Literature Review Social Identity Theory

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Then the werewolf-fans wouldn’t threaten the vampire-fans self-esteem. Chosen: Characteristics that
we can choose to describe our status, traits and skills e.g. occupation, political affiliation, hobbies,
place of residence etc. It illustrates features of the Social Approach, since it shows how decisions
that people think are personal to them are actually expressions of their group identity and their group
needs It ties in to your Key Question in Social Psychology, since it helps explain prejudice and how
to reduce it. It has been observed that the dimensions of social representation vary and evolve with
time and in accordance to the presenting situation. The definition to oneself is provided in relation to
other people in other categories. Even if it loses, you can feel good by believing fans of other teams
are inferior to you. The attitudes and behaviors directed at us influence the way we respond,
specifically in the way we express or repress this aspect of our identity. 4. Location and
Opportunities Location and opportunities are perhaps two of the most variable influences on our
identities. Conflict between different racial, ethnic, and religious groups still dominates our
headlines and affects the lives of people all around the world. This chapter will analyze various
secondary sources such as peer reviewed article to identify the gap in the literature so that it can be
analyzed why it is necessary to carry out the present research. In addition, it critically evaluates the
recent debates on whether identity is a useful concept for social analysis today and attempts to
briefly expound why it is still relevant and significant for social sciences. Social Identity Theory
assumes that people would like themselves to be seen in a positive light. Students should always
cross-check any information on this site with their course teacher. It might be that a minority
individual thinks, rightly or wrongly, that there is some permeability in the majority group and can
cross over by identifying with it in some way. Identity formation and evolution are impacted by a
variety of internal and external factors like society, family, loved ones, ethnicity, race, culture,
location, opportunities, media, interests, appearance, self-expression and life experiences. 1. Society
Does our identity begin its cultivation from the moment we're born. I’m talking about the groups
that you interact with every day - the groups that you feel you belong to. In this framework, the
original assumptions of SIT as postulated by Tajfel and the subsequent interpretations and
contemporary applications is discussed. We may identify as confident or trustworthy, while others
may label us arrogant, meek or unreliable. To feel more self-confidence, people need to believe that
they remain in the right group, which produces the requirement for a favorable distinction from other
groups. A 4-mark “apply” question awards 4 marks for AO2 (Application) and gives you a piece of
stimulus material. Sedikides and Brewer (2015) has argued that one tenet of the self categorization
theory is that as a foundational aspect of the cognition should not be considered as the self rather
the self has to be considered as a result of cognitive system present at work. Give us your email
address and we’ll send this sample there. How indicators or morality and competence enhance
organizational and work team attractiveness. Other religions make similar appeals, but they can also
create discrimination against non-believers. The core concept is that individuals tend to look for out-
group membership as an affirmation of self-esteem, however that subscription in a group alone is
inadequate to construct self-esteem. This can manifest in various ways, from simple preference to
allocating more resources to in-group members. In several cases, groups that are situated similarly in
terms of social status, and which have rigid boundaries, are engaged in mutual cooperation and
symbiotic behavior. We can gain and lose traits — both positive and negative characteristics — that
become hallmarks of our identities. It has since evolved into an online blog and YouTube channel
providing mental health advice, tools, and academic support to individuals from all backgrounds.
This chapter critically considers the potential contribution of these theoretical perspective to the
understanding of political attitudes and actions. The phenomenon describes the dynamics of
interpersonal and intergroup notions.
The theory’s breadth and multifaceted nature make it hard to falsify. Overcoming difficult times
through adolescence or adulthood can help us build resiliency in our sense of selves. We define
appropriate behavior by referencing the norms of groups we belong to, but you can only do this if
you can tell who belongs to your group. As we grow individually and together, our identities evolve
and influence the identities of future generations. The boys may have assumed Tajfel wanted them to
“win” at this game. In several cases, groups that are situated similarly in terms of social status, and
which have rigid boundaries, are engaged in mutual cooperation and symbiotic behavior. It has been
described that the frame of identity develops with the ideation of two mechanisms that includes
assimilation and accommodation. Whether the experience is inherently positive or negative, how we
experience it and process those experiences shape the way we perceive ourselves. Moreover, we
conclude that distinguishing these three kinds of self-categorization lead to novel predictions
regarding social identity, social cognition, and groups. An out-group is all those who are not part of
the in-group. No chimpanzee cares about the interests of the chimpanzee species, no snail will lift a
tentacle for the global snail community.”. Third, SIT could also benefit by considering of cross-
cultural differences, (e.g., individualistic versus collectivist cultures), in relation to social identity
formation and maintenance. But “them?” Letting “them” have access to these limited resources
could threaten the livelihood of the group they belonged to. From these experiences, Campbell
created the Grain of. Along with creating a foundation for our system of beliefs, these factors also
influence our behaviors and attitudes. Each matrix offered different allocations of points to a pair of
anonymous boys. Or that the country is “overrun” by people of a different faith or identity. Allowing
our appearance and self-expression to influence a majority of our identity formation is not healthy.
As our relationships become more serious, the valence and size of our concept of self changes as
well. As per Quiamzade et al. (2015) salient social categories rather create the basis of the social
world which is incorporated within the meaning. He settled in Britain but devoted himself to
researching prejudice and discrimination. European journal of social psychology, 30 (6), 745-778.
Keywords Social identity Intergroup relations In-group bias Social identification Group motivation
Organizational commitment Leadership Diversity Improving intergroup relations Intergroup contact.
It has since evolved into an online blog and YouTube channel providing mental health advice, tools,
and academic support to individuals from all backgrounds. Objections The “Minimal Groups” studies
that support SIT have been criticised for using artificial tasks that lack ecological validity. They are
thus examples of groups with rigid boundaries. Once these needs are satisfied, we seek love and
belonging. Results: the experiment sample is biased because of age and gender. On the other hand,
Tajfel would say if the boys were prepared to discriminate against anonymous boys on over pennies
on the basis of differences in art, how much more likely they would be to discriminate when there
are important things at stake. They are creating a social identity, as they are happy to be a part of the
Brixton identity.
Religion sometimes gives people a sense of self-worth, but it can also create a very powerful sense of
social identity and lead to some of the worst discrimination. The strength component is
conceptualized in terms of social identification (e.g., “I identity strongly with Europeans”), while the
content of social identity is determined by the group’s features (e.g., colors associated with a soccer
team) and norms (e.g., “real men don’t cry”). SIT proposes that people might make choices that cost
them what they need, in order to defeat out-groups. Therefore it has been found by Jenkins (2014)
that individuals indulging in menial employment in a bank often keep themselves away from the
implied identity. In addition, it critically evaluates the recent debates on whether identity is a useful
concept for social analysis today and attempts to briefly expound why it is still relevant and
significant for social sciences. The attitudes and behaviors directed at us influence the way we
respond, specifically in the way we express or repress this aspect of our identity. 4. Location and
Opportunities Location and opportunities are perhaps two of the most variable influences on our
identities. Some social identities might be defined by our marital, financial, occupational, religious or
behavioral status. Or you may identify as a member of your immediate family. If we feel isolated,
out of place or unaccepted in the collective identity, we may come into conflict with our personal
identity. In so far as social groups are central to politics, it follows that the psychology of groups
should be relevant to our understanding of political psychology. These image associations will be
typically communicated through the various channels, including social media. It is depressing to
think that, even if we can abolish hunger and poverty, prejudice will still exist so long as there are
groups. Many strategies to tackle discrimination and prejudice work by getting people to expand
their sense of social identity. The theory assumes that at various levels of abstraction the self can be
categorized. These categories can be absolutely anything, for example. This comparison is often
biased in favor of one’s own group, leading to in-group favoritism. The second function is that
through the process of social identification capabilities are provided to the members via which they
can locate or define themselves with respect to the social environment. In such instances, I feel that
other theory’s, such as symbolic Interactionism, particularly Cooley’s theory of the looking glass self,
may better capture such dynamics. For example, in the 1980s an American charity single for African
famine relief was entitled “ We Are The World ”. Overall, social identity theory remains vibrant and
influential, broad-reaching across psychology. Many people have a strong sense of pride when it
comes to these factors. Literature Review on Social Identity Theory and Self-Categorization
Literature review on social identity theory, self-categorization, identity salience, and identity
signaling in social media advertising and behaviorally targeted advertising consumer-company
identification, with a minimum of 50 references. Social identity may involve belonging to groups
based on your gender, social class, religion, school or friends. Our physical identity is not superficial
— it's actually an aspect of ourselves we tie to our sense of identity. Social identity determines
emotions (e.g., depression after a team loss) and behavior (e.g., discrimination against out-groups or
effort on behalf of one’s in-group). We may identify as confident or trustworthy, while others may
label us arrogant, meek or unreliable. Each matrix offered different allocations of points to a pair of
anonymous boys. These relationships can also positively and negatively influence important facets or
our self-concept, such as causing us to lose interest in things that we enjoy or fall out of touch with
our religious or cultural attachments. 3. Ethnicity, Race and Culture One of the most complex and
multifaceted factors that influence identity formation is ethnicity, race and culture. While the Exam
could ask general questions about the theory's ideas or evaluation, it could also ask specific
questions, like, How does Social Identity explain genocide. Social identity theory is useful for
political psychologists because it addresses intergroup relations, but it has limitations in explaining
real-world political identities.
In relation to the condition of social category consequent accentuation and salience people perceive
themselves more like interchangeable exemplars of a social category rather as any specific
personality which arises out of their differences with other. They over-value the products of the
ingroup (how funny their jokes are, how stylishly they dress) and under-value the products of the
outgroup (ie everyone else) by looking down on them. A basic Social Identity Map is constructed
using a combination of three different levels: Core: Elemental traits, behaviors and attitudes that
make us unique as an individual e.g. behaviors, values, beliefs etc. First, incorporating enhancement
and positive distinctiveness motives at the group level and addressing personal motivational and
affective processes at the individual level can further refine SIT. Second, there have been many
studies on SIT conducted in experiments with artificially created social groups whereas only few
studies investigated the theory in real life settings with existing social groups. Social Identification:
once you have a social identity, you automatically perceive everyone else you meet as either part of
your ingroup (the ones who share the same social identity as you) or the outgroup. When we consider
who we are — or rather, who we believe ourselves to be — many of us cite our backgrounds,
beliefs, experiences and interests. You can also identify as straight, lesbian, or pansexual. Unlike
“Minimal Groups”, boys squabbling at a summer camp possessed much more ecological validity than
ticking books of matrices. Then the werewolf-fans wouldn’t threaten the vampire-fans self-esteem.
Even where various social categorizes are actually categorical such as the Australian female being
the member of ABC Pty ltd, the degree to which a person relates itself to each category is certainly
a matter of degree ( Brewer 2016 ). It can also impact how others perceive and treat us, which in
turn shapes identity formation. Whereas the Howarth study they were not deceived which is a good
way to carry out a study but they might have lied with their answers to please the examiner and have
changed their behavior to be positive and not how that even the people who live there think the same
as everyone else. At Y Studios, we believe that everything we do — from the choices we make to the
decisions we avoid — stems from how we see ourselves in the world and how we choose to engage
with our environment. It shed new light on old topics like crowd behavior, stereotyping, social
influence, cohesion, and polarization with its emphasis on collective psychology. The definition to
oneself is provided in relation to other people in other categories. You pay particular attention to
ingroup members and adopt their values, attitudes, appearance and behaviour. It also throws light
upon social media advertisement and behaviourally targeted advertisement and provides a discussion
in relation to consumer company identification. To feel more self-confidence, people need to believe
that they remain in the right group, which produces the requirement for a favorable distinction from
other groups. It has been argued by Simon (2014) that the variation 5 LITERATURE REVIEW with
respect to self categorization underpins various intergroup phenomenon which includes those
provided for in the social identity theory. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Besides, identity has taken a
key place in the research and analysis of different disciplines of social sciences. Identity formation
and evolution are impacted by a variety of internal and external factors like society, family, loved
ones, ethnicity, race, culture, location, opportunities, media, interests, appearance, self-expression
and life experiences. 1. Society Does our identity begin its cultivation from the moment we're born.
Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to
academic studies. Using your knowledge of psychology, explain the conflict between the students
and what the college staff can do about it. (4 marks) Social Identity Theory (SIT) would explain that
the teenagers have different social identities and view each other as belonging to outgroups. As we
grow individually and together, our identities evolve and influence the identities of future
generations. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style) Drew, C. (December 19, 2021). While
acknowledging the significant contributions of SIT, I argue that it can still be further advanced in
several ways. Howarth utilized a topic guideline to ensure that main research concerns were always
covered (on community, addition, exclusion, identity, ethnicity, the media, prejudice, bigotry, the
school). She has a perception of being a symbolic and actual member of the group and also has a
perception that fate of her group is her own faith.

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