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o Definition of communication

o The need/ purpose of Communication

o Types of Communication

o Communication Styles

o Communication Barriers

o Effective Communication

o Quiz
Communication is sending and receiving information
between two or more people. The person sending the
message is known as ‘sender’ and the person who
receives the message is considered as ‘receiver’.
The information conveyed can include facts, ideas,
concepts, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, instructions and
even emotions.

“You Cannot Not Communicate” Paul Watzlawick

We need communication to:
 Inform  Suggest
 Explain  Express
 Advise  Ask
 Order  Order
 Motivate  Simplify
 Negotiate  Train
 Persuade  Appreciate
 Warn
 Educate

• Verbal and Non-verbal

• Formal and Informal

• Interpersonal and Intrapersonal

Verbal and Non-verbal communication
Verbal communication
Messages that are transmitted in the spoken or printed form:
Oral communication examples: Written communication examples:

o Face to face conversations o Letters

o Phone calls o E-mails
o Video conferences o Text messages
o Interviews o Notices
o Group discussions o Reports

Non-verbal communication
Transmission of information through:
o Symbols
o Pictures, maps, graphs
o Facial expressions
o Gestures
o Body posture
o Eye contact
Formal and informal communication
Formal Communication
It is the transmission of information through official and stuctured
channels such as speech, letters, meetings,etc. It can be upward,
downward or horizontal.

Informal Communcication
Refers to everday conversations and discussions that take place
in the workplace or outside.
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication
It is communication between two or more people either face-to-face or
through a medium such as a phone, email, or social media.

Intrapersonal communication
It i s the internal dialogue with oneself. (self-talk)
There are three major styles:



Passive style
It is the style of communication in which people avoid expressing
their thoughts and needs due to fear or out of respect for the others.
They tends to be « pushover ».They allow others to talk over them.

Assertive style
This kind of communicators share their ideas and thoughts
confidently and politelty.They are usually willing to listen to
the others and are always open even when dealing with difficult
Agressive style
The aggressive communicators tends to dominate the others. They
express themselves in a tense and loud manner. They tend be so
combative that people usually avoid talking to them.
• Physical barriers

• Psychological barriers

• Language barriers

• Emotional barriers

• Organisational barriers
Physical Barriers
It is any obstacle that blocks the exchange of information such as
noise, distance, time, environment, technical difficulties,etc.
Psychological Barriers
In interpersonal comunication, psychological factors like inattention,
demotivation, lack of interest, deconcentration can lead to a situation
in which the person would be physically present but mentally absent.
Language Barriers
Aspects of language use that result in miscomprehension and
misunderstanding like different languages, accents or dialects, poor
vocabulary, grammar or spelling,unclear words,etc.
Emotional Barriers
Mental obstacles that prevent positive interaction including anger, fear,
frustration, stress, phobia, etc.
Organisational Barriers
Problems of communication in the workplace due to misinformation or
lack of appropriate transparency between the employers and the
The 7 c’s of effective communication are:

• Completeness

• Conciseness

• Considereation

• Clarity

• Concreteness

• Courtesy

• Correctness
Completeness: A message is complete when it provides all
necessary information, answers all questions, and gives more details
when desirable.
Conciseness: A concise message is short, includes only relevant
information, avoids long explanation and unecessary repetition.
Consideration: The message should take into consideration the
audience’s point of veiw, background, mind-set, education level, etc.
Clarity: A clear message avoids technical terms, vagueness and the
possibility of misinterpretation.
Concreteness: Being precise in presenting facts and figures, use of
action verbs to make ideas clear, use of active voice more than
passive voice.
Courtesy: The message should show politeness and respect to the
Correctness: Use of adequate pronunciation, grammar, punctuation,
spelling, etc.

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