Kombucha How Is It Processed

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by Tara McHugh and Amanda Sinrod

Kombucha: How Is It Processed?

his month’s column is a continuation of growing. Sales of kombucha reached $689 Brewing Kombucha
our “How is it processed?” series, focus- million during 52 consecutive weeks in To make the kombucha base, tea and sugar
ing on kombucha. Thousands of years old, 2017–2018. are added to boiling water and steeped for
kombucha is a functional, fermented tea cur- Stores sell a large variety of kombucha about 10 minutes before being filtered to
rently consumed around the world. I wish to drinks from both craft brewers and large pro- remove the tea leaves. The solution is then
thank my co-author, Amanda Sinrod, food ducers like GT’s Living Foods and Health-Ade. cooled to room temperature, at which point a
specialist at the University of California, Beverage giants are also entering the kombu- thin layer of mother SCOBY and a small
Davis, and the U.S. Department of cha space. PepsiCo purchased the kombucha amount of fermented kombucha are added to
Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, brewer KeVita for $200 million in 2016. begin the fermentation. Ingredient propor-
for contributing to this column. tions vary between brewers and kombucha
SCOBY beverages but generally consist of 5%–15%
History and Market A symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, sugar, 2% SCOBY, and 8%–17% fermented
From home brew to a major consumer prod- SCOBY is the key to kombucha fermentation kombucha. Incorporating fermented
uct, kombucha has recently made its mark on and consists of a cellulosic pellic layer that
the American beverage industry. This nonal- floats on the kombucha’s surface. Every Kombucha is mildly carbonated and has a fruity vinegar flavor.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay
Each batch of kombucha has a distinctive taste caused by
its individual combination of ingredients, environmental brewing
conditions, and microbial composition.
coholic fermented tea beverage owes its SCOBY is a unique combination of acetic acid
newfound popularity to its vast health claims bacteria and osmophilic yeast species that
as a homeopathic remedy for everything from vary by climate, geography, culture, and wild
decreasing signs of aging to preventing can- microorganisms. Acetic acid bacteria
cer. Kombucha, also known as tea kvass, tea polymerize the glucose in the fermenting
fungus, and Manchurian, has a fruity vinegar kombucha solution to generate cellulose and
flavor and mild carbonation, which is com- hemi-cellulose as a secondary metabolite,
monly considered an acquired taste and forming the SCOBY’s zoogleal mat. After 10 to
loved by many. 14 days of fermentation, a new SCOBY
Manchurian was first brewed in north- culture reaches 2 cm thick and separates
east China around 220 BCE and was revered from the inoculation mother culture. This new
for its magical detoxifying and energizing SCOBY is clear with a gel-like consistency.
properties. Six hundred years after its inven- Once the fermentation is complete, the
tion, the beverage was brought to Japan as a SCOBY can be saved in a small volume of
cure for digestive issues. Manchurian kombucha and used to inoculate new
became known as tea kvass as it spread batches.
along trade routes into Russia and Eastern Commercial kombucha brewing produces
Europe. Kombucha was not introduced to large volumes of SCOBY as a new SCOBY
Western Europe until it reached Germany forms with every batch. SCOBY is an excel-
during World War II and became popular in lent animal feed as it contains high
France and North Africa in the 1950s. concentrations of crude protein, fiber, and
Kombucha’s presence in the American lysine. Studies have also shown that dried
beverage sector has skyrocketed in the past SCOBY can act as a biosorbent to collect
few years and is expected to continue metal pollutants from wastewater.

03.19 • www.ift.org 67 pg

Kombucha: How Is It Processed? continued...

kombucha increases the initial yeast cell con- acid concentration to potentially harmful lev- cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices to
centration to decrease fermentation time and els. The alcohol content also increases as their mix to produce different kombucha
also lowers the pH to inhibit the growth of anaerobic fermentation begins. Beverages flavors.
harmful microorganisms. The sweet tea mix- must contain less than 0.5% alcohol to be sold
ture is transferred into a sterile wide-mouthed as nonalcoholic in the United States. If the Effects of Fermentation
jar and covered with a secured cloth to pre- sugar or yeast concentration is too high during Kombucha fermentation generates organic
vent insect contamination. The kombucha is fermentation or the kombucha is fermented acids commonly including acetic, gluconic,
then stored between 20°C and 30°C (20°– too long, the drink can reach 1.5% alcohol. lactic, and glucuronic acids. Kombucha’s
22°C is preferred) for 6 to 14 days to ferment. While fermentation time depends on specific organic acids do more than provide flavor.
During the first days of fermentation, the ingredients, their concentrations, and envi- Along with the ethanol and microbe-fighting
molecules produced during fermentation, the
low pH from the acids prevent pathogenic
bacteria and mold from growing in the kombu-
cha. Studies show extremely low rates of
kombucha contamination even when brewed
in non-sterile conditions.
Depending on the kombucha base, fer-
mentation conditions, and SCOBY,
kombucha’s fermentation can produce a mul-
titude of beneficial micronutrients such as
folic acid, amino acids, and active enzymes as
well as vitamins C, B-1, B-2, B-6, and B-12.
Kombucha’s concentrations of copper, iron,
manganese, nickel, zinc, and other minerals
also increase during fermentation.
Additionally, the enzymes produced by the
yeast and bacteria break down the tea’s poly-
phenols and antioxidants into low molecular
weight compounds, boosting the drink’s anti-
oxidant capacity.
Kombucha Town operates a 3,500-square-foot brewery in Bellingham, Wash. The company packages its kombucha in 16-ounce
cans. Photo courtesy of Kombucha Town Health Benefits
In addition to being a tasty drink, kombucha is
used as a homeopathic remedy. Drinkers have
kombucha loses its sweetness and gains a ronmental conditions, a 7-day fermentation is assigned kombucha a long list of health claims
sour and fruity flavor. This flavor continues to generally considered ideal. as a functional beverage. According to these
develop into a mild vinegar taste. To begin the Once the fermentation is complete, the claims, kombucha lowers blood pressure and
fermentation, the SCOBY’s yeast hydrolyzes SCOBY is removed and the kombucha is fil- cholesterol, fights diabetes, cures insomnia,
the sucrose into glucose and fructose. The tered through cheesecloth, bottled, and improves asthma, increases hair growth, and
yeast further digests the fructose into etha- refrigerated at 4°C. Some producers choose turns gray hair dark, among its many other
nol. The SCOBY’s acetic acid bacteria to leave small pieces of SCOBY in their kombu- examples. Scientists have yet to significantly
transform the yeast’s glucose and ethanol into cha, which are safe to consume. research kombucha’s health benefits, how-
multiple types of organic acids. The specific Each batch of kombucha has a distinctive ever some studies show promising results.
organic acids and their concentrations vary taste caused by its individual combination of Current studies associate kombucha’s
between brews; acetic and gluconic acids are ingredients, environmental brewing condi- health benefits with its fermentation. The
two of the primary organic acids in kombucha, tions, and microbial composition. While the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals created
however. The SCOBY also produces carbon kombucha base of tea and sweetener is during fermentation have known health ben-
dioxide, giving kombucha a carbonated fizz. largely the same, the specific ingredients and efits. Glucuronic acid acts as a detoxification
Compounds from each stage of the fermenta- concentrations fluctuate. Black tea is consid- agent for metabolic wastes, drugs, and poi-
tion process remain in the final beverage, ered the best fermentation medium and is sons. Additionally, the organic acids,
contributing to kombucha’s distinctive taste. most commonly used; however, green tea and catechins, and large proteins generated in
Correctly timing the fermentation is herbal infusions are sometimes substituted. A kombucha’s fermentation can kill multiple
essential to brewing kombucha. Incomplete 5% solution of white sugar is the optimal car- foodborne and pathogenic gram-positive and
fermentation produces kombucha that lacks bon source for kombucha fermentation, but gram-negative bacterial strains. This effect is
its characteristic flavor. However, fermenting other sweeteners can be used instead. heightened when the kombucha is made with
kombucha for too long increases the organic Additionally, some companies add black tea. Kombucha can also act as a probi-

pg 68 03.19 • www.ift.org

Kombucha: How Is It Processed? continued...

otic much like other fermented foods. fermented tea polyphenols induce anticancer b-glucuronidase sometimes produced during
Recent studies have shown that kombu- mechanisms. These include inhibiting gene kombucha fermentation can also interfere
cha has the potential to help prevent and fight mutation, cancer cell proliferation, and with certain chemotherapy drugs.
liver disease and certain cancers. According metastasis in addition to instigating apopto- Reported severe illnesses from kombucha
to small animal studies, kombucha is hepato- sis in cancer cells. are rare, isolated, and affect very few people.
protective against environmental pollutants Many of kombucha’s health claims are If it is made improperly, kombucha can contain
like cadmium chloride. By preventing hepa- almost unbelievable, and little scientific pathogenic microbes or an unsafe concentra-
toxicity, kombucha reduces oxidative stress research has been done to support or refute tion of organic acids. Additionally, instances of
and therefore decreases resulting liver dis- them. Much more research, particularly human lead poisoning have been reported from kom-
eases. Additionally, multiple studies on trials, is necessary to determine kombucha’s bucha brewed in ceramic pots as the organic
various cancer cell lines show kombucha’s true health benefits as a functional beverage. acids are thought to leach lead from the pot’s
glaze into the beverage. Many of these con-
REFERENCES Precautions cerns apply only to home brewing of kombucha
Caballero, M. 2018. “Kombucha Expands Its According to the U.S. Food and Drug and are addressed thoroughly through com-
Audience.” BevNet Nov.-Dec. https://www.bevnet. Administration, kombucha is safe to drink mercial processing of kombucha. FT
kombucha-expands-its-audience. based on microbiological and biochemical
Jayabalan, R., R. V. Malbaša, E. S. Lončar, J. S. Vitas, analysis. Furthermore, rat studies have not Tara McHugh, PhD, Contributing Editor
M. Sathishkumar. 2014. “A Review on Kombucha shown signs of kombucha-induced toxicity. • Research Leader, USDA Agricultural Research
Tea—Microbiology, Composition, Fermentation, Service, Albany, Calif.
Beneficial Effects, Toxicity, and Tea Fungus.” Compr.
However, as with many food products, some • tara.mchugh@ars.usda.gov
Rev. Food Sci. Food Saf. 13: 538–550. care should be taken. Kombucha is contrain-
Kumar, V. and V. K. Joshi. 2016. “Kombucha: dicated for women who are pregnant or
Technology, Microbiology, Production, Composition lactating and poses risks for people with cer- Amanda Sinrod is a food specialist at the University of
and Therapeutic Value.” Intl. J. Food. Ferment. Technol.
6(1): 13–24. tain preexisting conditions such as being HIV California, Davis, and USDA Agricultural Research Service
positive. Bacterial enzymes like (amanda.sinrod@ars.usda.gov).

pg 70 03.19 • www.ift.org

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