Butterfly Metamorphosis

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Ernesto Pernett

Santiago Rodríguez
Nataly Chavez

I.E.D Marco Fidel Suárez

Barranquilla - Atlántico
Marzo 2024
Butterfly Metamorphosis

The butterfly's metamorphosis is a fascinating process that consists of four distinct

stages, each with its own characteristics and significant changes.

It begins with the egg stage, where a female butterfly lays the eggs on a suitable
plant so that, upon hatching, the larvae have access to their main food source.
These tiny eggs contain all the genetic information necessary for the development of
the future butterfly.

Then, the eggs hatch and give way to the caterpillar stage. The caterpillar is the
larva of the butterfly, and its main goal is to feed and grow. During this stage, the
caterpillar undergoes multiple molts of its exoskeleton as it grows and develops.

After a while, the caterpillar stops feeding and seeks a protected place to transform
into a chrysalis. In this stage, amazing internal changes occur as the caterpillar
undergoes complete metamorphosis, reorganizing its tissues and bodily structures to
give way to the formation of the adult butterfly.

Finally, we reach the adult stage, where the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis with
fully formed wings and ready to begin its life as a completely transformed being.
During this stage, butterflies will seek a mate to reproduce and continue the life

Each of these stages is crucial to the life cycle of butterflies and represents an
amazing example of transformation in the animal kingdom. If you have any other
questions or if there's anything more specific you'd like to know about this process,
feel free to ask.

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