Sermon Mark Chapter 3

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Sermon on Mark Chapter 1

Mark Chapter 3 further illustrates the expanding ministry of Jesus, highlighting His miracles, His

selection of the twelve apostles, and the increasing opposition from the religious leaders. This

chapter offers insights into the nature of true discipleship, the power of community, and the

significance of spiritual kinship over biological ties.

The chapter opens with the healing of a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, which provokes

controversy among the Pharisees. This miracle underscores Jesus's priority on compassion over

legalistic adherence to the Sabbath laws, inviting us to consider the ways in which we might

prioritize love and mercy in our own lives.

Jesus's choice of the twelve apostles signifies the formation of a new community, called not only to

be with Him but also to participate in His mission of preaching and healing. This diverse group of

individuals, including fishermen, a tax collector, and a zealot, reflects the inclusive nature of Jesus's

ministry. It challenges us to embrace our own calling, recognizing that Jesus equips those He calls,

regardless of their background or abilities.

The accusation by the religious leaders that Jesus is empowered by Beelzebul highlights the

misunderstanding and hostility Jesus faced. His response, through the parable of a kingdom divided

against itself, emphasizes the absurdity of the accusation and points to His authority over evil. This

encounter invites us to stand firm in our faith, aware of the opposition that may come, but confident

in the victory of Jesus over all powers of darkness.

Finally, the redefinition of family according to spiritual kinship rather than biological ties marks a

significant shift. Jesus states, "Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother."

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Sermon on Mark Chapter 1

This broadens the concept of family to include all who follow Jesus, emphasizing the bond among

believers and our shared mission to do God's will.

In summary, Mark Chapter 3 calls us to a deeper understanding of discipleship, marked by

compassion, commitment to Jesus's mission, and the recognition of our spiritual family. Let us

respond to Jesus's call with faith and courage, ready to participate fully in the work of God's


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