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Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499

Electrocoagulation of some reactive dyes: a statistical

investigation of some electrochemical variables
Ahmet Gürsesa,*, Mehmet Yalçina, Cetin Doğarb
Atatürk University, K.K. Eğitim Fakültesi, Department of Chemistry, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey
Atatürk University, Erzincan Eğitim Fakültesi, Department of Chemistry, 24030 Erzincan, Turkey

Received 9 October 2000; accepted 20 November 2001

In this study, the decolorization of strong colored solutions containing the reactive textile dyes by electrocoagulation was inves-
tigated. The experiments were statistically designed and carried out according to a 24 full factorial design with two replicate and
four center points. This design was extended with eight additional axial points. Then, the non-linear regression was applied on the
data by using MINITAB software. The variables chosen for this work are mixing rate, cell voltage, electrolysis time and current
density. Results showed that the effective variables on decolorization process are cell voltage, electrolysis time and current density.
In addition, to determine the effect of dye and electrode type on decolorization, the additional experiments were carried out. It was
determined the dye and electrode type are important on the decolorization process. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and their various combinations (Zoltek and Melear,

1981; Peters et al., 1985; Rebhun and Lurie, 1993; Do
The textile industry is one of those industries that and Chen, 1994; Lin and Peng, 1994, 1996; Pols and
consume considerable amounts of water in the manu- Harmsen, 1994; Szpyrkowicz et al., 1995; Jiang and
facturing process. The water employed in the dyeing Graham, 1996; Morass et al., 1999). Although the cost
and finishing processes eventually ends up as waste- of biological treatment of wastewater is less than that of
water that needs to be treated before final discharge. other methods, the smaller efficiency of decolorization
Frequent changes of dyestuff employed in the dyeing using this treatment is due to the toxicity of the dis-
process cause considerable variation in the wastewater solved or suspended matter. The coloring matter of
characteristics, particularly pH, color and wastewater dyeing wastewater can be effectively removed by
COD value. Large pH fluctuation is especially trouble- method of chemical coagulation, adsorption, ultra-
some because the pH tolerance of conventional biological filtration and ozonization (Thebault et al., 1981; Ben-
and chemical treatment systems is very limited. Hence schoten and Edzwald, 1990; Churchley, 1994; Gahr et
without proper pH adjustment, normal operation of the al., 1994). In recent years, electrocoagulation has been
treatment processes is essentially impossible. successfully tested to treat various industrial wastewater
Strong color is another important component of the (Vik et al., 1984; Do and Chen, 1994; Lin and Peng,
textile wastewater that is very difficult to deal with 1994, 1996; Pouet and Grasmick, 1995; Tsai et al., 1997;
combination of strong color and high dissolved solid Lin et al., 1998).
content resulting in high turbidity of the wastewater. Electrocoagulation is a process consisting of creating
The strong color of wastewater if not removed would a floc of metallic hydroxides within the effluent to be
cause disturbance to the ecological system of the cleaned, by electrodissolution of soluble anodes. Com-
receiving waters. Traditional methods for dealing with pared with traditional flocculation and coagulation,
the wastewater consist of biological, physical, chemical electrocoagulation has in theory, the advantage of
removing the smallest colloidal particles: the smallest
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +90-442-231-4007; fax: +90-442-
charged particles have a greater probability of being
218-4172. coagulated because of the electric field that sets them in
E-mail address: (A. Gürses). motion. It has also the advantage of producing a relatively
0956-053X/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0956-053X(02)00015-6
492 A. Gürses et al. / Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Experimental
d.a.c. (cm) distance between anode and
cathode In the experiments, as electrodes, iron and aluminum
X1, X2, X3 and X4 original values for electrolysis plates 4.04.0 cm dimensions and cylindrical graphite
time, cell voltage, current density (8.05 cm2) were used. They were treated with the solu-
and mixing rate, respectively tion of HCl (15%wt.) for cleaning prior to use. The
x1, x2, x3 and x4 coded values for electrolysis experimental apparatus is given in Fig. 1. The solutions
time, cell voltage, current density of 25 and 12.5 ppm of textile dyes of Remazol Brilliant
and mixing rate, respectively Orange 3R (C.I.:17757), Remazol Brilliant Yellow GL,
S.D. standard deviation Remazol Red RB and Remazol Blue 3R New were pre-
pared and then their calibration curves were obtained.
At all experiments, except for the experiments in which
the effect of dye and electrode types were investigated,
low amount of sludge (Pouet and Grasmick, 1995). In Remazol Red RB and Fe electrode were used. Stirring
addition, it has been reported that the adsorption of the was done by using a magnetic stirrer. Electrolyte (NaCI)
hydroxide on the mineral surface was 100 times more on concentration was kept constant at 8.5 mM at the all
‘‘in situ’’ than on pre-precipitated hydroxides when runs. Cell voltage and current were measured as digital.
metal hydroxides were used as coagulants (Rebhun and At the experiments in which cell voltages were kept
Lurie, 1993). Secondary pollution may be caused by constant, it was observed a small variation in steady
chemical substance added at a high concentration when current. At the end of experiments, the treated solution
chemical coagulation is applied to treat dyeing waste- was filtered and then 5 mL filtrate was centrifuged at
water. Excessively added coagulants can be avoided by 2000 rpm for 5 min. The concentration measurements of
electrocoagulation, due to the generation of the coagu- the dyes before and after electrolysis were carried out
lants by electrooxidation of a sacrificial anode. The spectrophotometrically. In the measurements, since the
characteristics of electrocoagulation are simple equip- steady current density increased by shortening the dis-
ment and easy operation, brief reactive retention period, tance between the electrodes at a given voltage (Güden
decreased or negligible equipment for adding chemical and Karakaya, 1994; Brillas et al., 1997), current density
and decreased amount of sludge.
Therefore, electrocoagulation has been widely used to
treat waters containing food and protein wastes, oil
wastes, synthetic detergent effluents mine wastes and
heavy metal-containing solutions. This method can also
be used to remove phosphate, for defluoridation of
water, to treat potable water (Vik et al., 1984; Do and
Chen, 1994).
In recent years, although there has been a lot of works
on the wastewater treatment by electrochemical meth-
ods, there are so far no reports related to the statistical
evaluation of experimental results and also no study
that compare the dye and electrode types for the
electrocoagulation process. In this study, our aim was to
investigate the decolorization by electrocoagulation
from the solutions containing some textile dyes and to
determine the influence of the variables such as current
density, cell voltage, mixing rate and electrolysis time on
decolorization process. The experiments was carried out
according to 24 full factorial experimental design with
two replicate and four center points. Statistical calcula-
tions were done by using MINITAB software. More-
over, to order to determine the influence of electrode
and dye type on the decolorization process, additional
experiments were carried out the electrolysis conditions
in which decolorization is high. Finally, the fit of the
experimental data to a statistical model was investigated. Fig. 1. Experimental apparatus.
A. Gürses et al. / Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499 493

can be adjusted changing the anode–cathode distance. Table 1

Therefore, at the various anode–cathode distances (2.0, Original and coded variables
2.5 and 3.0 cm) and at a constant cell potential (7.5 V), Main Original Coded variable (x)
electrolysis experiments were performed. The con- variable variable (X)
ductivities were measured by using KARL KOLB D- 2 1 0 1 2
6072 conductometer for the various electrolysis times at Electrolysis time (min) X1 0 5 10 15 20
the given anode–cathode distances. The zeta potentials Cell voltage (V) X2 5 7.5 10 12.5 15
of the particles formed after each electrolysis period Current density (mAcm2) X3 1 2 3 4 5
were measured by using micro-electrophoresis cell Mixing rate (rpm) X4 200 400 600 800 1000
(Zeta-Meter 3.0+). Decolorization percentage was cal-
culated using the difference between dye concentrations
after and before electrolysis. Table 2
24 Full factorial experiment design with two replicate and four center
2.2. Statistical analysis and modeling points

The variables chosen for this work are cell voltage,
I Rep. II Rep. Run x1 x2 x3 x4
current density, electrolysis time and mixing rate. From
experimental observations, it was assumed that the 20.16 15.36 1 1 1 1 1
higher order interactions were small relative to the low 34.56 29.76 2 1 1 1 1
24.96 20.16 3 1 1 1 1
order interactions, because a system with several process
46.52 46.52 4 1 1 1 1
variables is conducted primarily by some of the main 32.16 32.16 5 1 1 1 1
effects and low order interactions. Therefore, the pre- 100.00 100.00 6 1 1 1 1
sent work considers only two-way interactions. The 29.76 24.96 7 1 1 1 1
other higher order interactions have been added in the 100.00 100.00 8 1 1 1 1
22.56 22.56 9 1 1 1 1
error. The center points could be used to check the cur-
34.56 34.56 10 1 1 1 1
vature in the model to be fitted (Bennett and Franklin, 29.76 22.56 11 1 1 1 1
1967; Hines and Montgomery, 1990; Strange, 1990). 34.56 39.32 12 1 1 1 1
Before statistical analysis, the main variables were mod- 24.96 24.96 13 1 1 1 1
ified to their variables coded in the following manner: 100.00 100.00 14 1 1 1 1
36.92 24.96 15 1 1 1 1
X1, X2, X3 and X4 are original variables, where X1, X2,
100.00 100.00 16 1 1 1 1
X3 and X4 represent electrolysis time (min), cell voltage 29.76 17 0 0 0 0
(V), current density (mA cm2) and mixing rate (rpm), 36.96 18 0 0 0 0
respectively. Accordingly, x1, x2, x3 and x4 are the coded 34.56 19 0 0 0 0
variables, where 27.36 20 0 0 0 0

x1 ¼ ðX1  10Þ=5
shows that the exception for x4,as the factor levels are
x2 ¼ ðX2  110Þ=2:5 increased, decolorization percentage increases. Fig. 3
shows the plots of interactions for four main variables.
x3 ¼ ðX3  3Þ=1 The significant interactions are indicated by non-paral-
lel lines on the plots. As can be seen from this figure,
x4 ¼ ðX4  600Þ=200 there are two important interactions: the first one is
between electrolysis time (x1) and current density (x3)
The levels for the four main variables were chosen and the second one is between cell voltage (x2) and cur-
from our previous experiences. The original and coded rent density (x3). Since the existence of curvature masks
levels are given in Table 1. The full factorial design is the importance of the main effects, a reduced model in
given in Table 2. In order to determine the influence of which center points are eliminated was used. The var-
the main variables on the decolorization, the data was iance analysis table of reduced model is given in Table 4.
statistically analysed by using MINITAB software and From Table 4, it can be seen that the main effects and
the results are given in Table 3. As can be seen from two-way interactions which are significant at 0.05 level
Table 3, the P value (0.000 for curvature) clearly shows are x1, x2, x3, x1*x3 and x2*x3, respectively. As can be
existence of curvature. The P values for main effect seen from Table 3, a curvature exists. Therefore, a
(0.000) and two-way interaction (0.000) are very small. quadratic or higher order model will be convenient to fit
This indicates that at least one of both the main effects to the obtained data. However, since the data was not
and the interactions is important. The main effect plots enough for the higher order model, eight axial points
of the four variables are given in Fig. 2. This figure were added to experimental design. The results obtained
494 A. Gürses et al. / Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499

Table 3
Analysis of variance for decolorization percentage

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS Fa P

Main effects 4 24 562.2 24 562.2 6140.55 128.03 0.000

Two-way interactions 6 6342.7 6342.7 1057.11 22.04 0.000
Residual error 25 1199.0 1199.0 47.96
Curvature 1 800.2 800.2 800.20 48.16 0.000
Lack of fit 5 186.3 186.3 37.27 3.3 0.025
Pure error 19 212.5 212.5 11.18
Total 35 32 103.8
These values are calculated using residual error.

Fig. 2. Main effect plots for four main variables.

Fig. 3. The interactions plots for main variables.

from additional experiments are given in Table 5. The In addition, to order to determine the influence of
final model obtained for Remazol Red RB dye and Fe electrode type and dye types on decolorization, the
electrode is as follows: additional experiments with two replicates were carried
out under the conditions for run 6 given in Table 2. The
Decolorization % ¼ 29:9 þ 22:1x1 þ 2:52x2 þ 17:8x3 obtained data have been statistically analysed. Results
of two-way variance analysis (ANOVA) of these
þ 14:0x1 x3  1:49x2 x3 þ 4:47ðx1 Þ2 experiments have been given in Table 6. From this table,
it can be seen that at least one of dyes and electrodes
þ 7:61ðx3 Þ2 þ 5:15ðx1 Þ2 ðx3 Þ2 chosen are important (P=0.000) and also there is
strong interaction between them (P=0.000). this inter-
For this equation, s (root MSE) and R2 values (the action are graphically shown in Fig. 4. Because of the
multiply coefficient of determination) are 4.592 and interaction between the variables, the dyes and electro-
98.2%, respectively. des can be compared with each other by performing
A. Gürses et al. / Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499 495

Table 4
Full factorial fit for the reduced model (without center points)Estimated effects and coefficients for decolorization percentage

Term Effect Coef Std Coef t-value P

Constant 47.162 0.7126 66.19 0.000

X1 43.209 21.604 0.7126 30.32 0.000
X2 3.284 1.642 0.7126 2.30 0.032
X3 34.531 17.266 0.7126 24.23 0.000
X4 0.294 0.147 0.7126 0.21 0.839
X1*x2 0.889 0.444 0.7126 0.62 0.540
X1*x3 27.936 13.968 0.7126 19.60 0.000
X1*x4 1.489 0.744 0.7126 1.04 0.308
X2*x3 2.989 1.494 0.7126 2.10 0.048
X2*x4 0.294 0.147 0.7126 0.210 0.839
X3*x4 0.611 0.306 0.7126 0.43 0.672

Analysis of variance for decolorization percentage

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

Main effects 4 24 562.2 24 562.2 6140.55 377.93 0.000

Two-way interactions 6 6342.7 6342.7 1057.11 65.06 0.000
Residual error 21 341.2 341.2 16.25
Lack of fit 5 186.3 186.3 37.27 3.85 0.018
Pure error 16 154.9 154.9 9.68
Total 31 31 246.0

Table 5 Table 6
Additional runs for decolorization process Two way variance analysis for influence of electrode and dye types

Decolorization% Run x1 x2 x3 x4 Source DF SS MS F P

0.00 21 2 0 0 0 Dye 3 2813.8 937.9 79.26 0.000

95.69 22 2 0 0 0 Electrode 2 22 797.3 11 398.6 963.26 0.000
16.70 23 0 2 0 0 Dye * electrode 6 4385.4 730.9 61.77 0.000
40.80 24 0 2 0 0 Error 12 142.0 11.8
20.76 25 0 0 2 0 Total 23 30 138.5
100.0 26 0 0 2 0
20.80 27 0 0 0 2
32.50 28 0 0 0 2

one-way variance analysis. In other words, in the presence

of interactions, treatment combinations are compared
according to the differences between them (Hines and
Montgomery, 1990; Milton and Arnold, 1990; Menden-
hall and Sincich, 1995). The results of one-way variance
analysis for this comparison are given in Table 7.

3. Results and discussions

Fig. 2 shows the main effect plots of four variables on

the decolorization percentage. From this figure, It can
be seen that the exception for mixing rate, as the levels Fig. 4. The lines of interactions for dye and electrode type.
of cell voltage,current density and electrolysis time are
increased, the decolorization percentage increases. Fig. 3, the latter interaction has relatively a minor effect
As can be seen in Fig. 3, significant interactions are on the electrocoagulation. On the other hand, the inter-
indicated by non-parallel lines on the plots. Thus, it can action between current density and electrolysis time
be concluded that there are two important interactions: could be resulted from the increasing rates of all reac-
the first one is between electrolysis time (x1) and current tions. In other words, the interaction could be resulted
density (x3) and the second one is between cell voltage from shortening of the time required for both coagulation
(x2) and current density (x3). However, as can be seen in and electrode dissolution processes. The investigation of
496 A. Gürses et al. / Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499

Table 7
One way variance analysis for influence of electrode and dye types and individual 95% confine intervals for mean based on pooled standard deviation

Source DF SS MS F P

Cell (E/D) 11 29 996.5 2727.0 230.45 0.000

Error 12 142.0 11.8
Total 23 30 138.5

Level E/D N Mean S.D. - - - - - - - - - - +- - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - -

1 Fe/R 2 100.00 0.00 ( -)
2 Fe/O 2 100.00 0.00 ( -)
3 Fe/Y 2 92.50 0.71 (-  -)
4 Fe/B 2 99.00 0.00 (-  -)
5 Al/R 2 100.00 0.00 ( -)
6 Al/O 2 100.00 0.00 ( -)
7 Al/Y 2 51.00 2.83 (-  -)
8 Al/B 2 73.50 2.12 (- )
9 Gr/R 2 19.00 1.41 ( -)
10 Gr/O 2 15.00 9.90 (-  -)
11 Gr/Y 2 6.50 4.95 (-  -)
12 Gr/B 2 62.50 2.12 (-  -)
- - - - - - - - - - +- - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - -
Pooled S.D.=3.44 30 60 90

E, electrode; Fe, iron; Al, aluminium; Gr, graphite; D, dye; R, red RB; O, orange 3R; Y, yellow GL; B, blue 3R new.

variation of zeta potentials and conductivities with electrolysis time. Figs. 5a and b show that at the begin-
electrolysis time could give the more information for the ning of electrolysis, monomeric hydrolysis products
interaction. The results related to variation of the values with low concentration is main products in the relative
of both the zeta potentials and the conductivities with acidic medium. Thus, the colloidal particles having zero
electrolysis time for Fe, Al and Graphite electrode are and negative zeta potential value are produced by
given in Figs. 5–7, respectively. adsorption of the negatively charged dye molecules on
Ferric ions electrogenerated may form monomeric the monomeric hydrolysis products (Gregory, 1993;
ions, ferric hydroxo complexes with hydroxide ions and Rebhun and Lurie, 1993; Oxspring et al., 1995). This
polymeric species, namely, Fe(H2O)+3 6 , Fe(H2O)5 causes somewhat to increase in the decolorization per-
OH+2, Fe(H2O)4(OH)+1 2 , Fe2(H2O)8(OH)2
and Fe2 centage. However, after the electrolysis of 7.5 min, the
(H2O)6(OH)4 , depending on pH range (Johnson and zeta potential values of the colloidal particles increase
Amirtharajah, 1983). The complexes (i.e. hydrolysis negatively with the increasing medium pH up to 7. As
products) have a pronounced tendency to polymerize at can be seen from Fig. 5a and b, after this time (7.5 min),
pH 3.5–7.0 (Pykhteer et al., 1999). When Fe electrode is the decolorization percentage has been reduced. This is
used, the amount and the variety of hydrolysis products may be due to the restabilization. On the other hand,
formed by anodic dissolution depends significantly on the different trends in Fig. 5b can be attributed to

Fig. 5. The plots for the variation of the decolorization percentages, zeta potential values and conductivities with the electrolysis time at the several
d.a.c. in the case of Fe electrode.
A. Gürses et al. / Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499 497

Fig. 6. The plots for the variation of the decolorization percentages, zeta potential values and conductivities with the electrolysis time at the several
d.a.c. in the case of Al electrode.

Fig. 7. The plots for the variation of conductivities with the electrolysis time at the several d.a.c. in the case of graphite electrode (a) with the dye (b)
without the dye.

change in the formation rate of hydrolysis products, as low pH range is explained as precipitation while the
a result of the increasing current density (i.e. as a result higher pH range ( > 6.5) as adsorption (Rebhun and
of the shortening of the anode–cathode distance). Lurie, 1993).
In the experiments in which Al electrode is used, the
electrogenerated aluminium ions may form monomeric Precipitation : DYE þ Monomeric AI !
and polymeric hydroxo complexes, depending on the ½DYE Monomeric AI
ðsÞ pH ¼ 4:05:0
pH range (Johnson and Amirtharajah, 1983). These ð1Þ
complexes have tendency to polymerize in the pH 4–7
ranges. Oversaturation and formation of amorphous DYE þ Polymeric AI !
hydroxide precipitate AI(OH)3(H2O)3s enmeshes colloi-
dal particles in a ‘‘sweep floc’’. Many monomeric and ½DYE PolymericAI
ðsÞ pH ¼ 5:06:0
polymeric species such as AI(OH)+2, AI(OH)+ 2 , AI2 ð2Þ
(OH)+42 , AI(OH) 4, AI6(OH)+3
15 , AI7(OH)+4 17 , AI8 Adsorption : DYE þ AIðOHÞ3 ðsÞ ! ! ½particle

(OH)+4 +7 +5
20 , AI13O4(OH)24 , AI13(OH)34 have been repor-
ted (Rebhun and Lurie, 1993). Formation rates of the ð3Þ
different species play an important role in decolorization
process. Several interaction mechanisms are possible ½DYE PolymericAI
ðsÞ þ AIðOHÞ3 ðsÞ
simultaneously between dye molecules and hydrolysis
! ! ! ½particle

products and the rates of these depend on pH of the

medium and types of ions present. Two major interac- ð4Þ
tion mechanisms are being considered in the recent For the low and middle anode–cathode distance (2.0
years: precipitation and adsorption, each one being and 2.5 cm), during electrolysis of 2.5 min, monomeric
proposed for a separate pH range. Flocculation in the hydrolysis products (AI (OH)+2,AI(OH)+ +4
2 ,AI2(OH)2 )
498 A. Gürses et al. / Waste Management 22 (2002) 491–499

mainly exist in the medium. Under these conditions, the effect of the dye types on electrocoagulation process
electrostatic charge neutralization between these hydro- can be explained with the pronounced dependence of
lysis products and hydrolyzed negatively charged dye the hydrolysis species to anode-cathode distance and
molecules occurs [Eqs. (1) and (2)]. As a result of this electrolysis time. This can also be attributed to the dif-
process, aggregation tendency of the monomeric hydro- ferent adsorptive properties of dyes. In addition, from
lysis products increases. As can be seen from Fig. 6a, at the regression analysis of all 44 runs, a mathematical
the end of this time (2.5 min), the small amount of the equation showing the relation between decolorization
dye removes by adsorbing on the aggregates. Also, the percentage and the effective variables was obtained. The
results (Table 7) indicate that the formation of coagu- high R2 square value of 98.2% for this mathematical
late depend on the structure of the dyes chosen and so model indicates the presence of a high correlation
on the adsorption ability of dye molecules on hydrolysis between observed and predicted values.
products or flocs. The negative zeta potentials values
also support this mechanism. On the other hand, at
longer electrolysis time than 5 min, precipitation of Al References
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