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Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC HND Diploma in Computing

Unit 14: Website Design
and Systems Development

Student name Assessor name

Maher Alhammoud

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

June 18, 2017 July 25, 2017

Assignment title Website Design and Implementation (2 of 2)

In this assessment you will have the

Learning Assessment Task
Learning opportunity to present evidence that Evidence
Outcome Criteria no.
Outcome shows you are able to: (Page no)
Be able to design an interactive website to meet
2.1 1 6
design given requirements
websites 2.2 evaluate website design with other users. 2 6

Be able to
implement implement a fully-functional interactive
LO3 3.1 3 6
interactive website using a design specification.
4.1 critically review and test the website 4 6
analyse actual test results against
4.2 4 6
Be able to expected results to identify discrepancies
test evaluate independent feedback and make
LO4 4.3 4 6
interactive recommendations for improvements
websites 4.4 create onscreen help to assist the users 3 6
create documentation for the support and
4.5 5 6
maintenance of the website.

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Student signature: Date:

Page 1
In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT
and DISTINCTION grades

Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation

In (task 3) you have to integrate several features into an

M1 Identify and apply strategies to find complex problems with more than one variable attractive and usable web site. To achieve M1 your web site
appropriate solutions have been explored will be judged on the overall usability and appearance of the
web site.

M2 Select/design and apply appropriate A range of methods and techniques have been To achieve M2 (task 1) you must use several different
methods/techniques applied techniques to clearly document your design.
A range of methods of presentation have been To achieve M3 (task 1) you must use the correct technical
M3 Present and communicate appropriate
used and technical language has been language along with professional software packages to
accurately used document your design.
To achieve D1 you need to critically evaluate your own solution
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own Realistic improvements have been proposed
along with the peer feedback and then propose modifications
work and justify valid conclusions against defined characteristics for success
which enhance support for the business (Task 2)
In (task 3) there are a minimum set of features required. To
D2 Take responsibility for managing and Autonomy/independence has been achieve D2 you need to incorporate features you have
organising activities demonstrated researched and implemented yourself. These should include:
W3C compliance, search engine optimisation.
In task 4 you have to critically evaluate your implementation
and include feedback from users. To achieve D3 you need to
D3 Demonstrate convergent/lateral/
Self-evaluation has taken place relate this back to the design and requirements for the
creative thinking
website and discuss how they have, or have not, been

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Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 14: Website Design

Qualification Pearson BTEC HND Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Start date 18/June/2017
Deadline/hand-in 25/July/2017

Assessor Maher Alhammoud

Assignment title Website Design Concepts

Purpose of this assignment

Web sites are now an integral part of IT support for business and personal use. Being able to design,
implement and test websites are an essential skill for an IT career.


You are working as a senior web developer in a software company. Your job is to develop websites for
the clients that reach your company. You now need to design, implement and test the website that you
Introduced in assignment 1.

Task 1: (LO 2 AC 2.1 and M2, M3)

Prepare a design portfolio for the website. It must include:

• The purpose of the project.

• The target audience.
• The target device types and how they will be accommodated.
• Features of competitive websites that you need to incorporate or improve on.
• A sitemap: all key pages and their relationships.
• How the overall navigation is structured: tables, links, menus, dropdowns.
• A specification of the visual style: fonts, font sizes, colours, backgrounds, images.

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Task 2: (LO 2 AC 2.2, and D1)

Your design has to be peer reviewed by at least 5 colleagues. When it is complete ask them to review
your plan for the following:

• Meeting the needs of the business requirements.

• Suitability of the design for the target audience.
• Usability and accessibility of the design.
• Attractiveness of the design.

Prepare a questionnaire asking them to rate each section of the design for the four criteria above on a
scale of 1-10. Allow for written comments and an overall conclusion.

Review the results of the questionnaire and compare them with your own evaluation of the solution.
Describe any modifications you would make to the solution as a result of the feedback.

Task 3: (LO3 AC 3.1, 4.4 and M1, D2)

Implement the design. Your web site must:

• Be responsive.
• Use CSS for a common style across pages for navigation and classes.
• Use headings, lists and buttons.
• Have clickable images.
• Be interactive (use modals for example).
• Contain animation.
• Have onscreen help (either by linked pages or button activated modals).

This will be assessed by observation sheet and evidenced using annotated screen shots.

Task 4: (LO4 AC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and D3)

Produce a test plan and execute it. You must include:

• Checking all links and buttons.

• Animations and modals work as expected.
• Correct spelling and grammar.
• Correct, responsive, appearance on mobile, tablet and desktop.
• Correct content.

You will need to critically review the actual outcomes of the tests against your expected outcomes.
Include a problem log for any issues that required correcting.
Your design has to be peer reviewed by a number of colleagues. When it is complete ask them to review
your plan for the following:

• Meeting the needs of the business requirements.

• Suitability of the web site for the target audience.
• Usability and accessibility of the web site.
• Attractiveness of the design.

Prepare a questionnaire asking them to rate each section of the design for the four criteria above on a
scale of 1-10. Allow for written comments and an overall conclusion. It is suggested that in order to
obtain meaningful results the questionnaire should be completed by at least 5 peers.

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Task 5: (LO4 AC 4.5)

Write a document to assist in supporting and maintaining the website. This must include:

• File structure and locations.

• Essential scripts (eg Bootstrap and JavaScript).
• Site map.
• Required image sizes.
• Details of any unique or complex scripts.

Evidence Evidence
Summary of evidence required by student
checklist presented

A design portfolio with labelled illustrations consisting of 700 words or

Task 1

Results of the questionnaire along with your analysis and proposed

Task 2
modifications. About 400 words.

A completed observation sheet and annotated screenshots of the required

Task 3

A test plan, problem log and your evaluation. Results of the questionnaire
Task 4
along with your analysis and proposed modifications. About 600 words.

The technical support document (not more than 6 sides of A4, including
Task 5
diagrams and screenshots)

Page 5
Achievement Summary

Pearson BTEC HND Diploma in

Computing and Systems Maher Alhammoud
Qualification Assessor name

Unit Number and Unit 14: Website Design

Student name

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the Achieved?
Reference student is able to: (tick)

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Grade descriptor Achieved? Grade descriptor Achieved?

(tick) (tick)
M1: Identify and apply strategies to D1: Use critical reflection to
find appropriate solutions evaluate own work and
justify valid conclusions
M2: Select / design and apply D2: Take responsibility for
appropriate methods / techniques managing and organising
M3: Present and communicate D3: Demonstrate
appropriate findings convergent/lateral/creative

Page 6
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

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