head underwater.
e. Soon, learning how to breathe in and out underwater was difficult and it took a long
f. In the end, I made good progress and it got easier. Now, I'm not afraid of the water
like I used to be.

7. Write an article for the living to change blog. Think about a difficult change you made. Choose
one of these topics or your own idea.

Topic: Relationships
After a while, I realized that I wanted to improve my relationships with the people around me. So, I
started to actively listen and communicate more effectively. But then, I had a disagreement with a
close friend and we stopped talking for a while. It was tough, but it made me realize how much I
valued our friendship.

However, when we started talking again, it was much easier than I thought. Soon, I found that our
bond became even stronger and I didn't take our friendship for granted anymore. In the end, we were
able to resolve our issues and our relationship became more meaningful.

Through this journey, I learned the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and open communication in
relationships. It's amazing how much a little effort can make a big difference. Now, I cherish my
relationships more than ever before and I'm grateful for the love and support I have in my life.

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