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Cetra imitReo

Ceraali therem
Ccral mat +heorem Rat lke prob. distibtn
he Sum e a
number inolepenalatE
andom Variabes nemal dislibutin
ppeaches a

Theerem XX2 Xn a Seaenta n n dependent

and identical diE bued Cid) s each aving

mean and Vanian ce and T XtX+t+n+Ran
Re Yarate Z X-A has a
dvttbution tPP
standand nomak listibtiem as n, poevided
|fRe m a*f exists
Dterer o n s Cefr imit heanem
Centra imi Theonem iapeunene f s form)
be a
SeauenCe tn de pëndent
Yswtl FCX)Ai and Van (x; )= , i and i
S X + X2-t . t Xn then un der cetain
q2neral Comdillm
Sn lws nermal dut buttm wtlh
and VanuanCe
ntands te ini
CentraAimi Theonem Cindeberg -levys Fom)
X2 Xn b a Sea,un Ca independet
ideitcally dutbted v's wt EX;)= and var(X;)=a
L=I, 2
,2, and 1 S=X,+X2 4 Xn, en under ene
Cendiim, Sn ollows ormcl l buti om ut 5
n and Vanante n asntencs To intihi y
e S, NN DM, Vn )

Corolla =LX+2 + Xn) han E(X anel

xollws N ) n

The a Sas That 7 X s #he mean o a

S i z e n faken om a pepulation w H mean and Vaxiape

Ren z-Pz -X-A as nas 5 a Standand nodmal

dfeime acerlain brand a n electic bulb

Cesidered a Rv wtth mean 200h and STandand


deviaton a5 k Find the poobability , using Central imit

HReoem tsa the avar itetime Go
bulbs excaads
50 h

Let X epresen he getime f he bul.

ECX) 1200 and Var( X ; ) - 5 o . n = 6 0

Jet X denste the mearn Retime bo bulbs.

B Coollay e ode be»g-evy erm o
x N1200 250

X -1200o 250 -/200

PC z125o) 250

P (2755) o 5 -o4314 co.obo6

P z z |3) P(o<z<s)-Ploxz </h


A2sXn are Poisen Vaiales wts paameTar de2

eral limi e e m to estimale PC120 <S,< 160
whene SnX+X,+ and haF5
and Van X;) =A=2
byCLT, Sn Tllons NCnM, oN) ie Snr N(!50 Vi50)
2o-I5 S n 5 0 lbo-/50
P120S l6oj P V15D

P-245 z o 929

P-2+5 7 £o'3 + Pioe ze0-82

P o e 2 e 2^45 3 +P{ozeo8a 3

3 A siibution wt unhnown mean has Vanua HCe

eapa to 5. Ose Cantral l i t Theorem n h

lar a
Sample Should be takan om the diotmbuti on
in or der tat he p a b a b i l t l b e at least o35 hat

|HResample mean u e o5 he pepulaGon


S Gti ven FCX;)=M and VarlX;) 5

Let Xalenete the Sanple ean

By Corollaynder CLT, x NCM,

We have to ind n l h bat

P(I-l<o5)o 95
PC-o5 X -u <'5)o 95
o5 OS
o9 5

o 5 (n
V)s ) >,o0.95


P(Oz <o40ga(n) >, o 4 t5

to<z< z,)7, 4 T5 WhereZ,: 0.408 a V
Fmhe table
m 4 , we ave

O4082 Vn 96
o 408 2

h23.055 23
e Si22 the must b at least 3

V;t,2, 1,2 , 0 , aY2 Inle pendent noi se Veltaqps

Yeeive In anadder and V 6 the

Sunth Vel Las
Rve, ncd t robabil Kat the total Cmiina

voltan V Ceedh 5, usi CLT. Assume that eath

uton dstrbute dover (o, 10)
no i ieleom over (o, lo)
itibtt NISCx)
C )

. V

YYcan ECV) b t a
V (v;) a lo-o) 5lo)
12 2 2

Thetot valta 15 V V t V9t tVn

S N(loo, lbVae)

V-too tos-1Oo
P (Vtos) lo V20 o V2

P ( z >o.387
o < z < s ) - PCocz <0 38 7

oSC 15|7 o348 3

5A andom Sanple Si22 loo taken m a Porpulntin

whwse mean s o and Yanian Ce s 4oo. Usina cLT, wi
wotpvb. Can we omert tbat the maan t the Sampla.

will net drte tom =6o more than ?

XfollewS normad d u t wt th mo
U Sing cLT,

and Vannant?
6o n

N ) x N(Go, 2Vioo

P(13-Ml 4) P (Ix-6ol 4)
P(-4<-6o £ 4)
P 6+|
P/56-6o z e

aP(o z< a)
xo4T12 ~ 7544

3o elect>onic devices D1, D2, Da are Used In th

wh m anHer As Soon AS fals, D beCenme

eperativ dails, becees eperutive and So mn

m etime to re D ah ecponetal

Parameter aeo 1/h and T s he tola

üma al the
operatim 30 devites, find the pob
that T exceeds 35s, usi na
Erpnertial dist mea: VanieAn Co
Gtiven d2

ean XO=lo
Vaniance .

T S,~ N(nu, n ) =N(300, toV)

PCT7350) P (z >35030)P(z>09128 ):P(2>o:1/
5 -

O 3186 O 18

T X, i=l,2, 50, a e inde pen dent

Rvs each having
Poson dutrbti an uth Panametey dsoo 3 ahd
SX+X2 + +*n, evaluata
PS,23), usins eLT. Cmpare
anwer wtb the exact alue
e The
probabil; ly
G7iven d=o03 5o
f s on dtbution
Usi eLT, Sn N(5,5)
P(S,3) P( 3
) = P(E2l241)
OS -P(ozzi-22)

S - 0 388&=o |1| 22
Aack Value
P(Sn3) -P[S3) = PlX+Xt+X73)
- (SDxo-o3)

e Cl5) o.1a
Ne X, X2 X are h Penson Y Vs wttb Payamete
Ren X+X+Fn s a PoLssan paame ler àta

8Afair Coin tossed 250 imes. Find h poobabl

hat heads w appeat between l2o and l4o n
usina CentraRimE Heerem
et X denote the number heads appea

X a binomial * u t b a r a meler

and -/2

Vatance m p: b25

CLT X N(125, 2 s )

P(12 4X <lo) P(120-125 ze 4o-125S

V62 25
P - o b3< z<89)
- - -

P - o 63<z<o)+P[oc ze|&91

23ST+o4 feb=oJe63
Ko dice ae
> e . Find th
app»eeiroata pba
a t te Ssi eaineA between 6s and 5

RN X; he vaue t e
EX) 2+3t4 5
Var(;) =
Ps , #5)
CLT S~Nnu, oVn) = No (9o, 7.t346)

' P ( 5 es,T5) =P 5-75-7

76376 763F
=P(-0. 655<z o.S5)
2P(oiko.bSE)2(o422 )
=o4 S44

ro Ceal Amd dRoeotn

Let Sn X+X2+
here each
buted w t mean
and Vauance

ez, S,-


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