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TechDoc – Dual Tipping Delivery Setup V 1.

1 October 13, 2005 Page 1 of 4

TechDoc – Dual Tipping Delivery Setup

Written By: Nigel Beach Date: October 11, 2005

Department: Electronics Version: 1.1
Valid From: October 11, 2005

1. Description
This document, for Compac technicians, describes how to set up a sorting machine for Dual
What is Dual Tipping? Some sorting machines have single side tipping for carriers, using one
solenoid per outlet on a lane to tilt a carrier in one direction. Other sorting machines use dual
side tipping, with two solenoids per outlet on a lane; carriers can be tilted to both the left and
the right. This can deliver fruit into different outlet chutes.
These instructions are for configuring dual-side tipping on dual-side tipping sorters. They
include how to install and position solenoids and load cells, and how to configure SCP and
SSP to activate the dual-tipping functions.

2. Solenoid and Load Cell Positioning

To use Dual Lane Tipping, solenoids must be installed on both the left and right sides of each
Dual Tipping lane on the sorting machine. The load cells and solenoids must be set up as
shown in this diagram.

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With Lane 1 being the first lane on the left side of the sorting machine:
ƒ The Down load cell is on the left side, and the Up load cell is on the right side.
ƒ Solenoids that tip carriers to the left (Down solenoids) are always mounted on the right
side of the carrier rail. Solenoids that tip carriers to the right (Up solenoids) are always
mounted on the left.
Note that any type of solenoids can be used, except for Eclipse machine solenoids.

3. SCP Setup
To enable dual tipping solenoids, enter the following values into SCP.

# Step Result
1 Log into SCP. Go to Edit/Special
Parameters. In the Special Parameters
screen, set Default Solenoid Mode to Both.
2 Return to the Edit screen. For Drop The solenoids are now
Information, set the solenoid mode to enabled for dual side
Default for all outlets that need dual tipping.
tipping. If an outlet does not have dual
tipping, set its solenoid mode to Down.
3 Go to File/System Menu/Edit Solenoid Both DOWN and UP
Outputs. Make sure that the solenoids are solenoid mapping should
mapped correctly here. Press F7 to switch have values and be active.
between DOWN and UP solenoid
mapping; check both settings.
4 Go to Edit/Drop Timing Info. Again, press Both DOWN and UP
F7 to switch between DOWN and UP solenoid timing should have
solenoid timing; check both settings. values and be active.

4. SSP Setup
Once the dual tipping solenoids are configured in SCP, Dual Tipping must be activated in SSP
as follows.

# Step Result
1 In the Configuration menu, click Magic The Magic Numbers screen
Numbers. displays.
2 Go to the Dualside Tipping values. Set The Dualside Tipping values
these values as described below. Then, are saved.
click OK.
IMPORTANT: To activate the Dualside

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Tipping values, the Magic number

UseOldCollisionDetection must be set to
3 This last step is optional. If required, you
can go to the Outlet Settings for each
outlet and set the Dual Side Tipping
Preference for the solenoids at that outlet:
Prefer to tip down
Prefer to tip up

Dual Side Tipping Magic Number Values

Note: Compac recommends that you set these Magic Numbers using values of 10.
Activate the following three Magic Numbers if your sorter is using Compac C, D,
or G carriers.
ConsecutiveCupWeighting This provides optimum dual side tipping
for the carriers; if a carrier tilts, the carrier
immediately following it tilts in the same
DoCupClearing This sets the machine to right carriers
immediately after they are tilted. Carriers
immediately behind the tilted carriers are
free to tilt to either side.
PreferredTipDirectionWeighting This indicates how much the carriers
should work to always tilt in the Prefer to
Tip directions in the Outlet Settings. A
value of 1 says it is not very important; a
value of 100 indicates that it is very
important (required?)
Activate these Magic Numbers to optimize dual side tipping or enable specific
CollisionDetectionWeighting Any weight value greater than the value for
LightSideTippingWeighing activates this. This
prevents dual-side carriers from tilting 2 fruit
into one outlet at the same time.
FruitSpreaderWeighting Any value greater than 0 activates this. When
this is active, the sorter tries to alternate the
carrier tilting directions on both sides of the
lanes. This provides a time gap and "spreads
out" the fruit delivery across the outlets.
LightSideTippingWeighting Any weight value greater than 0 activates this.
When this is active, the carrier tilting is based
on where the fruit is sitting in the carrier. If it is
to one side, making one side of the carrier
lighter than the other, the solenoid on the light

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side of the carrier will activate to tip it.

UseOld CollisionDetect Uses an earlier version of the Collision
Detection system. This value must be set to
False to enable other Dual Tipping settings.

The Dual Side Tipping values in the Magic Numbers can override each other. The example
below shows a recommended setup of these values.
CollisionDetectionWeighting =
Avoids all collisions.
Then, whenever possible, tries to tip carriers
LightsideTippingWeighting =10
using the light side.
If collisions and light side tipping are not
FruitSpreaderWeighting = 1
problems, tries to alternate fruit delivery.

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